Final Fantasy VII Re

Are you going to play her game?

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Other urls found in this thread:

im gonna make this clown squeal!

sure when it's finished in 15 years.

pic without the clown nose?

I want to protect that smile

You won't be the only one!

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I just find these edits cute. I think it’s a testament to her face overall.

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On PC, when it's finished.

With the smile!


add the faceapp smile please

Aeris, she's from Texas.

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Tifas game and yes

Post her picture and we'll see how she responds to the honk

I'm considering it

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I'm sorry but that actually looks disgusting. The smile doesn't match the face.

Unlockable as permanent party member after first play-through might just save this remake.

Doesnt quite fit but looks better than it has any right to

That's actually a pretty realistic type of face.

best girl I hope the motorcycle scene was a spoiler for leaving midgar and you can save the trio

of course
it looks great

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It doesn't matter because the angle of the teeth doesn't fit the picture


That's not OPs smile though

youre right i just noticed

OP how do you get your smile on this, this is important

Left cheek looks fucked up

Someone photoshop OPs smile and cheeks onto this

You'll have to photoshop the clown nose off because the second is the original picture without it

im watching it right now

>be away for ONE day and actually play some fucking videogames
>there's a whole new piggy nose meme going around Yea Forums

fuck's sake niggers, I'll never be around right at the START of an epic new meme

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it's not a meme, just an attempted forced meme

>game title doesn't include "Part 1"

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Cant wait for the localization team to purposely include this dialog and all the gaming journalists geeking out about it being an epic easter egg.

Memes never sleep, and neither should you.

if that happened to me (that saying, if i made reaction videos and shit) i would be crying in the fucking moment

Here, I deleted the Nose, but her skin is different tone.
SOmebody needs to just overlay the images and match the tone.

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why would you cry over the FFVII team using your hype to motivate other members of the FFVII team?

Chrono Trigger, FFIX and DQV >>>>>>> FF7


>why would you cry over the FFVII team using your hype to motivate other members of the FFVII team?
No because that's gay

already posted
you soulless turd

Are you illiterate?

Question. How would you feel if they added the option to save the characters that died in the original?

These trips will not go unchecked.

i would cry too desu

OP teeth with nose.
Somebody fix the skin tone please.

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FFIX is trash.

user it's the same picture.

why are people hyped to play this when it'll likely take another several years to experience the entire game? The world map might not even be good, if there is one.

>maximillian makes a new video rambling about playing the demo with his streamer privileges
>gets told by SE they watched his reaction to the initial announcement and it motivated them
>proceeds to burst into tears as if he was the sole reason the project took off and not just one of several youtubers that filmed a reaction

>mfw thinking about how Vincent's gameplay will look like

he never implied it was just him

Certainly much better than FF7. FFIV, and VI are better than VII too.

I only care about midgar, and couldn't care less if the other parts never happen

look at the teeth


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fuck off back to you try hard hipster


don't reply to shitposters

I'm looking forward to FF7R but all people want to talk about now is Tifa's breasts and waifu wars.

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Maybe they shouldn't have messed with the design then? Just give her giant boobs the old outfit, who the fuck would complain?

ff 9 niggers are the worst

Absolutely. I'll pick all the +Affection dialogue points. And I'll get Great Gospel. And she'll be in my party right up to the separate save file I'll keep right before the Temple of the Ancients.

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nobody has mentioned that ITT
good job being a fucking retard


Why are you so angry? FFVII is pretty overrated.

You know who, and then you'd move the goalpost

thanks for ruining the thread

What's the goal of your post?

>Why are you so angry? All FF games are pretty overrated.
Fixxed for you fren.

How the fuck overrated when half the community hates it.
If anything ff9 is overrated it add nothing new to the series but everyone says its the greatest game in the series.

You absolute fucking retard. Or worse, you knew exactly what you were doing in which case kill yourself cunt.

>implying this remake will ever make it out of midgar


No, i don't play censored games.

>You know who
China? Make sense, but they could just release different models there. Seems to me they actually want to be controversial with this.

