Motor Ball

Here's the final boss of FFVII Remake. Say something nice about it

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Other urls found in this thread:

They will change to to something else, or put Rufus in that section. I could see Rufus, Reno and Rude being a decent final boss

What if they move the first Jenova fight from the cargo ship to the city limits of Midgar? It'd make sense, she just broke out of containment and it'd tease the chase that would take up the next part of the game.

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It would not surprise me if President Shinra turns out to be a Jenova piece and you end up fighting him after he flees on motor ball.

Why was Jessie on the bike with Cloud? Are we getting more than one bike section? Or is best girl going to live this time?

More than one.

That'd be cool. I think one thing they could play up a bit more is Jenova's shapeshifting ability, could bring in some of the paranoia from a movie like The Thing.

I want to be excited for this game but I have little faith in Nomura/Square anymore

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You're going to find Shinra's corpse with the sword sticking out of it and find Sephiroth on the balcony. He drops a Jenova piece and the game ends after the boss fight with a promise to hunt Sephiroth down.

Escaping Midgar by road and travelling to Kalm with be extended into one longer cinematic action sequence starting with a Rufus boss fight leading into the motorcycle chase, Motorball and the trek through the wasteland around the city.

stop acting like a faggot

Will we be able to target the helicopter this time?

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Now that I think about it: does this mean the game won’t have a post game? I doubt they’ll give us one outside Midgar

that's what the second disc is about
it's yakuza premium adventure style

I want playable Rufus with wacky one-handed shotgun shenanigans and executioner style finishers.

hopefully we get to go inside the honeybee inn this time..

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What if they remove motor ball? If they do that the final boss would be Rufus, which is a much more climatic fight

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and this time he actually has a cute pet, and not just a random mob
thinking about it, now that this is more action oriented, the pet could cause some serious issues
>trying to split this oversized purple cat in half
>it's owner keeps shooting me one-handed with a shotgun

exactly, escaping Midgar would most likely be the tutorial mission for the second game

You know which part we're most excited for.

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we've already seen motorcycle gameplay in the extended trailer

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>chopper is now an active threat that shoots shit at you
>Rufus can use it to get around the arena instead of just using it as his escape when he's beaten

Attached: Rufus.gif (500x220, 493K)

that clearly has Jesse, that's not the escape from Midgar sequence

Jesse's there. Probably a new sequence before the plate drops

I bet you this shit is 100% on rails and doesn't control like a vehicle at all, like the motorcycle from Bayonetta

like the motorcycle from the original game :^)

The gameplay is still in the game. It would be stupid to make it and not use it.

What if the game goes up to the Kalm flashback? Even if they move it to happen within Midgar. They could turn the facedown at the end of the flashback into an actual fight so that the final boss is a 1v1 sword duel between Cloud and Sephiroth. Just make the cutscene afterwards end inconclusively so that Cloud can keep the whole ambiguous "I don't know how I survived" bit

Even then you could have the motorcycle sequence without it ending with motor ball

I think this is more likely. It sets up the rest of the story. Motor Ball is just a faggot boss mook.

Holy shit that ass...

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It's obvious guys. The motorcycle is used to travel between sectors.
If they really went all out we're looking at 8 sectors and 8 slums here. You won't always be able to take the train as fugitives. So you gotta ride your bike between them.

they are using it, in a different area where Jesse is still alive
the escape sequence is not confirmed to be in, and any assets made for the bike can still be used for the second game
no one really knows where this title will end, but things are clearly moved around

That would be sick and have enough replayability to spend the better part of a year just messing around with it

If they expect me to pay $60 per episode, they need to flesh out those minigames to be really damn good. Like, the snowboarding section should be as good as like 1080 Snowboarding.

it will most likely control exactly like the big hero 6 flying sections in KH3

You are retarded if you dont think you wont be fighting Septhrioth multiple times in this all new edition of FFVII especially just as they are about to escape Midgar at the end.

Hey I just fought that guy last night, I'm at the marching section.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing
also how are the gummi missions in kh3?

Don't fuck it up user
You don't want to become a viral sensation, do you

so you move forward at a constant speed automatically but you have free movement?

>also how are the gummi missions in kh3?
they are okay granted they don't have the feel of "you are fighting shit while trying to get a new world". You just move around while things fly in on the screen or move around a boss.

They did bring back an Einhander boss for KH3's ship missions

it's not bad, just saying it's not going to be free roaming on the bike or anything.
flying around space in gummi ships is fun, this part is actually free roaming, but the gummi missions and fighting are completely basic and nothing special

>so you move forward at a constant speed automatically but you have free movement?
yes, I expect the bike will be exactly that

what if you could ride on a chocobo when you're escaping midgar
they're as fast as motorcycles, right?

it should just be a reskin of the original Gbike minigame, shit was fun

rufus vs cloud isn't a kino battle that much, considering the turn based system limitations. In an active combat, 1v1 would be pretty great

have we seen any summons yet?
Carbuncle and Choco/Mog have been confirmed but is there footage of them or others?

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Well bred chocobos are faster than motorbikes, yes.

no it's a new choco chick summon, also cactuar

and no footage

How is Tifa's limit break gonna work? Will there still be slots that increase in number as you get new limit breaks? How is Red XIII gonna control?

You don't get the first summon until you leave midgar in the first place, right? Will the first one even have summons?

>Will the first one even have summons?

Carbuncle is confirmed to be DLC

>how will tifa's limit break work
from the stuff we've seen, limit breaks need the time pause ATB thing
so they could just show the slots there, same for cait sith later on

There's 2 summons already confirmed as DLC. You'll probably get some without the DLC too. It always struck me as odd that Midgar didn't have any of them laying around.

Actually it's going to be a Jenova fragment that was left. They want to leave it off on a high note and the Motor Ball battle doesn't do that and neither does Rufus.

The Rufus fight will be saved for the next game and the escape from Midgar, where the big reveal with be the world outside and just how big it is.

I don't think you'll fight Sephiroth at all in the first part or else he'll be way overdone given that the rest of the game up until your first trip to the north is in pursuit of him (or Jenova disguised as him, anyway).

I do think we'll fight Jenova at the end though. I don't think anything else is really final boss material, including Rufus.

Or, maybe they just don't kill Jesse in the plate dropping. It's not like it's a huge difference and the only reason the AVALANCHE scrubs die is because they weren't on the tower roof when the plate drops.

I'm willing to bet there will be some minor plot changes, although I'd love to see the shit that is flipped if it's possible to save Aerith.

What mod is this?

>rufus vs cloud isn't a kino battle that much, considering the turn based system limitations.
I hate you faggots so fucking much.

or maybe it's just not the escape sequence because they're on dirtbikes and not the hardy daytona

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The Midgar sequence of FFVII is the best JRPG gameplay, setting, and story ever. Everything after Midgar is generic typical JRPG fare. If the FFVII remake focuses solely on Midgar, it could be the greatest game of all time.

There waa a mod that was better than remako posted not too long ago, anyone remember the name?

>Or, maybe they just don't kill Jesse in the plate dropping.
doubt it
Avalanche getting wrecked isn't going to change
they aren't making it out of Midgar
having another bike sequence early in the game is much more likely than changing a major story beat

A New Threat?

