WHERE IS IT Yea Forums???!!

Attached: DUKE98.webm (726x366, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: DNF1.webm (720x480, 291K)

Somehwere hidden in Randy's sex dungeon.

I've got it bro. What do you want to see?

show me you fighting in the red fire ant enemys, webm preferably

Attached: DNF2.webm (720x480, 1.17M)

Got a build from July 2002. Army Ants were cut during the switch to UE in 1999.

holy fuck... show a gameplay... ANYTHING.. OR THE M16... ANYTHING, PLZ

How the fuck did you get a build???

you got this one??

Attached: 0pcgames1.jpg (367x276, 39K)

show me gus, you got discord btw?

Attached: dp.png (1025x717, 524K)

Lol that's from the 2003 gameplay video.... ALTHOUGH... that quality is fucking nuts on it... do you got any of the blue hud??

Attached: Image7.jpg (2286x1226, 99K)

not really buying it... you could be lieing

what part of the hud?

Attached: bluehud.png (410x161, 60K)

Not lying. Friend works at Gearbox. They have it all on the company servers.

Attached: dnf2001.png (274x103, 2K)

holy... fucking shit.... can you show an infected EDF??.... or a first person weapon?? golden desert eagle... shotty?? ANYTHING??

You gotta have discord dude, what is it??

i wanna see some gameplay, fucking please. i need to see some gameplay of this.. show you firing a weapon, i waited 20 years, randy will never release this fucking thing, i beg you. hell only show the HUD animated if you gotta, just show me some gameplay shit...

be an internet legend and fucking leak this thing... PLEASE... for the love of god Lol

Gearbox had plans to release it but some psycho kid named Austin kept harassing them and so all plans were put on hold. They think if they release unfinished content people with harass them for the "real thing".

Attached: DNWP2.png (1024x768, 522K)

that's horseshit lol, how did they find out?? and whose austin?? where does that duke picture come from??

can you see the casino at all?

Attached: 10.jpg (1024x768, 713K)

Actual Gearbox employee here. I work for the publishing arm under Steve Gibson. There are no current plans for Duke Nukem Forever content to be re-released. While we have secured a license from 2K giving us the ability to reissue this content alongside other offers including Duke Nukem Forever as it existed in 2002, UnrealED, and other behind the scenes content we have decided that it is best to focus on Duke Nukem 3D due to the positive reception Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour received.

The view is that this content is primarily a novelty for a small group of fans and doesn't appeal to consumers on a broad scale. This is the directive from the top. You can voice your opinion through our contact form and this feedback will be seen by management but otherwise do not expect this content to see the light of day anytime soon.

Where is this contact form?


So you mean to tell me.... this entire time older DNF content was passed alongside to gearbox to be released... for nearly 20 years we've waited... and now it's not coming out because of sales.. and randy being a piece of shit, that's just great. i love life.

If you're legit then that's fucking stupid

show gameplay webm

Last year a compilation of Duke Nukem titles that would have included this content was on the books to go in to pre-production but focus shifted. It's not uncommon for production pivots and in this case the justification was to focus on an existing product and update it further.

Sales speak volumes and direct future plans. The company has secured the appropriate permissions and license to release this content as part of a commercial collection and as such it may still happen in future but as of now there's no movement.

can you show the hud animated at all??

will it still be released in 2020, atleast?

Don't hold your breath. Currently it's not even a consideration internally. There's a focus on updating Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour and that's everything I'm aware of concerning the Duke Nukem franchise.

i wanna see an infected EDF gettin shot

ah well.... guess DNF 2001 will just die on the shelf it was developed on, thanks anyways nigger

From what I've seen it's not "DNF 2001" you'd be interested in.

can we atleast see some gameplay of this fucking thing for once? it's not the second coming of christ goddamnit, it's a fucking video game, let's go.