>first decent FF7 thread
>IX baby and this faggot have to ruin it

fuck you

>people actually hyped want to pay $60 bucks multiple times in addition to likely buying a new console to experience the full complete story of a remake of a single game that could take near 10 years to finish.

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that's right and there nothing you can do about it

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Might as well buy this one, since the second is never coming.
Of course, you should wait the $30 drop.

What else am I gonna play?

Probably not this decade since I don't want to pay full price for bits and pieces of a game that won't even finish on PS4 anyway.


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1) Not until it's finished
2) Not until it's on PC
3) Not before they fix Tifa
4) Not before it's sub-30 bucks.

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I wonder how many people will get tired of waiting and just play the original to see the end of the story. Probably less than the amount of people who'll just watch videos or read a plot summary because "Eww, bad graphics."

fuck off


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I wonder if they'll bring back slots..

Looks liek Biggs and Jessie were an item, at least in Aerith's adoptive mom's memories.

Aeris is so cute I can't stand it.



lol Y u so mad, tho?

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She's not bad but she can't match Terra.

what did they mean by this ?

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I think i'll wait for the PC version

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what the hell she's too cute

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Terra sucks and is a more boring Rydia

mad as fuck child here guys and nice different angle dumbass

when Aerith's adoptive mom's explains how she came to adopt Aerith, it shows what appears to be Biggs and Jessie at the train station. maybe just playing around

Who's worse? The Aeris fag or Barry?

>Tifatards ruinimf another thread with the exact same pictures

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Probably Barry. Aerisfag is just another waifufag.

user I don't have a PS4 m8

maybe I'll get a pro in 3 months if the game start's shaping up to be something really special but so far I really doubt having only the city is going to cripple the story in ways we can't see yet

Terra is perfect and bring me joy in my heart every time i see her face.

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The same exact Aeris pictures got old too.

looks like every other ff character

Hopefully it fixes her face as well

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I'd wait for ps5 next year. I guarantee they'll release an improved version on ps5 late next year.

at least they're not shitposting fuel

Stay mad, shill-inu.
How about you don't fuck up classic designs of THE mega classic's remake people have been waiting for an entire human generation soon?

just ignore them

>Tifa fans during the E3 reveal

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XV-kun without a doubt.
>shitposter for over half a decade ruining hundreds of threads for different series vs another waifufag easily ignored

yeah lmao

well over a decade my dude

Those were some pretty loud cheers when they revealed her.

inb4 damage controls saying that "they were paid shills"

No oppai no buy. Fuck liberals

your pic only relates to autistic Yea Forumsirgins who only care about balloon sized anime tiddies

You don't have to be paid to have bad taste

>like the way a character looked in the original
>they make her look worse

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>actual fans
They're just entertainers, idiot.

But you actually have to be paid to be there.

I think the only other character that can beat those cheers is Vincent.

Look closer

Whoa. Unironically paid shills?

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I like Aerith and Tifa too. There is peace

Vincent surely isn't THAT popular. I'd say Yuffie would be.

>akshual fans

shut the fuck up

Those animals would stream their mothers being raped by niggers if they believed it would give them money. They're not people.

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watch that edge

I think he was really popular 20 years ago.

why does Vincent get all the cunny

>Rerelease corrects this but still leaves 'Aeris' as the default name

Popular enough to get his own game

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Chaos control

He does?

Why is there no footage of people playing the floor demo.
What are they hiding

I didnt hate the tifa reveal. Could be better but it coulda been a hell of alot worse

probably something shit. Same way they hid tifa.


Square Enix always get autistic about keeping shit private for some reason. Guarantee they have security next to the demos ready to confiscate people recording shit.

in DoC anyway

that work playing in 2019? I haven't played any of the side games.

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Probably because you can just mash X to win

>still no 2K or 4K trailers

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You know... if they want a hidden ending wih her like Tidus in X-2, having the player get all her breaks and not leavng her underleveled would be a pretty organic way of implementing it.

A reward for “believing in her” or something. Thematically appropriate.

