What are some mods that greatly improve the experience of a game?
What are some mods that greatly improve the experience of a game?
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The uninstall mod
Now this is autistic as fuck.
I dont get it
Can you explain your retarded thread OP
I get a raging boner over detailed weapons, and I've seen some in Skyrim videos so high def it shouldn't even be possible. I fucking love that shit.
The fish is a christian symbol. Jesus dad was a fisherman.
the bottomless mod for elins was pretty based, makes every elin run around bottomless
The Sonic autism truly knows no bounds.
>sonic r gets mods
You stole my Jesus fish, didn't you
>this is autism but not trans flag removal mods
>"Puddy, I'M GOING TO HELL!"
>"It's gonna be rough..."
>Head of Travelers Tales is a bit religious
>Decides to hide some christian references in his games, usually really small things
>One of them is a Jesus fish on a pillar in Sonic R
>Autists in comment section flip out, mod is made
I don't know what sanic youve been playing but last time I ch3cked him and all his rippling muscley hedgehog friends regularly fell to their knees and sang praise for our lord and savior jesus h.(edgehog) christ
Sorry man, its been a while since i last booted up a game of that blue Christian mouse
I got paid by autists to mod shit for them.
This is nothing.
Bionicle mod for Skyrim.
based subtle Christians.
Trans flag remover
what does it do
>randomly slap trans flag in level
I feel like a hypocrite. This doesn't seem too autistic.
story time
BASED Quints and Christpilled
its not much, I just modded for furries, nazis, homestuck, trans, vorefags, guro.
I was a kid and got like 30 bucks for each mod that took me two hours to complete. I'd do stuff like mod in some character freak fortress, or change models to work on a server. Sometimes I even made models for them and got paid a lot more.
out of all of them the trannies were the worst
Checked these quads for the lord.
>All those cute comments that are poking fun rather than insulting him with raving
Amen mothafucka
Oh shit it's the Anti-Christ
this is actually good since it removes intentionally placed propaganda.
Downloading this mod saves your name and reserves a place first in line for the wood chipper when we take back power.
shut up nigger
have dick
get a refund
obtain intercourse
Made this for laffs and had it marked private so only I could use it and some developer of Insurgency "banned" it but it still works for me.
I never got it to work. Does it really fix the lame game?
>some developer
Mike Tsarouhas is, among other things, did 100% of Insurgency's voice acting, just FYI
>is did
oh fuck kill me
I find it pretty fun to make your own little harem city in the same way it makes the Sims fun
>all fishermen could be enjoying of a neat symbol to express their proffession
>instead religionfags stole it and now means something completely different.
not surprised given that the bible is based on ancient sumerian MYTHS.
have sex
Forgot image, but take a guess
yeah but what does it do
>when we take back power.
>Chao head in a Classic Sonic title
Foolish modder should've just left it be.
so it's just animations, no new mechanics, right?
are there trap mods?
It’s actualy a much older pagan symbol
any way to get this on GoG version?
I don't know you needy fuck, go read the mod description or something I know you have steam
Jesus' father was a carpenter
the first apostles were fishermen
It’s a pagan fertility symbol
it is actually a Christian symbol
>chao head
when did tranny's ever had power?
what is there to take back?
That’s why it’s found in pre-Christian art?
Like all Christian symbols they’re simply repackaged pagan symbolism
fuck resetera and fuck trannies
In EVERY thread you try your shit, you're being overwhelmed with users sick of your bullshit. Why not stay in your containment board before we embarass you more?
Assuming you're not trolling, it was always a Christian symbol.
First in line for the wood chipper is your dick to become a woman.
Says the tranny whose site is being investigated for pedophilia
as appropriate
Anybody have that picture of the autistic fedora in a sonic t-shirt robbing that church? I bet it was him.
The Orgins tab literally says it has its origin in pre-Christian symbolism
Who cares
a lot of christian symbols are also (much older) pagan symbols
Something about this just feels wrong, I can't put my finger on it. I don't care to use the word offensive or inoffensive because I don't care if anyone gets offended. There's something else to it that seems underhanded and creepy.
