Ranked at 2600

>ranked at 2600
>play comp for 4 hours
>finish at 2598

Name a worse competitive game

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2 consecutive esports of the year award retard. Also Overwatch 2 is coming.


>Imagine being this retard to waste your precious time being 2600.
Dude you will never reach a peak and become famous, the train passed and you were not even in the station. Learn to enjoy your time better.

>playing games to be famous
Imagine being this retarded

Then why you are playing a competitive mode in a game made only for streamers and e sports alone matching with perfect strangers? Hm? I imagine your fun going into forced 50\50 and in the end after 4 hours of swearing you end lower than you started. No, you are totally do it for fun im sure.

Overwatch is trash and has been trash since season 2, irredeemably so after season 4, so I'm not defending it, but this is just how matchmaking works you autist. It's not an mmo or hearthstone where you gain rank just for grinding.

You have to be an absolute subhuman retard to get stuck below masters for an extended period of time though. If you don't have some kind of learning disability or physical impairment you should probably off yourself.

>he plays games to be famous and not for fun
Imagine being American

Comp is far too frustrating in this game. I've had matches where I've killed 3-4 people on my own and my team still lost. I just stick to quick play and arcade only way not to be annoyed with this game

>he thinks people get stuck on the ladder in Overwatch of their own volition
The system is designed to make you buy a smurf account, countless cases of people being "stuck" and then suddenly placing 1500 ranks higher on a new account prove that. That's also why Blizzard doesn't want to do a rank reset at all, let alone every season.

You can place high on a new account because there's a smaller sample size of competitive games and a chance you get lucky and win your placements. Play enough games on either account and you'll end up at roughly the same place, you'll just get there faster on a new account because the confidence rating is low.

If you're stuck in gold/low plat you absolutely deserve to be there, the players in these ranks are irredeemably bad and the handful of times I've boosted friends I can usually get to diamond without losing a game unless someone leaves or outright throws.

so it's the game's fault that you have a low rank? what a unique perspective, clearly you're onto something there

how much for boost to diamond? I'll get you one game from your steam wishlist

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How can you misinterpret the point this badly

I went cold-turkey on the game about a year ago, don't really want to relapse on it. You can probably find people willing to boost you for free if you join deranking groups in LFG.

what's the best character to learn for solo climbing? I made it to mid plat just playing hog but he's the only fun tank imo

Why would you expect to climb when you're supposed to be at 2600SR? You only climb if you actually get better at the game. The game doesn't reward time spent playing the game but skill at playing the game.

t. frenchfag

It looks like you did

Blizz changes the game so much that it's hard to say. Tracer/Widowmaker used to be my go-tos when boosting since they both can play pretty independent of their teams and have a massive impact. Widowmaker especially was extremely busted below masters because of how bad the average player's movement is and their inability to go widow to counter you.

Would go Zarya on offense a lot if teammates would just straight out refuse to push, was so easy to maintain high charge and bubbles change your teammates retarded decisions into massive plays. Grav is also a guaranteed teamwipe and it's so easy to build it off of all the suicidal Dvas in low ranks.

The real answer though is just to play who you enjoy and focus on improving instead of looking for some shortcut to rank up.

user that's a fucking huge ranking, it's going to take obscene amounts of effort to get much higher.

You are just bad user.

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