They’re not argument incitements though

fuck that stupid shit off

He was very popular actually. It’s why I think 7 cursed the series with a dumb fanbase even though I like it

They probably will just have some apparition appear like how the high affection highwind scene is triggered, i just dont want to 100% to get it

The aerisfag who argues Tifa’s irrelevant to Cloud? That guy? I think he’s a troll. And he usually shows up when threads are dying anyway

I wish he was trolling

>SE could literally make DLC until the end of time exploiting the massively successful world they accidentally created two and a half decades ago and people would buy it
>they won't because they're retarded
I'll keep posting my wish for a parallel route DLC where you can play the events from the opposite point of view as Shinra

>Turks missions
>Rufus and his useless minions that can't catch a bunch of sewer rats

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Maybe not. I’m an aerithfag and he routinely attaqs me for not being anti-tifa like he is. And he usually just scalates arguments.

Sounds like a typical Aeris-fag to me!

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You guys start the fights usually though. And boy that image again...

Why is she drinking pinkish water with a bunch of grapes thrown in

PS4 - Midgar Chronicles
PS5 - An Ancient Evil
PS5 - World Crisis

Please be excite.

It’s a fancy bar drink. She likes to throw back a few.

I have never started anything on this site, are you surprised to see an image twice on here? I see the same reaction images all the time.

Japanese businesses in general are like this. Konami does it too for most of their location tests.

I don't know how true that is. How acquainted with this setting are current gamers?

I can't wait to explore Midgar

>buy the new system, then you can finally play the game!
Nice try Sony

Honestly keep it simple
Maybe something like

Ep1: midgar
EP2: death
Ep3: Life


its bubble tea

>Game costs $20 more.
>No deluxe version for physical.
>Digital deluxe version has less bonuses.

what if sepheroth and cloud is the same person?

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Sucks to be you, Takahashi

yeah nice spoilers, assnuts

Transfering saves between games is what is gonna puzzle me.

So like, if I play FF7 Part 3, will I have to start my party over again? I invested in a particular character build for each of them.

I've personally posted it maybe twice. If some other user with based taste did the same, I can take no responsibility for that.

Deal with it, your waifu dies and mine doesn't.

Did you know Snape dies as well? And that Vader is Luke's father? Also Ned Stark dies

>Ned Stark

who? sounds like a nerd name

Maybe, I'm unhappy with episodic structure. I'm thinking I'm going to wait until all of them are done and I'll get the bundle. I'm just not willing to pay for a half a game.

So is this guy like an Alucard or D?

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Tony Stark's dad you fucking retard. Oh and for that matter, Tony Stark dies too.

I think it's the same guy

fucking literally WHO

just an incel who got NTR'd almost 3 decades ago in game time and hasn't gotten the fuck over it.

it's capeshit

my fucking sides

Why is everyone so excited for this turd?
You already know it's going to be Reddit: The Game.
Prepare for shitty one-liners and "epic" action sequences.
Everytime they do one of these remakes it's like they sit down and ask themselves "alright how can we make a soulless grotesque insult to the original"

he gets 3 cunnies in compilation so it's okay

You guys have such consistent posting habits and styles, it would be like the aforementioned aerisfag pretending he was someone else

That's a scary thought. I wonder if he was also the battle shill. Going all autistic about the timings of button presses and shit, saying how complex pressing two different buttons could be.

FF15 looked like monkey shit. KH3 didn't interest me at all. What the fuck reason is there to be excited about THIS one's combat?

You’re trying to pick a fight after saying you don’t do that? Hilarious.

It's called dedication and a respect towards a standard, something an Aerisfag would probably have a hard time understanding

epic bait

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i wouldn't say incel because he's not complaining about some other woman's breasts saying he hates woman or something, but he's certainly a cuck that can't get over lucrecia fucking hojo

I'm so fucking glad that avengers looks like shit.


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I like Tiffany's new design.

I'm always picking a fight. ALWAYS I do not come here to agree

kill yourself

N I C E ! ! !

don't get used to it. Maybe in the end they'll change her
Or maybe not, since literally only Yea Forums is complaining about her.


The post what killed this thread. Impressive.

