What am I in for? I'll be 25 in October but I can't wait any more

What am I in for? I'll be 25 in October but I can't wait any more.

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You have to wait, nigger.

Only 25 and up are allowed to enjoy this masterpiece.

t. 33 year old boomer

Wtf bros, tried installing the game and I felt some weird rumbling underneath my floorboards
Turn 25 in a couple days btw if that helps

It’s so fucking good bro I creamed around the 2 minute mark

oh boy i sure do love old memes

>Give away 2 of the possible endings in your marketing
What were they THINKING?

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>Need to wait till you're 40 to get the expansion pack
what the fuck were they thinking?

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have anyone actually played this game? what is about?

why is tree always disappointed and sad?

Don't worry, they're different games

He's sad you're not 25 and can't play his game.

Who thought this stupid fucking goofy face tree was a good idea

You do have a computer, don't you, user?

The 25 limit was 3 years ago, it's 28+ now


They killed the tree liv on stage during the pre pre show, you can now safely play even if under 25



fuck YOU

>linking to kotaku equivelant

user, this is not the way to behave yourself.

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Someone should shop a wojak face onto the tree. Now THAT would be one hell of a meme!

>top 10 anime betrayals

why are you people so hopelessly autistic?

i guess it's supposed to be the deku tree

Its an honest living user.

But please dont promote garbage. You can link to an archive of it instead.

Fuck off or post the archive yourself if you care that much, this shit is old

>The tree isn't actually in the game

What a fucking disappointment, I'm cancelling becoming 25

Newfag spotted.
RPS are based, you would know this if you played PC games at all, especially in the golden age of TF2.

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So you are killing yourself then?

>Based, especially in the past

You cant be this retarded.