CTR: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled

CTR thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Brio Basement track soon

>Emulators not included.
Shame on you.

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Crunch, main bad guy Wrath of Cortex, later ally in CNK/CTTR

Zem, Zam, other aliens from N. Oxide's planet, not much else to them than that. Zem burps a lot.

Krunk, Geary, Small/Big Norm, Nash, Bosses from CNK. Krunk is from Terra aka fake earth, Nash is from Barin, a snow planet, Small/Big Norm are from Fenomena which is a desert planet and Geary is from Teknee, a robot planet.

N. Trance, master of hypnotism is from Crash 2: N-Tranced on GBA. In that game he turns coco and crunch against crash and you have to beat all three of them plus N. Tropy.

Real Velo - Velo is the emperor of the galaxy who forces you to race in Crash Nitro Kart. Once you 101% the game, he's revealed to be in a robot suit and is actually that guy, Fake Velo is as yet unrevealed for CTRNF

That should cover all the bases for non-trilogy characters.

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I still believe the Gem Cup rewards are Brio, Kong, Moe, Fake Velo, and Fake Crash.

Yaya is in, just wait and see!

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You're a big boy get your own fucking emulators
I'm not going to put something in that will be out of date in 3 days I don't have the energy to keep up with that shit

Thank you, based user.

>emulate the original after not playing in so many years
>suck 1000 dicks at it

Do you think he's okay?

>2 threads got pruned
how long will this one stay

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>Nina not in, pic very related.

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I hope Small Norm is completely silent. No grunts or anything. Would be neat to just be able to take in the kart sounds and music during time trials.


I wish wrath of cortex had more time because it's a good game that could be significantly better, the level themes are great and often never used more than 2 times.

At least you can emulate Crash, I don't think you can emulate PSX Spyro thanks to that anty piracy bullshit they did.

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>Intentionally gimps game and takes everything fun out of it because his child sucked at Transformed
>Gets upset over a game that doesn't treat its fanbase like babies
>Gets upset over a game that is a love-letter to even some of the obscure characters in a franchise
>Gets upset because the game had a lot bigger budget (a budget he could've given to Sumo Digital but decided he wants to turn straw into gold like some fairytale)
Just give Sonic to someone who is competent, holy shit. This guy is a fucking moron.

You can these days, it was an anti-modchip feature for chipped PSX's back in the day. Emulators that are accurate enough don't run into the same problems.

what is this expression supposed to convey

Attached: ami crash.webm (1150x647, 2.69M)

>tropy and penta racing each other a lap ahead of everyone else
>getting hit by clocks and orbs being spammed by HONK! the Zem Main, purposely staying in the last place
>tropy and penta are now a mere half lap ahead as a result
>they ragequit and go contribute to the 500 karma post on reddit about how the game should have a no items mode
>final lap
>HONK! is now plowing through everyone with multiple masks, honking, snorting and burping all the way
>runs off the track so he can finish to the scat porn he's been listening to
>crash, who doesn't know which button is jump, wins

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The Gamecube era wasn't that bad.

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has user finished those drawings that he said he would do in the last thread?

Oh that's nice, thanks user.

she found her prey

It's hard to follow perfection. For CB1, Naughty dog got softballed on making it shitty in some aspects because it was so new, but for 2-CTR they smashed the fuck out of it. Everyone else had to live in their shadow and with increasingly fucked dev cycles to top them. Crash Nitro Kart isn't bad, but it cannot possibly compare to the fucking perfection that is CTR, Wrath of Cortex got gimped because of shit dev situations and could have been the crash 4 it needed to be. CTTR I just don't like.

Why they got deleted?

Huge Adventure and N-Tranced are good transitions to 2D but I don't really love the sphere levels from WoC being put in it because they made them way too long in N-Tranced. Also, CNK on GBA has way more playable characters than the console version.

>she sees your dick

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She cute.

Which one is the Italian? I'm-a gonna-a main-a her-a SPAGHETTI.

I've honestly always seen the CTR bosses as neutral, hence why they stand in your way even if you're playing an Uka Uka aligned character. That they use Uka masks when you play as them struck me as a "bonus character" afterthought.



no one replied to the tiermaker op and died
the Coco op got deleted for some reason

She's thinking pic related

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Isabella is my wife, you can't main her. She's mine.

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Coco is too hot for Yea Forums.

>kong and Moe

Nina's gonna be one of em. Sure we're getting Tag Team Racing stuff, that probably just means Pasadena, Von Clutch and maybe Willie.

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They're going to have to do some serious work on the CTTR tracks to make them work for CTR cause they're total shit in comparison.

Is it really Velo Mask's theme or Uka Uka's CNK theme?

TSR could easily be salvaged with some additional tracks and characters. The fact that Sega looked at the end result and said “good enough” is what’s disheartening. Maybe they will rethink their plan for no additional content. But I doubt it.

Based Coco poster.

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baby crash and baby coco are going to be regular infant bandicoots pre-evolvo ray

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I feel like we'll just get tracks aesthetically inspired by the sections of the theme park but with completely original track layouts. Hopefully no literal piles of shit.

Good, can't wait for the fanart.

Definitely the Velo theme.

I can accept Von Clutch since he looks like an egg in a similar way that N.Trance is but Willie is just way too ugly I hope he never gets in

Hopefully, I don't think beenox is so lazy as to totally recycle the CTTR content but those tracks are lacking in overall structure on top of the literal piles of shit. They need to make some real powerslide territory in them.

>Th-Thank you so much for choosing me, user!
>I-I love you!
>I know I'm turning class, but I'll try my very best!
>I'll make you lots of tasty treats!
>Eat them all!
>Were... Were you hovering over Ami?
>Were you thinking of selecting her?
>I'll kill you.

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My love for bandicoots is equal.