I'm hurt, can't you see? I love big tits and I get called an incel for that. I love women, I love fucking them, I love video game and anime women. With big tits.



is tifa a rhyme of titfuck

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>all those people going ape shit over Tifa
>no cheers for Aeris
>Dev team watches hype videos
>they realize nobody cares for Aeris
>So she gets crushed by the plate instead and Jessie leaves with you Midgar

>Or maybe not, since literally only Yea Forums is complaining about her.
2ch is also complaining.

oh my

I’m not gonna argue with you bud. I hope they do something for your waifu

This new trend of grown "men" recording their faux reactions has not stopped bothering me

what a fucking low bait
nobody is excited about aeris because we saw her long ago anyway, like a month ago
In fact, they still get excited at seeying her casting healing wind

Lot of Aerith on the state of play hype videos but they’re aware Tifa is more popular yes


The one guy withe glasses actually saw that split second where Tifa was shown before her actual reveal, impressive


Thank you. I won't buy the game though. They can fuck themselves. I will complain any chance I get. It is decided


get over it gramps


Her trailers where randomly drooped, that says a lot desu

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You're okay with retards acting like they're excited for views and gibs?

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Why do you root for Nomura’s sloppy self-insert? Tits aren’t that great. Especially not now, and that unfinished face. They must care.

they literally revealed aerith at a garbage event nobody cares about

This was great, God damn.
I have really high hopes for this remake.

You mean Antifa

and they had to let out rumors so people would watch it

And Cloud and Barrett too. So? They open all the trailers on her because she’s important. They gave Tifa time to shine because she’s popular and people were anticipating. Not complicated

The last time there where this much hype around the remake was 2015, there is no doubt that SE also realized that. Just think about it, Tifa got such a huge reaction with still unfinished footage.

get over it gramps
it's the future

cloud and Barret were revealed in 2015 brainlet


One day you guys will have more than “she’s popular”

>that ff7 sound at the start

If that footage is still unfinished it shows they do not care and will not finish desu

Which is why they look totally different? they're new this time

>all that love for best girl

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If they don’t bother to finish her footage or model (which we have no confirmation of anyway) then it does not matter how big the event they show her at is. They care less demonstrably then, just doing it out of obligation.
But I think she is finished and just looks bad.

It means they still weren't sure how her design was supposed to be

why is cloud so fat

No matter how much they reduce her breasts, Tifa will always be more popular than Aeris.

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A fraction of FFVII is better than whatever shit you like.

Every character in 15/KH3 looks more finished than Tifa, she is clearly still in WIP mode. The entire trailer was kinda unfinished tho. It didn't even have different mouth movements for the nip/burger version, which the old one had

Waifufags being cancer as usual. Wow, so surprising. I guess nobody cares about Cloud or Sephiroth either.

It start as a pretty fun thread.

They made posters. I mean we know why you guys are here, you feel shortchanged on the design. And you're right to, but this is just dumb

It's all in Japanese too, nice

>Localization was full of hilarious typos.
>W-item instead of "Double item" because the numbnuts misread "duburu".
>Touph ring instead of "tough ring" for a similar reason.

Goddamn, I hope it all makes it in.

Nah, just the most prominent shots were low rez for everyone. We saw enough high quality model work in the sewers to know.

Which is why I doubt it’s unfinished, the sewers clme way later

There was anticipation, they’re trying to meme it into something more (when we know Tifa is more popular anyway) because they feel burned design-wise.

Doing a render is no problem my guess is that after they decided it show her at E3, they put her stuff together

>attack while its tail's up

It’s all so tiresome I agree.


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Awfully slapdash for a character I’m suposed to believe they care so much about. But the posters were not just her, clearly they have a finished design in mind. And we know what it looks like, most change we’ll see is better texturing.

i love her new design and there is nothing you can do about it!

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I like it too actually.


Look at this mutt

Fuck off shill

yummy tummy

epic bait

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I want to lick it ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Today, I will remind them.

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So, finally did the Honey Bee Inn side quest. Did Aeris gave a flower to Johnny for free? Man, poor Cloud can't catch a break.

