>can't get myself to sit down and play vidya anymore, despite wanting to
How do I fix this?
Can't get myself to sit down and play vidya anymore, despite wanting to
smoke enough weed that you're unable to do anything BUT play vidya
trust me it works
medicate for depression or adhd, figure out which
Go do something else until you want to return
Sounds like you're burnt out
Or you're a NEET who's finally coming to terms of your situation.
Suicide probably.
Who the fuck made Sombra cry
Not old enough to legally buy yet and too much of a pussy to find a dealer
I'm taking a big mental illness test thing next month. I have ADHD meds but the dose is so small that they barely help and I'm out anyway.
Like what?
I'm burnt out of life desu.
I've considered it
No clue
You don't
thikning about hacks
Stop considering and just do it.
You first
you are growing out of vidya...
I know that feel, feels bad man
Its time to find a new hobby
But I still like them. I think about them all the time and I enjoy them when I actually play them, I can just never get myself to actually play them
So force yourself to play them. Are you retarded?
If you don't feel like playing anything, read a book
I can't force myself, I have ADHD. I can't just force myself to do things.
As much as I like reading, I think that would be even harder for me to get into.
>Im just burnt out bro XD
>not even old enough to buy weed
zoomers were a mistake
Any kind of downers really. Weed. Or prescription meds like Xanax if you have anxiety. Will mellow you out so you immerse yourself.
you're too young to be burned out, go for a jog every other day and try to do some push-ups every day, if you were seriously depressed you wouldn't have made this thread
Just do it
you don't have adhd, every parental figure in your life was just a weak piece of shit, and you're being a piece of shit because of it. workout, work on yourself, game for fun after
I should probably start exercising more, but whenever I try to my schedule just ends up falling apart after a day or two.
Nothing cheers me up anymore, even music feels like it just floats by me now.
How do I "work on myself"?
Eat right
Meditate like a faggot but it works
Get a job
Have a cleanly home environment
Even if you’re a legitimate depressive, you’ll start feeling better if you do this. It takes 22 days to form a habit so just set that goal and meet it. I grain the work outs into your schedule. By the way if you’re out of shape the first thing you need to fix is your diet. Always start with diet.
work out plan for playing vidya
go see a therapist then, ask your mum to make an appointment if you don't want to make the call.
don't make a complicated workout routine, that never works at the start, just try to do a proper pushup everyday until you can touch your chest on the floor and back up, try as many as you can everyday from thereon out. go for a run but take it slow and I mean real slow, rushing will leave you gasping for air and feeling like shit, walk for the first 10mins of your run, a slow but steady run feels amazing. do situps and planking whenever you feel like it throughout the day. you're still young, if you start doing this now you can pick up lifting later on
You don't.
You don't need to play vidyas, you do it if you want to.
Find something else and if you really miss them you are going to come back
Ashe forced her to watch her fuck mccree
>started making money
>finally able to buid a gaming pc and enjoy all the games that I missed out on
>barely play anything, get bored or frustrated 30 minutes in and give up
I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat. What did you do anons? What are some good hobbies to replace video games?
I don't have a car or anything to go buy healthy food with, so I'm just stuck eating frozen meals still I guess.
I might start meditating, but I could never focus on it when I tried to and I just ended up giving up. I will have to try again if I can push myself to do it.
My room is a fucking mess, so I should probably clean it even if it's hard. A clean room never really makes me feel better though, I don't really get the appeal but maybe it's so subconscious shit.
I've been seeing a psychiatrist, but I'll probably never see a therapist. Paying someone to just listen to my problems seems kinda dumb, it's not like they'll really care about me. Nothing anyone has ever said has helped me before, I don't see how they'll be different.
Pushups and situps is how I usually do it. I might start going for walks/runs more, but I'm a little bitch and get kind of embarrassed by it. I need to put my inhibitions behind me.
I did this too. Got a new PC, barely use it for games. Got a Switch, haven't touched it in months.
Fix your depression first, that's what I did
Fuark bro.
>Can't sit down to write anymore because I get too distracted and hate my writing despite really wanting to
Same. Even when I do write I end up analyzing it too hard and hating it.
You don't keep your mind occupied with whatever task and set short term goals no matter how trivial they are like going to shop or clean your room X day so your mind keeps occupied with this menial task, then you can improve them to some more long term ones like learn to draw or beat a videogame
since you will never recover from depression ever and it will come back to bite your ass but you have to learn that sometimes that's how it is and it doesn't hit as hard when you accept this fact
I'm 56k words into this story lads and I just keep hitting the fucking wall. I love to read and write and I think the internet fucked my attention span up
Hey dude, this isn't /adv/
That's what I try to do, but I end up procrastinating my short term goals and then everything falls apart. I need to keep trying.
Consuming other media is a good way to get inspiration. A lot of my ideas are based on alternate interpretations of other media I've seen.
Also, writing for another project has helped me overcome my writer's block before and allowed me to start working on whatever I got stuck on again.
That's what I've done too, Anonymous. But the problem is I have ADHD, so I work like a maniac on something until the dopamine is gone. I'm a competent writer, but I have so many unfinished stories or songs or poems.
May we forever struggle and make something good for once.
i know it sounds like bullshit but this. i couldnt get myself to sit and play a game for even 5 minutes but ive been actively playing games every day ever since i started smoking weed. weird.
I've got ADHD and I imagine it's why I have the same problem. I spend hours coming up with different ideas and playing the scenarios out in my head, but when it comes to actually writing it down it feels impossible. It's like running against a brick wall.
I know what you mean user. ADHD is great since you can be the jack of all trades -- yet you will always be the master of none.
Unironically what I've found the most helpful is to practice doing shit when I don't want to.
U gay nigga when i was your age i was 420 blaze it all day playing CS listening to DOOM pwning n00bz
>How do I fix this?
Treat your depression.
Really pushing my limits and forcing myself can sometimes work, but other times it's like my mind is desperately looking for a way out of the situation and it makes me feel almost trapped.
Get a new hobby anyway. Doesn't mean you have to ditch vidya entirely.
I got burnt out cause all I did for fun was play vidya. When I picked up an instrument (guitar in my case), aside from spending a shitload of time on that, I also started having fun with vidya again.
I love Olivia so so much!
I want to get into more stuff. I've been trying to watch movies lately and I want to start writing again.
where is the problem? same happened to me we are playing video games all of our lifes and eventually we got bored and burnt out
>mfw build a 2k gayming pc just to watch movies