These are the final two DLC characters.
These are the final two DLC characters
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Fucking perfect. Literally add whoever you want for the last slot after that, you can add Ronald McDonald for all I care, after he's in I'm 200% satisfied
Travis is back as a small possibility now with the surprisingly close 2020 estimate on No More Heroes 3.
That being said, I think a female character is likely. Kazooie doesn't count because she's only really a weapon for Banjo, she has no waifu appeal, and no appeal for female 'gamers' since no one other than 28-28.5 bearded men know what a Kazooie is.
>Kos-Mos or Sophitia instead of Chosen Undead as the Bandai Namco character
>Jill makes a lot of sense though I honestly think Ken was all Capcom is getting
>Reimu or another indie pick
Swap the Chosen Undead for Ryu Hayabusa and a Team Ninja NG trilogy port for Switch and I agree
>a non-character and deadpool wannabe
whoa, gaming is saved
I will literally kill myself if it's Shantae. She's such a fucking shit boring character with shit boring games that just happens to be hot.
wasn't Travis deconfirmed by Suda?
I could see CU happening though
>Swap the Chosen Undead
What if we get Tracer from Overwatch?
>28-28.5 year old
to clarify
if we get an indie I would personally love it if it was cuphead. They're already making a deal with microsoft. Might as well use a little bit of their potential
Grant said the same about Banjo recently. He's probably not really in sadly
>We live in a timeline where this has the potential to happen in an official game
What a time to be alive.
Dark Souls is a meme, Ninja Gaiden is a decades-old franchise that became popularized on a Nintendo platform. Ryu is a legit badass and Team Ninja has been collaborating with Nintendo quite a bit recently. it’s a better fit than Dank Poles
>Dark Souls is a meme
it's gonna be someone with a sword because sakurai can't get enough of that shit
As much as I want travis in (and I want him in so fucking bad) its not happening, Suda has de-confirmed him multiple times.
It truly sucks. Suda has done so much and been super faithful to nintendo over the years. I get the feeling that Travis Strikes Again no longer being a switch exclusive is just Suda shitting on nintendo for not putting him in.
Can you stream this when it happens?
>I get the feeling that Travis Strikes Again no longer being a switch exclusive is just Suda shitting on nintendo for not putting him in.
I would assume it's because maybe the game needs a larger audience to make profit instead of an autistic headcanon but alright
my webcam quality is kinda shit though
If only they had CU use something other than a sword. Maybe one of the hundreds of other weapons from the game? Obviously not a Halberd, Spear, Axe, Mace, Hammer, Whip, UGS, anything.
I think its pretty obvious that Crash will be one of the last two. He is one of the most requested and well-known characters.
For my second guess, I would probably guess Geno. They seem to be going by ballot results and we all know Geno was, whether we like it or not, one of the most requested.
I hope it's keanu
Imagine if instead of Geno we get pic related to represent the Super Mario RPGs.
plus the fact that they are already working with square, Geno is definitely the last dlc character
this smash is to fulfill everyone's dreams so far
>All male DLC
kazooie is a girl, asshole
besides, Kazooie is in
it's master chief and doomguy
it's me and (you)
replace john souls with monster hunter
Replace the chosen undead with Dante and I'll agree with you.
>Replace the chosen undead
I would be ok with this
Their in