>I'm willing to bet there will be some minor plot changes
There would have to be some major fucking additions to the plot, since they're planning to stretch out the Midgar section to be as long as the entire original game.

should i play the pc or switch version

The fat dude got thrown from the tower
jesse and the other guy died on the stairs

I replayed the game 2 weeks ago. Being on the top would not have saved them.

I'm getting tired of seeing this shitty screenshot. Please use this next time instead.

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the recent PS4/Switch ports have an updated localisation

you don't need to make a faggy squareenix account on switch, so I'd go with that one
Also, if you remove their deaths, Barret's character arc makes 0 sense at the end of the game.

switch, PC contributes to bad posture and thoughts

You mean a screenshot I literally took 5 minutes ago? How can you get tired of it? Faggot.

>to be as long as the entire original game.
this isn't what they said, they said it'll be as long as a full game.

The fact that every single piece of dialogue in the original is now spoken aloud and that one article described it as "cutscenes around every corner" you can literally double the length of the original Midgar segments with no plot additions. Now we know that even Guard Scorpion is way longer than it was in the original, and that we're getting the dementor subplot, it could easily be a twenty hour long game.

Can't wait to hear this in the remake

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this is the main song i need to be perfectly remastered.

man I hope there's an original OST option


I think this will happen either after the party bombs the first reactor, or on their way to the second reactor. The first reactor makes sense because in the original Cloud had to help Jessie get out of the power plant. In the remake the other avalanche members might get out first and leave Cloud and Jessie to catch them up.

the chills

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For me it's J-E-N-O-V-A

Will we really fight Motor Ball on foot? Or will it be a fight on the motorcycle? Think about it.

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on foot because Cloud has to do the akira slide

The whole process. We want to see the whole process.

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what the fuck were they thinking

"Implied homosexuality is amusing", probably

It's not even FF7 at this point.


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Shinra tower and escaping is the climax. The leaving midgar is the epilogue.

They'll probably move it to the part you rescue Jessie. It's a very underwhelming final boss.
I'm betting the ending will be beating Rufus or the Jenova spawn at the lab and the next episode will start with the party escaping Midgar.

Remake is gonna suck balls so hard, holy shit... Why can't they just make a completely new FF game that is not shit. It is so easy to do.

This is actually problematic.

>It is so easy to do.
Considering how often they've failed at it, it's obviously not that easy.

All this talk of motorcycles makes me want to play Days Gone
what the hell

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Remember when RE was a horror series? Those stupid Live action films ruined everything. They could have done perfect horror films in CGI, but they made this nonsense instead.

At least the gameplay won't suck.

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Obviously they're failing on purpose just to piss off. Also SJWs, or something.

Considering Jenova is literally just The Thing: Talking Edition I would love to see this.

The best remix so far is from a mobile gacha. What a world

They absolutely need to rework the end of Midgar into a stronger plot hook that gives you more concrete display of what you’re up against. I think that the part where Jenova slaughters the Shinra HQ and then you end up with Rufus, escaping and fighting Motor Ball is fine for the original version, because it’s intense enough and it gives enough hook to make you curious when you get to the Kalm plot dump about Sephy/Jenova, but without Kalm, it’s just not enough plot for a individual episode.

Remember, people playing the game aren’t just those who have played OG and can say that ”it’s OK, the plot starts moving in the next part”, there will be people who know nothing about FF VII and have to be hooked on hard enough to make them await for the Part II coming years later. They probably can work out the Motor Ball stuff into a showy action sequence that gives the Part I ending some explosive energy, but they also need to give Jenova/Sephy more presence to establish the main plot harder.

Nah, the Kalm flashback could not be a better setup for the opening tutorial for the second game. It can even have parts with Cloud teaching one of the troopers a few things.

Not a fan. Too busy sounding.

Jenova shape-shifting only comes up a few tiems:

>in the Icicle Inn archive vids about the Cetra
>when it transforms into Seph
>When it impersonates Tifa-chan

I saw someone shitting on this mod the other day, and upon looking at it closer - Shit genuinely looks like concept art/FMV models.

I don't get the hate. I get a weird nostalgia for how I saw the game in my head as a kid.

The game ends after you complete Mog House.
Mog House is also now a full game, witch gacha kupo nuts.

Please remember that the original had a PMS system, which used phone jingles as it sound effect. This game will have a ShinraPhone. Think about it.

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It's Sephiroth the entire non-flashback game up to Northern Crater

>Cloud is teaching himself how to do things and therefore the player
fund it

Agreed, Motor ball will probably be jumbled around. Like, we already know there's a bike ride with Jessie in it. This means either there's several bike rides, meaning motor ball can be a boss in one of those. Or it means the one we do have comes before it's supposed to, meaning the end can be something else. In any case, some reordering is afoot, and Rufus is probably the most likely candidate for final boss.

Maybe they'll also have the elevator fight before the rufus fight too.

Imagine if they catch us off guard by changing the story a bit and having a character we thought was a direct remake of their original appearance instead suddenly erupt into a body horror monstrosity, and an environment we once presumed to be safe instead becomes a nightmare.

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What did Mog House mean by this?

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Yeah, that's fair.

>This, remastered.
>Complete with HD version of the scene of him driving it down the stairs in the Shinra HQ

God, I would cum immediately.

which one of them prefers black mogs

Were Moogles fictional characters within FF7? There are never real ones, they only exist within the Golden Saucer.

So they're gonna have another phone promo?

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Damn straight they will. And this time Cloud won't throw his shiny new motorola into a lake. Because Cloud? Yeah Cloud is a gamer. A mobile gamer.
You literally summon one.

Reminder that FF7 is now 10 times the cyberpunk game that the Cyberpunk game is.

I agree. I think an easy way to rework it is if Rufus arrives and tries to seal off the city to prevent Jenova from escaping (along with Avalanche, it'd be a two birds one stone thing). What if Shinra HQ isn't the final area of the game? Cloud convinces everyone to chase after "Sephiroth" (or maybe he keeps it a personal mission, under the guise of just escaping from the city), and Jenova's left a trail of destruction from the HQ to the city limits. The final boss is Jenova at the outskirts and after a brutal fight you realize all you killed was something like its arm, and the rest is still out there.

FF7 is dieselpunk, faggot.

Summons are weird magical bullshit made by tickling a piece of dead people the right way. The closest that comes is implying Moogles used to be real one time and their souls live on as a materia

>They will change to to something else, or put Rufus in that section. I could see Rufus, Reno and Rude being a decent final boss

I really wonder if the Turks will still get away with being comic relief enemies that get away with everything -despite having killed hundreds of thousands of people- in the remake.

Yeah, and you'll also learn Omnislash Type-Σ and get Neo Shin Bahamut materia all before you leave town.

Summons aren't "real" though are they? They're kind of like spirit energy or something contained within Materia, yeah?

they're trying way too hard to make the cyberpunk game a cyberpunk game,doesnt help they are pandering strongly to normalfags with gameplay fads of the current era,not gonna say ff7 remake isnt either but atleast it's drawing stuff from a goldmine which is the original

And it'll still get spoiled within 30 minutes of the game's release.

I would give everything I own for a version of this game that's just these three, cloud, barret, tifa and aerith going on adventures in midgar.

Everything after disc one is downhill.

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Oh buzz off. The two big influences of FF7 are Blade Runner and Akira.

It's probably the segment where Jessie messes up the ID and they have to escape the train.

