Will this suck now that Miles Morales is also Spider-Man?

Will this suck now that Miles Morales is also Spider-Man?

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Miles Morales has also been spiderman for 8 years

if you don't have to do those stupid fucking sneak missions as powerless miles then no

this is a good thing, we need more hispanic representation in video games

Fuck that.

Oh surely no one will respond to this with stuff about blacks and cuckoldry

That is some seriously shitty fake mock up

Only if it there isnt coop with Pete and Miles

Will we get a Superior suit as DLC? I want my black webs

I actually enjoyed the stealth section with MJ where you had to point out guys for Spidey to take down. Literally every other stealth section was crap, though.

Make your own media you fucking mediocre spic retard.

comic miles is the only bad miles though. It could work


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No Peter Parker = No Sale
Nigger Protag = No Pirate

I doubt I'm going to buy it if we have to share time with Miles again. I can't stand him and MJ is the one who should have been bitten by the spider.

You say that like it already isn't a thing, and an infinity superior thing to Miles at that.

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>reee black people bad

>we need more hispanic representation
virtue signaling white faggot detected, spics dont give a fuck if we are represented or not
t. spic

He's more black than hispanic, idiot. saying a few words in spanish every now and then doesn't make you hispanic.

>miles morales
into the trash it goes

No fuck you faggot I'm done with nigger protags. I've been done with them since 2012. I will never forgive niggers for Prototype 2.

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when was this anounced?

I feel like for the sequel it will still be like the first where you switch perspectives between Peter, Miles, and Mary Jane Only this time when you switch to Miles you can still swing around as Spider-man, with a different moveset and abilities like the venom shock shit.

They are when the character sucks and has done more to ruin shit than some super villains. Blade? good. Miles? bad. Simple.

>Spiderverse Miles is actually interesting and earns his place
>Spidey PS4 has the most generic lame shit version they could think of
He hacks a fucking light and stereo with his phone, fuck that Miles. What a missed opportunity.
Worse than suicidal tumblrista MJ.

"Hispanic" doesn't really mean anything thanks to Spanish conquest. The actual race associated with being "hispanic" are essentially Native American but highly diluted by other ethnic groups. Therefore, hispanics claim most people that share their culture or language as a part of themselves even if they have no real solid racial identity. It is a "race" of mongrels that had their native genes fucked out of them by Spanish and Portuguese invaders.

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i`m mexican and the only representatio we need is in a new call of juarez games

It wasn't. It's a shop. But if you beat the game and watch after the credits it's pretty obvious a sequel is planned and it's going to feature Venom.

Hispanic isn't a race, it simply means "of Spanish origin". Any race can be hispanic, including black people.

black people bad

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Miles is good in the game though. His origin is much more tied to Peter's than how Bendis did it.

>implying there aren't black maga hat wearers
>implying most Trump supporters aren't blue-pilled cucks who love niggers and jews

Why can't the left meme?

Unlike the comics, Miles is actually okay in this.

>change the protagonist of a 50 year old series to a guy who is boring and has 0 character because "diversity"
>reeeee why do people hate it

It shouldn't be tied and that's a core problem with Miles. Since his creation he's been knock-off Spider-Man but with a list of powers that reads like someone's Spider-Man OC, no one wants another Pete. Miles needs to be drastically different or else he'll always be viewed as black Spider-Man.

>Miles Morales has also been spiderman for 8 years
Except even Marvel is afraid to fully call him "Spider-Man" after the Ultimate universe got erased, nobody else can be Spider-Man.

And he's done jack shit

>implying they'll go with basketball texture for symbiote suit

I don't know but I will buy literally anything with __Venom__ in it so in my case it doesn't really matter

a nadie le gustan los chicanos.

His father is black and his mother is Hispanic. Literally 50/50. Stop being racist.


>2 spidermen
>they'll still find a way to shoe horn in MJ stealth sequences

Yeah but isn't Peter Parker also Spider-Man still?

Man modern comics are dumb.

Unless it's Into the Spider-Verse


yes miles sucks

I can't even watch that movie because of how they made him look. He looks like some racist caricature of a black person with an absurdly huge fucking nose.

Black suit spiderman is so damn cool

Yes. I don't want to see you when I'm outside. I don't want to see you in porn. I don't want to read about you in books. I don't want to see you when I turn on the TV. And I especially don't want to see you when I'm playing video games.

Except no one said that so far except you, faggot.

Em excuse me sweaty but he is a nigger.

>make black character look like a black person
>its racist

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And yet ironically everyone is complaining that Barret in FFVIIR is too white. You can't win with you faggots so why even try in the first place?

peter parker died. dr octo stole peter's body and left peter in his dying dead old body. That was the only way they can shoehorn in the nigger miles. peter was too popular for sjws so they had to kill him off somehow.

Everyone's stylized, Kingpin looks like a fat version of Gru
If you ever get past Miles' design I highly recommend it honestly

You're right and this isn't even the first hispanic spider-man, but people will say you're virtue signalling or some dumb shit.