You don't voice the opinion of the people, what you see doesn't matter in the eyes of the people that want it so desperately, me included. the amount of "stuff" it has is irrelevant, it's the fact of it COMING OUT that matters, not it's weight, that's were randy doesn't get it at.

>we have decided that it is best to focus on Duke Nukem 3D due to the positive reception Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour received
So what exactly does that mean? More ports of Duke 3D on future platforms? A remake? More episodes added to World Tour? It seems weird that the current plan is to just to continuously lean on a single game to keep the franchise relevant.

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the fuck is that bullshit? get it out of here, i want 2001, 2002, and 1998 stuff specifically.

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i wanna see an infected EDF soldier gettin shot, the ego on duke's hud decreasing, an NPC, fucking anything, you can ATLEAST do that.

The intent of my message was that I have been able to view some of this content and during 2001 a lot of it was rudimentary blockouts and unfinished content. It's not until mid to late 2002 it took shape in to something more resembling a playable game.

If you want to voice your opinion feel free to use the company contact form: gearboxsoftware.com/contact

I'll do you one better, here's the email of the head of publishing: [email protected]

hey thanks buddy

gimme dat squirting porn backup

Attached: Randy.png (338x335, 102K)

makes the most sense, i just don't see why randy would include both variants so people can play both of them and see the differences; he could also notify the OG devs who worked on it and give them the share of the profits that it makes, this is easy money here.

question If there's a legit former gearbox dev here, how finished the DNF game that got shown in 2001? 80 percent?

can you show a screenshot of a gun from 2001?

In 2001 it wasn't finished at all. From what I've seen there's a half dozen scripted playable sections and the rest is what you could call "walkable". It exists but they're first passes, blockouts, plans for content yet to be developed. Placeholder assets, no enemy placements, no scripting.

I haven't been able to sit down and go through everything but I have seen a handful of builds. Content from mid to late 2002 is more playable and polished. In no way would I call it "80% complete" but you can sit down, load a few maps and play them as if it were an actual game. I couldn't put a specific percentage on how 'complete' it is. It varies, there's sections of fully playable areas complete with map transitions, objectives, and polished scripting and other areas that do nothing more than present developer messages stating the intent of the map while being able to walk around in it until you get to the next trigger to load the next map.

Do you have any affiliation with the 3D Realm team? Is it true that there are hidden disc backups of DNF in their old office? I'm not a bulglar and i would never commit unlawful entry, but if there were enough incentive someone who lives near that area just might...

hmm.. can we atleast see some type of showcase of this kinda stuff maybe? or dev commentary on it?.. a live stream? fucking anything?

there should be no reason why this stuff can't be shown ATLEAST... on a livestream or something.. at the very least for fucks ' sake.

like one of those

Attached: 25.png (1280x1024, 780K)

so even by 2002 the game is not finished even the ending and final boss is not implemented yet before the development got restarted in 2003? is the 2003 version not even 50% finished?

2003 was the beginning of an art transition due to the implementation of a new lighting system. It's not comparable to content from 1999 - 2002.

There'd be no profit in that. There were no legal issues concerning Duke Nukem 3D development material and that hasn't been released either. Gearbox have no interest in doing anything unless there's money to be made.

>Ego bar
I'm surprised Randy hasn't released this yet, it's basically a game about him.

Attached: onrailsdonkeyride.png (685x531, 835K)

that's from the goddamn trailer, i want some REAL shit, webm, mp4, anything.

The Slick Willy level has no magical squirting porn mini-game so Randy can't be that interested.

show me the tripmine

REAL SHIT!!! Nothing like low quality webm clips of unfinished 20 year old pre-alpha content!!! If you want it go ask Randy on Twitter. He might be in the middle of a cocaine fueled high and upload it for you.

he has been asked countless times in the past, one right now wouldn't matter at all.

