Who's unironically hyped for this right now?

Who's unironically hyped for this right now?

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I'm a cyberpunk fan, but the more I see of this the less I like.

everyone but trannies

everyone but trannies and poltards

I'm looking forward to it.
I don't use marketing terms like "hype".

I'm excited to explore a fully realized cyberpunk world but I'm not excited for the game itself. So far we haven't really seen any actual real gameplay besides that totally for realz not scripted at all 40 min trailer they showed off last year. I just want to see someone playing and showing off the actual fucking game.

I'm hyped but praying for the specs to get announced soon.

Praying that my 980+4690k is enough

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

but why? i find it very realistic that people would change their gender if robo penises and vaginas existed and the tech is so advanced it doesnt cripple you for live? If there is any game I could tolerate a tranny its cyperpunk cause you wouldnt even notice since the mod everything to change their gender including facial structure, voice etc. you wouldn't even recognize.

The devs absolutely love trannies tho

Very excited in spite of being a tranny desu senpai

yes can't wait to pirate

Not him, but the reason I'm against robo trannies is because it's such a political fucking topic that brings out the worst in everyone and shit flinging ensues. quite frankly I'm sick of western games forcing politics into everything. I thought CDPR was above this cancer, but I guess they aren't. I've lost a lot of respect for them for giving into this bs desu. I just want a cyberpunk game damnit.

the gameplay was "scripted" coz they wanted show alot of features in the shortest amount of time, you dumb fucks hate on everything these days

i love the genre so whatever they will release i will play it

i think that in 2077 there will already be cure for mentaly ill people user



I'll play it, but I wouldn't say I'm hyped.
I'm hyped for the new hollow knight and the new doom.
It's another open world game and even the hood of those feel like a waste of time half the time.

they like it. It pisses trannies because they can never achieve this level

Wrong way around, kiddo. Trannies are the original cyberpunks


Conditionally hype.

All I want to know is just how far you can push robot parts. I don't give a fuck about anything else. If I can't become an insane metal monster I will be less hype.

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What's the tranny problem exactly? The transgender in-game ad?
That it takes Slavs to remind low-IQ western LGBT people that adopting Instagram culture of marketing yourself and being narcissistic will result in corporations taking advantage of what you sell so cheaply - your identity?
Pride is an emotion that profiteers love the most, you never feel bad about having it and you sell it cheap everywhere resulting in marketing that funds itself without corporations having to input much.
I guess it's a tough pill to swallow for the LGBT since they are high on ego, narcissism, and pride in one word, to find out that your obnoxious behavior results in more enemies and ridicule than allies while allies are turning out to be profiteers. VOX vs YouTube just had a great showcase of that.

I wonder what kind of mind it takes to apply the label of transphobia to a cautionary tale of your own narcissism and pride being a source of the undoing of whatever virtue you aim to showcase or instil in people. Twitter turns people into mental castrates who can't think.

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because they are mentaly ill

Gameplay will come with the coming games com AFAIK.
Looks great so far, I still want to see some gameplay before I decide to preorder or not.

The more I see the more I like. Hopefully there are tranny NPCs that we can kill.

That means you aren't a cyberpunk fan

They infected it with too much real world politics. I play games to escape that shit

>muh boogeyman
fuck off nazi

I'm so fucking hyped.
It drops on my birthday too.

>2013 hey we gonna build an epic cyberpunk game
>2019 hey its actually gonne be a GTA V style tranny simulator

Looks great, makes trannies, degenerates and /pol/cels seethe. Still not gonna give into the hype with 10 months to go. I learned that from Bannerlord.

Not me, gameplay looks pretty average and I legit can't play jank games anymore without immediately turning them off.

I'm looking forward to NPCs discovering that the game is a mess, while people like me realized that the attosecond they posted that horrible gameplay video.
Shut out all reason and BE HYPED BLINDLY! CONSUME!

Why wouldn't it be enough for a console port? If 1080p is all you're after, that will most likely be fine

>fuck off ""nazi""
Is this nigger serious? It's bad enough we had /pol/ fags come into our board but we're getting resetcucks in here now?

This board is failing man, also still probably going to buy the game as it's something to fill in the void of my empty fucking life.

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Pretty much this. Maybe mods will make the game more bearable.


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I am because I’m not a politically tribal Americuck.

You dudes have gone and fucked your heads up.

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Hi virtuous SJW Journalist Peter Bright of great anti-fascist causes and anti-gamergate writing, how goes your time in jail? Is your anus stretched after prisoners found out about your child-soliciting endeavors?

>Who's unironically hyped for this right now?
everyone but the far left and the far right
somehow Cyberpunk manages to trigger both trannies and /pol/tards

ok, this is unironically epic

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People will actually mad at this comment. Pathetic.

that's why LGBT and whole left hates Poles, because they have no compassion or understanding for left, they can't be gentle with their worldview and politics. Now will the industry and market support them? Or turn on them? Will gamers play the game for the story line/plot, world building, game mechanics, design, characters, immersion, or will they NOT play the game because of politics? What will happen Yea Forums?
Reviews can and WILL be blasting the game depending on the political stand CDPR will take and not for the game or gameplay it self. But what will market do, what will gamers do? There's plenty of people who will read an article online saying the game is racist, transphobic and problematic and shape the whole experience around it.

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transsexuals will only become more common and accepted with the advent of accessible body mods
prove me wrong

I am.

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I'm hyped for what the game could be and I'm pessimistic about what it will be. It's an abstract kinda feel.

There's no such thing as a transsexual.

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It's not even possible at the moment to give you a limb that will process and transfer "feeling" from the lib to your brain. Attaching a vagina or cock body mod is no different than pegging someone a dildo and pretending you feel sensation on the plastic toy.
It's not happening.
Not in your or your girlfriends kids lifetime tranny.

I already preordered and couldn't care less for what some faggot game journo or braindead jewtubers have to say

i am smart enough to judge a game from the footage, screenshots and other materials from the devs
>inb4 what about the downgrade
i am not a graphics whore, if the game looks as good as The Witcher 3 and runs as smooth it will be beautiful enough for me

>''everyone in the future is mentally ill! its CYBERPUNK dude!''

this line of thinking completely baffles me

You are either male or a female.
You can attach a dick or vagina modification but your gender doesn't change. Deal with that.

yeah i'm hyped, this and code vein is about all i'm looking forward to

i'm talking about science fiction you idiot
im no trans sympathizer im just stating the facts

Pretty fuckinmg hyped for it.

It's gonna be a long wait until the game drops.

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The wallets will tell the tale. Meanwhile the western regressive church of privilege already fucked up by trying to whine about black representation unaware of the black dev doing it.