The people who judge someone for saying stuff like that are the ones who also unironically spout "Well if it's okay to have a black spider-man why isn't it okay to have a white black panther?"

imaging actually cool spider-man "el tarantula" instead of ghetto shit

>entirely different people complaining about entirely different characters from entirely different franchises for entirely different reasons in entirely different mediums that aren't connected to each other in any way shape or form
>"you faggots"


these days, they use "sexist" or "racist" as a way to deflect any criticism of shitty storytelling in their comics. You really can't criticize a damn thing without being labeled one of those.

If you dislike the new black female iron man, you're sexist.
If you dislike the new women thor, you're sexist.
If you dared to like Peter more than Miles, you're racist.

Wait, did this get announced at E3 and I missed it? Will we still get to play as Parker for most of the game?

>And yet ironically everyone is complaining that Barret in FFVIIR is too white.

How much crack do you have to smoke to think Barrett looks white?

Imagine being this autistic unironically

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nah, it's fan made artwork. But spiderman was a success so you can assume they'll eventually make a 2nd game to capitalize on the profits.

>MJ is the one who should have been bitten by the spider.
Didn't you like new strong MJ who only whines and gets captured braverly
she needs no man! no superpowers! no intresting missions!
weakness is strength. clown world.

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>he's a brown person like you!
thanks bro

the last good standing marvel comics is probably Old Man Logan. The rest is meh these days.

>"Well if it's okay to have a black spider-man why isn't it okay to have a white black panther?"

That's a perfectly valid question though.

It's ok to have a gay pride parade. Then everyone loses they mind when straight people want a straight pride parade.

Do you honestly feel attacked for being straight?

Reminder in the comics there actually was a white black panther (his adopted white brother).

>Will this suck now that Miles Morales is also Spider-Man?
That's the Spider-Man that steal peoples TVs right?

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I don't know. I don't care about Spiderman at all, but wise-cracking goofy is what I want from an openworld protagonist.

As long as the game is good, it shouldn't really matter. Superheroes are so insubstantial. It's why people argue over the most basic cosmetic features.

Wouldn't that improve his gameplay sections?


I like Miles, he has a cool suit.

He's not even really hispanic. They just drew a black guy and called him hispanic. White people are too obsessed with black men that they can't represent any other ethnicity.

Go to any social media site right now and search "straight white male". If you call someone gay or try to attribute their behavior to their sexuality you'll be called a homophobe and more likely than not be banned from wherever you said it, but you can talk about how awful you think straight people are with impunity.

So yes. Yes, I do feel attacked for being straight. And white. And male.

That's not even Miles. It's just Peter bonding with the alien symbiote. The same alien that bonded with Vemon.

>not a white suit

its shit

>White people are too obsessed with black men that they can't represent any other ethnicity.

I'm not "obsessed" with black men any more than the people referenced in the screenshot
are obsessed with white men. I just happen to be white and I want white heroes to stay white. There's no reason to make them black, just make new heroes who are black. Like they did with Black Panther.

my problem with him is how he has the personality of a piece of cardboard
i mean, most of the side spiders were pretty one note too but they all stood out way more than miles did

>Funny how what belongs to you wasnt even made by you,
lmao, the black national anthem

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user... these days.. you get attacked just for being straight from any major social media website because they're all run by batshit insane sjws.

You can shitpost about straight people all you like and nobody will do anything against you. But the moment you step out of line and defend straight people, they will hunt you down and destroy everything about you. They will dox you, call your jobs to get you fired and more.

Yea Forums is like the only place where you can speak freely and even here there are mods that might ban you for that like they banned gamergate.

The actual autism

i know, i meant miles black and suit

Eh, not really. I mean, Spider-man open world game co-op actually sounds kind of badass, imagine.

I think absolute best case scenario would be sequel named Spider-men where not only Kid Arachnid is playable, but all the cool obscure spiders like Anya Corazon, Ben Reily, Kane, not Spider-Gwen, fuck, you can go weird and ride the hype of Spider-verse and add Miguel, Peni and whatever. Silk, why not. Give them different characteristics and abilities, like Miguel can use futuristic gadgets or Miles actually use his camo, or Silk being Mary Sue "she's so much faster than me after receiving no training except of watching footage of me for years in the bunker".

Gay hispanic.

The only time we saw miles in a suit in the game is when his father died...

>He looks like some racist caricature of a black person

Lesten, if it didn't offend most black people it probably shouldnt worry you, but its cool knowing you care for us like that.

Please stop being offended on out behalf you virtue-signaling white faggot.
Sincerely, spic

Fuck off, morales is based

Even blacks use the one drop rule, guarantee he'd be considered black, no one fucking remembers Obama for being the first half-black half-white president

Old man logan still has comics?

There are only three races, white, non white and honorary white.
The demographics in these are socially constructed and change throughout time but today hispanic and black fall under the non white category, so they are basically the same thing.

Why did he keep his mom's last name?

is this the current (timeline) canon story? or a a separate lineup altogether?

