Fucking A, did they seriously nerf Rolf again?

Fucking A, did they seriously nerf Rolf again?

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Hello, Ed Boys!

imagine how kino it could have been

Move on, this is how the map looks like, it's been 4 years and you people STILL complain that the original version was scrapped before release, it was shit anyways.

how do i finish the tutorial? it says to go upstairs but there's no way up

Anyone else here pick the ScamMaster perk from Eddy's perk tree? It's been a week since I unlocked it, but my scams still only rake in 25 cents instead of a dollar. What am I doing wrong?

that perk only works after you finish you classes main story line.

But I finished the main story line. I even got the bonus cutscene where Eddy finally buys a jawbreaker, makes a million dollars, and retires in peace. Or is there an alternate story line?

>He fell for the dream story mission

holy shit, I thought I actually had it made.
How do i unfuck the situation, user? I need the ScamMaster perk.

Plank fags out! Abusing "Splinter" is no fun for anyone.

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>not learning how to counter one of the easiest moves in the entire game
lol ok kevin main

git gud

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what game is this?

smack dab in the middle of summer, i see

>Just trying to level up
>See a Rolf player in the distance
>He disappears and leaves a Golden Legendary item on the ground

Holy shit did he accidentally drop it or something? I've never even seen anything this rare. Pic related, this thing worth anything?

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you hit the fucking jackpot user wtf
this is the first time i've seen someone get this item. It's worth a fortune. Either wait for its price to go up, or sell it right away.

>he doesn't know

>loot boxes coming soon

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Anyone here excited for the school update?
I can't wait to play in the new school area. The homework mechanic looks pretty sick too

>You cannot drop this item

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you have to scrap one butter toast and use the butter

Your fault for accepting quests without reading them first

lmao, good luck with the boat quest. You're gonna need it.

The mods probably grounded you

this post screams newfaggism

lol ok johnny main

Face it, Life Has Many Doors was just too good...

hahahahave sex

that quest was way too hard. it wasnt fun in anyway, and it just made things difficult for the player, for the sake of being difficult and nothing else.
Only retards think this quest is kino.

>Last update introduces all those stupid schooling quests
fucking hell why do we need to go school this late in the games life?
legacy servers when?

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>he doesnt like the school update
you do know that there is an exploit in maths class, where you can infinitely increase your intelligence, right?

>admiting to being a piratefag
The game's not even that expensive. Pay for it to get ungrounded.

fucked that shit, it sucked in Bully and it sucks here too
the only redeeming factor of the update was the space harrier section

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I can tell you don't play Double D, School update was great for him with the new skills he got.

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