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idk every other dev seems to forget that the Crash world isn't inhabited by anthros and that the animal characters are mutants. Between Coco's unexplained existence and the trophy girls, even ND didn't seem to really care.

I can’t believe I’m maining Liz of all characters now. How much of online do you think will be Nitro Squad users once they’re released? I’m thinking 50 percent minimum.

>My love for Bandicunts

You had one job.

>We get a single, long track that's literally zooming around the park and its various themes

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can I have a link to this one? i only found one with lower quality pics and less characters.

>Coco's unexplained existence and the trophy girls

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why are you so fucking adorable!

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>>I'll make you lots of tasty treats!
>>Eat them all!
Fattening and forced feeding is not something I seek out, but my dick accepts it whenever we stumble upon it.

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A hyper-spaceway esque oneoff original track would be about all anyone would want or need, I think. Even CTTR fans will concede that the tracks just aren't that good.

>Yandere Megumi

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Remember to save up for those inevitable Overwatch crossover skins.

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here, dunno why there are 2 spyros and baby ts though

fuck me, I didn't think yandere megumi would make me this hard...

here's a quick isabella, just figuring out her hair shape

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I don't like what you're implying.
He's pure. PURE.

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What if her lines aren't actually recorded yet and Beenox takes this fan interpretation as a guide when recording them?

There's a couple that honestly work with no changes like Tire & Ice, Uranus' Mine, Rings of Uranus

>A quick Isabella
You call that master peace quick?
also it looks more like Tawna

God, I wish that were me.


We don't deserve you.

Give her blue eyeshadow

>My love for bandicunny.

I honestly wouldn't mind a track that's just a circle and nothing else.

>that creature on the left

When did Crash shifted from being focused on mutated animals and mad doctors into fucking aliens? Why the hell are there so many damn aliens?

yeah, that's a general problem with her, the main thing is that her bang tuck is shorter, and her hair distributed more evenly than pic related tawna

I may use a more platinum-blond hair color for her in the main picture, even if it isn't like that in the game, just to help differentiate them. I can also go with , even if she has pink eyeshadow in-game

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>implying it wouldn't be Coco and Pinstripe in first
>a random Dingodile who is competent but isn't tryhard enough to break being 3rd
>at least 2 Polars, one of which keeps falling off the track
>shitposters Zem and Krunk only there to spam items and fuck with people
>journalist Crash meanders into first place Wacky Races style

Yaya the Panda.

Nooooooo way... This guy knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

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When the dev team switched from Naughty Dog to Traveller's Tales

Brio won't make it into the game, he's too busy busting fat nuts in his castle to his creations

All the aliens are pretty much from CNK, it had an emphasis on them because the plot is basically N. Oxide ran away after being beaten by crash and gang and spread the news, then the emperor of the galaxy makes you fight all the aliens that he holds power over.

Every other game is more on the former. I guess you can argue N-Trance is an alien, if you want to call N. Tropy one as well.

when nitros oxide was introduced in the original ctr, nitro kart took the alien racers idea and ran with it

Brio is dead.

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danke doktor

Only CTR and CNK involve aliens. N-Tranced and Twinsanity if you want to include interdimensional aliens.

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Crash 3 had aliens too.


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>Naughty Dog was convinced that adding an alien would be Crash's shark-jumping moment
>even though the series has genetic engineered furries, time travel, power crystals and other such fantastical elements

sounds kino



Real Velo sounds just like Von Clutch.

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>idk every other dev seems to forget that the Crash world isn't inhabited by anthros

By what is it inhabited then? I don't recall it ever being mentioned in the original trilogy, and even during Warped (where you visit ancient egypt, the middle ages and the future) you only ever see Cortex' object motherfuckers

Fun fact: The reason why Oxide exists in CTR was because ND fed up of being treated like shit by Universal interactive, tried to kill of the Crash bandicoot IP by deliberately jumping the shark by adding an Alien because they thought no one would like it. they where gladly wrong.

I want to jizz all over that goddamn tummy and then pass out in her fat, leather-wrapped cleavage.

Which other Spyro characters are going be in his grand prix?

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All previous replies are Yea Forumsirgins, I doubt they interact with others very often irl.
That's clearly the look of a somewhat introverted/anxious person realising they're being watched/filmed so they force an awkward smile.

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Elora,Sheila or Bianca because they make pee pee hard.

best music

Man, VV's Tawna redesign really looks like fuckin' gabrage compared to the trophy girls. Especially her weirdly bloated face.

Bro, these games were some of the worst things to ever happen to the Bandicoot.

Even Titans and MOM were better games.

Most likely Hunter, Elora and Bianca

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New edit for you, Yea Forums.

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bros, I never used a ps4, how does the preorder bonus work with the physical copy? Do you get a code or something to activate it?

Probably Hunter, Elora, Ripto and Bianca. One of them is going to be a villain and Ripto is the one people like the most.

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Mostly interested in characters not in CTR to spice things up, but also sticking with my usuals from CTR minus Crash since I don't like his N. Sane design.

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I wasn't gonna jerk off this early but I GUESS I AM NOW.

Isabella is mine, she has been mine long before this remake buddy.

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immoslty the same boat, then remember crash cove , is a simple oval-ish track, cocopark an even simple layout, and tiger temple is basically avus

>Post yfw they make a Twinsanity character pack.

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who has coco bandicoot pornos

Not crazy about how the trophy girls look but at least they're all in and look better than the travesty that is the n. sane trilogy Tawna model.
I'll still stick with Coco though.

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Who will be the chad picks CTRlads? Stats don't matter in this list.