I mean if they want to make this mod I don't care, but they had better share what they learn if they did any reverse engineering from scratch rather than just using existing tools
Jokes on you, my name changes every day, just like my suicide rate....
there's more to the 'christian' Ichthys than being a fish, and is rather an emergent consequence of the early church being persecuted, and the origin of our colloquialism "drawing a line in the sand".
Wonder what else you borrow from Christianity. I dunno, but the writing is probably on the wall.
>Trans friend uses it because she doesn't like that the trans flag is in the sewer
What now?
time to dilate
>The symbolism of the fish itself may have its origins in pre-Christian religious imagery.
>may have
It doesn't even say that the symbol itself is pre-christian.
I borrow a ton from Christianity I live in a Christian country what are you trying to say.
I’m saying that it hasn’t taken that meaning, symbols change, but the earliest Christians would be considered pagans by today’s standards
>Religious Propaganda
*tips fedora*
don't you fucking "ubisoft goes steamworks bye bye always on drm" on me user
This reminds me of Nintendo's censorship policy in the NES era
Now autists are doing it on their own
I have never once in my life wanted to play that fucking game but damnit, you've got me curious user.
Reminds me of that LGR review of "Afterlife" where he got all befuddled as to why the game would use specifically Christian imagery and themes (seven deadly sins) because secular companies shouldn't do that for some reason. Atheist betas get triggered by religious imagery I guess.
It's also on nexusmods.
this is the only ammo christfags have against atheists, no actual arguments
You're literally just gay.
And you're a Christian alpha, I assume?
What argument is he supposed to respond to? Some fedora fag getting rid of a symbol because it upsets his delicate constitution is not an argument.
>the earliest Christians would be considered pagans by today’s standards
Interesting claim. No need to back that up, no sir.
It's not up to me what nicknames my peers ascribe to me, but I have been referred to as such
should work for all versions, it is just a simple png removal so the file is not large, I'll might upload it soon
You never had power to begin with sweetie.
Ah, a fellow follower of Christ. This is truly a blessed day.
God Bless you all.
Ugh, I liked TT too, but I can't support a shitty cult.
You fucks use wood chippers to cut off your dicks?
Is this a Jojo reference?
why does mr. insurgency hate the doctor
Most of these games have too many good mods to list, so I'll list a few of my favorites. Some are cheats/QoL stuff that are better for second playthroughs.
>SimCity 4
Network Addon Mod (NAM)
>Stardew Valley
Tractor mod, eemie graphic mods, elle's animals, chest everywhere, auto barn doors
>Fallout 4
SimSettlements, countless QoL stuff (faster terminals and dialogue interface most important), start me up (alternate start)
>Sims 4
>Witcher 3
Toggleable cat eye (if you're a lighting mod fag like me that makes caves and night too dark sometimes), body type mods for Yen/Triss, auto apply oils, all quests on map
now we just need a mod to remove the furry propaganda by replacing sonic with duke nukem
there you go man, just extract the whole folder into your HatinTime\HatinTimeGame\Mods should work no matter what version you have.
You forgot one mod in the Stardew Valley list if you want to play Animal Crossing on pc this is the closest thing there is
Is there a way I can play as a cute boy in this game instead of a nasty little girl?
yeh, there are million of character mods, as far as i know you can play as petter griffin if you want
The fact El was simply the god of Abraham?
The entirety of the gnostic movements?
It’s not surprising you don’t know this since Catholics tried to erase the pagan past of Christianity
>if you want to play Animal Crossing on pc this is the closest thing there is
Population: Growing!, Wild World and City Folk can all be easily emulated on any toaster.
New Leaf requires a beefier PC, but it's still doable.
The implication here being that you can fuck all of these?
Is there rape?
Then I'm sure you have plenty of sources to illustrate ancient Israelites, nevermind early Christians worshiped other deities.
Yeah atheist arguments are so intelligent
>Heh I bet you eat shellfish and wear mixed fabrics hahahaha some Christian you are
It's on the level of "if we was evolved from monkeys how come there is still monkeys?", that's what you sound like
I'd assume you can only fuck the animals that represent the normal bachelors/bachelorettes
Sure but can I do that without their explicit consent
But does it replace voice clips and references to the character in dialogue boxes?
>take back power
>implying you had any to begin with
I thought it had to do with the guy getting swallowed by a fish.