>no comic accurate costumes
>harry is venom
its fucking shit already

I don't know about that dude, I literally only play Armor King in Tekken. And there are so many games I bought just because a Latino character like Guacamelee

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They really ruined this comic

That's nice, Hope you don't mind Black Twilight.

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What's the problem? Got a problem with white characters? You some kind of racist?

Accusing someone of virtue signaling is also virtue signaling

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that happened in like 2016 though, peter is back

pretty much. Being forced to play a nigger in any game is a chore and a pain.


Please leave, bomberguy

>no comic accurate costumes

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This but unironically.

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was waiting for this for a long time

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He was good in the spiderverse movie, wouldn’t really mind

ebin maymays

Fuck that nigger. Spider-man isn't perfect nor is any cape book but that character is an unsightly stain.

Thoughts on video games blatantly teasing a sequel post-credits? Happened in Spider-Man and nu-God of War.

>can't just make entire game that looks like this because mature = realism

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They did with Ultimate Spider-Man.

Can someone remind me what the fuck the controversy over the Sam Reimi costume was?

Yeah but he and I want another Ultimate Spider-Man.

And that game looks great, but now we finally have the technology to go whole hog with a comic book or cartoon art style with all the roundness and texture fidelity you can get, and all we get is bland realism.
This stuff has been honking me off since I unlocked the animated series skin in the recent Batman games, a whole game that took that show's style would look fantastic, but muddy and only slightly stylized realism wins out because it sells a lot better.

Hispanics don't claim people mixed with black. That's just bot how the world works

There was none.

From what I recall, the controversy was not having it, then they put it in.
I'm not really aware of any beyond that, besides people just hating on the Raimi movies, like usual, or the people clamoring for it being loud and obnoxious, like usual.

>Smart one

Haha, funny joke.

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Not terrible especially compared to games ending on cliffhangers that's been happening forever

The spiderverse/multiverse being an actual thing is canon so all the games and movies and so on are canon as a result.
Which is good because it lets them do anything they want with spiderman and purists can't bitch about it.

I mean, it should make the segments where you play as Miles more bearable, so that's already a plus.

Actual Hispanic here, no one gives a shit what your retarded sociology teachers say. Sociology teachers need to eat shit. Miles Morales is barely presented as Hispanic and he is way more black than Hispanic. Hispanic black guys have a different style and mannerism. Also, please again eat shit asap.

We already had two games and a movie with Miguel O'Hara, though.

Yeah we do, but Miles Morales is till not hispanic because he never engages with that side. He is black not Hispanic.

>no Peter Parker
>when Peter is still Spider-Man

What the fuck did he mean by this?

There's a difference between niggers and blacks, user.

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Did you not follow the event? Perer got his body back in that exact same arc and proved he was a superior Spidey than Ock.

The point would probably be lost on people since some might just think he's white tiger

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dont get me wrong, i like it when they throw some rep our way, but that doesnt mean im going to whine like a faggot and demand that they have to do it.
If they do it then cool, if not then who cares

I'd only be cool if it's miles from into the spiderverse. That miles isn't a whiny beta who has daddy issues for a dead Spiderman. Also the uncle in spiderverse isn't some sub human who uses his nephew secret identity as blackmail

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They aren't going to kill peter parker off.
You're either going to have side-missions akin to the stealth mission in the first game, but as rookie spiderman miles making use of his venomstrike and camo abilities.

Gucamelee es mexicano mas que latino. Ustedes siempre cogen toda la atencion, y todo el mundo piensa que todos los latinos son mexicanos. Puta Telemundo y Univision solo pone mexicanos en sus novelas. Ustedes se cojen toda la atencion. Pura puteria.


that artist is based

Literally no one will ever consider Miles as Spider-Man, not even black people.

Only if his sections are stupid unfun railroad bullshit like in the original.
Stealth sections should be cool but this was awful.

I hate minorities so yes Spider-man 2 will suck if Miles is in it

I thought the first Spiderman was dull and repetitive. I enjoyed Deadpool more for at least being self-aware about how dated the PS2 era beat 'em ups were.

That game was fun as fuck though? You're so fucking stupid.

James Weldon Johnson wasn't white though?

What fans and Yea Forums, Yea Forums thinks about nu-ASM #801-822 ?

>Latino representation
Fixed and fuck you nigger fuck. Even if Latinos gave a shit about "representation" none of us would want some fucking nigger representing us. His father isn't even the fucking Latino in his unholy racemixing formula.

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Don't talk for other people you stupid fuck. Afro Latinos exist. Kill yourself mexican cunt.

Fuck you nigger and fuck your darkie family, even your non-existent father.

Fuck off. Wetback

REMINDER: The Americas belong to the SPANIARDS. This was ordained by God, and there's nothing you can do about it jajajaja

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Dude shut up, we don't need to became the next "Muh representation" faggots

have you ever met a dominican person?

uncle juan sucking white man dick

Clearly not. Not even just Dominican. Afro Latinos are in quite a few places.

It happened in 2013, user.