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probably Tiny, speed+zero turn is an alpha male playstyle

>Ami: "You do no user isn't to main you?"
>Megumi: "you do know you're going to end up dead in a ditch?"
> Ami: "wait what?"
>Megumi: "TE HE HE"

Ripper Roo S tier

just look at her nose

Reposting so there's at least 6 more votes

Obviously Hunter since he's the third most important character behind Spyro and Sparx. 1 or 2 animal friends, 1 or 2 waifus (Bianca, Elora) and Moneybags if they only go with 1 waifu and 1 animal friend.

The Grand Prix's name is confirmed to be "Spyro & Friends" which makes me doubt villains, otherwise I'd say Ripto is a given since everyone seems to see him as Spyro's arch-nemesis (mostly because Gnasty was barely a character, the Sorceress never even has a line of dialogue with Spyro, and post-Insomniac Spyro is worse than post-ND Crash by a long shot).

Jesus christ 6 days and it feels like 6 months... I just keep staring at my pc screen. Every fucking game feels so fucking boring while I'm waiting on CTR...

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coot snoot

bada bing

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Will she make it in?
Please tell me she will make it in.
Shes basically guaranteed...right guys?
I need my bunny waifu.

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For me, it's Baby T.

>JUSTed flat Tawna
>fat Memuni
>buff Ami
I fear how far we'll go with this in the next week.

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is this for ps4 only or eventually coming to pc?

Anyone got that image with all the released characters so far sorted by stats?

Cuckfags make it so hard for me to remain faithful to one of my old mains

It's a shame because Don Pinstripelli is fun for the whole family


A rep from the first 3 games


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Heavy speedsters

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somehow these threads have managed to get me hyped as fuck for a game that i wasn't even planning on buying a week ago.

You have completed the original CTR adventure 102% right? You have beaten all three difficulty modes in Arcade right? You have beaten the Time Trials, N. Trophy and N. Oxide ghosts right? You are ready for Nitro Fueled right?

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If you haven't already, grab a PS1 emulator like ePSX and play the original in the meantime, it's still fun as hell and holds up

Papu Papu and his tribe show that humans exist. Cortex, Brio, N. Gin, and N. Tropy are also all humans, albeit the latter 2 are weird cyborg people due to a missile accident and excessive time travel, respectively.

>that bald spot
If he is, he isn't going to be for long.

They are though, I forgot which video I watched but she passed the guy playing and spoke, she sounded Japanese which is obvious

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We know it takes place on Earth proper. Cortex and Brio did Chernobyl for crying out loud. There are normal humans in the world.
>But why aren't there
Cortex and his henchmen are trying to take the Power Crystals, they scare off all the residents leaving only the henchmen around to meet Crash.

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She has blue eyeshadow though

Ripto and one of the girls.


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yeah, I'm mildly colorblind so i didnt notice. I went back and made some changes before i move on

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looks like a goddamn asphyxiated klingon

We're hitting all tastes.

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She fared better than Elora did. Poor Elora.

Imagine what?
Amis bicepjobs?

She's the only trophy girl that still looks decent so I'll play her.

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but what if she was bigger

I'd rather image her sweaty, stinky, armpits

Weird thought: is Tropy an obj_motherfucker from the future?

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wow, look at him spin!

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Ultrahand, calm down.

They all look pretty good though, I'm just not a fan of the alternate hair styles they have for some skins. It's also the angles and lighting that make them look weird

>the top choices
nice fellow feline bro,how do i make one of those?


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I haven't pirated anything vidya related in a long time now (not interested in a lot of vidya nowadays), but I'm broke this week and a platformer would be fun. is this repack safe?

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you're a legend!

here's mine

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PS4, Xbox, Switch (?) first then PC 6 months to a year for PC


yeah, it should be, the user responsible seems to try and archive as many roms and isos as he can

If you're a good boy this Christmas, your wish may come true.
I know its still June, but Christmas in July is still a thing, right?

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How are you gonna play at all, given that you're clearly blind?

noice, thanks user!
can't wait for model rips

Did Radical Entertainment not know what a Tasmanian tiger was? I didn't either, tbqh.

Attached: Tiny.png (437x713, 332K)

Not my fault they've done a terrible job with every female bandicoot's face thus far.

Top tier taste, user.

yes it's all from a reputable private tracker plus fitgirl is well known in the pc piracy community, it will just take fucking forever to install because the repack from that person goes from 25 -> 4 GB after compression

The update is a scene release, it's newer than the repack is so you will want to apply it over it after you install.

bandicoot cunny

What exactly is wrong with them? No huge anime eyes?

Well your relentless shilling worked Yea Forums, i pre ordered it.

Shape and color. Very ugly and unappealing. Don't tell me you think Tawna's face actually looks good?

>Crash allows his sister to dress like that


I always thought Tiny was a lion but he was too stupid to realise it.

They're not perfect, sure but they aren't terrible. They could have looked a lot worse or could have been removed completely. Plus they have jiggle physics (at least ami does). But eh you do you man and have fun with Isabella, cause she IS cute I agree with that.

Here's mine
I'm so happy Megumi is playable

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After 2, Brio went around filling the world with evolved animals to make the world a better place. He becomes famous and retires a billionaire.


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will Rilla Roo make it in?

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I respectfully disagree

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How about an egg?

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Most people agree Tawna looks off; she was done by Vic Visions, not Beenox. They just re-used the model.

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I'd much prefer young Coco to baby Coco.

Eh don't get your hopes up, theres barely anything of coco and tawna and all of them look like shit. Furries dominate 2D stuff and not 3D. There's this one guy who did some great Judy animations so hopefully he does something with the bandicoots.


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This isn't what I wanted

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too many characters

>t. game freak

Honestly I don't even like the porn that much, I just wanna play the game with everyone else at release ;_;

thanks bandibros

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I mean she looks alright but yeah she needs a touch up. they need to widen her torso and give her a bigger bust

please remove half

p.s. I am not a crackpot

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Pick up a used PS4 dude

my man brio would be at the top too but he's not in

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Fuck off, Sonic Team. Beenox won't dumb its game down like you did to the Sonic Karts just so you have a fighting chance.


