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Based and redpilled

Why do so many people like him?

>CDPR chooses to spend money on tranny shit and celebrity cameos instead of actual roleplaying elements and expansive and innovative gameplay

The Matrix were good movies and so were the John Wick movies. He keeps his personal life out of the limelight and generally seems like a nice person. Its because he is an alien immortal who'd pheromones alter people's mood to like him while his eyes have Hypnotoad like powers without wierd pupils or static sounds

Keanu sees this pic without censure.
He is a real man.

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His movies are fantastic and he keeps his personal life mostly private, he's also endearing
He's my favorite actor, actually
Matrix is my favorite movie, absolutely the good shit
That said, Cyberpunk still looks bad

Stop shilling your shit game, tranny.

Go dilate /pol/

Wait I thought trannys were mad at the game because it objectified a shemale in an in game ad for some drink. Not shilling it.

Go dilate discord

You can make the protag a tranny. Trannies love that shit.

has anyone seen the Eli Roth movie he made? Knock Knock. Worth watching? Eli Roth hasn't made a good movie in like 15 years so I skipped that one.

>tranny shit

What tranny shit? You mean the extra gender options? Or are you dumb enough to think the dickgirl advert is promoting gender-bending rather than being a piece of world-building?

I mean, allowing the protagonist to be a tranny makes sense for a corporate dominate hyper sexualized future where body modifications are as common as tattoos.

Go dilate skype

Have sex

Holy fuck this thread man

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because he literally chose the red pill

>keanu is a good actor

1. He was in several good movies. (Bill & Ted series, Speed, The Matrix, John Wick series, etc.)
2. He seems like a nice guy "in real life" (but obviously I don't know if he really is).
3. He hasn't fucked up his life and pissed everyone off with stupid celebrity drama.

There's really nothing not to like. What's your problem with him?

Long answer: go watch his movies and read his life story
Short answer: nice guy, good movies, private life, first redpiller.

Im a real man can i see

He's Cyberpunk Jesus in The Matrix

unironic unequivocal kino

What movie is this?

It's in the title you retard.

>watching e3 with friends
>keanu appears
>my friends: AAAAAAAAAAAAA
>me: who is that?
>my friends: hahaha you're funny
took me like 15 minutes to realize that he was the guy who played Neo in The Matrix
uhh.. Celebrities in video games!! yaaay!!!
Fortnight ruined gaming by giving celebrities a new audience to milk

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Guys I hate Keanu Reeves. I'm not like other sheeple who just blindly like him. I'm unique and interesting, and because I don't like a thing that almost everyone else likes it means I have a superior intellect.

Wasn't he technically the second redpiller?

john wick outsmarted by two women.
what now, mortals?

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Why does he look like the Fortnite guy?

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I'm gay

LMAO fucking homosexual

What kind of degeneracy is this


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I’m just asking