Is it worth getting an xbone just to play viva pinata & banjo?
Is it worth getting an xbone just to play viva pinata & banjo?
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just wait a month or two, its probably going multi plat
emulate it
I bought an Xbone for Quantum Break, Super Lucky Fox and Rare Replay.
I got all that plus Game Pass and the multiplats I care about. It's a great complement to owning a Switch.
Worth noting that I own all consoles.
Didnt Viva Pinata get a PC release?
Viva piñata has a PC port and Banjo is easy as fuck to emulate
Also all on PC
Sure, why not?
If you want a nostalgia bomb you're better off playing Banjo on an emulator. If you didn't play Banjo when they first came out then get Rare replay. Viva Pinata is better on PC.
I got one an S for a 4K blu ray and media player and thats pretty much all I use it for outside Ninja Gaiden and some other niche games.
I have a handful of exclusive backward compat games and this. If you get an Xbone for gaming your mostly going to be disappointed if you play on PC unless you REALLY like GoW or Halo.
Also note that Rare Replay drops the ball with KI 1 and 2 giving you the obsolete N64 port. You can get KI but its a separate purchase
Siper lucky fox is coming to switch
Why would it be going multiplat whe Microsoft owns Rare
The games you likely want to play are just 360 versions anyway, so you can buy a cheaper console if that's all you want.
I don't see the point of Xbone now that they've announced Scarlett anyway though.
The sequel didn't
I guess he meant PC
Its a shame that Crimson Dragon is so shitty
What's the last one in God tier?
Is horizon 3 really better than horizon 4?
>Sunset OverDrive and Ori mid tier
>Sea of Thieves top tier
Phantom Dust. It's an original Xbox game that was remastered for Xbox One and Windows 10 back in 2017. The remaster is free to play.
>Phantom Dust is a blend of third-person arena combat and collectable card game. Collect 300 unique skills and build your arsenal of powers, taking them into battle online with up to three other players. You’ll compete in highly-destructible arenas and unleash a wide array of powers and tactics to defeat your enemies, including orbital particle cannons, flaming swords, barriers of ice, flight, cloaking, attack reflection, and many other abilities. The game features over 15 hours of solo player content through an engaging story that explores the ideas of isolation and faith, and full Xbox Live multiplayer support for up to four players in a variety of match types.
There's really nothing else like it. The campaign is pretty good, but it mostly serves as a mere tutorial for the multiplayer. Too bad the multiplayer population seems nonexistant even though it's free to play.
More cars, more interesting location. 4 is fun but 3 is definitely better.
What's wrong with Sea of Thieves now that the Anniversary Edition update is out? Sure, the content is lacking for a MMO, but the new Tall Tale story missions are handled pretty well, and the sailing is unmatched compared to any other action game. While the loop of doing the same exact quests for the gold hoarders/order of souls/merchant alliance factions is stale, the purpose is to get you to sail around the game world and encounter other players/socialize.
imo yes, Rare Replay is the greatest collection game ever made. Both Banjo games at 60 FPS and no drops, Conker uncensored and at a stable FPS, Viva Piñata 2, Battletoads + Arcade with couch co-op, KI Gold, RC Pro-Am, and there are even quite a few gems from their pre-NES days that I discovered through the collection. Snake, Rattle, and Roll and Atic Atak are both fantastic.
All that said, its only a matter of time before it gets a PC/Switch port, so if you have either of those, you could probably save some money by just waiting.
Why would Banjo be in Smash, Microsoft owns Rare.
Who else thought this was gonna get dropped during Nintendo e3? I was so sad.
>Sea of thieves is top tier
Christ how old is this chart?
funny how deluded sonygaf has become
xbone has games nigga
the ARPG selection is worth it alone
titan quest is actually good, because its the only viable gamepad port
and having a gamepad is really the only non autistic way to play ARPG. this is a huge title but only if you know what build is good, which is a problem many so called "gamers' who tend to play japanese games have
also, path of exile on gamepad too niggas
Phil recently said something about the BC for Xbox having been designed with a single piece of hardware's specs as a focus. Or something to that effect, I can't quite paraphrase it, as I don't readily recall the entire quote. This was a response for a question as to whether those Xbox BC games could come to PC eventually through the same emulation.
Considering Replay uses the emulation quite heavily on some of the titles, one could consider that it's not so likely a port would come to PC until MS has that emulation problem sorted out.
It also means that speculation about it happening for Switch is pretty much wishful thinking, considering Xbox Live isn't anywhere near as integrated as it would need to be for that service to be available on the system. Which isn't even considering the idea that the "single machine" comment might make it near enough impossible for a straight up port to happen for that console.
Single game ports of old Rare games could be feasible, but what really would Microsoft have to gain by even bothering, it would cost their own studio time and expenses to make it happen, and for a console that's not their own.