Attached: shrink.png (687x531, 625K)

was that screenshot taken with an old disposable camera and converted to digital before being enlarged 500%? looks like blurry ass shit

Somewhere in Randy Pitchford's basement

Attached: Randy_Pitchford.jpg (700x655, 377K)

If you agree to be his piss drenched gimp for 12 months he'll give you whatever you want! Randy gave me DNF 2001: AMA!

Real shit

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So why isn't this shit in the wild? Even something that wasn't that popular like City of Heroes got leaked in the wild.

that's fuckin a picture from the DNF art book lmao, i want something new from 2001, like gus

>They think if they release unfinished content people with harass them for the "real thing".
Retards, no one is screaming at volition for a full saints row psp.

I think you're full of shit I don't think you work for Gearbox or any other division under them. In the past we've had 2 people post DNF 01 content. One was just some asshole that got a few screengrabs of Frederick Scrihber doing a livestream of the content. The other one was a guy who leaked some stuff onto here last year. Various people own this type of content so you could just be making this "I work at Gearbox we aint doing shit with Duke! lololo" bullshit up. If you're still reading this thread post an actual gameplay video of the 2001 content the one with the blue hud to prove it and show your desktop that you have supposed "access" to Gearboxs shared severs that have this shit. Otherwise Fuck right off.

Attached: cumfun.png (261x151, 4K)

open the goddamn folder, the duke one, i wanna see this bitch

Attached: gus.png (688x531, 726K)

ahahaha nice try but no

But, they were cut during the switch to Unreal.

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Still not buying it anyone could just make those folders on their desktop. There's probably nothing in them. Again post an actual gameplay video/webm of it with sound then I'll believe you.

1998 era model. plz post reel shiit bro

nothing "reel shiit" gonna happen until Randy releases the files

show inside the casino

Attached: 7.png (1280x1024, 522K)

I never claimed to have access to a shared Gearbox server. I viewed several builds from an archive sent to Gearbox by 3D Realms a couple of years ago. I can't share what I don't have. Just relaying information as it stands. You may not believe me now but you probably will by 2020 when you've yet to see any of this content and Gearbox Publishing make their plans for World Tour public.


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i have the theme stuck in my head now

Attached: keypad.png (686x532, 584K)

show me the outside of vegas, like this. but i wanna see it animated ffs

Attached: 5.png (1280x1024, 879K)

I have the DNF art book. Not in there.

Well explain to me where the outside picture you posted above came from then. I'm sure that you've had to have saved other pictures and media from the DNF builds in other formats such as a webm or something. Also if Gearbox really isn't planning on releasing this content anytime soon why the fuck cant they then make a youtube video that shows it off? In the 2011 version there's tons of cut content that is shown hell there's a gameplay video from 2003. Why cant they just do that to placate the fans that have waited over 2 decades for this stuff?

look in the WAAAAY back you nutsack, it's like 2000 / 1999 it's the Balls Of Steel Limited Edition Guide PG.395

calm down autismo, nobody has the files

i have the files, of the 2011 build

me too pal, i can't even erase it

Attached: outsidevegas.png (687x531, 699K)

showing off more trailer screenshots cause he doesn't have it lolol

>this retard is still posting trailer stills and screens that were avaliable to the public
You people are so fucking gullible, holy shit. Stop giving him attention.

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nah bro. i just took that screenshot. i found the build hidden in randys magic trick folder


I can recite that trailer word for word and sound for sound. When I opened the extras on my Duke Nukem: MP and saw the trailer for the first time as a 12 year old boy I watched it over and over again and I remember telling my dad I wanted to buy Duke Nukem Forever when it came out. He passed away in 2009 so he never got to see the abomination it became. Thanks for pirating game for me as I grew up, dad. I remember the BB boards you frequented and the couriers you met from germany to pirate floppy disks and cds before internet came around.

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Not happening. That was more than 12 months ago. Contact Gearbox directly and ask about it.

i wanna see this but a webm of it, no balls.

