Why is mario party so fucking retarded

why is mario party so fucking retarded

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because yorsh broke the streak
gj faget

Alright, lets have some good fun and clever plays!

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You know it's gonna happen

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I cant wait to see Dong lose AGAIN

Nerf Peach already

>why is mario party so fucking retarded
Like Obviously Mario Excites Losers Like Idiots

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because of your asshole friend who steals your controller makes you say no to the star and then strangles you with the cord

can haha win?

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its his turn for a winning streak

No, he wins too often!

Toadette is a great addition to the game

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It was made by Hudson Soft, as you can see they are no longer around.

Toad and Wario is a great team

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I bet they like gooigi even more

Wtf women are based now?

they only prefer him because he's taller than Mario

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I guess it's up to weeg to make sure yoshicucks don't get executed once again

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why does he have three hands?

MP7 games with nonsensical teams are boring as fuck. There's nobody to root for or against.

also he's literally super rich
at the end of DM2 he had statues of solid gold covered in precious gemstones plus his low-rank "mansion" from LM1
and has a ghost dog
and he's kinda beta-y
perfect for a woman to walk all over and get to defend her

>october 2018

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>pairing Yorsh with Weege
maybe he'll bring Luigi down enough that it is a fair fight

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FUCK yoshi

>I'm here to fuck bitches with communism & save E3

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Why is he stealing the money

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for the drama, of course

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>Still upset about tits
Come on man, let it go already


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Fuck off 1f56

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We need a revolution in the mushroom queendom

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Dude, you are obsessed.

Did you buy his game?

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Fallout new vegas? Yeah.

She didn't cheat the game was rigged from the start

maybe a 1st place win might convince me to purchase an Amiga CD 32 version of Skyrim

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theres no orgies , fucking hail hitler

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This is the optimal retardy party teams

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T-trick question... right Todd-kun?

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wasn't she working for the joker?

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what is this faggot zoomer circlejerk thread
kill yourselves

Please don't cry.

which mario party has the best sourdtrack and why is it MP3?

MP3 seems to have the not the greatest boards though. Not that many and the gimmicks are kind of dull.

mp4 though

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Git luky, lol.

Can team green win?

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No, yoshi has done nothing but hold weeg back the entire game.

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>dem bethesda game sure look great at full price

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That is all Yoshit ever does.

Where is mario?

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Ask Bowsette

Todd is once again at an impasse.

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he will escape

>Wario wins AGAIN

Buy his game



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dangit, Fine, I'll even post the receipt

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Todd needs to be saved

He died!


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Post skyrim receipts to save him

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>wario wins
>everything goes to hell
Even the victories are short lived.

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I feel sooo filthy for purchasing his game

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There's only enough money for one jew around here!

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And yet the year of Luigi was their biggest financial backset ever.
Female gamers don't know shit.

>stream is kill
>Toad has my money & my self respect
>at I have my-oh...did this right after the last stream

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It's not fair, it was his turn.

You have been Visited by Heavenly Petey
Petey knows the Party has ended, and will
Peacefully end your life in your sleep soon
But only if you reply with
"Kill me Petey"

Attached: Heavenly Petey.png (226x220, 46K)

Did you at least put the boxes in a safe container

the world will NEVER know

Goddamned hackerman.

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I just got here. What happened to stream?

Lom was too lazy to turn his fan off properly, so he used his hand to stop it, and moments later the power in his whole block shut off.

Go to harrisonos
Lum is ded

Because 8 was so fucking terrible it killed the series forever

>Bard of Breath
He destroys through freedom?

eggs destroy freedom

Lom sticked his hand into a ceiling fan and died.

You mean 9 right?

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what the absolute fuck is going on here
why is there homestuck posting

mario retardy thread
for a mario retardy stream
but if they're overt about it it gets deleted
so they make the OP inconspicuous and then shitpost to bump

But Bards are supposed to allow destruction through their aspect, not destroy the aspect itself

Which one is it that you have to land on an actual mini game tile


Yeah MP9 took out the “minigame happens after everyone takes their turn” and forces you to land on a space. Not sure if 10 does this as well

it does
10 is just 9 but worse after all


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