>tfw not invited anymore to play games because i developed a huge ego

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You deserve this.

A lot of popular people have huge egos as well. You're probably just autistic.

same, worst part is i'm really good at the game i play and the friends i had boosted my ego too much by messing around but it actually turned me into an ass hole by mistake

That is quite the ego for you to bump a self-deprecation thread.

How do I fit into my new Albion Online guild who are bunch of bronze league shitters that just act toxic to each other all day?

They're all like 25+ man children that call each other pussies and fags and homos all day. I'm generally a quite / nice dude who is pretty high ranked in other mobas, but I honestly have no idea how to respond when one of these idiots calls me a pussy. Feels like I'm in high school, but 90% of the people in this game are like this or brazilians acting equally as crazy.

stop being a pussy you fucking faggot

Find a better guild or play a less competitive game.
Usually toxicity like that will be a little more filtered out if there's a better girl to guy ratio or you have a decent guild leader.

play a better mmo
wow classic when it comes out
dont interact with kids

>Albion Online
this...is a real game?

Announcing reports is against the rules fag

>wow classic when it comes out
>dont interact with kids

Someones in for a rude surprise

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This, I can't stand people with egos, sort your life out

>tfw huge ego but have the skills to back it up
>it's not that I'm good, it's just that all my friends are shit

its taken off since f2p release, a good ~20k active daily players apparently.
Its certainly making bank at the moment so nows a good time to start playing, more content is on the way.

i like competitive games like this, this is just a very different game sort of game.

The competitive side of it like GvGs and Hellgates take a significant amount of investment, and its super exclusive since theres no MMR system. You either have to know someone or start your own guild like these guys do, and expect the guild to fund your bronze level GvGs where you're never going to win against people who are actually good at mobas.

>have 5k hours in dota2
>get praised but im actually good
>one guy is kinda jealous of me or something because I have good game knowledge eventually bans me off discord
>they invite me back cus im actually fucking good
>they dont invite me to play other games

i can't spot sarcastic toxicity so i act like a multi-layered fag in response

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>git gud
>"bro you are taking this too seriously, tone it down"
>play like shit
>"lol git gud, why do we even invite you"

I wish it was banter but I just have shit internet friends.

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Its the new internet culture, everyone tries to be better than others and belittle others

This here
>Get nagged into buying Overwatch
>>bro come play haha
>Be the only one ever going positive unless the other team is garbage
>>dude you should play comp with us i bet you'll place like diamond or something
>Comp is just everyone getting mad but they insist on playing it anyway
>>dude why'd you stop playing overwatch??

>everyone tries to be better than others and belittle others
That isn't new internet culture, what the fuck? If anything, new internet "culture" is the exact opposite of this. It's okay to be shit, and anyone talking smack is toxic and gets a summary suspension from whatever they're playing.

>tfw my ego is well deserved
>i dont even play video games anymore im here on Yea Forums to collect reaction images

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Are you me?

>That one dude who has a huge ego but also a paper thin skin so anything remotely close to losing flips him off

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At least you admitted it.
This guy in my group is fucking torture to play with, and constantly """brags""" about his """"achievements"""" in the game.
Dudes gonna feel real alone when he realizes his only real friends in the game dont want to play with him, but at least he'll have his in game achievements right?

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It has nothing to do with your ego and everything to do with you being an autistic faggot with no social skills.