The dumb white leftist westerners are too dumb and uneducated to understand that they are barking at the wrong tree when trying to project their dumb white guilt politics onto Slavs.
Slavs went through Nazism trying to erase their identities and existence, then Applied Communism attempting to erase their identities and history while showcasing first-hand how anti-fascism can be used as a cover to be an evil piece of shit, and then Slavs have spent years being showed the solely negative pictures of Capitalism by the Communist Committee which after the fall of Communism got balanced out then with Slavs seeing the nuances and positives on top of the negatives.

Western Regressive Hard Left also try to project their white guilt towards black people on Slavic writing and design despite Slavs not having any history with blacks for the past 20 000 years, save for the Communist-era armament and support of black insurgency against Westerners. Slavs will portray black people to align with human nature and both its negative and positive manifestations as well as reflections of the kinds of communities black people themselves allow to manifest depending on location and culture which can either be collectively negative or collectively positive or a mix in-between. Slavs are not guilt-tripped nor historically obligated to only engage in propaganda tactics of predominantly positive portrayals of black people like Westerners do, such narrow-mindedness ended with the Communist era, nor does it have historical precedent for Slavs to do it (again, lack of history with black people).

So a dumb white leftist westerner is facing a big series of stone walls when trying to play their parroting NPC scripts against Slavs.

I'm pretty hyped but i shouldn't be. The only thing notable about the game is its production value. The actual gameplay looks so generic and outdated.

>generic and outdated
what gave you that vibe
it looks like a modern video game to me

I'm hyped and hope this game will make political fags everywhere fuck off permanently because it's already forecast to be a major hit based on pre-orders alone and no amount of whining can change that.

I am, but I can't run it.

what can you run

Witcher 3 played like absolute dogshit so I'm not too hyped on it. I'll pirate it first and see if I like it.
Good gameplay-loop is all that matters to me.

they think all forms of identity aren't commodified already, and the slight of the "patriarchy" coopting their identities to sell things is somehow unique to them. It also makes them feel less super special.

You literally don't get representation without commodification, it's impossible. If any fucking retard has anything to say "but minorities get the worst of it" fuck off with that inane theory bullshit, just take one look at what american capitalism transformed the country's hatred of the irish americans into. America turned an entire culture into a fucking theme park just so they could sell it. There is nothing that cannot be sold. This isn't a result of capitalism, but the cheapness and unsubstantial nature of human life. Nothing is so profound that it can't be packaged and presented in a store.

Go make a fucking blog jfc

CDPR changed their plans. There's only one apartment you can have now, and it's not customizable. FUCK.


Go dilate.

GTA5 on high/30fps

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that doesn't sound so bad
set it to low it'l probably push 60

>expecting no politics in year 2077
Your retarded.

>im just stating the facts
your opinion.

You have almost 1 year to save money user.

>real life politics = fantasy politics
you idiots are part of the fucking problem. I miss when games had high fantasy politics that had nothing to do with real life but I doubt you zoomers know what im talking about

Convince me the gameplay that isn't just a mix of Borderlands and Nu-Deus Ex.

90% of the gameplay seems to consist of the same first person shooting we have all been doing since 2008 or even longer than that.

We get it you are dumb and liberal. Every aspect of every culture is cheapened and sold in this way. There is literally not a single person or group who isn't "exploited". Even jewish culture is packaged to sell bagels.


Game is set in real´s life future. How´s that fantasy, zom zom?

Uh huh Metal Gear and GTA the biggest game franchises sure were high fantasy
Keep seething boomer you're dying out

Game would be perfect if they just copied the gameplay of EYE Divine Cybermancy.

>implying mentally ill trannies choose to chop their dick off because 'muh politics'
based retard

I'm being genuinely honest here, I saw the gameplay demo and yeah I was probably gonna pirate the shit.... Seemed decently fun.
But the fact that Keanu Reeve's and it's basically just his character from John Wick, no less is a side-kick AI that will be with you the whole time.. That is one of the main reasons I plan on actually buying the game.

Attached: Kino Reeves_.png (500x610, 148K)

Never played Witcher games. Should i buy the pack from GoG? It comes with CP2077.

I could not care less. You're on 4channel of places trying to tell people to care about traditional culture, you belong in Bible study, not here.

>trying to project their dumb white guilt politics onto Slavs.
>Slavs went through Nazism trying to erase their identities and existence
>Slavs went through Applied Communism attempting to erase their identities and history while showcasing first-hand how anti-fascism can be used as a cover to be an evil piece of shit
>Western Regressive Hard Left also try to project their white guilt towards black people on Slavic writing and design despite Slavs not having any history with blacks for the past 20 000 years
>Slavs are not guilt-tripped nor historically obligated to only engage in propaganda tactics
holy shit, so only slavs can make any decent game or any sort of media without the white guilt trip?

>western regressive church of privilege already fucked up by trying to whine about black representation unaware of the black dev doing it
Fuck, that's like 4D chess. Hire a black guy that is one of the creators of the whole genre, give him opportunity to create world and people. Watch western leftists cucks cry about problems that not only doesn't exist but doesn't apply.

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I am. I'm ready to preorder it but I might wait for August for more gameplay at PAX. If you want my honest opinion, they should keep the tranny stuff, but they should just enforce male and female gender during creation, and tranny stuff implied with cybernetic/implant shit optional for the player, and clothing attire options.

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>implying forcing trannies in the game isn't a political move
keep seething CDPR shills

I watched one trailer on YouTube. I saw no gameplay in it, so I feel pretty indifferent about the "game" (movie?).

In the comments section, I read about 50 comments of people who will buy it just because of "John Wick" / Keanu Reeves.

People are really mindless sheep.

I'm hyped for a shirtstorm it brings

And everybody will still buy it, what are you going to do about that?

falseflagging resetera tranny KYS
this game will tank

I'm really fucking hyped to have CDPRdrones act insecure about another borefest for the next decade.

>getting hyped for AAA
Nah man, I'll wait for the actual gameplay footage after the release

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Modern Slavs are mimics from the outer space crossed with Communist genetic experiment victims though.

Why do those weird-ass reaction videos mean something to you?

There was already a 48 minute gameplay video released a few months ago.

based fortnite redditman

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Worst part about this is the breathtaking guy spamming.

Wait what? How does that make you CDPR shill? I don't even play their games, never played Witcher. But from what I can see it's the left politics that try to engage into outrage and pull CDPR into the whole mess.
I kind of sympathy with them now because instead of focusing on the game and gameplay now they have to think about "politics" they apparently now are responsible for as well.
Name one other game company which other than delivering most HYPED game in history, have to deliver a perfect Political statement that will please everyone as well.

We should really leave politics aside and allow them to focus on game rather than pleasing every political and social spectrum.

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>mentally ill
severe OCD?
>mentally ill
panic attacks?
>mentally ill
thinking you got assigned the wrong gender by God so you mutilate yourself for life
>not mentally ill


bro just buy it okay all say its the best game ever must be true also your breathtaking brooo

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Keanu isn't the only one who can pull it off.
Now everyone can and everyone who has a brain does. #metoo has backfired on women while hoverhand has become the Two Heavenly Palms Bullet Dodging Technique.