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It looked so kino

thats a doom 3 mod bro.

being THIS fucking stupid

nah man i play it all the time. the mod is called captain autisms adventure through the sharting ass

Is Gearbox even aware of the petition that was made to release this content?


a duke game in 2019 would be so cucked

y'all gay lmao

interesting shit
i bet Randy asked Gabe if he would allow the hl2 beta dropship design to reuse it circa 2005

Attached: fzd_duke_39.jpg (900x589, 159K)

>hl2 beta
another game that was better in its beta

You think they give a shit about a random change.org petition?

for comparison

Attached: Dropship_concept0.jpg (700x620, 603K)

>it's been 8 years since DNF released
>it'll be another 8 until we get a new game

Attached: feelsnuke.jpg (503x540, 23K)

>implying there'll ever be a Duke game with today's political climate

piss loving bastard

there are games released that have worse things in them than the Duke games have done

under Randy, the game would be a flower picking sim

>Randy "Squirting is Magic" Pitchford

Attached: 1529444616408.jpg (450x450, 28K)

What a productive way of spending man hours, what exactly are you doing to this re-release (which has been completed and is already out) from a game from fucking 1993?

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dont have to worry cause it aint gon happen

I know you guys are thirsty for never before seen content from your favorite games and since we're getting nowhere with DNF, I've got a shit ton of inside knowledge on the HL2 Beta.
I can't provide a download unless you want to play around with the broken leak, the fully restored beta is gone because the authentication server is no longer in existence but I can still answer questions and talk about stuff that's not on any wikis about the cut content and shit. I've got stuff that not even stuff that the Russian team was aware of.
I still have 1,300 scrapped maps from the beta if anyone wants to mess around with them but YMMV. About 500 of them are either test maps or duplications.

okay Scart^

post a scan or something. i have the art book that came with the game.

nobody gives 2 fucks about HL2 beta bullshit, that's 1,300 scrapped maps that DESERVE to be scrapped.


full of shit confirmed. what a fag


way ahead of you bro.

plz randy gib dnf

Attached: niggar.png (588x264, 27K)

Randy here! Got some spare time from Borderlands 3 development! AMA!

Attached: CuHtNgEVMAEUyyp.jpg (901x1200, 141K)

when will you kill yourself?

As a God-like figure that inspires billions of players around the world I will never deprive them of entertainment and positive energy by ending my own life. Your assertion that I should kill myself leaves me to believe something happened to you as a young child. Did someone hurt you? Seek help.

Attached: borderlands_keyart.jpg (1000x563, 734K)


If my plans change regarding taking my own life I will announce it on stage at E3.

thanks Randy, very cool!

ITT: Larpers, gullible fools, and things that never happened

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Agreed everything posted in here was all bullshit even the so called employee who works for "insert company here" shit. To this day we still can't just have one of these leaking bastards show off some actual gameplay of this old content.

Don't expect any Duke Forever development material anytime soon. Gearbox have no interest in fan petitions and don't see value in content that has to be combed through so a handful of fans can see it. Feel free to contact Gearbox and express your interest. gearboxsoftware.com/contact


That link doesn't help out a whole lot, there's tons of email recipients you can send messages to and probably all of them have nothing to do with the Duke Nukem franchise. Also even if fans messaged more through Gearboxs website no one will read any of our messages anyways especially if this is the way they want to treat fans by ignoring them and charging for shit that should be released for free.

The license they have from 2K is commercial. They can't release the content for free as it must be tied to a commercial release.

If that's true then I don't see why they cant just rerelease Duke3D World Tour or better yet World Tour with the Megaton edition expansion content with ALL the DNF material from 1998 - 2006 as an extra bonus. This way you still make money since you have the Duke3D recognition and you please ALL Duke fans those that wanted those expansions with Duke3D World Tour and those that want the DNF early content as well. It would be a huge selling point if you did it that way. I honestly see nothing wrong with this so if you're still the guy who "works" for Gearbox let them know this idea and see what they say.