>but the earliest Christians would be considered pagans by today’s standards
Now this is high form retardation.
Ancients Israelites? Absolutely
Read this:
Ancient Israelites worshipped the Canaanite pantheon.
Ancient Christians were monotheistic in the idea of worshipping a single god but never claimed other gods did not exist. Perhaps you could consider this just a tactic to convert pagans but these beliefs would be considered pagan in modern Christianity
No idea, but I would expect you would need a different mod for that. I'm sure someone has made a rape mod. Just use a rape mod with the furry portrait mod.
>these beliefs would be considered pagan in modern Christianity
Virtually every Christian, and Christian commentator, speaker, or Theologian I know of freely concedes to the notion there are other gods. This isn't even anecdote, but rather I could point to the entire board of Evangelical Philosophic Society.
What Christians are you talking about?
Christcucks are delusional, there is nothing original about christianity
STALKER: Anomaly
The Bible literally says that though men conceive of their own gods, or worship demons posing as gods, they are not gods. The concept of gods existing other than the one singular Christian god is not biblical
extremely based
Because you know he's not the only one. There's probably hundreds of devs who sow in little messages like this, but some could be far more sinister. This guy is just a christcuck, but others might be neo nazis or pedophiles.
>neo nazis or pedophiles
so far no devs put message like this, but these one in a racing that did put a message asking the player to kill his family of something like that on an advert panel
You are awful people and deserve a bullet in the head.
I agree brother. Anybody who shares or spreads any unscientific belief should be executed for their anti-intellectual superstitions. Atheist for life *tips fedora*
>but others might be neo nazis
Oh no German national socialists, ohhhh spoooky..., like the 21st century satanist. The word "nazi" was never used in Germany by Germans to refer to themselves, its a word invented in the US.
This is like saying neo-commies or neo-soc, except neo-commies and neo-soc are a real thing.
>putting comments by newest first
>pic related
>“For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be revered above all gods” (96:4); “Our Lord is above all gods” (135:5); “Ascribe to Yahweh, [you] gods, ascribe to Yahweh glory and strength” (29:1, my trans.); “He is exalted above all gods” (97:7); “For Yahweh is a great god, and a great king above all gods” (95:3)
Christianity it a continuation of the ancient belief that there existed one supreme god from which all other gods came from.
This is literally the belief of every ancient pagan religion (Amun-ra, Krishna (possibly shiva depending the sect), Uranus, etc) the Jewish belied was that they were the worshippers of the true creator god.
Oh no the commies, ohhhh spoooky...
John 10 34
Careful not to confuse god with God. Eloihim with Yehweh. etc.
Many things are called gods, and in a sense of their nature are. There is however 1 that is entirely set apart and unique, triune in nature.
There is only one God. But there are many gods. We are among them.
Hey I heard it's 47% now can anyone confirm?
But Chao didn't even exist back then
Those verses are not a concession that the other gods actually exist moron, they were delivered to an audience that lived in a time when there was a new god being worshiped every week.
>Jeremiah 16:19-20
"Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity and idols wherein there is no profit. Shall a man make gods unto himself, when they are no gods?"
>Isaiah 44:6
"Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God."
lol you're delusions. if anything these little details add soul
another one
Ryse and fall of Civilization for CIV
Spun off a series of modmods that were also great as well
>Pulling the persecution card when Christians are the most persecuted group in the world
most based comment
>oh fuck kill me
I thought for sure the stroke you were suffering would do that.
Are you saying the book of Isaiah was doctored by the Catholics trying to erase the pagan past of Christianity?
Last one since I don't think anything can top this one
>Kino game gets mods
Yes and?
Every original greek manuscript of the NT that exists, to the best of my knowledge, constantly asserts and reaffirms there is only one God. And it existed before catholicism did
That's breddy dumb tho.
I don't believe in God, I'm not religious, so if I saw a blatant Christian symbol or a Islam moon thingy or the kike star in something I wouldn't give a fuck cos it is all equally make believe.
This, their fucking son of god isn't even original since it's originating from a slightly older roman cult about a guy who literally did all the stuff jesus did but without the "son of god" stuff.
Christians have been seething hard over that for years now.
check out
How is this dude so based yet still christian?