FF7 isn't even that cyberpunk. Remake is also less punk than the original in general, Midgar looks way more like a regular town

One of Cait Sith's limit breaks has a moogle dancing in front of you. That shit is real.
Kinda. A deleted line in the game implies that powerful beings forced themselves to become materia on death.
For example, you get Bahamut after fighting the dragon in the ancient temple.

>implying it won't get spoiled a month early when it breaks street date or like in kh3s case someone from the shipping company steals one

Midgar is tiny, and each plate has like a few hundred max. So we can assume dropping a plate means 100% casualties on the bottom, and maybe 50% casualties on top: so 250 dead.

Remake midgar is an actual massive city of probably a few million. The destruction is gonna be another level, and like 9-11 or some shit.

And the Thing.

Cait Sith is a robot cat riding an animatronic moogle. If Cid can make the Highwind launch rockets because he's angry, the shitty cat can pull other robot mogs out of his asshole on demand

I seriously hope not. Reno was this gaunt looking motherfucker in the original concept art, I imagined him as a creepy Yakuza enforcer type. I know they played him a bit for laughs later on in FFVII but that he became a "cute" total jokester in AC was insane given the blood on his hands.

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Yeah, Motor Ball sequence is a great ending for one chapter of a larger game, but it needs to be reworked to make it fitting for a ending for a individual game. But really, the entire Shinra HQ sequence and ensuing chase are a good foundation to work on, just extend them and give them even more dramatic weight, and it will be fine.

>50% casualties on top
Dude they fall at least 100 meters, probably a bit more judging by the height of the pillars in FF7. They can't survive that.

>Midgar is tiny

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>FF7 isn't even that cyberpunk.

Class division is massive, with a litteral upper and lower city. Elected governments are also irrelevant, as Midgar has a mayor and city council, but it's Shinra that calls all the shots. Then you play as the plucky anarchist terrorists opposing the corporations.

Class division, and corporations that have gotten so big and powerful that they over-run governments are big cyberpunk themes. Then the rest are the cyberpunk aestetics.

There's no internet, or hackers, but most of it's there.

About to play FF7 pc port
Should i play it with original models or the mod with the artwork models?

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Exactly. It always bothered me how they were treated like a joke, despite everything they did. And when it was played for laughs in AC I was just bewildered, AC was nonsense.

Those numbers make zero sense for a megacity. Are you going with just what you've seen on screen, or do you have any in-game source to back that up?

Because I've always assumed we're meant to presume there's millions of people in Midgar.

They really are shitting the bed with the whole "episodes" thing. It's clearly not being advertised as episodic. They straight up wanna fool people into buying it and pretending it's a full game. They better slap a tag on the title real fast before people start to boycott that shit.

Ah, who are we kidding? Normies and stream culture faggots will buy it regardless of the red flags.

>There's no internet, or hackers, but most of it's there.
And that's what makes it "cyber"punk. The time it takes place in.
FF7 takes place right after the industrialization.

I've read his dialogue in the original Japanese is more quirky because he has a vocal tic that is impossible to communicate in English.

Midgar is HUGE.


Play with original models. Close the thread before you have huge chunks of the game spoiled.

Midgar is the biggest city on the entire world. The FUCK are you talking about.
You only SEE three slums and one tiny section of sector 1. But that doesn't mean the rest of the city is fucking empty.

Fucking brainlets.

The environments we see in the original game are abstractions, they aren't "really" the size we see in the game, we have to imagine that they're bigger and the developers just didn't have the tools to show us. It's not like Gongaga is literally just five houses.

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Midgar literally takes up a large chunk of an entire continent

During the sector 7 tower raid, wedge can be seen moving his feet when aeris resuscitated him back.

Sephiroth will be fought at least once, probably more. Especially if the "we don't know how many we're going to make" bit is legitimately true, they're going to force it in just in case they never finish. I'd consider him a much more likely last fight than the OP robot.

>There's no internet,

Pretty sure the internet exists in VII, even if in a smaller form.

Which means nothing

>Those numbers make zero sense for a megacity.

It's a "mega-city" in 1997 J-rpg.

You can look at the city in the intro movie, and you can see each sector is only a few houses wide.

When you visit a sector in the game you are literally 100% seeing everything in that sector. Wall Market for example is literally the entire sector. It's really tiny.

Midgar gives you a sense of being massive, but in real world it'd be a village.

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Wedge could've survived

Source: Your ass

Man, I didn’t even remember that Gongaga was so small.

>FF7 takes place right after the industrialization.

Anything mako tech is pure 20th to 21st century tech.

Do you remember any helicopters or giant robots in the 19th century?

It is a "full" game, in terms of number of hours. It's not like we're playing a four hour long game across two discs (two hours per disk? Those are some really uncompressed assets).

It's "incomplete" the same way Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 1 was an "incomplete" adaptation of the original single Deathly Hallows book. It was still a full-length movie, it wasn't "half" a movie.


He couldn't have because a giant plate dropped on him.
He could be step dancing.
Do you know what "right after" means?

Stop taking 1997 CGI literally.

>full game

It is though. They've expanded the Midgar section to like 30 hours or more.

The Junon cannon is longer than the radius of Midgar, and Tifa runs the length of it in under a minute.

I sucked at this part, escaping Shinra, as a kid. I dunno why. Guess I was just a dumb kid

This. It was a different time.

Imagine being this fucking stupid

>mfw always thought Jesse was a redhead with a hat

Kinda killed her waifu status for me.

I can see them ending with the Rufus fight and having the Midgar escape being the opening to episode 2 (coming 2021)

Plothole! Game is 0/10 now

>and you can see each sector is only a few houses wide.

I don't think you understand how scale works.

sounds like a bad move unless they rework the story and how it unfolds.

How do SE fans even exist anymore?

At this point, they have enough feedback to know what is hated and what is loved by fans. They are just too dumb and too stuck-up to act.

>Cup Noodles lmao

Jesus Christ, strawman more you absolute twat

>Do you know what "right after" means?

What, 2000 years?

I think people are confusing some of the art dec architecture and vehicle designs for "Diesel-punk". But this is all taken from Blade Runner which was art deco meets the future.

Youre funny, keep posting

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>the cemetery has the same number of graves as the village has houses

Really made me think.

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Man i sure cant wait to pay 180 dollars for a bloated rape of a classic game

>junon canon
ahem. Sister Ray

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you can also walk from one edge of the continent to the other edge in a few minutes, stop being an autist about a world programmed in 1997

The game will end right before Shinra HQ. The plate dropping is the climax. Reno is the final boss.
Shinra HQ gets its own game. All 70 floors can be visited.

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It's not even a 1997 thing. Modern open world games are similarly quite small in scale. The cities in Witcher 3 for example are nothing like real cities, their populations are really tiny. If games were realistic it would take hours to walk through a city and that would just make it boring.

And it was worse off because of the split. This was such a dumb decision by Square. Faggots milking it for everything it's worth, and the chodes of this board eat it up like the good little consumers they are.

Like a battered fucking housewife

>Remake of FF7-2 features the part where you pretend to be an employee from the original scaled up significantly. Cloud goes to work every day and slowly climbs the ranks.

at least be aware of what has been shown before you make bad memes

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Can I spend all 70 in the stairwell?

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this is just part of the hidden secret trailer you get to see after beating it
nomura is the one at the helm after all

>no audience reaction when the display bike is shown

If Jessie is alive in the motorcycle part, I have absolutely no faith in Aeris actually dying. This better be an added segment or something when they're underground traveling to the second bombing mission.