Attached: 1554996117326.jpg (593x1002, 199K)


This information is outdated. There is no collection in production that will include Duke Nukem Forever or related material. There is however an update in development for World Tour to bring the Megaton expansions over.

why do you want a bad unfinished 20 year old video game

You make it sound easy. The archive delivered to Gearbox Software from 3D Realms is a series of builds of the game taken from old development system backups over the years. Anything released would have to be cleaned up, scrubbed of personal information or content that may have issues relating to legality such as the Megadeth version of Grabbag or placeholder content, ensured that there are no license issues, quite possibly cleared with Epic as it uses the Unreal Engine, cleared by legal to ensure there's nothing within that could cause issues or breach of contract for old tech licensed over the years, and more.

It's not a matter of "just releasing it". These are snapshot builds that include source code and content not for public consumption. There's also the matter of having it run properly on modern systems.

As it stands there's not enough interest or value in focusing on old work in progress content from almost 20 years ago. A Duke Nukem collection from Gearbox would not include ports of the console titles or anything beyond the core games and titles already on PC (Duke 1 & 2, 3D & expansions, Manhattan Project, Forever).

i hav all fielz. here is screenshot never before seen 1!!

Attached: trailerscreencapo.png (800x592, 340K)

How stupid are you

>wait forever for DNF
>3DR falls apart
>Gearbox gets IP
>DNF finally released
>nothing like what you got hyped for
>IP is basically ded
>who knows if Duke will ever live again
being a Duke fan is suffering

So you mean to tell me since the time Frederik Schreiber sent all this stuff to Gearbox NOTHING has been done to any of the old Duke Content? If this content was on the books and in development how has nothing been done to any of it for the past 2 years then? I've been hearing these same responses for a long time now that legal issues, problems on modern OS etc. I thought all this was cleaned up and done already and you guys just needed to decide when to release it? Also was any of what Frederik Schreiber said in this picture true or was it all lying bullshit?

Attached: Fred.png (1010x199, 37K)

The content was looked through and that's about it. The collection was never in development, it was "on the books" as an upcoming project with preliminary pre-production work done on it that was limited to securing a commercial license from 2K to include Duke Nukem Forever and content related to it in a compilation and some conversations with staff at Gearbox about how it could be presented in such a compilation.

It was never in development, it was limited to plans and discussions. Publishing pivoted and now there's no action on that front. The legal issues you reference were likely regarding publishing rights with 2K, that has been worked out. That doesn't mean that it can be released as-is...it runs on Unreal Engine, which means dealing with Epic, it uses Meqon physics, it uses a licensed dynamic LOD system, it features the Megadeth rendition of the theme that cannot be included, it's a snapshot of development packed with placeholders and source content. It needs work.

>has to mention that the porn he's looking at is specifically super legal
Not suspicious at all, Randy

Wait, really?
That's awfully tempting...

God.. if all of what you're saying is true then this is one of the most disappointing and horrible things I've read in a long time. Myself and thousands of other fans have been waiting for YEARS to see this content and got really excited after I seen those tweets that Randy posted about the collection being worked on, but to hear this that all of it was just looked at and nothing done with it is just awful. I still want to know though did Frederick Schreiber lie about the 2001/2002 build of the game being 90% done with 12 to 14 hours of gameplay or could you actually play that much of the game?

not that guy but nobody cancels a game that is "90% done", i think he is exaggerating

90% was absolutely an exaggeration. To put it as simply as possible 2001 content was a handful of playable segments mixed in with more completed sections of playable content, 2002 has many fully scripted and setup playable levels in comparison and represents what I hope is eventually released in that you can sit down and play huge portions of it. The most noteworthy part of what I've seen in regards to the 2002 content is there's no ending. There's a setup for it but it's more or less just an idea involving world monuments in space. Everything in-game is walkable and represented, a lot of it is playable but in no way is it 90% complete. I wouldn't say Frederik was lying more so exaggerating. The pieces are there but it's not like a near-complete game.

