Aren't you tired of shit translations, censored translations and in many cases no translation?
Aren't you tired of shit translations, censored translations and in many cases no translation?
i'm tired of life
I've been playing games in Japanese for six years and translating them for one, after years of manga translations
What are some good drugs to take to study better? I can't get my hands on adderall, so I'll have to try some otc stuff.
Keep working.
you made me so headache
If you need drugs, you don't want it enough and don't deserve to learn it.
Yep, that's it.
Imagine - IMAGINE - being so fucking pathetic that you'd learn a new language just to consume media.
Yeah fucking right. You don't even communicate with people regularly in your own tongue, you pathetic incel.
I've done manga translations entirely on my own, so not just translation but also cleaning, typesetting, redraw, you know the drill. It's very exhausting. Probably why I haven't done that many, only like 1 volume of a serious manga and then 4 or 5 hentai shit.
In preparation for chinese overlords taking over the media you should learn chinese instead.
I legit can't remember the last time I played a chinese game.
I've played one but it's also literally a fetish game
artstyle's cute though
Well, I meant officially, but I've done stuff unofficially for years too. Don't do it so much anymore though due to lack of time and work killing my interest.
Been playing SMT4 it is great because it isn't baby talk and has kanji, but has furigana for everything. Very useful.
Also are mining decks a meme? What's the verdict on that? I'm more than halfway through the core 6k deck.
So how did you jump from unofficial to getting a paycheck?
There are so many video games I want to play that I really don't care that much if I pass on one because of a shit localisation or whatever, I'm not some autist that would go to ridiculous lengths for a fucking game
What other games have you played?
Yes, that's why I'm just switching over to playing the original Japanese versions in general.
It's hard to start again after stopping.
I haven't finished any games in Japanese yet but I'm also playing through Final Fantasy 3 and attempting to play through Steins;gate but that ones really hard.
Learnimg moon language is too hard and time consuming for just playing obscure jrpgs from 20 years ago, not worth desu I'd rather learn something else
I can already tell you’re never gonna make it
A small company liked my stuff and asked me to translate for them. Since then I've bounced around and now I'm doing small games. It's not as interesting as some people might think though (was at first, but it didn't last), I'm currently taking steps to get out of the industry.
That's nice to hear. From what you've shared thus far I was really surprised to see Steins;Gate there. It sounds way out of place compared to the others, difficulty wise. But truth be told I haven't played it. I imagine it would have a lot of scientific terms, is that correct?
Oh is that so? Where do you plan on heading from here on out?
/x/ here, you can learn to be fluent in Japanese but it's gonna cost ya
Already did it with English
I haven't gotten it that far in it, but I would assume a lot of scientific terms would be in katakana anyways
Want to get into computer networking.
Oh dear.
>tfw you watched so much anime you became fluent in Japanese
> but I would assume a lot of scientific terms would be in katakana anyways
Well they can also come out as really fucked up 4+ kanji words. Like 特殊相対性理論.
Literally me
Did you realize you talk like a Japanese high school girl yet?
>I would assume a lot of scientific terms would be in katakana anyways
Not really, no. Science terms are primarily kanji compounds and S;G also has a whole bunch of chuuni speak that's often kanji heavy as well, to say nothing of the (mostly outdated) memes. Unless you're absolutely confident I wouldn't go into it unless you've already watched the anime or played it in English once before.
yes, i am! what can i do young asian lady?
Damn son. Well I haven't even got far enough to run into those and its already too hard so I'll probably just stick to SMT4 and similar difficulty games for now.
Sad to hear that the magic is gone but, even if in a smaller scale, I kind of know how exhausting this sort of stuff can be. I hope you manage to shift careers successfully.
Oh god no, not in chemistry.
I'm sorry I was really not trying to discourage you. Please stop reading my posts I'm awful at supporting people.
I don't really use Japanese that much so it's mostly still a broken mess
I still like using Japanese for myself though, and occasionally doing some fan translations at least. And talking about translation and localization on Yea Forums.
Me after I give up on learning Japanese
I mean if you know enough Kanji words like that can be potentially figured out
I know this means special
I know this means theory
This is the only tricky part. I know each of the kanji’s meanings (mutual + opposite/equal + sex/nature) and their readings but I’d be hard pressed to say you could figure out that this means relativity.
Not him, but same here. I've been using it for a while to read things and play games, but I rarely actually write it, so my conversational skills aren't as good as they could be.
I don't want to learn Japanese. Why don't I want to learn Japanese? Can someone tell me? I like Japan and all but I don't care to learn a new language. Actually, I don't care about much at all anymore. Why don't I care about things? I just want peace and quiet. I want to forget. I don't drink, though. Why don't I like doing anything?
Yes, but I cannot stand the Japanese language.
A trillion different kanji, each with 10 different readings.
It's not impossible.
>相対 is relative
>性 is nature
>Therefore, this is the nature of being relative. Or, relativity.
Not that I'd have known it without looking up 相対, I'm just saying.
You've never felt fulfilled so you don't know what you're missing out on.
Remember that you can't fully learn Japanese by just reading and consuming, and most westerners who know how to play complex vidya in Japanese can't communicate better than a Japanese 4 year old.
If your goal is only to understand media then carry on but a lot of people have the misconception that knowing how to read means they also know how to communicate and that's incredibly damaging and incorrect in almost all cases, and leads to embarrassments they aren't even aware of because Japanese people will say 日本語上手ですね to virtually everything and everyone.
based and blackpilled
The worst part is you know the sentence you shat out is wrong but you don't know how to really fix it
I'm autistic about localization changes, bad localizations, and no localizations, so I taught myself Japanese. I'm not as autistic about changes anymore since I've learned quite a bit about translation and localization, but I still find comparing localizations with the original text neat.
Oh yeah for sure, that’s why I was saying words like that can be figured out if you know enough kanji. I’m in between N3 and N2 level so I’m sure someone with more knowledge would have easily figured out that word and others
Sci;Adv are among the harder VNs. Not just because of the scientific jargons, but also that the way it's written.
Not sure how to put it but it's more like a proper novel compared the other galges, so the sentences are a bit harder to understand.
Well I think everyone is aware that input and output are two different skillsets and being amazing at input doesn't necessarily translate into being amazing in output.
I'm dumb and misread your post. Sorry about that.
Can you guys apply a similar logic with the one in this post though?
我学中文因为中国 numba won
>a trillion different kanji each with 10 different readings
The average kanji has 2, maybe 3 readings. On-yomi is almost always used when the kanji is part of a larger word and kun-yomi is used when the kanji is on its own. Knowing the 1000 most common kanji will get you to N2 level which is more than enough to play games, watch tv, read manga, etc as long as you have N2 level grammar and vocab knowledge as well. Beginners always get scared off by kanji when really the longer you study it, the faster and easier it gets
化合物 is easy enough, but 複素環式 would fuck me without a dictionary because I'd have no idea what "Double/compound elementary ring type" was.
Tiananmen square 1989
What the fuck is a heterocyclic compound anyways