I guarantee they're going to completely rework the story, it'll just be bid bag sephiroth and all the jenova stuff with the warped christian symbolism will be gone.

No because the stairs stop at floor 59 you fake gamer gurl.

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>Escape From Midgar: $60
>Temple of The Ancients: $60
>DLC: Nibelheim Flashback (will not be included in actual game): $20
>The Northern Crater: $60
>WEAPONS Arc: $60
>DLC: Crisis Core: $20
>End of Shinra: $60
>Conclusion: $60
>Advent Children Arc: $60
>Costume DLC Packs 1,2,3: $80
>A shitty 50-cent-production value resin sculpture of Cloud on the motorcycle he rides like twice: $350
>A photocopy of Tetsuya Nomura's shaved nutsack: $40
>A pin-up poster of Alisaie mocking you for not playing her much better-written game: $120
>Doing all this Deluxe Platinum Package: $6500

Be prepared to take out a second mortgage on your home if you're unironically going through with this piss.

Stairwell in the remake will be KINO

20+ years later i still dont know wtf was his problem? He doesnt have legs or what he just floats??

The guards near the support pillar also say retard, just another thing getting cut.

what materia do you think jessie gives cloud after that sequence?

i never even understood why chopping limbs off of jenova's mutant corpse turned into these things

he floats

Meh whatever. I want to explore Midgar more than I did in the original game, and the remake seems to be giving me that. I have lots of other things to look forward to and enjoy in life, I don't see what's wrong with dropping in on FFVII every couple of years and seeing what new part of the world has been fleshed out for me to explore for a couple dozen hours, and then I can move on and forget about it until the next release. This is really only a problem for obsessive autistic people who can't handle an incomplete narrative adaptation of a nearly 25 year old game coming out next year.

And it only costs like, the price of a couple of fancy dinners. It's worth it to me to pay that price once every few years.

He's sitting on Float Materia.

Attached: Bugenhagen.gif (216x380, 142K)

Hahah, you dumbshit, I love you, keep posting man

>tifas boobs are the only thing not being censored

I mean yea there was that one scene about how Jessie was just "following the guide", but as far as I am concerned it didn't really seem consequential and Jessie seemed over it afterwards. Instead everyone was emphasizing "SAVE THE PLANET!" and such. 29 hours later in the game it suddenly gets brought up again, and very explicitly, by an angry Reeve (Cait Sith) and it jus feels like "oh yea something like that happend long, long ago". It felt weird though since after the two reactor bombings, (of which I am still not sure whether or not Shinra/Turks defused the second bomb or not) AVALANCHE didn't really do anything like that anymore. So Reeve (Cait Sith) basically brought up what seemed ancient history and it was confusing how that action somehow made it look like Reeve was justified in his actions. It might just be Reeve simply being better at debating though and made a fool out of Barret to hide his own guilt. Still, I felt rather disconnected from that scene because it felt like "ancient history" to me. As it should have either happened way earlier, or have much more set-up prepared for the scene.

the only thing i don't like about this mod is cloud's massively wide stance. in HD it just doesn't look right.

based CHAD motor ball is more thicc than tifa

He's very tiny and likes to wear long, flowing dresses.

I think it's like the movie The Thing. Every individual piece is capable of horrific transformations bigger than the original form. FFVII was just sometimes very incoherent and had a hard time conveying these concepts. I was really fucking confused as a 9 year old playing FFVII when Sephiroth threw something at you and you fight Jenova Birth. They can make that much, much clearer in the remake.

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>A pin-up poster of Alisaie mocking you
I'll take three.

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Oh fuck and I always literally believed he was just a torso and a ball in place of his legs.

That's not official art. This is. Refer to

Attached: FFVII_-_Bugenhagen_Artwork.jpg (262x556, 54K)

It wasn't exactly a corpse because it can't really die. They're incomplete reconstructions of Jenova, only a small portion of her cells she dropped off to keep you busy so it looks like that instead of the one at the end of the game that's had time to finish regenerating.

Yep. Its a different bike than the one you get at Shinra. Don't know how you missed that.

I hope we can play as girl Cloud for the rest of the game, like as a selectable optional outfit.

"Due to the current political climate, we didn't feel that the honeybee inn was an area we wanted to revisit."

>Hell House will be cut
>The long awkward climb to Shinra will be cut
>The part where you press the buttons at the same time will be cut
>90% of Wall Market will be cut
Face it, it's gonna be soulless, all of the charm will be cut and all that's left is boring melodrama

So he ahs no legs?

Am I the only one who thought the combat looked extremely boring? When I was watching the E3 fight against the guard scorpion, the battle just dragged on and nothing interesting happened.

I really miss the days when "retard" wasn't taboo.

So how much content overall is gonna get cut in the remake?

You forgot the two $2500 custom FF7R wristwatches.
No, this is not a joke.

what the fuck

it's based on the before crisis redesign

Attached: BugenhagenAndFuhitoBC.jpg (240x240, 27K)

You can, and that will change all of Cloudette's future dialogue to pretentious speeches about her right to choose her gender.

yes he does, he is crouching on top of the ball. it's just hard to tell and theyre hidden under his robe

So is he standing on it or does he actually have no legs? I think him sitting on the ball looks much better.

No, he has legs. You just don't see them.

Attached: FFVII_-_Bugenhagen_Artwork_body.png (262x556, 130K)

I think it's obvious we're getting Jenova as the final boss (I don't know what else it could be, and Jenova is a bit too epic for an early game boss fight in Part 2 of the remake).

I'm more curious what the hell the final bosses would be in later parts. Jenova or Sephiroth AGAIN? Are they just gonna be the final boss of every single part?

>mfw realizing DLC outfits will be a thing, and people will do full play throughs as Girl-Cloud
>Sailor suit Barret
>Tifa in a cowboy hat

The ideas are endlesss.

Well I welcome additions like that as long as they're not changing major plot points too much and making characters live.


What will these outfits look like in remake?

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What the fuck are you supposed to say now anyways? 'Intellectually impaired'?

See: He phrased it perfectly. Try read it slowly though because you're obviously quite stupid.

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Jenova just makes it presecence known in Midgar. The fight is entirely you vs Shinra.

I wonder if they will acknowledge this stuff or anything from CC or Dirge. AVALANCHE had a pretty meaty history prior to barret running things, according to BC, and CC had Materia Fusion and Angeal/Genesis, and Dirge had Shinra ALSO working on Deepground.

Honestly if you can get really way off course and stumble onto an old out-of-order elevator just labeled "DEEPGROUND LAB" or something that'd be enough of a nod imo. they don't have to show any characters but nods like that I'd actually appreciate.

Every single one of these will be a $19.99 DLC costume.

>tifa helps cloud come to terms with her gender identity and emerge as the female she truly is

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Now people consider calling people who are literally mentally retarded "retarded" a horrible politically correct insult, which makes no fucking sense to me.

Remake is about seven years too late. Maybe even four years ago, they'd just tone it down and not have the guy in the dress shop call Cloud "weird", but I can't see any reference to it being in at this point.

How the times have changed

Reading that hurt my soul a little.

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Gongaga is literally five little houses. The actual city blew up, and most everyone died or moved away. you just have a few people left.

Didn't they say it will end at the end of disc 1 ?

