Will you play her game Yea Forums?
An article on either Kotaku and Polygon complained about the jiggle physics and how scantily-clad Riesz and Angela are. Will the SJWs succeed in censoring this guaranteed masterpiece?
Will you play her game Yea Forums?
An article on either Kotaku and Polygon complained about the jiggle physics and how scantily-clad Riesz and Angela are. Will the SJWs succeed in censoring this guaranteed masterpiece?
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It's what, a 20-year old design, and very accurate to the sprite art? forget 'em, they'll find something else to cry about.
During the gameplay footage, you can see Riesz' design makes her etire back exposed, her dress only covers her front, hence the outrage. I don't remember which article in particular complained about it, but they did also complain that Duran was too scantily clad, so gender equality, I guess!
Definitely. The original is a good game and she's super cute.
everyone dresses like a whore in this game, both men and women
it's great.
I'm hoping they do a Legend of Mana remake after all this.
Sure. At the very least. It's better looking than the other Mana "Remakes"
>Definitely. The original is a good game and she's super cute.
She's also only 16, lol
Playing the new SNES translation right now, already killed 2 "benevedons" AKA "god-beasts" and am only 8 hours in.
I hope it is at least 20 hours as any good JRPG should be.
>Will the SJWs succeed in censoring this guaranteed masterpiece?
If it's coming out on PS4 too, then probably yes, or at least for that version.
Is it true there was some dude that has drawn lewds of Riesz/Lise for 24 years? That's fucking insane, I hear there are more lewds of Riesz than Tifa.
He is the C.C. guy of his time.
To be honest. I have no idea.
I do know she has a lot of pron however. And still gets porn even to this day. Based nips.
It's looking solid. Will get it. Square-Enix can still produce good things if they just reign in the budget.
I guess there is going to be a new generation of Riez Lewds. The develepors evenm hinted that they knew about them lol.
pls provide the footage
The game is 8 hours long and speedran for 4, you getting to 1/4th of the game isn't impressing anyone
Man, it's been like 17 years since Lise was my designated waifu.
Feels so weird, now.
I think it mostly comes from here
At 7:02 you can clearly see Riesz' lewds being alluded to, since they were so prevalent in Japan.
Blew my mind when I later learned some artist on the internet was making endless amounts of lewds of her.
He must feel like he won the lottery now. An entire generation of Zoomers will be waifuing her.
>At the beginning of the game, someone openly observes that Riesz looks like the mana goddess statue
>This sheer coincidence is never followed up upon
once i went to a bar with riesz and i drank a little but got her really drunk and did ecchi stuff to her it was great
It was a little girl in the kingdom probably just talking nonsense
Nobody gives a fuck about Kotaku and Polygon think except bottom of the barrel literally whos and people who are looking to create fake outrage over other people's fake outrage. We end up with a dumbass cycle of both ends of the spectrum making up stupid reasons to get outraged.
Anyway the artwork for Secret was always really great and I liked the character models for that even in their low budget phone-tier quality, so it's really great that we got a higher budget remake this time.
Isn't there a creepy rape-game where you get Riesz super drunk then cuddle her as she falls to sleep, then you fuck her?
I would never put such filth on my PC since my friends use it, but...
...I wanted to.
I wonder if the remake will enough to mend the damage of twenty years of people forgetting that Angela is the game's tittymonster. Riesz ends up being equally or more busty in most of the pre-announcement fanart I've seen that has both of them in it.
Angela could be censored since no one gives a shit about her, but Japan would go to war over Reisz.
>Treehouse staffer says "I understand Riesz is very popular in Japan."
>Producer just nods and says nothing
fucking lol'd
>you can see Riesz' design makes her etire back exposed
The game comes out in a couple months. If they were going to make changes they will most likely have to delay the game because it already rated, which means the game is good to go.
The resurgence of Mana art is nice. All the Japanese artists have briefly put their mobile game fanart on pause to draw the new announcements.
>Want to play Trials for the expanded translation
>Want to play Sins for the gameplay changes
what do? Does the new official translation really add anything?
Is Legend of Mana trash?
I don't see it get talked as much as the snes games.
I'd actually be surprised if there has been a single pic of Angela drawn since the remake was announced, so no, don't think anything will change.
I would kill them if they censor Angela
>not multiplayer
SE, you had one job, and you fucked it up.
Imagine if they get differenct outfits with each class-change.
I would simply pick the class that gives her the sluttiest outfit.
Nah,Legend of Mana is kino
They will succeed on PS4, yes. Think I bought the wrong console.
I honestly thought it was fun.
It's a "love it or hate it" game. It has an amazing story, a crafting system people still don't fully understand today, and a battle system that doesn't know if it wants to be a beat-em-up or RPG game. You'll find it either all comes together in a really enjoyable mess, or it's too much of a mess to like it.
It's a game with a lot of unique ideas that aren't very good. It's memorable for that uniqueness rather than for its quality.