Fanart is just flattering in general for most of the cast

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My niggas.

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I know that picking 10 wumpa gives you a speed boost (but it's not that much right?) but to clarify, there's no boost if you have between 1-9.
Am I correct on this one?

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Huh. I didnt notice that before, and now that I look at it her nose doesn't seem long enough to warrant jiggle physics

no problem, but you should also pick up CTR while you're there and set up epsxe so you can get swept up in the excitement as well.

Crashy bandicoo

And give her wider hips. She's all thighs and no hips and it looks really weird where her shorts end.

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I am a simple man

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We need to go bigger

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Post main(s)

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She looks like she has bracers.

*Kurasshu Bandikuu

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Koukou Bandikuu

Drawfriends! I want to see some lesbian action!

That's... a really cute idea.

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As the risk of sounding entitled, I'll be a little peeved if they decide to put in literal whos like the Norms and leave out a classic Crash villain like Brio,

>Wrath of Cortex got gimped because of shit dev situations and could have been the crash 4 it needed to be.
what even makes it more upsetting is that Mark Cerny who had helped on making Crash 2 and 3, his idea for an open world was panned by universal in favor for Traveler's tales samey formula gameplay. we could've had an open world like crash game with an engine like Spyro's. I think he had worked on the engine for Spyro also? Or did he tweak it a bit I'm not sure.

Break out the butter, I'M GONNA MAKE TOAST

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I have weird tastes now that I look at it

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Grand Prix basically confirms Brio will be in, just not at launch.

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Hah, megumi’s never gonna get picked

fucking god damn piece of shit why did Liz have to be slow, now I'm gonna have to play isabelle

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liz being slow makes perfect sense. she represented pura and polar, the slow characters.
What doesn't make sense is isabelle not being all-rounder and megumi not being acceleration

I shall shoulder this myself.

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Yeah this also, Beenox if you browse these threads get on that. Fix Tawna's bust in her racer suit too

I'm guessing it will either be

>Sgt Penguin
>Agent 9

Probably the former more than the latter since they seem to be more popular. When they get a mask Sparx will probably fly around the cart

>When did Crash shifted from being focused on mutated animals and mad doctors into fucking aliens?

main series had little to no aliens, the only aliens were in the secret level Area 51? in Warped, and they were only in flying saucers.
Oxide was the only Naughty Dog alien introduced to the series and was the only alien character until N. Trance showed up
>Why the hell are there so many damn aliens?
CNK brought a shit ton of aliens cause the game was set in a distant asteroid belt, Zam and Zem were just padding to fill up Oxide's team, then the bosses. but after CNK there werent any aliens, Evil Crash is from a different dimension

Could he be... In?

Attached: I was created to suffer.png (141x292, 60K)

That was mostly post-ND. Crash prior to Oxide barely had any aliens at all.

Hunter, Elora, Ripto and Bianca are all candidates
Professor, Sheila, Byrd, Bently and Agent 9 may be a stretch, but possible future additions


Attached: ctr dingodile.gif (345x202, 1.82M)

CNK is the only good game in that image

I felt the same way, but with the confirmation of Tawna and Baby T. as DLC him and the rest are pretty much guaranteed in my eyes. Either as the gem cup rewards or in future GPs, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Beenox please make crash cuter like he was before, otherwise I only have coco & maybe spyro to play.

Attached: crashc1.png (301x275, 138K)

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Have they actually confirmed they'll be adding more Spyro characters? If they do it'll be interesting to see how they fix the models.


Attached: 1418810769067.png (256x346, 19K)

well it said somewhere "Spyro and friends"
seems to heavily imply multiple Spyro characters

The devs said the pack is called: Spyro & Friends
the title basically confirms it.

Attached: Bianca_by_KempferZero.png (708x824, 30K)

Where is rolls roo? Why have they put in so many literally who's and left out some of the best characters
Scuffed game

As someone who's traditionally mained heavies in Mario Kart, I have become used to living dangerously.

Attached: CreshRasin.png (755x411, 516K)

>I'm able to preload it on PS4
wtf bros

Crash is supposed to be a handsome lad worthy of Tawna and they missed the mark

Attached: 1556365516563.gif (294x384, 2.99M)

R8 me

Attached: my-image (4).png (1216x558, 713K)

He is going to be added with a Grand Prix event, all of which are themed, come with their own track and cosmetics and will include several characters. Baby T is going to be added in an event with a prehistoric track that also has baby Crash and baby Coco, Tawna is getting added in the first Grand Prix along with the trophy girls and international flags for customization options, etc. This is why everyone thinks there will be several Spyro characters added

RILLA Roo has been a heavily requested character, I'm sure Beenox has plans for him

Attached: Crash_Bash_Rilla_Roo.png (152x278, 57K)

Naughty Dog literally wanted to kill the franchise since their contract was ending, so they came up with Oxyde for CTR and became very surprised in knowing people still loved the game.
Goes to show how much of a bunch of spoiled twats they were even back then.

based pakistani cortex

>tfw bought physical and it's coming late
Digital chads win again..

Attached: LainBearSuit.gif (500x384, 95K)

>lainfag isn't full digital

Attached: oh hai Lain.gif (500x281, 780K)

I bought both

I have a monthly cap so I try to buy physical when I can

They should release Moneybags in the Spyro GP but make him the only character you have to pay for

Attached: moneybags-spyro-reignited-trilogy-6.52.jpg (210x240, 13K)

>lainfag with a data cap

Attached: wut.gif (875x700, 45K)

What a great idea goyim

Attached: JewishHandshake.gif (444x711, 2.65M)

What other Grand Prix stuff could they possibly add?