Jessie turned into such a cutie, holy fuck

She paid him I thought because he was leaving and is the go-lucky nice guy

she paid him to take it; 1 gil

if you go back after dressing up, all he can do is stammer

I was looking for that image for ages, thank you nigga

I want to lick those tights

>she's from Texas

honk honk

>”Cloud, please stop that”

The next reveal will be either, Rufus and rhe turks or Nanaki

This is going to be a train wreck of a remake.
why cant they just leave FFVII alone

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your welcome

The future is now?

And the worst part of it is they are going to spent the next decade doing it without progressing the series or delving into other game that actually need a remake (like V or VI)

it's going to be great, by the looks of it.

Character design so perfect even shitty photoshop cannot tarnish it.

Do you really want Square Enix remaking those? You trying to monkey paw that shit?

>Just honk my shit up senpai

It already looks better than anything they've put out in over a decade, even KH3. At this point I don't care if they only remake Midgae, because you know the quality will dip.

I want to play this game

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>that actually need a remake (like V or VI)

my sides

Welcome to Yea Forums

Ugh GOD she looks like Gal Gadot. LOOK HOW THEY MASSACRED MY GIRL

Eh, but isn't Tifa already more popular than her even years ago? She's certainly more popular in the West though but both of the girls' popularity in Japan are closely tied.

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Too much teeth.

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>it's going to be great, by the looks of it.
I thought FF15 looked cool too. But then...

It just doesn't feel the same

And she's pissed

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in the latest poll Aeris didn't even make it into the top 15 tho

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>when she sees your dick


That poll just from a livestream though. I’d put more stock in an older poll conducted better with a decent sample size

this actually fits her cheeky personality

She is. Idk why other tifafags consider that good though, this is a dumb fanbase after all.

Different director and dev team. Should be fine. Plus Kitase is the Producer and he directed the original so it can't be all that bad. And I'm pretty sure they've got Nojima on writing duties again so it's pretty much all the big wigs from the original minus Sakaguchi.

A smile showing teeth feels more genuine

I think it's cute that you still have expectations

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>over 20000 votes
It doesn't get much more accurate than this, even more so since people are also voting with their accounts

I'm waiting for the episode set outside Midgar because fuck Midgar

What a fucking let down

What did Saka do?

Girls should smile more

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>what's this livestreaming thing I hear off??
Go to bed grandpa

Agreed. It's what is keeping me from starting up the emulator. So many fucking tedious segments

>Zack is now more popular than Aerith
Pretty sad desu. I guess her populary has gotten stale over the years, but the remake did awaken some of the Aerithfags I believe. I can't blame people for loving Zack though, he's a chad. Can't wait for his remake reveal in 10 years

Attached: zack.gif (245x245, 886K)

Based japan showing off their shit taste publicly again.

That’s convenient. But it’s just silly too. An actual square enix commissioned poll would hold more weight

I hope they keep it.

this is nightmare fuel

That’s why I find it weird desu

It certainly ain’t a good basis for decision making

Probably because she looks like Cloud

y-you too


That's the only thing that user can do is call everyone "grandpa" like he's some kid in an anime kek


No this can't be happening!!

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>Idk why other tifafags consider that good though
Popularity is good especially for countries like Japan. If the devs are aware of the character's popularity, they usually get more content. It's why they held popularity polls as gauge to know what the fans want. I guess that's the reason why it's important to some waifufags.

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These niggas aint japanese. But in this case a squeenix poll holds most consequence

What you say makes sense though, even if I can see some definite issues.

Make Marlene faceapp

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Here we go again

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and thats supposed to be ugly apparently

Why are her eyes so big?


>>genuinely posted this just because it seemed silly to me that in the current year someone would act like doing a poll while live streaming isn't something absolute common now
>user suddenly accuses me to always call people old
I struck a nerve here, didn't I grandpa ;^)

It is. Gal Gadot is ugly

Yeah but when it comes to large scale companies like Square Enix they do care about the West fanbase too. Just like how the devs actually said they want reaction videos and use it as a motivation when they work on the game.

>can't greentext
Hey there sonny, did you get your hormone therapy treatment yet?

i jsut saw pics of her and she doesnt even look remotely to tifa fuckign rofl

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This will be the first time I play a game because of a beautiful character, I hope it will be a good enough game...