>I'd actually be surprised if there has been a single pic of Angela drawn since the remake was announced
I haven't been sorting my art folder chronologically, but I have well over a dozen not including group shots and ones I didn't download. Riesz has been dominating the art but Angela has not gone neglected.
If you think there's no new Angela art you really haven't been paying attention.
It's okay I guess. It looks really good even now and I like how the plot can go in totally different directions depending how you progress.
Despite that I never did finish LoM. But maybe you'll like it user.
I've never played the series, but since they're using the same engine DQXI used it's a guaranteed buy.
Ok over a dozen is more than i expected then. Still, a dozen or so pales in comparison to the hundreds I imagine Riesz has gotten, so I still imagine Angela won't get much more than she has before. Reisz is the perfect Japanese waifu while Angela is essentially the opposite.
Angela's the only one I care about. I hope they make her not trash.
I've been meaning to try the Seiken Densetsu series since like, the early or mid 2000s. I probably will someday. I'll probably either emulate the original versions or get that Switch pack depending on how those versions are.
>The develepors evenm hinted that they knew about them lol.
What did they say?
Literally Soul: the series
post soulful webms of Trials if you have any
I say only over a dozen because I'm not up to date with every artist on twitter, only a handful.
Switch pack is just the games, running perfectly, with no bells and whistles beyond a sound test.
Well she was the worst party member in the original, so chances are she still will be.
Ah nevermind. Just saw the video.
It's pretty sad they they have to resort to sex objectify our childfood game characters.
>Trials of Mana
>FFVII Remake
>Atelier Ryza
What did Japan mean by this?
I mean it's a completely new everything and her being bad is a well established fact. If they somehow manage to change absolutely nothing about the gameplay that makes her a better character I will be amazed.
>since they're using the same engine DQXI
They are using Unreal Engine 4, same engine a bazillion games use. But they use it because it is fucking good.
Tits, ass, and arm/shoulder/back. The original tweet just says Riesz's "side".
Sounds good to me. Do you know if the text can be switched to Japanese, either in game or by changing the system language?
One of these is not like the others.
Should have said since it looks very similar in tone and atmosphere. I didn't know if it was proprietary or not, but it was the first thing the trailer reminded of, and I fucking loved DQXI.
the game isnt really that long because its designed to be beat at least 3 times since there are 3-branching storylines depending on what main character to pick, not to mention every character has 4 potential class paths to pick.
the remake will certainly be longer but I doubt that much, 20 hours sounds about right since you are bound to beat it 3 times for a total 60, sounds fine to me.
Get the switch pack, despite the price, because it lets Square know we are happy. A 3D Chrono Trigger remake could be next if this works out!
>Why yes, I am interested in those games
>Why no, I know jack shit about the gameplay
Nope. Only comes with English, German, French, and Spanish.
No Japanese text, just the other translations and EU versions of the games.
Ah that figures. Guess I'll just emulate them then.I I'll look at the remakes later on.
The Trials remake producer said in a GameInformer interview that the team really wants to do a Legends remake if Trials sells well.
If you were desperate you could just buy or import the Japanese version.
Yeah I could. I just like to like local copies when I have the option to switch languages, because Japanese game prices disgust me.
It's very weird. I mean the SaGa guy had a hand in it after all.
>Literally Soul: the series
You're allowed to say "pretty graphics and art design: the series" user.
I am actually looking forward to the Dragon Emperor path, since I only played the Dark Prince so far.
I hope the remake preserves the replay-ability.
During the Treehouse section they confirmed the multiple routes are in. They'll also be expanding on the story slightly.
No, it's soul.
>threesome, double penetration, monsters, tentacles, rape, pregnant
Riesz doesn't deserve this
Whatever makes you feel special, user.
Am I the only one who always dies at least once fighting the first mantis boss in Secret of Mana? He's got so many unavoidable knockdown attacks for what's meant to be a simple intro boss that you can't lose.
I love this game. I worked on the original translation as a beta tester. I am buying this collection. Anyone that does not buy it and still uses the rom should just be quiet about being a fan. They released it fully commercially. Show support by buying it, or keep quiet about how much you claim to love it.
Well that's just adorable.
I don't want to support the shitty new translation though.
Just don't use Charlotte then. You don't need a healer anyhow.
Karl looking fluffy.
Guy who's been meaning to play this series forever again. One more question cropped up while I was reading about it. I forgot that the first game got a GBA and later a Vita remake. Which version do you recommend? I just like video games, so I'm good with any version that's good. If the best is the near 30 year old GB version, I'll play that. If it's one of the others, I'll play them. I know Secret of Mana had a remake too, but I think I heard a lot of people complaining about it for some reason.
Charlotte's lines are faithful, the fan translation omitted how annoying her speech patterns are.
Honestly I just hope the difficulty is evened out a bit since aside from one goddamn boss the Kevin/Carly path was pathetic...esp if you picked Light/Light Carly.
