I am forgotten..
I am forgotten
Because it isn't fun. It isn't interesting. Just like the samurai.
What game?
Lack of customization really kills any desire to replay the game for me
The art is pretty good but as far as combat goes it’s honestly not that impressive
The levels are also really short and felt lacking although at least the hook is quite fun to move around with
Not forgotten, just completed. People will go back to it after awhile. It's not a live game or a multiplayer game. You're just baiting.
Took 30h to beat, I got my money's worth. It was very fun, but there's really no reason to replay it.
It's singleplayer. What do you expect?
Ghosts of Tsushima
With the reveal of Elden Ring it's pretty obvious Sekiro was an interim game that they've probably tested out some gameplay mechanics that they'll use in subsequent games in whatever souls-like game they make.
The person in the trailer puts on a prosthetic arm and whilst i'm not claiming they have the same prosthetic mechanic they probably have something akin to it, more mobility also with jumping and grappling and shit is more or less a given since they confirmed it to be open world
I hate these template threads.
>Fromsoft is made popular entirely by meme videos made possible by co-op and invasion systems in their games
>Release a new game with neither of those things
Everyone knew Sekiro would be interesting for all of one week and then disappear.
Sekiro is the only From game I played more than once (except for DeS, but that was a really boring experience)
Genuinely getting better at the game is much more fun than RPG autism.
Movement is also much, much better which makes speedrunning much more accessible.
Also there are literally hidden bosses in the game that you need to beat the game twice for, there's no excuse.
Why was the music so forgettable this time around? I can't put my finger on it.
>DS2 hater doesn't understand video games
Batman arkham city
I like this game cause it felt like the sort of game I would have rented from Blockbuster and beaten over the weekend back in the day. Not much replay value but it's great for what it is.
Wow maybe I should buy Dark Souls 3 again during the steam sale, I never played much PvP.
Its 75% off right now
>currently on sale
>all time peak barely higher than Sekiro's
what did he mean by this?
How would the all time peak be influenced by a current sale, you spastic?
they're separate facts, you fucking tard
There's nothing that needs to be rehashed in discussion.
It's FROM's best game to date.
Fuck off, you clearly implied a connection otherwise your posts makes 0 sense.