I can see a Crash Bash/party themed one that adds Rilla Roo, and maybe a Mad Scientist themed one that adds obj_motherfucker but other than that I don't know what else they could include

Attached: 71E9DB6D-4D28-4E32-A45E-81E36DDECDF5.png (1160x1300, 453K)

Oh and a Twinsanity/alternate dimension themed one too that adds Nina

The dreaded crossover with Overwatch, bringing its skins or characters themselves...

Attached: 1529955582.souleatersaku90_bandicoot_cosplay_5_pieni.jpg (903x1280, 518K)

Not characters but all sorts of random skins, like seasonal themes.

what the fuck is this and why is it real

Something for Yaya

what is this meme
stop with it already

Wrath of Cortex is mediocre at best, for many reasons. A few of them are nitpicks, sure, but it's a platformer with more gimmick stages than Crash 3. They were clearly cramming a bunch of shit in to the game, probably to beat a deadline.


Nah just have him cost two or three times as much as the rest of the characters.

Online connection being required to get Wumpa coins from the races and Activision being publisher, anything is possible, despite the sweet sounding promises from Beenox.

Attached: 1559077508281.jpg (1200x915, 104K)


Attached: KomodoJoe.png (553x433, 408K)

Chinese New Year?

>only 2 skins

why must I suffer

>East Asian theme
>Have Japanese Crash
>Have alt skins for the Komodo Bros where they're samurai (like their original designs)

>>Have Japanese Crash
please no....

Attached: 1497442884926.png (884x1248, 344K)

It's strange because this is one of the few game releases I've seen where it gets better and better the more news comes out. Everyone was worried that the kart mechanics wouldn't be the same, then everyone was worried that reserves wouldn't be kept, then everyone was wondering about Nitro Kart content, then everyone was wondering about the trophy girls, etc. It feels weird that nothing objectively shit has come to light yet.

anyone got the delete this image of crash in his kart?

It's not a bad game, but its flaws are pretty fatal.
>loading times
>Coco kind of sucks to play as
>more gimmick stages with worse gimmicks
>wasting one of the best casts of villains in gaming in favor of 5 fights against Crunch
>only one of those fights is any good

Coco's Norm cosplay!

Attached: Fake Coco.jpg (800x800, 47K)

>That cameltoe

Attached: 1462485824472.jpg (470x348, 19K)

Attached: 1555106221144.png (422x429, 252K)

Literally my only memory of WoC is getting my ass raped my the fire Crunch boss. I don't know how I can remember literally everything about Crash 1-CTR and most of Bash, but the entirety of WoC is a blur to me.

Attached: my-image.png (1216x558, 665K)

many thanks, user

is mascot crash actually plausible or is he just a meme

Attached: 1531067917621.jpg (2001x1118, 2.09M)

at this point nothing would surprise me

He's in.

Attached: unknown_7.png (1484x1275, 1.83M)

From what I remember the regular non-gimmick levels were all right. Not as good as what came before, but fine. All I really remember are
>castle levels where you get chased by a dragon
>lab/minecart levels
>safari levels where you get chased by rhinos in a jeep
>Coco Japan levels
>endless fucking hamsterball levels
>levels in some kind of flying vehicle where you blow up boats that are unquestionably the worst levels in the franchise

The online portion would be the so far only noticeable shit part.
Somewhere far future, Activision decides to kill the servers holding all the Wumpa coins and cosmetic stuff to host Heroes of The Storm 2.
You'll be unable to grind for coins to buy Tawna and her slutty string bikini summer skins.

Attached: 1560461811191.png (1209x676, 791K)

what you mean, dude?

Since you asked, they're definitely coming now. Any minute.

>Crunch and Ami are fastest
Fitting for The Chad and The Stacy of the Bandicoots

In Crash Boom Bang it turned out Tawna had broken up with Crash and was with Pinstripe.

But of course

Attached: CTR - Crash Team Racing (USA)-190604-020650.png (1280x960, 777K)

Yo this is actually fire tho. Fuck

Too real. Make it stop

Attached: 20180520_133316.jpg (720x719, 295K)

I'm sure he'll have more, they just haven't shown off much of him or some other characters yet. I'm willing to bet every character will have at least four starting off

>TFW haven't played CTR since like 2005

H-Hopefully Mario Kart kept me sharp enough

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Attached: my-image.png (1216x558, 685K)

user, I...

Attached: 1497063318764.png (262x326, 97K)

You say that, but Twinsanity felt like a bridge too far for me. The Academy of Evil just felt retarded, like a Saturday morning cartoon.

N. Tropy is fucking with us.

Attached: 1560605549312.png (1120x762, 40K)

>mfw I still have another week off work when this comes out

Attached: 1499288022576.png (391x435, 169K)

That was from the Crash Bandicoot 2 strategy guide. Is that still canon?

Attached: 1487536509217018.png (375x523, 330K)

She cute.

newtawna wears a shirt with pinstripe's face


If they were dumb enough to do that to his character, then I highly doubt it.

Pretty sure it's still Crash's face in CTR.

Attached: 1560394568098.png (1010x700, 232K)

>no skins showing underboob

It is

Attached: Tawna.webm (1920x1080, 395K)

Attached: queef.png (803x91, 6K)

Posting mine what do you think anons?

Attached: my-image (2).png (1216x467, 712K)

JP Penta is very cute

So each Grand Prix comes with a single track?

Other than the weird fur textures that make him look like a costume, this is a pretty good Crash design.


I'm one of the people betting that Nina's gonna be in the base game.

Attached: source is TopHatMahoney.png (2916x1172, 1.96M)

So tier wise, which class is best to worse: slow, medium, acceleration or fast? Or does it not mater?

Are you just fucked if you pick a lower speed turning based character?
If so, RIP Megumi and Ripper

Attached: 1560600905299.png (692x765, 365K)

Evil Crash, Evil Coco, and Good Cortex could be made separate from the Twinsanity Grand Prix.