>they want
they watch*

Now post an actual game screen

>This will be the first time I play a game because of a beautiful character

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Yeah, I'm buying her game


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Janiie are you okay? Are you okay Janiie?

oh you mean those in crappy resolution?

I want to lick that cute nose

>I hope it will be a good enough game...
Try a developer besides SE then

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No I mean how she actually looks in the game and not promotional artwork


This remake is gonna be awesome. The original game isn't erased just because of a remake anyway.

Honk Aerith is the best think to come out this remake.

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Too much teeth

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>remaking V or VI
Are the original staff behind those games even working at Square anymore? FFVII stands a chance at being incredible in part because a lot of the staff has returned for it.

How the hell do you have hype in 2019? Genuinely curious

I can't shake the feeling that Nu-Tifa looks like those old plastic surgery girls running around Seoul.

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I'm actually curious as to how they're gonna do it this time. Considering they're already taking some writing liberties, I wonder if they'll actually come up with a reason you can't just Phoenix Down her considering how long that joke's been going.

Her mouth is too big

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What's your problem with teeth bro?

It’s just a dumb idea is all.

That’s just a good idea. I just sometimes worry about pandering to fanbases when they’re retelling a story. Makes them liable to change it unnecessarily.

She looks like a forty year-old MILF

That's a pretty damn good way to describe it

If we don't get a full blown jpop song while feathers flow through the sky I would be surprised

9000 hours mspaint

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Honestly, dude? I see what I like and just try to dare to be happy again, that's all that there is to it. I've learned how to keep my enthusiasm for games and media from life experience, as odd as it sounds. Optimism isn't easy, but being bitter and jaded is draining. Dialing it back a bit, I see a lot of good with this remake so far.There is some cause for doubt or concern, but it's something over the horizon and it may change or end up being better than anticipated.

Good for one thing

Cute but a little weird too. I guess that’s to be expected

It is possible they make dumb decisions which are now more canon than the original

I want Aeris to bite a part off my skull off with her huge mouth!!!

And not in a good way.

Yea, I’ve been long of the opinion that aerith should have the nicer face but between this and the body nerf it’s rough

They cure KO status

This is the first time I think the face app doesn't look like shit

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She wouldn't do that she's nice!

Isn't she only twenty-one?

He's a shill. No one really talks like that.

It is possible, but it's also possible that they'll expand and build upon things in ways some fans may not have even considered. Deeper and expanded relationships, better encounters with enemies (Rufus not being lame-ass boss, for example,) etc. It stands a chance to be fantastic and I don't want to spend my time worrying about what could go wrong. What could go right is a lot more interesting, even if it opens me up to disappointment. But I'll judge the game for what it is in the end, not for what it isn't.

I appreciate the answer, but it's a good way to set yourself up to get fucked over. I'm getting burned by these companies a lot more than I'd like, personally

If he's not, he'll learn.

Yeah, I understand that. But I'm a DMCfag, so maybe that provides some context.

Yeah, I'm not paying $60 for the episode of a game.

Who? Well it doesnt matter, the answer is yes give or take a year

Well another user pointed out Japanese companies like to keep popularity in mind, so what if they were to reduce the role of Aerith in disc 1? That would hurt the game a lot, and make it feel less earned when Tifa steps up in disc 2. It’s stuff like that I fear I guess.

Or they shoehorn in Zack because people ended up liking him afterward. Try to make Vincent more prominent because he was a standout character (not a bad idea actuallyto be sure)

very cute

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They're called "gangnam-unnies" in Korea. Plastic surgery techniques were really basic in the 90s but everyone was clammoring to get their faces fucked up.

Plastic surgery is all but impossible to tell if it's done at an expensive clinic nowadays, but we ended up with a lost generation of horrific hag clones that couldn't wait a decade for surgical skills to catch up.

I mean this

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It certainly does

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Your face when playing day 1 and all of a sudden

>jpop song

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Goofy or sinister, you decide

The reason why Zack is so popular is because Japanese girls want their men good looking, strong and positive. In other words, a chad. It's why otome games are popular there. Likewise they also want their females to be beautiful, perfect and strong such as Lightning that's why she's popular in both the male and female fanbase Lightning is fucking terrible though. Meanwhile japanese men want their self-insert to be either the most generic male you could ever meet or a loser who gets the beautiful girls who's a slave to the MC's cock.

