The hell happened to this company?

The hell happened to this company?

Is the Outer Worlds going to be a huge failure?

Attached: Microsoft-is-Buying-Obsidian-Entertainment-Report.jpg (780x439, 19K)

It got pozzed like literally every video game company, but for some reason Yea Forums won’t stop specifically harping on Obshitian

Feminism, LGBT, and SJWs

It has deeper rpg choices than any Bethesda game has.

Avellone saw the writing on the walls and ditched it, years later they never recovered
FUCK Feargus

Mario has deeper choices than a Bethesda game, that's not saying much

Obsidian didn't need Avellone. Avellone needed Obsidian. His loss.

>Avellone needed Obsidian

which is why he's living the life and writing for whatever the fuck he wants, right? he's a human stretch goal and his name is still synonymous with quality, unlike the name Obsidian

He's getting paid big money just to write a paragraph so that games can slap his name on all the advertisement

That dude is living comfy right now not giving a fuck

lmao remind of of ONE good game that has come out with his name on it since Obsidian days. I'll wait.

Not them but his writing on Fallout 2 wasn't that good either. He's pretty much responsible for the game becoming a memefest. And then there was Lonesome Road.

I'm not in the loop because I don't give a flying fuck about the irrelevant isometric shit they make, thus I'm willing to give them a shot with Outer Worlds. They've already said they're focusing on a layered world as opposed to a large one, which means replayability is a big part of the design principle, and if we can also kill every NPC like in New Vegas, then it's something I'm more than happy to support.

rick and morty go to the borderlands universe? no thank you

New fagas sucks dick, how can anyone think that game where you are just a giant orbiter cuck to every faction in the game is good, not one single faction takes you in as their own, the imperial city is 1000 times better than that stupid excuse of a main city, fucking two cells

No one needs Obsidian, they're garbage.

Your premise was that Avellone needs Obsidian. When the truth is Avellone doing better than ever and he barely has to work.

This has nothing to do with if he's a quality writer or not

lmao, that's what I thought. Not a single thing you could name off that he's done better by himself.

An epic exclusive cant be a failure, however it can be forgotten very quickly and go down in history as a cash grab between companies

Oh shit he's back. Sup spammer kun, how's your day been?

Name a single game by obsidian that is even mediocre, doesnt need to be good.

they sold out

lol okay then Obsididrone

underage bait. KOTOR II, Alpha Protocol, South Park: The Stick of Truth.

bad management

>An epic exclusive
It's not exclusive. It's coming to Windows store which means for $5/mn you can pick it up and beat it without giving a single dime to Obsidian.

But those games were all made when Avellone was still with the company. If your claim is that Avellone is worse off without Obsidian (which is factually untrue, he is paid more for less work), and Obsidian is better off without him, why is it Obsidian can't put out anything even close to the quality of the games they had when he was on staff?


>His loss.
Such a mistake on his part to take up freelancing where he earns more than he ever has and gets to work on big projects Feargus and friends can only dream of.

No money. The reason Microsoft even had a chance of buying them was because they were cheap and poor. I'd expect their next title to be much higher quality than before due to extra funds.

>Pillars of mediocrity and boredom

Even Microsoft didn't want Obsidian. lmao


Do you know how much money Microsoft has?
Even at their peak Obsidian is pocket change compared to some of their other purchases.

Keep crying loser

Attached: file.png (484x168, 11K)

It should be Obsidiots the ones crying about the series that bankrupted the company and sold their souls to microshaft but sure, whatever makes you sleep at night, retard lol

The only people crying are bethdrones and other faggots who were never obsidian fans.

I was curious about this but unironically

He's one of the writers for the new Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order game.

Plenty of people who loved Obsidians games disliked PoE. It was a boring, mediocre game with no charm in the characters or the world.

The reviews say otherwise.

>Even Microsoft didn't want Obsidian.

"Writer" in the sense that he's doing a character or two.
Dying Light 2 seems to take up most of his attention, it's all he talked about when he was interviewed at E3.


>he doesn't like Prey

Chris only wrote side quests in Prey. Nothing that touched the main story.

that's why prey was good