In the original it was Accel > Speed > All-Round > Turning.

Not at all. The best classes in the game have the slowest turning, and can't dodge hazards because they have to keep to a specific line to maximize speed on each track.

Weapons pretty much neutralize the 2-3 second lap time difference between the classes.

Attached: TA-Speed character.jpg (860x645, 164K)

What's the difference between speed and acceleration

Speed: How fast you can go.
Acceleration: How quickly you can increase your speed

If Tawna is still with Crash, where does that leave Pasadena then?

Ripper roo best roo

Attached: index.png (1216x621, 774K)

Non-existent, hopefully.

With Fake Crash, who probably has a bigger cock to match his bigger teeth and eyebrows.

I don't see why anyone would pick anything but speed. Shame they didn't add a mode that balances stats so people can just play characters they like

>was the only alien character until N. Trance showed up
Not even that. N. Trance is also from another dimension

Why? She was cute. Probably matches better with Crash anyway.

Speed is hard as fuck to run consistent times with even if you are a 1337 drifter and have over a decade playing this game under your belt


She's coming and you will like her

Ah ok, I had never played N-Tranced before, so I just assumed he was an alien, also because he seem to have been known by Velo's subjects in his empire

>obsessive feeder gf

Attached: 5C3115B1-6C63-446A-B753-B850170DF280.jpg (220x349, 23K)

Tawna and Pasadena fight to the death and whoever wins keeps Crash, while Pinstripe sips a drink with Isabella and the other Trophy Girls

Attached: Coco Tawna and Pasadena-Krashban2010.png (1280x720, 1.16M)

>I don't see why anyone would pick anything but speed
cause I want to be able to make sharp turns without slamming into them

Balancedbros where you at?
Crash, Fake Crash and Komodo Joe

Tawna kicks the shit out of that bitch O/possum



Attached: crash slow down.png (498x443, 79K)

What about Cortex?

I like Tawna but she just SCREAMS jobber to me

Attached: Tawnawawawawa.webm (1280x720, 699K)

Cortex is a bitch

is this aussie slang?

I want to grab Nina's testicles!

It's from wrestling.

Crash Bandicoot 1 Season
>Komodo Moe
>N. Brio
>Koala Kong
Crash Spinoff Season
>Rilla Roo
>The Viscount
>Yaya Panda
Crash Twinsanity Season
>Evil Crash
>Evil Coco
Crash Tag Team Racing Season
>Von Clutch
>Willie Wumpa Cheeks

Attached: 6e9aef23-3eca-4663-88f5-c0f31bfbd837.gif (164x156, 847K)

Basically all of the original Cortex commandos are jobbers except for Crash himself.

They're designed to lose, forever. No matter how strong they are.

Gecko Season:
Find a flaw.

oh, a heel ok

Daily reminder that this game will be -the- quintessential game to check which reviewers are worth a shit or not. Remember this post.

This game is either going to be REVIEW bombed to hell and back, because the devs have quite literally came out and said "it's hard, deal with it, you're just gonna have to learn." This is a no think in todays """gaming culture"""

This game should be unironically be renamed to "Crash Team Racing: CASUAL FILTER"

Remember when reviews drop, this will be the game to see what reviewers are genuine good vidya players, and the ones that scream WHY CAN'T DARK SOULS JUST LET ME SKIP BOSSES PLEASE GOD NO. YOU MEAN I ACTUALLY HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO BOOST AND GRIND CORNERS, WHY CAN'T IT BE LIKE MARIO BING BING etc.

god I cannot fucking WAIT

Attached: 1557417896472.jpg (500x651, 43K)


Attached: tier.png (1299x426, 528K)

Tawna is an Aussie right?

Attached: Ihateaussiessofuckingmuch.jpg (1374x1156, 639K)

Will Nitro-Fueled be - dare I say - the Dark Souls of video games?

He's right, you know. We all -know- the gameplay we've been seeing of people play. Imagine them ACTUALLY playing the game, imagine them failing, and then having to fucking review it, kek.


she has an american accent sadly

Oney plays season
>Ding dong

Praise the Wumpa

Attached: Praise the Wumpa.jpg (761x779, 79K)

>trophy girls are in
>all of them
>as unique characters

Based and Roopilled

Attached: mynigga.png (1033x679, 363K)

I was under the impression a "heel" was a villain wrestler and a "jobber" was a good guy wrestler forced to lose against the villain to make him feel tougher than he's actually is.

That would be when I drop the game hard and trade it in.

Reminds me of the very specific line I see in most reviews

"The camera is bad..." or something along these lines. I've never, truly had problems with a camera in gaming, I genuinely believe "THE CAMERA IS BAD" is cope speak for people who are just SHIT at vidya, because other reviewers who praise a game, will not BRING UP THE CAMERA ONCE, but then other reviewers who say a game is bad, will always say, guaranteed "THE CAMERA IS BAD..."

Look how for this in the reviews. It'll either be THE CAMERA ISN'T VERY GOOD or YOU JUST CAN'T TURN AROUND CORNERS??? IT'S LITTERALLY BROKE. guaranteed.

Attached: 1537273307961.jpg (9999x9999, 1.55M)

Fucking nice.

90's DLC pack
> Cool Spot

oh, that might be the case, I dont know shit about wrestling, but I have heard the term "heel" before but not "jobber"

The only thing I'm not looking forward to if this happens are metacritic fags shitposting our threads, you know, the people who don't actually play videogames.

Attached: CTR - Crash Team Racing (USA)-190601-014609.png (960x720, 781K)

god I hope that's not oxide's winning animation in this new game

she probably was forced to watch female action movie stars like Ripley or Sarah Connor in the Cortex Vortex, so she's more like a coolheaded female hollywood action lead

Maybe she lost her accent after shacking up with pinstripe

Gex is a long-dead Squeenix IP, user.
It's so dead they won't even bring the first one to Steam despite already being on GOG.