Oh don't worry about it, my NPC friend.

Still pretty excited it’s been confirmed that your only required to get 2 cyber mods, the eye and the hand grip, so my Togusa playthrough isn’t completely dead just hope they have some badass revolvers

did I mention yet that jan the noodle had a tough life and is a nice guy yeah? epic

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>now they have to think about "politics"
No. They don't have to do anything. Did the Witcher 3 force politics into the game? Fuck no. This should be the same, but it won't and that's why I'm pissed.

Why in the fuck would you think that I'd worry about your skewed ass mental health?

just epic

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it fills me with rage that almost everyone is saying John Wick like it was babys first movie

Thats not John Wick thats Johnny Silverhand portrayed by Keanu Reeves

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wtf i hate keanu now

CDtrannyPR never EVER lie

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>This should be the same, but it won't and that's why I'm pissed.
well they can label you as a sexist biggot rapist if you don't so I don't think it's fair to not show any kind of understanding. Left operates like a terrorist group. Devs have families and private life that can be ruined by a horde of trannies claiming racist, biggotry and rape.

They already are attacking Cyberpunk for being racist, sexist, etc. And the more they try to appease SJW's the worst it will be. They should have known this and tried to stay neutral.

Typical NPC answer


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>let's make a game that will look amazing
>runs on double 1080Ti
>still image

>Now let's make that playable, not a still image, but actually playable game content and make it run on 1060

Hurrr durrr they lieeed, hurr durrrr downgrade.

Who cares. You can mode it to look even better. But you still need hardware.

>resetera tranny shilling defense force on full throttle

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wtf why did they make every npc a tranny? this is fucking bullshvit. now i get why everyone is upset and calling this political BS. at least the main character has a choice to be normal, right?


>Famous actor bad

>You can mode it to look even better
I posted proof shill fag, now its your turn
>inb4 muh reshade 10000x BLOOM and darkness

disappointing if true
i was hoping there'd be a few to choose from in different districts

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Neo is based you contrarian nerdy fucks

I am, I even liked the boxart. Granted, this is a stale "main dude on a cover" template, but their boxart, probably, is the best thing you can do with this template.

Not me. I heard it will have elements of trannies in it, everyone knows trannies are mentally deranged. So now I, being a completely sane and non-damaged epic gamer, will not touch that game because trannies scare me and make my brain go to dark places. I will make thread after thread complaining about trannies and try to convince as many people as I can to not play this game as well because I am a healthy, normal white male gamer.

>Good thing bad

I hope it will have watch dogs type of thing so i will be able to execute all the trannies on sight

CDPR was getting flak from the very beginning even before the dickgirl poster, and it's not like they just added the tranny shit out of the whim to appease these fuckers, they had a dickgirl poster ad in their game.

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Gamplay looked like shit, and I dont care about CGI movies or neo from matrix, nothing to be hyped about has been shown yet.

real good

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>thing popular
>thing bad

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>railroad cutsenes
>fallout "choices"
>gunshots: pflpflpflpflpflpfl
>bullet time
>walking slower than a paraplegic
>damage numbers
>ebin swearing

Me. Just need to figure out if I should get it on Steam or GOG

>Gamplay looked like shit
can you explain why?

These posts best posts

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If Game of Thrones can make short people jokes and nobody cares, then this game can make trans-people jokes in my honest opinion

It's a first person shooter.
First person shooters suck and it was obvious the West doesn't have the creativity to come up with something new. It's always just shooter game this, shooter game that.
This is why the West can never compete with Nippon.

super good

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i just wanted a "pure" RPG. should have known after success of the witcher that they'll go action adventure route

wait you can kill nazis with a penic in this game? insta preorder

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You suck.

That kind of thing is always really cool, but balloons costs for something that ultimately barely improves user experience.

Yeah, sure, some third-person fighter game this, third-person fighter game that sure is better.

there are even better looking mod combinations

Here's your ultra limited delux pre-order, bro.

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Wake the fuck up, incel. You have to have sex.

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This movie looks so retarded.

Same I dont have the power


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You are so salty right now.

>"heh ur an NPC"
Typical NPC answer

That looks like washed out garbage compared to the base game desu.

What does it taste like?

I am, looks pretty good, has a decent chance to be a real masterpiece but we'll see

I started caring as soon as I found out you can play as a futa

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I'm pretty tired of the Summerfags throwing around buzzwords about it. It doesn't seem bad, but it looks like it's lacking in atmosphere.


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LGBTQQ+ "people" are barely 1-2% of the population.
Transgender people barely are 0.1%
Explain to me how specifically including a tranny character creation system isn't the definition "pandering", when including elements in games that are designed to appeal to heterosexual males (49% of the population) is seen as "problematic"..

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I used to be hyped.
But then CDPR fell for the manufactured controversy and made this Gamasutra interview like a bunch of dum-dums.
And here I thought they are smarter than this.

>but first you have to dilate

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N-no wait, you can't do that! That's illegal!

Why are they CRTs?

>CDPR was getting flak from the very beginning even before the dickgirl poster
Which is why they should have never even added the fucking poster to begin with. You can't win, they will be mad regardless. Keep it purely tech and keep pushing the evil corporation narrative, totally fine with that. It doesn't rock the boat too much. When making a game, it's more about trying NOT to make too much noise. In the snowflake age, less is more. I thought CDPR knew this.

Not all that hyped desu. Most of the things revealed about this game so far have been disappointing.

I'll still check it out though since it seems interesting.

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if i can run witcher 3 on high/60fps then what settings i will run cp77 on

/pol/ is on suicide watch because it has transgenes in it.


>Game is set in real´s life future
not really, the tabletop RPGs take place in 2013 and 2020, it's a completely different timeline



On the main cover of the video game as a poster guy.


why do you even care

Gamasutra in a nutshell.
The devs never said anything about adding "transgender" option. They just said you'll get a lot of varied options to customize your character at the start. Maybe, because it's very resource consuming to do. No pronouns, no "third gender", nothing of the sort. But the journos twisted their words and now we have it.

I am, and /pol/cucks are a sad bunch to be so easily offended.

He might be gay tho.

It's still an extension of the real world dumbass.

V is gay if you want him to be gay.

>Bloodlines 2 gets pozzed
>CP2077 gets pozzed

My hype levels are gone for good. If Baldur's Gate III gets pozzed as well then I think I'm ready to move on from "gaming".

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It has to be diverse or it won't sell now, simple as. You should find a new hobby.

>If Baldur's Gate III gets pozzed as well
It's made under the careful eye of WotC. It will get pozzed. WotC are woke as fuck nowadays and put the tranny shit everywhere they can.

Believing in a sky man that assigns gender.
>mentally ill

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Cyborg ninja, executing mission parameters!