She misses! Caught you!

I don't think they'll reduce Aerith. The "help me!" didn't feel right in the trailer, but eh. I think the new narrative stylings of the game will only make all the deaths in it hurt more. Biggs, Jessie and Wedge, for example, are gonna slap you right across the face when they die and Midgar goes down. I think the relationships between all of the characters are going to be built up a lot. I do hope Yuffie and Vincent have more agency and reason for existing in the Remake, though. I also don't see them shoehorning Zack in. He may appear a bit more, but that's about all I see for it.
I thought so. I basically waited 11 years for a game to come out. 13 years for a good followup to 3 to come out. DMC5 doesn't live up to its potential in a lot of ways (shit female models, weak narrative, etc) but it's just a treat to play. If I can be happy with that game despite its failing, well, I can at least believe in Remake until being given a real reason not to. Because it looks damn good in the end.

oh you mean those in crappy resolution?

I always hated missing on the slots


looks fucking evil

I would not call Aeris a weak person, granted they did make her more of a waif as time went on.

So you can't? Okay, I win. She looks like shit in game, designers have a milf with plastic surgery fetish and love covering up women's legs. Gotcha

That was an example. But they still could reduce something like the love triangle, which makes the low point of her dying less impactful. And the highs of disc 2 less so as well.
I had more examples last nigh but I forgot. Involving the Turks I think.

They have been pushing the "virginal, pure flower girl" on Aerith lately though, which is exactly what the nip males want.

Why is Yuna so popular than? she is by far the most beloved FF chick (in nipland I mean)

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The only thing I believe anymore is that if I buy a game day 1, they'll just release it for 1/3 of the price 1 year later with all the extras bundles. Fuck them there's no incentive for day 1. If it's fun, cool. They burned me though. Square burned me

denying that the usual pics are in crappy resolution or too far from her face to see details is just retarded. Too bad you have to rely on this pathetic evidence to say tifa looks ugly.

Honestly her dying relatively early being the most significant recollection of her is the big issue. Less familiarity and less “good vibes” tied in.

All I'm hoping for is that Aerith keeps her spunk and wit. I don't like some of the choices they're doing with English Barrett, that's one negative but it's minor so far.
That's fair, user. You felt spurned as a consumer and they have to earn your trust. I totally get it.

She looks like she just cut some guys dick off with a kitchen knife and is admiring her work

Okay, you may not believe me now. But I saw the before and after with 15. It'll happen again.

Yeah i dont deny that Yuna's the most popular girl there. She actually fits the description I described as well too. Just that females want their heroines to be someone like Lightning as well.

What the fuck?! She looks like my sister.

post sister now


A lot of the popular characters, especially the girls, tend to be similar in that they’re representations of some kind of trope

Japanese zoomers

Reminder that your are an impatient cuck If you don't wait out the inevitable complete episodic PS5 or PC release down the line

That would be my biggest hope for her specifically too.

I feel like they like more archetypal characters.

>preordered CE knowing there'll be CE for the other parts
This is fine.

Won't that be like ten years at this rate?

Yunas design is 10/10 but damn she is one boring bitch

Well in the first game. They turned her into a modern slut in X2.

He's getting crafty

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Seems to be their thing. Relatively one note characters who represent some kind of idea or theme.

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>all best girls in FF are brunette

what did they mean by this

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Isnt brown hair easy to do in games? I heard that with regard to all the brunette male protags

Celes isn't a brunette and neither is Rydia user. Nor Faris.

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this girl is so hot

Man, these couple days were great to be a Tifafag

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Blondes are overrated and always have been

>roastie streamer e-thots got to play the demo and I didn't

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why are animals looking directly at the camera so meme

That makes it worse sadly. Like an HR cat lady

That pic of her looks ugly

Feeling insecure?

>all shit tier

gee I wonder

This girls are hot

>getting triggered because I'm happy with the E3 hype Tifa got
right back at you

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For who?

I get it

So yes. Which is weird because you should be secure in her greater popularity.

