It's on sale right now, is it worth it just for the curiosity?

It's on sale right now, is it worth it just for the curiosity?

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No, God no. It's so unbearably generic and looks like shit.


I made the mistake of buying it on sale about a year ago. Terrible purchase, wish I could delete it from my account.

There's a 10 hour trial. Just try that first.

I pirated it and it was actually enjoyable but that because I'm a Mass Effect fan.

pirate it. it's not worth any amount of money.

Depends on how the sale is.
For $5, sure.
But it's a very neutered version of Mass Effect and the whole idea of "wow, you are colonizing a new galaxy!" is dropped after the first act and you are just fighting humanized Reapers.

The gameplay is actually pretty good though, it's maybe the best combat of the franchise, which is a shame.

No. Pirate if you must.

All I could think of while playing it is what other better games I could be playing instead. Mass Effect games are about the writing, and so incredibly uninteresting in this game

I have tolarated and overall enjoyed every single entry in both Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises up to ME:A.

That was the last drop. ME:A is the physical manifestation of sheer and utter incompetence and complete creative bankruptcy.

Bioware is a festering carcass of a studio and I want it to fuckign die as soon as possible without even trying their hand at DA4.

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>it was actually enjoyable but that because I'm a Mass Effect fan.
funny, it had the complete opposite effect on me, i hated it and quit it after 2h because i am a mass effect fan

Same, it's like an amateurish student project compared to the original trilogy

i liked it well enough and put in like 60-70 hours

I played it and made my way through it, but it is not what you should expect from Mass Effect where the story is concerned.
If you like the mass effect game play then you will like the game. Combat is fun, lots of powers, weapons, armor, and the vehicle is pretty sweet. They nailed that aspect of it.
If you liked the mass effect story which includes the characters, relationships, interactions, and personality of your character from the last game then you will be very disappointed. They missed this aspect entirely.

Combat and exploration were the best parts of the game, especially on Harval, however, everything else SUCKS. Ultimately, the game made want to do another trilogy run instead.

oh, the galaxy and surface exploration is beautiful as well. The Travel animation looked great to me.

get battlefront 2 there doing so much with it . they made heroes vs villains so much better!

Battlefront 2 is ridiculously good compared to its reputation

While I would probably like exploring, I don't want anything to do with the story elements of this game, so nah.

It's still a boring, cut-down Battlefield.

i heard the starfighter combat is really good.


every planet in a desert with the same remnant and bandit camps littered around


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No. Even as someone who doesn’t hate Bioware like the rest of Yea Forums this game is just not good. The main antagonist sucks, the writing is cringe and amateurish, the animations are fucking awful, the main planets are barren, and due to the game flopping we’ll probably never get a sequel. Either pirate it or play something else.

its the alien resurrection of the series


Played like 14 hours before I just stopped. Pic related sums up the experience, do you think it’s worth it?

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