Me, if it wasn't 10 fucking months away.

new trailer hyped me
that night shot sold me
that keanu line sold me
only game i'm looking forward to, even planning to update the pc for it

you think diversity actually affects sales?
you think the Jews that write about trannies, fags and niggers on their ""gaming journalism"" websites actually constitute a large customer base?


Stop spreading misinformation, /pol/tard.

>CP2077 gets pozzed
How so? Because you have the option to mix and match shit in a character creation like giving your male character a female voice? Holy fuck bro, Dark Souls must be pozzed too since I can make androgynous boys and give my female character a beard.

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It's gonna sell fine. But the journos will rip it apart for not being "representative" enough. That's the key here. Devs are not afraid that the games without SJW won't sell. They are afraid that the journalists - who are almost exclusively left-leaning nowadays - will boycott them and give them bad press. That's why they put all this stuff in the game.

Yes, every corporation on the planet is parading gay month.

Judging by Mike Pondsmith, he seems to genuinely love his setting and really wanted to get involved in the game so it's gotta at least be worth a buy and play. You might not love it but I don't think this is just going to be Borderlands.

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less hyped but its the only game Im waiting for

and you think that's because it increases their sales....?

>They should have known this and tried to stay neutral.
Honestly they should just go and call trannies mentally ill "people" and appeal to the right side without giving a fuck about the left. They are so big atm that majority of people will even sway their side since being "woke" is becoming more and more cringe and pathetic even in the mainstream.

>CP2077 gets pozzed
what did you expect from a cyberpunk setting? wholesome nuclear families all around holding hands on their way to church? it's supposed to be a degenerate, filthy, cutthroat shithole ffs
literally crying over devs doing a good job

bg 3, this and bloodlines 2 is a orgasmic time to be a rpg player

meanwhile pol retards and sjws are seething about trannies. you people don t like games, at least not as much as you like mem tier politics

Bloodlines looks like shit. Rest are fine. You are a clear shill.

>he believes in a big white guy living on a cloud
Yikes, no wonder /pol/tards are retarded

I'm hope as fuck.

Hope that CDPR won't budge under the SJW pressure.

But before I buy it I need to see more and unguided gameplay.
Knowing the specs would also be nice. I don't want to buy a new graphics card.

Thanks to collectivism, yes.

Not me.

Reminder that Cyberpunk as a genre sees modern identity politics as a sickness. The western virus of tranny/non-binary identity has no place being validated in a cyberpunk work.

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10/10 post

>this dehumanizing dystopia includes self-mutilating freaks
>this represents validation

>Hope that CDPR won't budge under the SJW pressure.
Umm, they already have my dude. Lurk moar.

>cyberpunk is stealing trans/queer aesthetic
>90% of trannies have anime avatars fucking cat ears and other anime or furry accessories
Trans "community" is literally stealing aesthetic from everywhere while appropriating asian culture.

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The problem is "modern videogame" doesn't mean what it should right now. Gameplay has been stagnating and when people celebrate innovation it's usually a game copying something cool that was done 20 years ago.

Do you think it wasn't included because of validation?

It's not even that. If you read the article, the dev is not even particularly interested in discussing the issue and is dancing around the topic to sound polite. All he said was "you can add some feminine aspects to your masculine facial features". So, a lipstick or pigtails, I guess. And even that is a big "maybe".
And the interviewer kept pushing the issue more and more, until he happily concluded that CDPR is about to include "tranny" options.
It's clear that the dev doesn't give a shit about this whole transgender thing, and just told some politically correct bullshit so the obnoxious interviewer gets off his back.

How? For all we can tell all of this shit was already in chargen.

Cyberpunk 2020 is literally made by the same guy who put tranny stuff in his original tabletop. Can you fags stop already, you claim to say Cyberpunk is something other than all this and yet you source shit Mike Pondsmith literally made. The world of Cyberpunk ended like twice.

why would someone shill in Yea Forums? people here pirate way more than the majority, are more critical and have less money.

it s so full of undesirables that even that anime shop stop using it for ads

i actually think bloodlines look real good dialogue wise. as for combat, who knows, but i doubt it'll be worse than bloodlines 1. you know the game i've played and loved instead of shitposting here

Great, now stop enjoying everything else while I don't care about your lame opinions

I say again: this is a dehumanizing dystopia where people rip themselves apart and inset unnatural implants

It's all so tiresome.

I am since there aren't enough RPGs like Deus Ex/nuPrey/System Shock/VTMB. Plus, it btfos Twitter SJWs and /pol/tards alike.

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So no denying then?

fuck trannies

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It does not validate trannies to depict them as monsters in a landscape of monsters

medium/arround60FPS since they will downgrade it a little and make the zones in the game into segments that will "seemingly" load without you noticing.

In cyberpunk there's a gang of clowns called the bozos who graft their feet into actual giant clown feet, and even they see trannies as people who are fucked in the head.

>game not even out yet
>Kojima still wins


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>appeal to the right side

>Who's unironically hyped for this right now?

I'm.. Not, but for actual reasonable reasons and not tranny hysteria.. Because everybody with half a brain knows the cyberpunk future would be full of futas and deadly hooker bots n' so forth.

I'm not interested in it because it looks like EVERYONE is an Cyborg and I don't want to be 'just' a Cyborg? Like, all the classes are just...Cyborgs. There's no "Genetically Engineered Entity"; I can't play a radically different class that's got a lot of pros and cons. I'm just stuck being the same faggot but with different trivial abilities.

It seems shallow is my point.
I wana fuck people over with my completely devoid of cybernetic implants Ubermensh fucking loaded up on like a million gene-tonics and therapies that allow me to regenerate from wounds, punch a whole in a man's chest, and give me unique dialogue options where I berate all these fucking degenerates on how their putrid fucking half-metal chop-shop bodies look to me.

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>you'll only get one apartment
and it's over

>facebook emojis
>facebook frog
>facebook joker
>>>/reddit/ and never comeback

Bottoms should be seen, not heared.

>stuck in the same part of town the whole game
Oh well, at least it's right next to the ripperdoc

>falseflagging this HARD
>buy our game it doesn't matter what people say!
>fuck trannies I swear I'm not from resetera

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Honestly, I'd rather prefer they spent money on the game itself, not on Keanu Reaves

Obsessed. Also, it's only Twitter SJW trannies who are mad. Ones who actually play video games don't give a fuck or actually enjoy the representation they're getting. A buy for Cyberpunk is a buy for trans acceptance.

is it called stranding genre because after you buy it you are stuck with this walking simulator?

umm did you guys know that CDPR is SUPER RACIST

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They are a corporation, they only seek money. So they need to hype shit up. Its sad but true.

Best ITT.

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walking simulator with hollywood schlock cutscenese lmao

A mans gotta eat.

I was but now that I learned you can only have one house and can't buy new houses I'm not anymore.

wtf preorder cancelled

>d-did my shill attempt work yet guys?
>btw I'm not the same guy who wrote that article
>please buy kurwapunk PLEASE PELASE AAAA

So that's how "chinese whispers" work.
Nobody said anything about transgender options. But the journalists already did their due.