SFM inspiring
heart melting

No. And that would be Aeris death. Very unlikely at this point.

they need to show Doom House. i don't care about anything til they show how they are handling the goofy-ass shit like Doom House. I hope they don't cut anything too silly or 'out there' looking. give me bouncing faces in the desert, give me doom house and sentient motorcycle and all that shit.

i hope they show Demon Wall soon

No. They said 7R will cover Midgar.

FF7 character models were always hard to figure out. It took me like 15 years to realise that President Shinra had a cigar sticking out of his mouth.

Attached: presidentshinra.jpg (640x512, 107K)

I've often seen some really bad opinion in my time here on Yea Forums, but not often to the point of making me feel physically sick just by reading it.

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Imagine how much the barafags would love that scene in modern visuals. I hope they don't cut it for their sake.

Every time I read a text box from Barret, I always hear the voice Barret had from the oneyng cartoon

I was under impression it was Mako all these years thanks to the English translation. Why can't English speakers into long vowels? You always romanize Japanese words wrong, even modern games like Sekiro do this.

I hope Tifa's breasts get bigger in this outfit to show her sports bra is what is holding them back.

Doom House ain't shit compared to my homie Ghost Ship. Look at this dude.

Attached: Ghost_ShipFF7.png (440x511, 82K)

This part is never gonna make it in

FF7 world they have literal super powers and firearms aren't that strong. You can hand-wave this as material/mako magic.

Would you really want them to?

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The amount of cut content around Honeybee is crazy. I don't think most of Honeybee will survive in a modern Snoy AAA release though. It'd be nice but don't be surprised if most of Wall Market is rushed through so they can move from meeting aeris to stopping the plate drop

Interesting to see that Wedge drives another motorcycle and Biggs shoots the enemies with his gun. No signs of Barret (and Tifa) though.

That would be pretty fucked up if they decided to break up the remake into 3 separate games.

How does it look this good?

Attached: 1301672628330.png (1025x610, 154K)

Part 1:
>End of Midgar

Part II
>End of Aeriths death

Part III
>end of full game

Could they do it? Parts 2-3 cover a Lot of plot ground.

fuck this dude
>Battle Square
>literally about to win
>all of a sudden he summons a wave or some bullshit and Cloud just flat out disappears off the screen

I'll take four, one for every wall in my room so I see her no matter where I look

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Yes and no.

I find a lot of the ideas and concepts and lore presented in Compilation interesting, and I like the designs of Deepground at least. It'd be nice if they acknowledged everything except Genesis and Weiss honestly

Brain Pod in better graphics would be horrific. What is it, some sort of head connected to a machine? Why would Shinra do this?

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no, you absolutely need four, unless if Midgar will be considerably shorter than the other two

>7R trailer made me want to replay FF7 real bad
>Don't want to buy it yet, since Steam sale is just over a week away
God fuckin dammit SE, everyone else put their games on sale for E3.

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God, I haven't seen this image in years.

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You're delusional. It was just 3.6 renken.

what the fuck this is some mother 3 shit

Didn't AVALANCHE kill a lot of people when they blow up the reactors?

Fuck you OP I was going to make this thread

nobody is playing it expecting to get the same experience or they are deluding themselves. guard scorpion is a big ridiculous set piece all on its own now, the pacing is already out the window.

because hojo is incompetent
he thought you can crossbreed humans with lions
the fuck is wrong with hojo

Yeah, based on what they need to cover, I'd say 4-5 games worth.

God damn, can you imagine being the poor kid who gets Final fantasy 7 part V without playing the other ones?

Yes. I could see some areas getting cut though, and maybe some locations that we originally visited multiple times instead being moved to Part 3, particularly the locations involved in the Huge Materia Quest (so before Aerith's death we wouldn't have been to Rocket Town or Fort Condor, that'd come later).

They'll just do it like Yakuza does.
Recap movies.

>hell house will be cut
They better not
all the goofy enemies are the best shit.


Comic relief. A straight guy getting freaked out/uncomfortable when receiving unwanted sexual advances by gay men used to be considered funny, as was straight strong macho man crossdressing. Then the whole world turned into cry at the drop of a hat pussies for some reason.

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They already sort of did for Crisis Core. Sephiroth in the remake trailer quotes Zack's words from shortly before his death, but the original FFVII didn't have Zack saying that in that scene.

Goofy enemies have no place in a serious remake.

i really feel like they were playing it at level 1 or playing poorly to show off the entire fight and things that can happen. But i dunno

And miss out on all the extra money they could get from selling glorified expansion-pacs at the price of full games? Never. has the right idea.

they've already shown goofy enemies in the trailer, like the turtle people in the sewers

I'm really liking this remake so far, but I'm quite displeased at how dark the insides of the Shinra headquarters look. They were much more lighted in the original

>There's no internet, or hackers, but most of it's there.
I'm pretty sure there is. Jessie builds her bombs using specs from it, I think? There was a computer at the base where she tells about the bomb. suppose it could be just on disk.

sephiroth even makes that really clear, hojo is basically a way less competent more insane replacement for Professor Gast, who was assassinated


It's pointing out the areas of interest you dumb dumb

no, the final boss is DEPRESSION when you realize that you have to wait another 2 years to go from Midgar to MAYBE Gold Saucer, because its fucking insane that 3 games is just Midgar, the rest of disc 1 and then disc 2 and 3 as the last game.

fuck you SE!

Everything is lit super dark.

that would be sick

Attached: serveimage.jpg (750x721, 229K)

And the real tragedy is that he's sephiroth's dad. Not only does Sephiroth have mommy issues. He hates his dad too.
tell us about your materia setup so we can laugh at you

Japan finds LGBT shit hilarious because it is so weird and out there compared to their ultra-traditional societal values. It is only in recent years that LGBT has made any progress whatsoever in Japan and they still aren't being catered to much because of the birth rate crisis.

Everyone has fire and lighting and ice and heal and restore and some summons

Nothing worth fighting for was ever won without sacrifices

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jesus, looking at them like that makes them look like Ogre Battle characters.

You're right, well that would make sense because that's a delusion Cloud is having during an 'episode'. I actually like this theme they seem to be going for where fire reminds Cloud of the Nibelheim trauma.

the fuck are you doing

do you have the ribbon accessory? that might help you. But by the sound of it, you rushed through the game and only have the most basic shit.

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Well what the fuck was I SUPPOSE to do then?

>tfw Zack’s death again in HD 1080p 60fps and extra gruesome and sad

>Tfw more Angeal depth

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do you have enemy skill? What's your party?

I don't think so. cloud, tifa, and Barrett

Yeah, Reese calls them out.



why are...uh....the #4 and #8 reactors not on?

but you just THINK



Cool fact: Cloud keeps the outfit in her inventory for the rest of the adventure.

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Explore and get better shit. Even if you stick with magic, why are you not using something like comet.
Why would you give them all magic materia when it negatively impacts your stats, less strength and less HP for each magic materia.

I'm guessing you're playing the rerelease, just activate the godmode cheat for the rest of the game because you're fucked.

Alright, try to look into Enemy Skill. There are a lot of them you should be abusing by that point in the game. I'd suggest Google.

