Why are so many classicfags going to roll a warrior when they are by far the slowest levelers...

Why are so many classicfags going to roll a warrior when they are by far the slowest levelers, and are basically useless in PvP (warrior without pocket heals = useless) and PvE (only 1 main tank; DPS warriors are good but there are better options who also are good for PvP, leveling, etc.)?

Attached: classic wow level speed.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

Because the entire game isn't endgame like in modern mmos
The game is the adventure and leveling process so if people like playing warrior, they'll play warrior

This whole "leveling is just a convention and the real game starts at level cap" shit is a modern invention

>druids are faster at leveling than warlocks



>Why yes, I am leveling a hybrid class. How could you tell?

>bar chart when grading things
There's a special place LGBT+ for people like you.

have sex

have sex


Fuck off Op. People are playing classic to have fun not larp as autists.

>literally nothing to play before launch
kill me

That's true but not the point because the new players going into classic will not think that way and assume rush to endgame is how it's meant to be played .

And they won't rush to endgame, because you can't.

I enjoy leveling as a warrior once I get WW. Later level warrior leveling gets fun as fuck when you're stance dancing to use MS, WW, and situational stuff like Disarm.

>Kargoz not Joana

Attached: into the trash.png (200x287, 174K)

based and redpilled
leveling and exploring and world pvp is the best thing in this shit game

Make me

At least 40% of people who say they’re going warrior won’t make it past level 35. Once retailfags die to mobs the same level as them due to RNG and realize they can’t victory rush, heroic leap, or charge in combat, they’ll switch pretty fast.

Water Walking?

Whirlwind I'm assuming. Not sure why whirlwind though.

I remember trying to level as a dagger rogue back in the day. Shit was unplayable

Now there's a name I haven't seen in a long time... a long time.

Whirlwind. Basically the first activate-on-keypress straight damage attack that Warrior gets that isn't proc reliant like Overpower, but it's AOE. So once you get Whirlwind, you have a reason to be swapping between Battle and Berserker stance for Overpower procs and Whirlwind, which makes things a lot more involved and interesting.

'Cause the game gets fun around then. With Whirlwind and Sweeping Strikes, it gets a lot easier to fight two things at once, so you can reliably pull one mob then two, then one then two again, etc.

Because they aren't? Arguably mage without AoE grinding.
Or Rogue.

I started playing vanilla a few months after release (March 2005). I rolled a warrior. By the end of vanilla, my warrior was around level 55. Warriors are fun but really shone in in BC and WotLK, so I'll make one as an alt this time round, not my main.

Attached: cousins muh ring.jpg (525x350, 52K)

He streams on twich, he's an absolute degen and it's fascinating

Wouldn't multipulling become problematic in later levels unless you play with a tank / healer? I don't remember Warrior having a whole lot of self-healing on early levels preCata and severely lacking in CC and kiting possibilities unless you play the much slower Prot spec.

Depends on what you're fighting. But if you're grinding against yellows, you're (depending on class/gear/mobs) probably doing it wrong. You can tear through greens pisseasy as a solo warrior just by shitting on their face with raw damage. I was grinding at 50 with very little downtime fighting 2-3 things at a time on my pserver warrior because the things I was fighting were mid-40s. Already had this webm made, but that's about what grinding at 50 was like too.

You're not really losing XP by grinding greens because you have so much more uptime and faster killtimes that your xp/hour is probably better with greens than yellows, at least as a solo warrior.

Attached: Sweeping Strikes Fun.webm (1010x540, 2.38M)

Fair enough, makes sense now. In that case yeah, Whirlwind's pretty sweet over Rend spam and having to wait for Cleave autos.

Yeah, whirlwind is pretty fun. And when you use it with Sweeping Strikes active (this also applies to Cleave, but Cleave is kinda shit unless you're sweating out rage), your secondary targets will get hit twice by it, once from the Whirlwind attack and once more from the Sweeping Strikes. Shit's nuts. Definitely BTFOs hamstringing shit and running back and forth between swing timers while also waiting for Rend to tickle them to submission (Rend scales like shit too, which kinda sucks).

Warriors are pain to level and to play. Having to change stances is a real pain.

True. If you ever end up making one again though, try binding them better. If you get them on accessible binds, it gets 1000x easier and actually fun to stance swap constantly, at least that's how it went for me. I hated it until I stuck 'em on my mouse buttons.