You look retarded

Literally everyone. Seriously, there is not a single person on this board or on any other gaming site that isn't excited for Cyberpunk 2077. Yes, there are the outraged trannies who think boycotting Cyberpunk is a thing of virtue, but even they would be excited for the game if it wasn't for their mental illness.

It's remarkable just how hype everyone is. Even people who never played a CDPR game or don't even like story driven RPGs.

There is going to be a lot of disappointed people crying that it's not precisely what they wanted when the game releases.

It's not even chinese whispers with games journalists, it's just straight fabrication for the sake of clicks/views.

>did you just insult my favorite MOVIE?!?!?!?!

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>reddit spacing

I think everyone forgot that any other game than Cyberpunk is coming out.

Finally some freaking common sense in here. Roided out biomancers for the win.

There will be people crying simply because the game will be a success proving their political views wrong.

>wasting budget on a-list actors for a marketing gimmick
I love cyberpunk but this shit is a red flag for me.


>reverse psychology this hard

>banging corporate sluts with my futa cock
Yeah I'm thinking I'm hyped

Couldn't have described yourself better.

based, I can feel the trannies seething

yeah, this whole "non-binary" declaration came from the interviewer, not the dev. the dev just shrugged his arms and went "sure, whatever". it's the lando in "pansexual" stuff all over again.

same guy

The whole point of Cyberpunk is every poster, every ad and every corporation you see is your enemy. Corps have destroyed the world multiple times in the Cyberpunk world with stuff that panders to degeneracy and sin in general. The creator of Cyberpunk wrote that stuff like identity politics was toxic and predicted modern SJWs. This was written in the 80s and 90s irl. 2077 is literally just the cyberpunk universe all of you niggers have known your entire lives but you pretend the parts you like are written by someone else, but the reality is the parts you like and dislike are all made by the guy directing Cyberpunk 2077.

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>I can't wait to play as a cop, rockerboy or corpo
>Game has none of those
>I can't wait to play and make my own character with the background of my choosing
>Game has a preset character with a past, personality, voice and goals
What's next

I know what you mean, but i think having a "famous" person play the role of Johnny Silverhand is kind of appropriate in a meta kind of way. Since Johnny is meant to be this big superstar having him be someone that the player recognises as a famous person is kinda neat.
However if we see another actor get brought in just for the sake of it then yeah i'm with you 100%.

Reminder that if you want to make a futa you're, indeed, a tranny

because it isn't about being able to play what you want, if that was the case they could just pick the female character and be done with it.

instead they want transitioning to be represented, and today's stigma against the mentally ill to persistent to this dystopian where everyone is as fucked up as they are.

they want dilating minigames and want penis chop to be the procedure, or else it is just misrepresenting trannies and the boohoo hardship they face.

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At least they should've hired a guy that can act.

it's gonna be mediocre

cyberpunk revival is a fad and all the shitniggers and normies are jumping on it, just like the postapocalyptic genre

normies love taking good thing and beating it to death


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Welcome to cyberpunk, tard. Cyberpunk is very left-wing, and the depiction of trannies in a dystopian hellhole isn’t a bad thing, because that’s what such an outcome is, a hellhole.

>let me use this term that I don't even understand to show how much I fit in and to get that adrenaline rush from feeling validated
>n-no u!
As I said, you are a retard. I bet that you are also affraid of guys dressed like girls.

You watch your fuckin' mouth.

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>guys with tits

Keanu is based. He doesn't need to "act".

>facial presets


Why are post-2016 faggots so obsessed with this stupid ass meme?

This is one of the reason why I'm TRULY excited for Cyberpunk 2077. Mike Pondsmith isn't just the creator of the universe, he is a game developer himself and has recently in an interview confirmed that he has spent the last few years working with CDPR on making this game. This is one of the true tabletop inspired games that falls along the creator's imagination instead of just making a recreation by "fans."

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Oh no Mr. Reddit will beat me up! Pissed my pants!

Capitalism destroyed the world, not your christfaggy perceived "sins"

he walks and talks like he shat his pants

They literally put Keanu Reeves in the game. Keanu FUCKING Reeves. The guy who never dated a beautiful female actor during all the years in the biz, but is now in a loving and open relationship with..... A FUCKING TRANNIE. Whos defining movie was directed by... TWO FUCKING TRANNIES.

who cares

the fact that trannies and sjws have even heard of it, means it has gone wrong path, at least im glad they are seething that it wasnt completely watered down political shit

I wanna disagree with Keanu's character in game basically being John Wick. Sure, Johnny Silverhand and John Wick look very similar, as expected. But Wick is a stoic man of few words whose movement and actions are very precise and thoughtful, while Silverhand is a musical rebel with an agenda, fighting against the authority of the corps like it's his sole purpose

Capitalism built the world. Multiple attempts to socially engineer equality destroyed it.

is it sjw tho?

desu I agree with that pic. The problem is it's trans on paper
>choose to make trans character
>looks like a male or female
>voice sounds a bit off
>on paper they're trans

They SHOULD make it so you if you choose to play as trans, you get stuck with a character looking like Dee Snyder

And what am I supposed to feel about this?



seek medical help

You dilate!

As someone who’s far-right, I can’t wait for this. A story based around a peak global homo society? I can’t wait.

I have never seen hype for a game go down the toilet like with this game.

The Wachowski's weren't trannies yet when they made the matrix, it was later that they lost their sanity.

>Finally some freaking common sense in here. Roided out biomancers for the win.

I want to be able to SMELL my target from behind some wall, then be able to bash it open with my absolute retard Donkey Kong Gorilla strength, and then when I finally wrap my hand around the neck of some unlucky colourful-homo-hacker and hoist him up like a market salmon- I want his smug face to break out in sheer visceral panic as he realizes my character has no implants and all the skills he's proud of mean nothing against my retro-active genetically engineered Orangutan death grip.

Also, my love interest should be one of those Tiger cat girls from Tank Police.

But none of that will be possible in this game, so, yeah; I'm not interested. It's just gonna be robots.

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Imagine caring about this

How much they pay you resetera tranny?

Niggers like you are why people get so mad. If you watch interviews with Mike you can see he doesn't give a fuck really, he just wanted to make this game. He LITERALLY says in the interview about the ads being your enemy, meanwhile the rest of the world is saying shit like "they're so kind to represent us LGBT" or "they're so evil for misrepresenting us LGBT" because they literally don't give a fuck about Cyberpunk. You don't give a fuck either, you just want to get offended at someone using the word sin to describe degeneracy.

This but unironically

Aire, it's a great pack


Why yes I am quite interested in purchasing this piece of electronic entertainment, although I shall refrain from doing so upon its first day of release and wait until a general (hopefully positive) consensus regarding it is formed

Thou art holder of the most based opinion good sir

Attached: sir.gif (600x480, 23K)

Pirate, then buy if you liked.