>Randy's Piss Porn Backup

I figured as much 2002 sounds just as great compared to 2001, is there at least anything that can be shown off without running into a legal issue? a gameplay webm, or an animated HUD, a gun, ANYTHING?

why are you so desperate to see a shitty unfinished video game?

Because it's a part OF video game history, you retard

so? why do you care? it looks pretty bad

obviously you care too or you wouldn't be here :^)

Yea Forums isn't a board dedicated to duke nukem forever discussion

but this thread is, you moron

way to avoid the question
get over it and move on with your life, there's nothing more pathetic than kids whining for scraps from developers, especially when it isn't actually a good game

I was also wondering is this the version that is the late 2002 build or is it the 2003 one? Is this the version that was the most complete one? Or is it the 2001 era stuff that was more complete?

Attached: 2002.jpg (688x487, 59K)

>move on
after you

2001 is a mix of unfinished blockouts and small segments of gameplay while the 2002 builds are capable of actually being played for the most part.

You can't expect someone to go in to their place of work, check out a build, and sit there and capture footage to post on Yea Forums. That would be a great way to get fired.

i dont care about duke nukem forever

who posted that hud picture then?

That screenshot is from 2003 after the new lighting system was implemented. In a few ways the 2003 builds are a continuation of what was seen from 1999 - 2002 but development became more about updating art assets to make the most of the rendering tech due to real time lighting and shadows. They had to generate maps for all the textures and light all the levels, the game looked like ass.

mid-late 2002 is absolutely what people should have interest in. I would be bothered if Gearbox Publishing decided to focus on the "E3 2001" build instead of this content.

While nothing is in production that will result in the release of this content the footwork to enable a legal path to release has been done in that Gearbox holds a sub-license from 2K giving them a path to release it alongside a commercial reissue of Duke Nukem Forever as part of a collection.

All interested people can currently do is either wait or reach out to Gearbox and express your interest in seeing this content either on Twitter, or the Gearbox contact form, or by contacting someone in charge of decision making. Steve Gibson heads the publishing arm of Gearbox and would be the person worth talking to: [email protected]

usually when people talk about the '2001 build' they mean basically whatever between the trailer and when the new lighting system was implemented

Does DNF 2002 still retain this older look of 2001 aswell? is the M16 with the american flag still in the game? or did it get replaced with that ugly ass pulse rifle? if so, that sucks a ' cock, because the M16 was badass

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I see I always thought that version kinda looked like shit as well like it was a bad Doom 3 clone or something. For that 2002 build can you actually drive the motorcycle and go to different hubs and the subway like Frederick Schreiber said you could? Does this version also always have those biker gloves that duke is wearing in the picture?

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Another actual Gearbox employee here.

Sorry about the shaders in the Halo 1 port.

How much squirting cam girl porn have you had to delete in your career so far?

Randy is blocking it's release because he isn't done milking his IP rights for all its worth. There was even that E3 rumor that Duke is gonna be shoved into Borderlands 3. Fake as shit but it might actually happen.

Hilarious that in nearly 10 years all Gearbox has done in re-release Duke Nukem 3D with less content than any release of it in the past decade. Thanks for saving Duke, Randy!

motorcycle part looks fucking lit

shut the ass up


i'll light your nutsack on fire

sounds awesome. personally i like soaking my arm in kerosene and fist fucking goats but ill try the nutsack fire fist deluxe next time round

i want you to die in a ratpack

oh my god that sounds awesome. ive always had vivid sexually charged dreams involving rats. plz senpai i want to be devoured and be one with the rat

hidden duke nukem secret. if you approach a stripper with a rat there is an option to insert.

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You dont have anything, you faggot

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fuckin troll kys

douk thread?

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I hope you get ebola you fuck.

>We felt like we weren't referencing Army of Darkness enough.

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they could have googled for the fucking years of release

plz gib dnf bildz fredderick or rando

what the fuck is google?