>pulled out my PS1 copy for the same reason
>get "Sony Computer Entertainment presents" then No Signal
guess I'm waiting with you bro

All of FF7 is Hojo's fault.
>I'm WAY smarter than my predecessor, I'll prove it by making a human/Jenova hybrid super soldier.
>WHOOPS, I accidently gave the immortal eldrich space horror a human will, memory and sentience. Guess i'll just blow up migdar and kill myself to help it along.

the goofy parts of ff7 are the most memorable parts. the silly shit and the way characters act, talk and do things amidst all the depressing shit in the game is why it's so good.

Gnostic symbolism. It's okay, it's an easy mistake to make.

good, if I wanted to play ff7 again I'd play ff7

It's too late for that. He can't leave Shinra HQ and he can't get the actually useful (big guard, white wind) skills in Midgar.

>tfw you'd run up all the stairs to get the items, but then run back down and go through the front to get the experience

>Tifa on screen

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Are you not using any support or command materia?

I've done this exactly once. Just to have done it.

He also killed his predecessor and kidnapped his Cetra wife and daughter

So do I just start the game over?


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What’s the diff? Always wondered

Whoa wtf

>that would are sick

No. what are you playing it on? Emulated? Steam? Switch?

I hope Aeriths one is slightly transparant

Check your item inventory for a vaccine, then use it before his third phase. You won't be able to barrier the vaccinated character but they will at least be able to move. After that the vaccinated character can use remedies, x-potions, or elixirs as needed.

no you're way too late for that
grind really hard. Do you have a ribbon or any accessory that makes you immune to status effects?

not tifa, this chick has much lighter hair and blue eyes but they clearly reused her battle model there to save on resources

>The fat dude got thrown from the tower
And still survived to have one last conversation with Cloud. Guess that fat saved him, at least momentarily.

Man all of the demo impressions have me so fucking excited for this game

>It always struck me as odd that Midgar didn't have any of them laying around.
Because the Mako there never had a chance to crystallise over time and become Materia.

>wanting to see Aeris tranny dick
based AND redpilled

alright here's what I got on everyone

Cloud Level 57
Lightning-Magic Plus
Ice-Counter Attack

Tifa Level 57
Enemy SKill-W Item

Vincent Level 54
mp plus-hp pluse
revive-neo bahmet

Cloud I have the ribbon and equipped to cloud in place of the fire badge

On a scale of 1 to fucked how fucked am I?

This can’t be real, holy shit.

The boys bantering in FFXV is easily the best part of that game and I'm happy that something similar is happening here.
It really makes parties feel more alive.

you absolutely don't need all of that magic. Take most of it off. Just use Cloud to heal the party and make sure they don't get paralyzed.

I'm betting this is after the first bombing mission and Barret goes his own way home whilst Cloud and the others escape back to base on motorcycles. OR they're adding in some Avalance sidequests and this will be part of one of them.

Bullshit, you can still buy and find materia in Midgar.
The character with W-Item should have ribbon. When the other characters get stunned, tifa can heal them, provided you have the items/materia for it.

Remove Transform, Manipulate, Deathblow and any Summons/Magic you don't actually use.

She was Don’s top slut after all.

>Avalance sidequests
I can see there being a lot of prep work before the second bombing mission.

This. Even Tifa's original design was too problematic for them

>oh, don't step on the flowers

Using Tifa and Vincent is not a great idea at this state

Aeris will die. I demand it.

Vincent is unironically good for the Hojo fight

Guys there are like 3 enemy skill materia. One in the Forgotten Capital.

It's fine. I recently replayed it and my main team was Cloud-Tifa-Cid.
Then again, I knew what I was doing and had all the materia, multiple mime etc.

Gnosticism is a school of thought that came around a bit after Christianity, though some say it predates the pre-Jewish Hebrew religion. It incorporates aspects of all the Abrahamic faiths with some older belief systems. The biggest difference is that Gnosticism believes that our universe wasn't created by the true god (the Monad or "oneness") but rather by an imperfect, accidental creation called the Demiurge. This being created the material world and seeks its worship in order to sustain itself. Though the Demiurge believes itself to be perfect, it created an imperfect world because of its own lack of true spirituality. The Demiurge severed the tie of the physical world to the spiritual realm except through him, so he siphons bits of holiness from the higher pleroma and forms human souls out of them, denying other gods access to the spiritual energy. So, the Demiurge's mother Sophia emenated herself into reality as Christ, in order to help the souls trapped in the Demiurge's false reality escape it and rejoin the Monad in spiritual fullness. It's some wacky, goofy shit, but the idea of a false god creating the universe has been in all sorts of shit since it came around.

Oh yea story wise. And with his 3rd limit break

>FFVIIR comes out in seven parts

It would be like pottery.

Oh so an actual judeo-Christian tradition rather than the one we hear about that doesnt really exist

Thank you.

She'll die and they'll find some way to bring her back (some sort of mako clone/lifestream nonsense)

Broken pottery. Hahaha I kill me.

I do not min-max like that but Tifa’s ultimate weapon annoys me. Why do people use Cid so much?

how do you get the other fucking limit breaks. I see they're unlocked, but they never appear when I reach my limit. Do you have to build up multiple bars or something?

just saw it,what the absolute...

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You will infuse Aeris cells into Marlene.

Why is Tifa the only design that got all fucked up?

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I’d like them to play around with this idea maybe in dlc. But I do not need it in the main game.

Why does it annoy you?
Because Cid is fucking rad.
You go into the menu
go to limit
and select the limit level
when you get a limit break you get a choice between the limits for that level

Aerith's will look similar to this. Tifa's will have the boob window removed, can't have that these days because you'd cause people to be triggered and have panic attacks. Cloud's will be loose fitting to obviously hide his more masculine body structure.

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You go into the limit break menu, there’s like a “set” option, and you set it to the category of break you want

Realistically she should not be a beauty queen desu

You are now hyper-aware of how badass it is going to be to play as Vincent because his Limit Breaks make him transform into beast creatures

gotta make Aerith sexier by comparison

Oh you have to choose the level? I've been using level 1 the whole game

What is playing as Barret like? Are there any articles about that? Is it like lock on and shoot like KH2's wisdom form, or do you aim a reticule or what

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Yeah but you won't be able to control him anymore

Its damage is based on the limit gauge. Why is he rad? Tell me!

Cid has a multi-hit limit that doesn't have as much of a damage penalty per hit as other multi-hit limits. This makes it the second best in the game, behind Omnislash which gets a lower than normal damage penalty and also automatically crits each hit. Yuffie's Doom of the Living is 3rd, with 15 hits at a 0.625 damage factor.

I think it’s just like ranged attacks in other free roaming ff games. He aims and attacks from afar

Because he is $%&§"#! rad, god damn!
Swears all the time. Smokes. Causes people to leave Shinra. Pilot Level LIMIT BREAK.

>Why is he rad? Tell me!

He's a cigar-chomping pilot. What the fuck's not to love?

Okay. I’ll drop Barrett for Cid then. Ty. Yuffie is the other fighter I decided was really good, glad I was right. Ty.

That fact he's a wife abusing piece of shit?

Those arent cigars.

Long Range materia will be fucking broken in the remake.
>stand on the other side of the map
>enemies dead
Be aware though, Yuffie's 4th limit is weaker than her third.

This is not showing the thousands of peasant shacks around the town. Medieval London had a pretty big population already.