Are you by any chance autistic?

>was the hottest shit in the early 00's
>trailer vids have barely 1M views
I am forgotten

it's going to bomb isn't it? the time for this remake passed like a decade ago

Just curious. It’s odd behavior.

the noises she makes make my pee pee funny

Squeenix is gambling with these episodic releases so it could

only boomers care about this honestly
kids now only play battle royale and shit


Attached: boring35.jpg (640x1067, 211K)

Literally perfect


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Her VA did her no favors but I found her boring

I bet Yuna has the prettiest toes out of any FF girl

What are you even trying to say? What has being happy about your waifu getting coverage to do with being secure? About what?

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All that walking north? In those shoe?!

Why does she look like so old in the portrait? It has always bothered me, doesn't fit the character at all.

Attached: Aeris_Portrait.jpg (350x460, 38K)

Eh, it's got videos on multiple pages and channels so it's all scattered.

She is the cutest but also the most boring

Tbh the most interesting Yuna gets is in that one song.

not only in that portrait...

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Her boyfriend literally blew his head off kicking a ball

I'm sure she is attentive. Probably has Kimari carry her and she has chocobos to ride.

Checks her nail polish every night.

The most important question is;

Has the fanfiction scene picked back up thanks to the Remake?

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post that fucking gif, you know which one

You’re making sure I know, so let’s call it a hunch


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Droopy eyes seem to do that

>reading the derange fantasies of some underage faggot

I find lesbians distasteful


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mom said its my turn to save the planet!

> Episodic.

Attached: bigdiccmarty.jpg (720x720, 45K)

We do that here already

>as he posts this on Yea Forums



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I just want to throttle her and choke her to asphyxiation levels and when I stop right before her eyes pop out she asks for more

Attached: what.jpg (1199x554, 264K)

w h y

>$60 per episode
>censored designs
>chestlet, anorexic Tifa
>dumbed down FXV battle system
>Sephiroth out of nowhere in Midgard
>marvel quips
Yeah that's a not way fag from me, dog

you know what? Blonde hair suits her.

Give me more of this.

trying far too hard

Could be cute on a different picture

this game better have mods

>Cloud will get a tone of increasingly fucked up hallucinations over the course of the game

I'm ready for the suffering train baybee

Attached: wake.jpg (960x656, 162K)

If only someone besides Nomura were in charge of that

What's he trying to do?

granny tranny confirmed

This makes her fucked up face even more pop up

Zombie Aerith hallucination asking hin why he failed. Zombie Zack asking him why he’s so weak.

to fit in to Yea Forums Internet hate machine hivdmind because reddit told him about it

When it's completed, possibly.

This thread was oddly free of "have sex", "dilate", "tranny" and "incel"

I doubt they'll reduce the Aerith scenes though they are starting to give Tifa more importance and scenes like that new scene of her with Cloud at the bar and her sitting one stool away from him to represent the awkwardness in their relationship, saying she's in a "pinch" hinting to their promise. Also Jessie asking how Cloud he is with Tifa and the screen starts to get distorted with noises.

To be honest Cloud's relationship with Tifa has a good foundation in the OG but they didn't really develop it well imo. So the devs are trying to expand that which I think is good.

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All facts though

It has shades of it but it's mostly just people actually talking about stuff. It's nice.

What if those are his opinions? I share them, so I'm curious why you're defending a game that's not out yet? PLEASE SHIT IN MY MOUTH NOMURASAN

From my perspective the fans are evil

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was her dad Sean Penn?

unironically based

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Gotta wonder how many idiots will pick it up without realizing it's episodic.

Power couples are so cringe

I liked that a lot too but they only have so much time to use. And since Tifa and Cloud does not start paying off until disc 2 I fear it will be a lot of wheel spinning.

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Unless it’s just that conversation over and over. Which it easily could be. Idk. Worried.

>Jessie asking how Cloud he is with Tifa
*Jessie asking Cloud how close he is with Tifa

You're right, it should take 3 episodes for them to be able to even look at each other.

That was just a example. If they also choose not to expand her role that would be bad too after all. But I don’t think that’s likely, just an example of how bad incentives can tank this