He's very much so an entry level game dev, mostly just a teacher. His crowning line when making reference of his game dev expertise that he repeats often is "oh well i ask (cdpr) if you do that then how will you maintain your framerate? and they're like ohhh you know what framerate is?"
The kind of shit that children already understand.

Except for the fact it didn't? Also, talking about the Cyberpunk world here, not about real life

And general consensus says Fortnite is the hottest shit ever.

Death Stranding is about open borders, and there’s a Hillary Clinton president in it.

>general consensus

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Yes, it did.

What does that mean?


I'm hyped that I'm going to laugh my ass off at the flop this game will make and the massive screeching that will ensue.

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>look, i'm not touching

Lol. Im /pol/tard and I cant wait for this game. Fuck you faggot.

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You are a gentleman and a man of great tastes. Cheers.

and? you make such a big deal out of it, I mean yeah it' great that Keanu is in it but that's about it.

Pre-orders already surpassed Witcher 3
Stay deluded

I want a showcase dedicated to the fucking cyberware before getting shit

First non deluded answer I've seen


Retards. General consensus as in whether the game is good or bad at least on a technical standpoint. See Fallout 76. Afterwards I shall see whether it actually fits my taste

even if this is bait, it's awful lol, game will be huge in every regard

Degeneracy is a meme, and you are still the one upboating threads to cry like a faggot over muh trannies. You are pathetic.

>all this shitstorm
why can't we have nice things just one game


>dude why isnt every game rainbows and sunshine also catering to me?

>year of our lord 2019
>getting hyped for games

Attached: anzu_schelm.png (500x500, 214K)

Get back to the flock, they are waiting for you.

It's an interesting "coincidence" isnt it... Both Wachowskis changing their sex and then Keanu coming out in public as a trannie lover. And then this game. Another "coincidence" is that the Wachowskis are jewish.

>"[Cyberpunk 2077 pre-orders] are way higher than we had on Witcher 3," says Iwinski.

I hate you summerfags so fucking much. Fuck off back to your political overlords.

Analysts predict this game will sell 20 million in the first 3 months

Cope harder

>wake up
>Yea Forums is still obsessing over trannies

How come you are still alive and well fed in such a terrible wasteland full of socialist trannies with turbo-raping dicks, then? Retard.

Reminder to never pre-order.

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Giga Cope Overdrive

>caring what ''journalists'' or ANALists say
>being this obssesed

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Neither Keanu nor the alleged Tranny gf have ever validated this rumor nor was there ever any concrete evidence on the rumor of them being together, it's all fanfic rumors analogous to farting in the air. You are retarded mate.

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Cope harder

>games has dickgirls
>you can be a dickgirl
>protagonist literally named "Yea Forums"
>Yea Forums hates it

What the fuck?


Yea Forumstards are not allowed to like anything

Just some /pol/tard screeching

The people who keeping talking about nothing but trannies don't play games lmao

Tranny on twitter is mad so Yea Forums is also mad, they worship trannies

literally everyone but trannies and seething /pol/ teens

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Looks pretty boring. now matter how fancy is the setting, it all boils down to being a western "rpg" with shallow combat and equipment.

dumb samefagging shill

cyberpunk is pozzed by definition

This, it's actually glorious. I genuinely hated the shit out of SJWs but god damn /pol/ is literally starting to shit on games they don't even understand, also they've been trying to infest Yea Forums now too so they get the rope. SJWs and /pol/ will be executed on the same rafter.

>1 billionth poster that doesn't understand what the genre is, says they don't like the things that are part of the genre.
Its almost like the people saying this shit are underage retards who have been playing video games for 3 years now and want to have a big boy opinion.
New rule.
If you haven't played the tabletop game this game is based on, you need to shut the fuck up about "real world politics" being in it.

This is a fact

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muh /pol/

they're busy shilling for (((trump)))

Can't wait

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This game will sell like crazy. The RPG crowd will buy it but also the casual GTA schumcks. It will attack R* level of sales.

Attached: Screenshot_20190615-081152_Facebook.jpg (1078x7287, 2.99M)

>and that's all she wrote

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trannies are hilarious I don't know how you guys can take them seriously enough to hate them. Also aren't they just 0.06% of the worlds population? Why do you all let them live in your head and spread around what they say and stalk their twitters etc?

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Why are you idiots so obsessed with a bunch of nobodies on Twitter? Don't you see you're feeding into the beast of outrage culture.


Mentally ill

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I'm not the one who's defending trannies and socialists, retard. You can see what happens when countries go full socialist in Venezuela, and you'll soon be able to see what happens when countries go full social justice.

I temper my expectations by reminding myself of the fact that CDPR games have shit gameplay.

Granted it's a FPS, so it's difficult to fuck up.

>being a tranny still isnt a mental illness
how does this make sense?

They are truly different sides of the same coin. Neither of them actually care about the game in question, nor do they understand why stuff like this is in the game and that it isn't to pander to anyone at all.

It doesn't

Am I the only one who's not bothered at all by the tranny character option in CP2077? This is literally one of the few settings where such a thing is acceptable. There's augmentations everywhere and the world's gone crazy, so robo-dicks and robo-ginas being acceptable is further indication of just how degenerate SOCIETY has become in that world. Stop being such a mass of triggered niggers

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it always was until 4 years ago, they got pressured to change it because it hurt their feelings despite there being no logical reason to change it

Pretty hype, but am keeping an eye on on what we see about the actual gameplay.

>T-there's nothing wrong with being mentally ill but we're NOT mentally ill
I swear to fucking god

stil don't know what the fuck that means
explain yourselves, ameriretards

>Because I didn't play some obscure tabletop game I'm an underage retard
keep seething shill I'm going to laugh when your shitty game flops.

>but for the cis people you, you need to understand why some of us trans people have lost faith in the game
We don't need to understand, we have our own lives to live, and for the vast majority of us transgenders aren't and never will be part of our lives nor are they entitled to monopolizing where we focus our limited lifespans.
>our feelings on everything the company has done are valid
Objectively incorrect, they are subjective and even short-sighted and uneducated as far as the transgender ad goes.
>and we are very justified in loudly criticizing them
The only thing we can agree one, to which i reply the reverse is also extremely justified.

This person lacks self-awareness and their judgment is clouded by inflated ego and arrogance.

>Because I don't know the source material and yet still comment on it means I'm an underage retard.
FTFY newfag

It's what gender non conforming kids are calling themselves these days. Only, like with all things these days, it's got a layer of victim complex on top of it.

It's only a few assblasted trannies, Yea Forums and a handful of clickbait youtubers who get triggered by all this, 99.8% of people who will buy this game don't give a fuck

Reminder that trying to appeal to these people is a fruitless effort and the only value that comes from them is how mad they get.