Funny Simpson Jimmy Neutron.

Attached: 1560137726795~2.jpg (274x348, 19K)

Based and Roopilled

Attached: 1457217084765.jpg (1033x679, 41K)

For Garfield Kart

>... no Sir Daniel...

Attached: dai69xi-98e572d9-fa87-41a1-818a-3e2c3bca5434.png (250x256, 111K)

What does the N stand for?

Face = Good guy
Heel = Bad guy
Jobber = someone who always loses, or loses to make the other guy look better

Top 10 things game journalists will never see!

Attached: Liz.webm (1920x1080, 539K)

I forgot about him, he would be a better pick.


>Cool Spot
Nigger who?

Damn nice work mate. I've only got the gold stars.

What's happening with his game? Haven't heard anything in awhile.

>natural breasts
Oh fuck me that's the good shit

Attached: g1550315829374.png (405x475, 183K)


thank you user
here have this cumming olive tree I made for a stupid infomercial about a machine that shakes olives off of trees

Attached: oie_LUXnpTw20tgC.gif (600x600, 777K)

comes out right before Halloween



most tawna fanart has big heavy natural tits
i love it

>What's happening with his game? Haven't heard anything in awhile.
coming out Oct 25 this year, they released a story trailer not that long ago

Attached: medievil-1557439906303_1280w.png (1280x720, 628K)

Why do people like N. Trance?

>he's getting a remake
Holy shit all my childhood games are making a comeback

Attached: my-image.png (1216x467, 667K)

Attached: 345e49a0468ee691b0530f1d70f598ce--pokemon-games-pictures.jpg (800x937, 136K)

I wonder why they haven't shown Velo yet, he's the only one from the originals CTR/CNK that they haven't shown. What are they hiding?

Attached: 1554242677971.jpg (953x691, 80K)

Not really sure, N.Tranced and CNK nostalgia?
Maybe people even like eggs

Attached: 1560479389215.gif (600x600, 3.11M)

Thanks, I'll take good care of it.

Thanks mates. Looking forward to it.

his introductory game is considered the best Crash title on its platform
simplistic design
cool hypno gimmick makes for a lot of fun scenarios
loads of personality in CNK

Attached: 1560365260252.png (400x400, 243K)

sadly though, its just medievil 1, idk why they didnt make both games like they did for crash and spyro

you know what the difference between those pics are?

might be he was a new addition to the cast and was a new main villain?

They've shown him alright, just not as a racer. On inferno island gameplay, his face is on the moon

He can crack you up by telling you a funny yolk.

Attached: cracked-brown-egg.jpg (1000x777, 40K)





Attached: bianca_by_ryucchan-dc82k22.jpg (600x848, 125K)

Also he canonized Fake Crash as a real character in the series and not just a bonus joke character



Attached: crash smile.jpg (632x538, 79K)

Attached: CTRTierList.png (853x655, 674K)

>Fake Crash
>Not Trash Bandicoot






Attached: Dl9NfjNWsAApx2H.jpg (570x677, 53K)

Cast him.

Attached: 789EFF29-8898-4EA4-BD91-BFFC00C31E48.png (900x800, 316K)


>inb4 they finally add Brio and make him a turn character
the final insult to injury

N-Tranced is unironically my 3rd favorite Crash game, right behind CTR and Crash 2. I formerly had it as my 2nd favorite but upon reflection, N-Tranced suffers from quite a bit of vehicle gimmickshit. Crash 1 is also maybe tied with it as I've come to appreciate the pure platforming aspect.

robert downy jr

More fanart of my goatfu is always welcome.

Idris Elba



Attached: 1537407897884.png (1018x903, 1020K)

don't say such things
turning is the only type without an N though...

What does the N mean in this timeline?
Also Alan Tudyk

Attached: DZ-8Wp_WsAARd5s.jpg (1200x1132, 118K)

Young Tim Curry

Why not just make this Cortex's father

Attached: DZ-8WqBW0AACKSx.jpg (1200x1132, 155K)

Attached: DZ-8Wp6XcAEx3nj.jpg (1200x1132, 160K)

>skylander spyro
get that shit outta here

Not very nice


Attached: Dalm47MXkAAcLnD.jpg (600x849, 96K)

Its a world of humans my dude.

In a southeast Australian archipelago, Doctor Neo Cortex and his assistant Doctor Nitrus Brio use a device called the Evolvo-Ray to mutate the various animals living on the islands into beasts with superhuman strength. They experiment on Crash, a peaceful bandicoot who Cortex intends to be the leader of his growing military of animal soldiers.[9][10] Despite Brio's warnings, Cortex subjects Crash to the untested Cortex Vortex in an attempt to control him.[11] The Vortex rejects Crash, allowing him to escape.[12][13] After Crash leaps out a window and falls to the ocean below, Cortex prepares a female bandicoot named Tawna for experimentation.[14] Having grown attached to Tawna during their time in captivity, Crash resolves to rescue her and defeat Cortex.[13] From the beach of N. Sanity Island,[15] Crash traverses through the islands and faces off against such adversaries as the local tribe leader Papu Papu,[16] the deranged kangaroo Ripper Roo,[17] the muscular Koala Kong,[18] and the gangster Pinstripe Potoroo.[19] Within Cortex's castle, Crash is confronted by Brio inside his laboratory. Brio uses chemicals to mutate himself into a monster. While Crash successfully defeats Brio, the castle laboratory catches on fire during the struggle. Crash escapes to Cortex's airship, where he confronts Cortex himself as the castle burns.[20] Cortex attacks him with a plasma gun, but Crash deflects his own projectiles against him and sends Cortex falling out of the sky. Tawna embraces Crash as the two escape the burning castle on Cortex's airship.[21]

Also crash Warped. The city world, China World, Egypt world, and medieval world all show people.

