well, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
Yes, that is 2B.
shit character
mediocre game
Is Automata worth buying? I built a PC recently and I'm finally catching up on a lot of games I missed
Looks like Elon has good taste in vidya.
this is probably the worst place on the internet to ask. but yes
Is he going to make her real bros?
It's absolutely worth buying.
Not worth playing, though.
Yes it is, even if it won't grab you personally, it's still competent game. And the music is great.
Autism is getting mainstream I see
does this mean he's investing into making android gfs?
Dude... she's like a robot but she is like human so maybe she was a real person all along and her name is like a subtle reference to the question of what it means... to be... Holy shit it's so deep japan is like on a different level praise suda.
Oh, now I get it.
based and red pilled
i dont get it
Nier Automata is a very normie-tier game, even Jim Sterling loved it despite 2B being sexualised
Imagine being one of his kids, in a few years you go from "my dad sends rockets into space" to "my dad posts weeb shit on twitter"
Has anyone confirmed if Musk is autistic yet?
I wonder how common that expression is in japan. painfully obvious for everyone here, sure
that's so deep bruh
God I hope so
Nice to know that billionaires masturbate to the same things you do.
I'm pretty sure that he got a top tier escort to dress up like 2b and fucked her all night long. Living the dream.
isn't the word kill? they get off on killing and shit right?
We won't have a REAL android until after we all have died or if we live pass 80 or 90, it's just not gonna happen
9S doesn't want to kill 2B, while 2B is designed to kill 9S
I WILL survive and I WILL fuck a machine. You have my word.
It's intentionally ambiguous because the line is said by Adam as he's trying to fuck with 9S' head, it could be kill or it could be fuck or any other 4 letter word
kys retard
>9S doesn't want to kill 2B
>or if we live pass 80 or 90
literally me
Next thing Elon will do is to have a pfp of his waifu
this but unironically
Why does everyone love NieR Autometa so much now? BOTW is like the only game this gen that’s more acclaimed than NieR at this point
It's great. Also leave this place now until yoy've completed it
that retarded theory was disproved in the novel
i love women and minorities
By the time you guys are 80 or 90, your dicks won't function or your interest with sex will be literally gone. Also you have to add that you might lose your mind and have Alzheimer
Did you not play route D or
Lurk moar, newfag. We had this discussion way too often back when it was first released.
did you not read or?
Imagine being dumb enough to believe this stale corporate pr-researched publicity "humanizing" campaign.
Can any of you lorefags explain how anything is even alive on Earth after it became tidally locked?
cringe but redpilled
I'll kill anyone who hurts 2B. I'll kill anyone who touches 2B. I'll kill anyone who gets close to 2B. I'll kill anyone who looks at 2B. Because the only one who's allowed to look at 2B is me. The only one who's allowed to get close to 2B is me. The only one who's allowed to touch 2B is me. The only one who's allowed to hurt 2B is me. The only one allowed to…
Because it's good, has a beautiful protag that gets lots of attention, has possibly the greatest OST of all time, and is pretty unusual and memorable compared to all the other big releases.
buy it, leave this thread and finish it
breddy gud
>elon's autistic ass has decided he wants waifu
Absolutely based.
It's this generation's Silent Hill 2. Shit gameplay but muh depression story so it's automatically 10/10
This but unironically
Yeah, I know. You're a fag
Because it's legit a good game no matter how much some faggots try to hate it for cool points.
op here, thats funny but theyre clearly different screenshots
But is she not 2B?
Must just spews out anime memes to get easy PR from that crowd
refer to
imagine being a rich weaboo
Because it is a masterpiece, this board named it the 3rd best game ever this year
have sex and dilate
>Watch my back, 9S.
jesus CHRIST
Maybe it's a nice game with a soul?
Best game ive played in years. Jaded faggots will say otherwise. Now go
the end of the webm made me diamonds
What were the other games in the top 10?
Is he actually /ourguy/ or just being ironic?
Nier is better than Automata
this unnerves me greatly
Possibly trying to get young people on his side because they are the ones buying Tesla.
Ahhh I want a yandere girl 9s
should make her skin more pale
One could argue that that is 2E.
elon probably doesn't know shit about it, just like that "catgirl" he posted about or having FMA as his profile icon
because Drakengard and OG Nier is too boring for the ADD/ADHD man/womanchild generation who wants more melodramatic anime screaming instead of an actually interesting story.
>inb4 buzzword spouting
also at the same time when automata was going to come out, normalfags got tired of reddit and migrated over to Yea Forums and eventually infested this shit hole into reddit 2.0
hell, not even 75% of the Yea Forumsermins here know what the word "normalfag" means. they assume its some dickhead who goes to parties etc. but its more than that. hint it's "that" kid in your high school class who picked on the ones lower than him in order to look good in front of the cooler class mates. you can sometimes see his desperation crack open. failed normalfags is another term for normalfags
Imagine feeling those fat asschecks squish against you as you cum deep inside her
>If people like it, it's normie tier.
>That's why I only play rape hentai flash and Game Maker games. Oh, and SS13.
> Reddit’s Top 10
1. Zelda OOT
3. C.Trigger
4. Undertale
5. RDR1
6. Portal 2
7. ME2
8. AoE2
10. Portal
> Yea Forums‘s Top 10
1. Zelda OOT
2. SM64
3. N.Automata
4. SMW
5. Zelda ALTTP
6. S.Metroid
7. C.Trigger
9. RE4
10. Zelda BOTW
jerk peepee to sexy girl ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>melodramatic anime screaming
But that’s the original Nier too only with more cursing and by characters you’ve known for 10 minutes
got a link to the last thread/link to the survey? i don't doubt it, just the last time i saw it was CT up in the top 3
ecelebs are not vidya
Last time I checked BOTW ended up in the top 10 though, no idea how
Something has seriously gone wrong with humanity in recent times.
If Elon starts making a Sexbot company, he will become the most based man to have ever lived.
>electric cars
>Mars colonization
>robot waifus
It's simply the first step we must take for our waifubots to become real. Remember how ugly the 3D of the 5th gen of vidya started out? A necessary step before working out how to implement it better.
ahh yeah it was all over the place, there was some pretty dedicated shitposting in the threads i saw. i don't know when exactly this pic was, but the last one i had when every entry on the list had won at least 1,300 matches vs another entry, you could tell people weren't using the "i don't know enough" options etc and just spamming votes for or against games they didn't want up the top. i don't really care one way or another for nier automata, but it was one of the more controversial top 10 picks since it went from pick 1 to out of the top 10 multiple times over the course of the survey
Or not 2b?
>Praise Suda
He probably just jacked off once to her once like many others who post 2B.
Or worse, he played route A and dropped it when he saw he had to play as 9S.
> tfw want to go into politics simply to waifu shitpost on my twitter as well
have sex
that is the question
rather have BB
Imagine being a Senator, Governor, President, Prime Minister, King etc and just shitposting on twitter about how your waifu rules and all the others are a shit.