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this is correct

How do you not know? Anyway, it's anything other than male or female. Yes, these people are so mentally ill that they truly believe there are more genders than those. Yikes.

It was reported that they openly left a LA restaurant and acted like "they were alone in the whole world and only had eyes for eachother"

been hyped since the first trailer. its gon be lit

Damn, Twitter truly knows how to twist people's personalities. All those lessons in life on being humble, not sticking out all the time like sour cabbage which ruins the harmony of taste and instead choosing the correct moments and plates wisely, speaking ahead of oneself before all information is gathered to avoid looking like a fool as with the black gangs example, there's too much to add, all of that instantly disappears when you become a Twittertard.

Why did they make the Voodoo Boys black tho

>You can't comment on Cyberpunk 2077 unless you played some shitty tabletop game a handful of people even knew about before
>It's not enough to go full damage control and defend every post criticizing the game now you try to shill a fucking table top game as well
Holy fuck these shills are fucking cancer

Thats dope

Because the black writer wanted it so, he decided it's better to spread some love about black islander culture instead of doing identitarian parody shit.

stop blackwashing my gangs nigga

ask Mike

>trusting paparazzi who are leeches that exist to make money off other people's fame

Imagine if Bethesda only focused on the character creator in all their promos for their Elder Scrolls games. You’d probably be suspicious the rest of the game will be shit too. But not when it’s Cyperpunk 2077 apparently.

Goes to show just how easy it is to manipulate polzoomers.

>liking dickgirls is ok
you have to go back

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It looked great though..


Fits better.
>This is a terrorist gang of drug dealers. They engage in weird magic rituals, and deal non-synthetic drugs to students near the University. Sadistic and pitiless, they will kill, torture, and rape for any reason or no reason at all. Victims will sometimes be warned with Chicken blood and feathers on their doorstep. Or not. Their motives and practices have no consistency. Mutilating and maiming victims is common, as is dissecting their body parts for rituals or to use to inspire terror.

Attached: Voodoo.PNG.png (228x401, 102K)

You mean the same shit that happened in 300 other instances of Keanu Reeves seeing random women? The later part in your post truly is a Tumblr fanfic. I can only imagine that the person reporting it has certainly validated the claims by seeking validation from Keanu and the trans person instead of entering their own deluded fantasyland of describing their own eager narrative as opposed to what reality is. So much so that we see Keanu and that trans person seeing each other seeing each other on a weekly basis and i have just the evidence for this... uh... umm... wait a moment, i need to write the fanfic out first.

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I had honestly forgotten all about it (and that other janky FPS masquerading as an RPG) before Yea Forums started talking about them again after or during E3.

keked hard.
How a bunch of disgusting perverts who kill themselves before they hit 30 is the 'original cyberpunks?'

Imagine not wanting Cyber strap ons in a cyberpunk game. It's almost like none of you like roleplay games


>Know nothing about something.
>Post repeatedly that you don't have any knowledge about it.
>Get made fun of for being an idiot commenting about something you admit to knowing nothing about.
Yeah, shill, what is up with you?

>they became trannies later so that invalidates everything they did before going crazy

Yeah, it doesn't feel hamfisted in so I don't mind it. CP is one of those settings where if you didn't run into one it would feel weird given all the focus on body modifications and that kind of shit.

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I don't know why companies go out of their way to appeal to a demographic which will suicide for the most part within a few decades, instead of appealing to customers who could be supplying them with money into their old ages.

Sound like everyone going on about Bradley Cooper and lady gaga are totally in love become of that song they did together.

>a bunch of nobodies on Twitter
That's right goyim, pay no attention while we spread cultural marxism on social media behind your back


game and gameplay didn't look all that great. First Person action adventures always look limited and basic in action to me. point, shoot, maybe jump every now and then...wash, rinse, repeat.

then again, the only good action adventure FPS i can remember playing was dishonored. every action relative to combat and "abilities" were beyond satisfying and well made. the animations were well made, the gameplay in general was satisfying.

Attached: only good first person actiona adventure i remember playing.jpg (460x215, 27K)

>CP is one of those settings where if you didn't run into one it would feel weird given all the focus on body modifications and that kind of shit.
What kind of CP are you watching nigga


From what I understand this was more the journos pretty much forcing them to answer if their was a tranny option or not.


him and his fans really are

The real question is can I make a white character or do they have to be a filthy hapa

Not that kind of CP user.
We really need to come up with a better acronym.

>cyberpunk 2077 should be about tranny teenage drama struggling with their parents
now that's mental illness

Attached: 1550355607079.jpg (400x400, 29K)

>It was reported that they openly left a LA restaurant and acted like "they were alone in the whole world and only had eyes for eachother"
Did the person reporting that have tarot cards and a crystal ball stashed somewhere? This is important because if they did then i'll have to grit my teeth and absolutely definitively believe them.

I'm a legit Fascist and I already pre-ordered the game. What now?

CDPRdrones are worse than Fromdrones now, at least From has good games behind them

Why wouldn't they be CRTs? Cyberpunk is an old genre. Any Cyberpunk that doesn't go for a retro-futuristic look is doing it wrong.

That's dogshit compared to EYE in gameplay.

You said that a 100 times over, libtard

Indeed we do

Dickgirls are hot as fuck you dumb Christcuck

>That's right untermensch pay no attention while we spread our alt-right nationalist rhetoric on social media behind your back

Different side, same coin.

Rude response desu

Prove it.

>Bethesda only focused on the character creator in all their promos for their Elder Scrolls games.
What are you talking about? They showed 40 minutes of gameplay, and when looked at it just there and they stop showing the character creator at the 1:30 mark.
Nevermind, you're just retarded.

With a robot vagina trannies would be kosher cyborgs.

Attached: 1560572112170.jpg (1280x548, 181K)

>muh third position

>From has good games behind them
You mean one, which was a snoy exclusive.

I am and I’m finally joining the mustard race just for this because I don’t think console is enough to fully enjoy this.

Fucking mad that it comes out in fucking April of 2020

Why would a Christcuck care about dickgrils? Christcucks aren't the one throwing them off buildings like Muslims or pouring lighter fluid over them with a spicing of car tires to be set aflame like black Africans. Go pick a fight with real threats instead of grandstanding like a clown over emaciated Christcucks if you have the guts for it you poser.

But it's only okay and credible when it fits my bias and the journalists smears for the sake of making company I want to desperately HATE look bad, amirite my contrarian bros? Based journalists!

>retards fall for bait this obvious
No wonder this board went to shit.

That's standard gossip column speak for 'he was eating her face'

I'm not that poster, and fuck all these people that do that.

>I'm a legit Fascist
cringe and bluepilled

Too bad they didn't snap a picture to validate their Tumblr fantasy and had to pay an artist to draw out their masturbation material.

I don't know why but they clearly can't resist shitting up threads with their garbage.


Maybe you should pick up nascar of F1 or some other gay shit if you can't deal.