I love how much Crash and Spyro go together
they truly are siblings.
what other franchises have this sort of connection Crash and Spyro have?

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png (1384x579, 855K)

Spyro and Crash are the literal brother/brother series in gaming. There isn't many like it. I genuinely, truly expect, the next game to be like the Gameboy spyro/crash cross over game, but a next gen platformer title.

Attached: CNNMRHJ.png (1705x1080, 3.39M)

and the only reason obj_motherfuckers are there is because of the time travel, which you see in the secret warp room under the time twister

Thought I was the only one thinking this. I too believe the next Crash/Spyro game will be connected somehow.

Attached: 930112_70385_front.jpg (640x641, 90K)

I can only think of Mario and Zelda as another brother/brother series

Professor opens up a portal to Earth in an attempt to explore new worlds? or does Cortex create a portal to the Dragon Realms to acquire more power

These games are garbage aren't they?

Yeah its pretty common sense that the only people there trying to hurt Crash are the people who are there trying to hurt crash. Like his henchmen obj_motherfuckers or the random mutated animals he fights.

I certainly wouldn't try to kill a bipedal bandicoot but im also not a henchman.

yes they're nothing but minigames

Possibly the most lethal combination I've ever seen with a character design that has such voluminous hair as well

>we still don't know what the gem cups unlock
I want to Brilieve

Only one I can think of is Ratchet and Sly, in the sense of the same console debut, having mutual demos, and appearing together in a weird crossover.

Attached: 18351PS Move Heroes_PS3_ENG.jpg (600x690, 419K)

Sorry pals, this is the Sekiro of Kart Racers, by words of the devgods themselves
14:18 in case the timestamp shits itself

Remember the McDonalds toys?

Attached: d5nv0x3-e6ba8b5a-ef36-474c-862e-adf6e845d8b7.jpg (640x360, 44K)

Ratchet and Jak are more like brothers than Ratchet and Sly
Sly is like a cousin that hangs out alot

i wonder if they are gonna make a bundle like this on steam too

BASED Little Norm main

Truth, man.

Attached: 14676476.jpg (800x619, 128K)

Beat second Oxide first try. Thank god that missile hit because that fucker was throwing a million items per minute.

>don't draw them like a weeb
>final bottom pic looks basically exactly the same as that pic
Those were the best looking ones anyway, fuck whoever made this.

my taste is impeccable

Attached: my-image.png (1216x467, 760K)

Jak, Daxter, Ratchet, and Clank are brothers.
Crash and Spyro are their ancestors.
Sly and the gang are cousins.

Ok that'd actually be pretty funny.

I think they need to build up to this. Give Crash and Spyro at least 1 brand new platformer first. Dropping it right after the franchises got revived could easily lead to a burnout.

Becomes a cuckquean and watches Crash and Tawna go at it.

he died bringing banditits to all of us like a real hero, God bless his soul

Attached: 1560423921141.png (193x302, 7K)

Attached: ctr-tiers.jpg (1147x572, 103K)

Where’s Rilla Roo?

dead, hopefully

he's not dead... he's just sleeping... he'll come back to us, you'll see...

Attached: 1560541504958.gif (480x361, 414K)

What is that body type called?

stacked as fuck

Lovely and wholesome

More like Mario and Donkey Kong

Always tops.

You uhhhhhh

you got any more of those wumpa fruits lying around crash?

So... what's everybody's problem with Baby Crash and Baby Coco? Every tier list I've seen in this thread has them in the "I'll never use them" tier.

Mario and Donkey Kong branched from one another, Mario and Zelda started off separate series

shit designs of already existing characters.

I cant fuck baby coco but i can fuck older coco

Me personally, I don't like the idea of X character but baby version as a way to pad a roster. its lazy
Its also gunna be a direct comparison to the baby characters in Mario Kart.
And they are brand new, and canonically dont make sense

Waste of space and tired of it because Mario Kart does it too much already

I always liked his lines in CNK
>Hold still, I wanna try something!
>There's no kart behing you, honest

if anything I think theyre doing it as a stab at the baby characters in mario kart.

What if they're literally just bandicoots.

I don't think there's a true analog out there, but I think MGS and Splinter Cell playfully later mournfully tagging each other comes the closest.

>5 days until release
>no switch leak in sight
wtf bros

I have no interest in baby versions of characters in general. I just find it boring. I skipped over them when playing Mario Kart as well.

>What if they're literally just bandicoots.
this would literally be the best outcome, if they were just realistic bandicoots

If they settle that with a race, Pasadena would win



Do you have the template?

Attached: (u).jpg (665x786, 321K)

Based as fuck

you mean most of this board

Don't be a fag Pinstripe is way above cuckposting. Stay true to your trigger happy potoroo.

linking to faux-generals is grounds for removal to autistic jannies, and if it had pseudo-furry art in the OP, they'll fuck you even harder

Emperor Velo XXVII is in

What people don't realize is that Speed characters are the best... if you know how to use them... otherwise, you'll be hitting all the walls and falling off track all the time. CTR is very balanced because characters can be really great or really bad depending on how you drive and what track you choose.

no its not, the Trials of Mana guys have had general threads with links to them since E3. The mods that lurk this thread are just fags.

that's the thing, the rules are there for whenever the mods feel like enforcing them. I'd say just make a new one with CTR or Crash Team Racing as the title and don't link it. Just to be safe, don't use dangerously cheesy fanart too

Attached: 5eafa4756884a3f70753de7c751d476f.jpg (514x540, 57K)

Attached: 435453435453435.png (1216x467, 756K)

You have to wait a couple of minutes after this thread dies.