>If games were realistic it would take hours to walk through a city and that would just make it boring.
What! If a city was to scale and every building could be entered and every tree cut down it would be an amazing and fun game. Fuck man, you ever get in a car chase in a GTA game? It's so boring how small the world is and how easy it is to escape. I want big.
Probably would not fit for a linear game, but with enough detail and interaction a city of any size would be interesting.

I will be playing original FFVII on my ps2.

He gets better

She isn't his wife and you already tried baiting with that shit in a thread last week, fuck you faggot I'm onto you.

You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life.

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I know. Except All Creation was good for Emerald, hit all his eyes for max damage

That's assuming certain materias won't get reworked or scrapped.

Limit breaks work like this:
There are four levels. Each level has an A and a B level limit break. To gain the B limit break in the current level, you must use the A limit break a certain number of times (usually less than 20). To gain the next level's A limit break, you must defeat a certain number of enemies with that character. This is why it's so hard to get Aerith's limit breaks and so easy to get Cloud's.

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People will riot if there won't be Chocobo Lure materia. In fact, I'm already angry.

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I agree unironically. FF7 kind of sucks after Midgar.

She was always shit looking, but all you thought about when seeing her were her tits only. When they are gone there is nothing impressive about her.

They aren't married. Anyway Shera isn't even close to being among the best girls in FF7 (Elena and Jessie) so it's irrelevant that Cid "verbally abuses" her.

And in the end the guy he cucked and two of his former experimental subjects came by, stopped his plans, and exterminated him.

I'm looking forward to shitting on the remake daily

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4th level doesn't have a second attack you FAKE GAMER GIRL

>Slash All + Long Range
>go and take a nap

Gay opinion, she looks fucking beautiful in there if they make her eyebrows a bit darker she would be absolute perfect

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>She was always shit looking,


>Cool fact: Cloudia keeps the outfit in her inventory for the rest of the adventure.

A story as old as time.

I bet you do

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Vincent and Cid only have 1 per level. Such a shame, you are now banished.

this is the worst timeline

I hope all of you defending Tifa's redesign are happy, the fact that people like this user exist is YOUR fault

>she looks fucking beautiful
She looks like a tranny.


Real aesop’s fable shit there

Sorry sweetie it's 2019, realism is all that matters

>Square is charging 180$ for this game
Fucking hell unless you magically get the other two episodes included on March 3rd hope you faggots are ready to pay.

Cid has 7 limits like most characters. Only Cait Sith and Vincent have reduced numbers.
Vincent has 4 (one per level), Cait Sith has only 2.

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I always thought she should look a little dressed down desu. Fits her character. Goving her voluminous hair and model tier complexion always seemed like having cake and eating it too

>that Aerith portrait
>Not fucking ugly

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I meant to type Cait. My bad. But I’d be technically wrong anyway since Cait just has two levels while the menu shows 4 strictly speaking

>She looks like a tranny
You people are fucking obsessed.

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Hey if you don't like it that's fine but I think she's a 10/10

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Cid? Cid has two per level, like hyper jump and Dragon. Did you mean Cait Sith? (who I hope to be more useful in the remake)

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Yes I meant to type Cait and was not paying attention

There is only room for one tranny in this game, and that's best (((girl))) Aeris

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I probably won't play this remake until all the parts come out. So I hope enough other people buy these incomplete versions so I can get the complete one when it finally finishes.

I still don’t see the problem here. Especially since it’s mostly angle and lighting making her look waxy

Shots that hide her ironchin, are very welcomed

Barret, Tifa, Aerith and Red XIII Are in the car. You see Barret standing on in in the distance at the begnining, and you see Tifa's hand driving the car in the last frame.

Will All Lucky 7s be still in it?

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Buying part 1 I am. Will decide further based on that

That would make the trip to Costa del Sol incredibly uneventful, borderline pointless. I don't like it.

She looks way too old, while her jaw and cheekbones are too prominent. Also her nose looks really fucked

>that's going to be the excuse when red doesn't digsuise himself as a human
>no junon marching minigame
>no hell house
>no ghost ship
>no slap fight
>no date with barret
>barret in general will be dull and unfun

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For most of the shots her chin was less pronounced. The infamous shots had light directly hitting her making it seem more voluminous. So I think she’s fine.

oh shit, that IS the car
I guess Jessie lives then, congratulations, all four Jessiefags

They all look like that. And the jaw/cheek thing is mostly the lighting, Cloud was the same albeit slightly better off due to his position.

the most important thing about Costa del Sol is going to the beach and seeing Hojo surrounded by bitches

also I'm pretty sure Tifa fucks Johnny if Cloud's affinity with her isn't high enough

>although I'd love to see the shit that is flipped if it's possible to save Aerith
They wouldn't ever do that. It would piss off so many fans who treat Aerith's death as the most powerful moment in video game history (it's not but you should never argue with fanboys) and as much as people claim act like she's some amazing character they wish they could save, actually letting it happen would cause an outcry over artistic integrity. It's the one claim to fame the game has. They'll never take that away.

>if light hits Aeris face, she looks like a shemale
what did he mean by that?

You just said don't step on the flowers but you're doing it boss

Whoa. Case crrracked.

Wonder if this is misdirection for Aerith

>oooo maybe we wont kill her, you dont knoooow

I'm fine with Red not disguising himself as a human because I don't see a way of pulling that off in a realistic art style

the fact that Barret does not seem dull and unfun from what we've seen already gives me hope

>tranny this tranny that

Seriously what the fuck is happening to you faggots?

I wonder what the fuck they'll do with Jessie now she's confirmed to have lived though

Jessie likes computers (flashy stuff), probably helps you get past Shinra security at points

Not sure affinity plays a role. Got the same dialogue both times and both times I got the highwind scene

Fucking kek

>I never got out of Midgar

It’s the case with all these 3d models. Tifa looks like she’s suffering early alcohol poisoning in some shots because of this too

Aerith is the kind of girl to lock you chastity as a "joke" but then refuse to give you the key and scold you for wanting to masturbate every time you ask for it back

>why would you even need it back, silly?

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Actually the date with Barret will be the only "choice" now. The implications of sex with Tifa under the Highwind will be removed.

I just don't get the point of that scene then, Tifa acting all secretive and basically telling Cloud to fuck off while she sits on a bed alone in a bedroom with a male friend

There will be a non-canon "Revive Aeris" DLC featuring a what-if scenario if she survived.

That's the car you steal from Shinra. That's the escape scene, Jessie is alive by the end. I wonder if the reason they're pushing her the most is because she's the only one who will survive

Pretty sure that's the new escape from the reactor

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>Goving her voluminous hair and model tier complexion always seemed like having cake and eating it too
It's a fucking video game

Latest buzzword for thing I don't like. Just like cope, seething, cuck, autist etc before it.

Isn't Tifa entitled to some privacy and to live her own life? She can fuck whoever she wants

I'm ok with that as long as it stays firmly non-canon. It would be an absolute abomination to have her survive for real.

You’ve thought a lot about this. Masturbating is bad to be fair

>kind of girl

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No, there will be a scene in the new one where Aerith survived and it's actually Cloud's delusions while he's wheelchair bound. It's meant to criticize both him and the player for wanting to block up trauma with lies and delusions

>I'm fine with Red not disguising himself as a human because I don't see a way of pulling that off in a realistic art style
You're the problem fuckhead

Eh. I can understand it is all.