>you're either a no fun leftist pearl clutcher or a raging incel neo-nazi

Man you're right really threading the needle of dipshits on the internet right there. Enjoy your angry internet feedback loop you degenerate.

Latinos tend to do that.

Attached: 2018-12-23_040850.png (823x974, 780K)

>appeal to the right side

I'm the target audience of this game

Attached: 1ffdafdb7d3f305d8f7b03dfca4f0a87.jpg (640x641, 72K)

latinos aren't people
t. latino

i dont know about that user. never heard of the game but watching some youtube vid and all i've seen is a couple slashes with the sword and some big guns?

>saving your own race from extinction is in any way comparable to jews spreading degeneracy and mental illness to whites

>he never played EYE
You poor casual sod. Instead of watching youtube go play it.

The fact that they spend such a large ammount of time to tinker and script a demo that they couldnt "waste" it on us during E3 doesen't make me optimistic.

Me. Y'all faggots can argue about your manufactured political nonsense around this game. I'm looking forward to a nice story focused open world game with some decent looking gameplay.

Attached: debait.png (800x500, 33K)

They need you to be hyped first, goy.

>saving your own race from extinction
Do you have kids, user?

Demo played at E3 is going public at gamescon, this is called marketing. Chill out and judge the product by the demo when it comes out.

lol eat shit you insufferable venus fly trap of a cunt

seriously, where's the impales? killing animations? if its just slash, slash and enemy dies...im not interested.

>saving your own race from extinction is in any way comparable to jews spreading degeneracy and mental illness to whites

Attached: d6fz577906w11.jpg (400x321, 19K)

Sounds like you’re the faggot willing to gobble up average garbage

cpunk ?

>he doesn't know about EYE's versatile and multi-layered gameplay
Poor ignorant child doesn't even watch Mandalore's videos on it. You are always going to be a casual kiddie. I bet you can't even get past the first 15 minutes of the game without losing your shit and having to consult wikis and youtube like a brainlet casual faggot that you are.

That was never implied.

Based. Trannies are SEETHING because they know they can't compete with futuristic cyberfuta.

Just record some fucktard playing a game for 10 minutes, exploring open world or some shit. I'd rather see more of how the game plays than Keanu reveal. Or fuck, record Keanu playing the game.

le eggy xd

you choke on your words faggot, you choke on those words and spasm until you shit in your pants. the game is probably ass and if i ever played it...id wreck that pleb shit.

I'm looking at the media constantly looking for outrage, a handful of mentally instable people complaining about the most minute shit without a hint of irony or understanding what they're talking about, and then at CDPR actually talking as if they're taking the above seriously, and I think to myself "it's all so tiresome". Just make the game and ignore those people.

I've been posting rare Hitlers since before you were born and I'm getting this day 1.

but dem trannies won already are you living under a rock

Does that mean we can refer to steampunk as spunk?

no loss to steampunk

You wouldn't wreck it even if you put all your soul and underwhelming penile power into it. i can measure from the first glance that you are not cognitively cut out for this game. I can sense the low IQ of your parents surging through your genetic code and venting through your pores to taint the time and space surrounding you. EYE is simply too much for you!

Really don't want repeat of Witcher 3 situtation, i.e I hope that they make more than 4 types of locations to explore.

Recommend me some spunk games.

Trannies are ill but cross-dressers are BASED

Get a room faggots.

Attached: hands up dont shoot.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

Suck on our anuses brainlet.

Just how many trannies did they invite for the demo presentation, goddamn.

I never said that at all you bastard fuck I'm just saying the trannies in game should look like ugly fucks like the trannies complaining about the game

Op is a paid shill from Epic trying hard as fuck to kill the hype to force the game exclusively to EGS.

1 tranny is enough to set off the NPC hive.


Your expectations sound ridiculously high to the point of autism, witcher 3 had one of the biggest and most detailed setting in vidya

le maymay

>t. cybergunk shill

Traitors get the bullet.

Nothing looks that amazing about it, the gameplay seems pretty generic. I dunno, when it was announced I was excited but the flame has kind of died out for me. Even Keanu didn't spark anything other than a "oh, that's kind of neat" from me.


It is almost as if CDPR never said anything about adding a "trans" option into the game.
Blame journalists, you faggot, not CDPR.

>ctrl + f
>27 matches

You faggots are insufferable and obsessed with trannys. If someone talks about something all the fucking time, that usually mean they care about it

Fuck no, not all of us are soilent faggots

Attached: 14940069998812.png (460x215, 241K)

She made her choice. V wasn't going for her.

Is there gameplay up yet?

The more I see of this game the more it just looks like GTA V with slightly better graphics.

Sounds like you're the retard to get caught up in political controversies designed by THEM.

Attached: themouse.jpg (1122x633, 134K)

So then all gameplay is generic.

you would do the same in her place

Attached: 1559875107032.jpg (10000x10000, 1.55M)

>adding to the count and the discourse
you're part of the problem

V going all cyberpsycho for a minute there was like my favorite part of that trailer, Dex seems like a pretty cool and collected guy but even he was shitting his pants

It means literally nothing. Technically your gender is fluid, but nobody knows what does means and how does it work. You put on a makeup and write a post on twitter about it - you are non-binary. There are no criteria for it. You can declare yourself an opposite gender at whim and the rest of the world would have to put up with your bullshit. It's just a modern trendy word salad.

What does cyberpunks gameplay have to do with the gameplay of other games? What the fuck are you talking about

>Insert yourself into the conversation
>Wow, why do you complain about that thing so much

Nonsense user. I would have let V chop that fucker Dexter to pieces because I'm racist.

Then you'd died without having done anything, because V was clearly killing everyone in that room. They were all complicit in the betrayal.

Well then you wouldn't be there in the first place


I don't think it will flop, but I think it will be bad. Like MGS V


>people have spent so much of their life indoors that they now have a pathological fear of sunlight

>he still hasn't replied 1 hour later

That's silly user. V was obviously paying absolutely no attention to TBug. He was fixed firmly on DeShawn. Hell, she could have just ran out the door while V was busy gutting that fat fuck.
Nah I'm not -that- kind of racist user. Working with and being cordial to black people is no problem. But in a situation where it's a black back-alley fixer and a really pissed off cyborg he just betrayed you can bet I'd leave him to his messy fate.

>Be an ally here.
After they call CDPR racist and transphobic, they dox their families (yes, this shit happened some time ago) and make a shitstorm out of smallest things just to spite CDPR, after all that, they want them to be their allies? The gall of those people is insane.

Then you would be known as the faggot who left his contractor to die because he was too much of a pussy to do something about it, good luck finding jobs after that

I don't care. It fits the universe and the world. It would be stupid to leave it out.

Don't pull that card senpai. V had contracted TBug before. They had a working relationship. She knew what she was signing up for. Fuck that faggot DeShawn. She's a Netrunner, a hired geek, not a Solo bodyguard. I mean, look what V did to the one that was there.