They removed the game from Xbox 360 and Xbox One. If you bought it, the game can't be redownloaded.
They removed the game from Xbox 360 and Xbox One. If you bought it, the game can't be redownloaded
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And nothing of value was lost.
It's Telltale's best game. Also it's the best thing to ever happen to Borderlands.
>mfw season 2 never ever.
Except that's not true, because the events of it are canon.
Damn man that sucks, guess you'll just have to play it on the 30 other platforms it's available on.
Not only it's canon but it's also the best Telltale game and best Borderlands story
You fucking horrendous taste in video games if you genuinely believe that.
They don’t want to cure your autism stupid faggot
not him, but it's pretty high imo. It's a shame most people didn't play it because of the borderland title.
I'd still rank the 1st walking dead and The wolf above it though
Okay, go back to playing Fortnite little Jimmy.