Why aren't GI Joe games a thing?

Why aren't GI Joe games a thing?

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Because it's trashy warmongering propaganda. Now go back to /pol/.

There's one on the NES and there was an arcade game

>GI Joe
Its patriotic without being jingoistic
Hell, Cobra is an American terrorist organization

What about his wife? Does the dog lick her face too

>Half Naked

What did they mean by this ?

Attached: GIJOE.jpg (525x328, 42K)

>GI Joe
You could have just said "Shitty" or complained about the toys thing but warmongering?

This, and cobra is based

Half of the G.I. Joe Characters aren't even American (let alone white) anymore.

I was once blowing on my dog's breath (I dunno, was funny watching him get stink breath in the face) and he stuck his tongue inside my mouth
You win this time, dog, you win

They stopped making them
GI Joe would actually work as a turn-based tactics game like X-Com or JA2
but you'd probably need a big publisher to pay people to implement all those Joes each with unique skills and weapons

>make a bait thread disguised as GI Joe
>Yea Forums actually has a GI Joe thread
Based Yea Forums

he's a mindbender

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Is G.I. Joe a character or the name of the series? I remember a ton of characters not named G.I. Joe but no actual guy named G.I. Joe.

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He's also a dentist

hey kid
i'm a computah

Do black people think only whites like dogs? From personal experience hispanics also love fogs.

The 80s were crazy about huge muscles and leather

but only white people fuck them


snek tits

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came here to post this


Real talk, in the GI Joe Comics Cobra Commander was canonically a used car salesman before he became a terrorist. Its how he was able to quickly create, recruit, expand, and repeat his creation of Cobra.

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Snake Eyes is the only good Joe. Debate me.

porkchop sandwiches