That's part of the fun, to shit talk each other waifu, user

Yes, Aerith is a girl. Stop watching trap porn it's warping your mind.

i want to feel her hair on my cheek

>no junon marching minigame

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It'll be non-canon, but people have been wanting to revive her for so long that it will sell millions.

That would be fun. Starts at the City, events are rewritten to incorporate her more.

Do you know if the remake will run at 60 fps? Just asking.

Vincent only got 1 limit per level and IIRC Cait Sith only got two Limit Breaks in total.
And yea as someone else already mentioned, there is always only one limit break technique at level 4 and you can only gain it after getting all previous limit breaks of that character and then find an item that gives you the 4th limit break.

they only staggered it once if i recall, ff13 fights can be a grind too if you don't actually use the combat system

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

"Well they didn't model every individual house so I guess the largest, most advanced megapolis in the world has a population of like 5000 people tops."

reminder that this is the average person trying to demand what direction developers, the industry and the latest smash pick should take to satisfy him

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Than why does she have no tits and ass, while having a jaw that rivals barrets?

>make feminine characters look like men
>because trannies online complain about women in FUCKING VIDEO GAMES NOT REALITY that look attractive

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what's? that shit was absolutely kino, but I agree the remake version will be even more kino.

she's got a huge ass and big meaty thighs, superb

You have terrible standards, is all.

compilation is officially no longer canon for the remake (thank god)

Once I got Yuffie I never used Aeris again. Willingly

>no guy getting blown away by helicopter

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If Nomura somehow makes it a kino battle and not some gay ass anime shit between Rufus and Cloud I'll eat shit. There's no way he'll pull off a non-cringe 1v1

Looks fine to me , especially on the poster and new trailer where they made have softened all that stuff.

And when she casts Bolt you can make out a nice ass under the dress

I never used Aeris until my last playthrough when I kept her in my party until she died. Enjoyed the game more than I'd ever had

Or maybe they each die at different times.
>who dies where is based on certain interactions to give you the illusion of being able to save them or letting them down

Right now, I'm fucking excited for the game. Really hope SE will be able to keep the quality up for the rest of the game

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Do you want to cheese thorugh the fight? Tifa-chan has two weapons that if she's in low HP or critical or in doom, or another status, in increases her attack power. They stack.

So she can get like 4-8 times an attack. Then give her Deathblow and she'll be doing max damage.

That can be fixed by having all weapons with a Range stat. A sword has a range of just like 2 or something, and Long Range only adds like +10 range.

That's because you're blind, and have trannys on your mind.

>tfw no alternate take DLC where you play some sections of the game from the perspective of Rufus and his band of fuck ups

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Avalanche are a terrorist organization bro

Before Crisis makes them look even worse honestly

I can't wait to see Tifa get fucked by this guy in HD.

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>Stop watching trap porn
That's good advice for so many people who post in this website

>no more grenade being thrown at your no dimes drawing ass

I'm stunned to see people ITT shit talking her design. She looks perfect to me. Are these jealous Tifafags? What's going on?

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>I'm fine with Red not disguising himself as a human because I don't see a way of pulling that off in a realistic art style

No, it'll be 10 times funnier. This is meant to be ridiculous even in the original. It's a paper thin disguise that somehow works. That's standard comedy.

She is flat as fuck

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>japanese """""""""comedy"""""""""

Fuck that stupid helicopter took forever to land. Hope they speed some of these cutscenes up in the remake.

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There is actually a list of all the girls with their Likes and Dislikes even. It's not Tifa because some of the cut NPCs meant to populate those areas have dialogue, and one of them asks Cloud if Tifa works there, and you have the option of punching him in the face.

Haha, no. But nice try. Barret is nowhere to be seen and The "hand" belongs to a Shinra Infantry guy.

>Trying to brag with her new model
>posting a horrendous shot of her face
at least use a flattering one. Like the opening scene

what I mean is it would look like your dog standing on two legs. It's not about not seeing how it would fool somebody, I just can't imagine what it could even look like with realistic graphics. If anything it'd look disgusting, his joints would have to be all out of whack to pull it off

That's a great story. Meanwhile I'll enjoy those tits and that tummy

TifaSTRAIGHT here. Aerith looks perfect to me. Tifa looks like a hurriedly put together sjw thing that can go to hell.

>Tifa has a ass now, while Aerith has a dick

I wish they would just fully embrace that Barret was meant to be Mr T with a buzzcut. They are softening his design way too much.

so it is dumb waifu wars instead of honest opinions

her main appeal is being a petanko genki girl
the fuck are you smoking?

>Cid won't abuse his wife

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what's Nomuras obsession with belts?

Even there you can see the dress falling around the hips

>Jenova gone
They aren't going to change a Nibelheim, and he walks out of there carrying her fucking head. You fight her more than you fight Sephiroth.
Jesus, I can't tell if you remake doomsayers are trolling or completely retarded.

Zoom zoom zoom

>tits are Tifa
>tummy is Yuffie
Cause they're in my party dipshit

in the Remake I think I'm just gonna use whoever feels fun to play. Keeping Aerith in the party seems like less of a necessity considering she's going to be alive for the entirely of at least one of the games.

his father died in an autoerotic asphyxiation related accident with a belt and now he includes them everywhere to try and overcome his grief

>Shera dear could you please bring our new friends some of your delicious tea? Please, take a seat everyone.

Look at this thread, this is nothing more than waifufags shitting up threads

Rufus actually dies of a stres induced heart attack, not Diamon weapon

That’s extra work. Would rather use another party member for endgame

Newer HDTVs can't support 240p. If you're using a PS2, AV cables will work but it'll look like shit. I play PS1 games using a soft modded slim PS2 and GSM, which can force the console to output in higher resolutions, with component cables. Looks pretty good.

can't wait to see their black poly bull that they both kiss

Then say that in the first place, cocksucker.

i highly doubt we'll have barret cursing and shooting his gun arm at fireworks levels of fun
>can't pull it off in realistic art style
i don't care how stupid it looks, he can walk around like gif related for all i care. the silliness to counteract the depressing world and fucked up characters is why FF7 is great.

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How does wanting a cutscene to be over faster make me a zoomer you fucking retard? I'd like to get back to actually playing the game, not sitting there for 30 seconds waiting for a helicopter to land.

>user is actually coping

Aerith is legitimately great to bring along for story stuff

>Rufus fights with dog/panther and helicopter minigunfire support, but actually gets pushed back by Cloud alone. Suddenly A WILD JENOVA APPEARS! Cloud and Rufus are forced to temporarily set aside their differences and fight the menace that could potentially run wild and destroy all of Midgar
Would certainly be interesting if Nojima and Nomura could pull this off.

I hate it. I hate it so God damn much


You sound like an impatient zoomer fag. MAKE IT GO FAST I DON'T WANT TO WAIT 30 SECONDS AAHHHHHHHH

What would you call what you’re doing? That’s what you’ve come here to do, cope. You’re always in these threads doing this lol


I always hated her personality. I thought it was funny because it seemed like Cloud was kind of annoyed with her. Maybe that was just me projecting

>Already have it on Steam
>But I get the blow-up doll mouths

I hate to be so petty over that graphical issue but it's so damn distracting.

I do hope they touch up your waifu some. Would not be hard.

different strokes for different folks

She’s the one who makes him open up so yea it is projecting. I don’t dislike Tifa but I get tired of her, seems like a cipher every time I play nowadays