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It's kind of interesting when you realise he crashed his car in the same place Gunpei Yokoi did.

About time

Fucking finally, now for the rest of that company

I wonder what his salary is like

I can't believe spontaneous combustion is real

what happened

Man I can't believe Thanos killed Sakurai

You got baited.

Drifting accident

Shrek killed Sakurai as of means of revenge for not giving him the invitation for Smash bros.

Man... age really got to him.

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He was murdered by radical meleefags.

died trying to suck his own dick
he flew too close to the sun

what did they mean by this?

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Good ridsance

Maybe we can can get better Kirby representation now

I know, right.
I mean I know you helped win E3, but that doesn't mean you drink yourself silly.

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press F to pay respects

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>check CNN
>it's real

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Someone attacked him with a pick for his radical ideas.

He quit Nintendo. He then went to Sony with Reggie.

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He tried to wavedash but accidentally air dodged off the stage.

He forgot his odor mask on a melee tournament

nerve gas

>Sakurai commits seppuku
>ascends to the 2D plain
>becomes the next smash fighter

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Yet another brother killed by the white menace

neck yourself money

That only happens if there is a mass-shooting over stupid shit. Then again, he's in charge of Smash, and we all know how unstable the fanbase the guy that made this thread.

Dude, too soon.

Steveposters finally got their revenge.

I can't believe todo howarudo is fucking dead.

Shot and killed by waluigifags. So sad, he was about to announce waluigi as final DLC

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You moron.
He's still alive.

RIP. How will they get the unwashed fat sweat odors out of his body? Guess we'll never see the funeral. Biohazard teams probably already buried the body in a containment box.