Second best game in the series.
They're making changes to make the combat faster so I think there's hope for that
You can say this all you want but speaking in hiragana does not equate to having a speech impediment. The fan translation already translated her speaking in a childish manner, the localisation just makes her retarded.
I'll gladly sacrifice carlie to fix unga bunga kevin. Maybe there'll be a merged translation one day.
Kotaku is just talking about how good it looks. they haven't complained so far.
They probably haven't noticed Angela yet since she barely showed up in the trailer, and they wouldn't dare speak ill of Riesz.
Angela isn't bad, it's just a leotard.
All three versions of the first game (FFA, Sword of Mana, Adventures of Mana) are good. I'm biased towards FFA, as if you play SoM right afterwards you'll notice all the things that carried over.
SoM's remake is shit all around. Phone tier graphics, horrible music, gameplay lost the weighty feeling of the original. Just avoid it.
What did he mean by this?
I'll probably play Seiken Densetsu 3 at some point but will most likely not touch the remake
>You don't need a healer anyhow.
Charolotte is the best character, though. You just constantly heal through boss battles while the AI does the work.
I forget...if you pick Carly as your 3rd party member and she joins you here then who breaks you out of the jail? It's been so damn long
Honestly Light/Dark Kevin and Duran do it better unless you're taking advantage of the rest of her kit.
>loved Seiken Densetsu 3
>it's a Nintendo Switch only
I will honestly wait until the day we can emulate, because Nintendo Switch wouldn't be a good choice for me because I only liked THIS game and 2 others.
It's also on PC
>Will you play her game Yea Forums?
You bet your ass I will.
I went and bought the collection right after the direct because holy fuck nearly 25 years and its finally official. I fully await a whole new generation of Riesz art along with some more Angela.
Kevin doesnt need to be stupidly OP anymore, though it doesn't look like hes going to be. But if Kevin isnt unga then something went wrong, he's one character that feels right being a fucking gorilla.
It's on Steam and PS4 too, can you fags Google?
Very nice, now this is a place I can spend my money.
It was the comment section where they complained, and it was another journalist who said you could "grate cheese" on Duran's abs and that Riesz was "barely clothed", and hoped it would be fixed for the release.
Man she is way too cute.
No, I was tricked by a friend who told me it was Nintendo Switch exclusive
The Mana collection is exclusive but not the remake.
When only games are shown on the Switch, it make it seem exclusive since no one else is show casing streams. I forgot that Sakuna was a PC/PS4 game for a little when they were showing it on the Switch.
The Collection with the official translation for the original is Switch exclusive.
I'm actually amazed that a journalist would complain about a guy. I imagine it was only because they had the slight bit of awareness required to know what a hypocrite they'd look like if the didn't.
Alright. I'll probably just go with the GB version. Can always play one of the others later. Here's hoping Trial of Mana's remake is better than SoM's.
Why do Japanese girls always lack in the ass department?
It's been ages since I used them... do they get healing spells?
For whatever reason, the Japanese are mostly tit men.
Japan favors tits. It's the opposite of how many you get here that want woman to have small tits and a big ass.
They have to take what they can get.
>Abs that can grate cheese is a bad thing
>Riesz being "barely clothed" despite pretty much wearing a dress.
Can these worthless troglodytes get fucked already, they're the biggest fucking joke about video game industry. Which already have massive problems like being gambling simulators and fucked up working conditions, and somehow these "journalists" are an even bigger embarrassment.
I can't wait to see how she will look, is this class called Fenrir or something? I remember always evolving her to it because of the color scheme.
Yeah, light versions of them get single target heals and the Light/Dark ones get multi target heal and tinkle rain at the cost of lower attack and a single target lvl 3 tech. The tradeoff isn't that bad since they'll still be beating ass as AI characters so it's not that bad if you don't want to use Carly.
It's graphics look on par with Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and the characters and story are good. Will this be the next great game us Xenoblade-fags can love?
Riesz is someone who does not lack in the rear department. May not be huge but its pretty respectable.
Angela is self explanatory.
Really? You should quote them.
That's one hell of an ass. Who is it?
I think it looks better than Xenoblade personally.
>and the characters and story are good
I dunno if I'd go that far. The story is interesting in that it has multiple routes but how it goes from there is depending on which villain team you got. The main six are ok but somewhat bland with the exception of Hawkeye and Angela
Fenrir Knight
Making her go Dark>Dark gets you Fenrir, but DESU, I'm going with whatever class gives her the sluttiest outfit.
Is this Nitro Blasters?
>it's not turn based
Okay, I'll buy a Switch
We'll see, they are supposedly rewriting and expanding the game. There might even be sweet side-quests where you have to hunt down drowners to save Wendel. They copied their UI from the Witcher III, afterall.
Million Arthur Arcana Blood
which is made by the Arcana Heart/Nitro Blasters guys.
Even has Iori Yagami in it, which is probably the reason it was given the ok to come over this summer.
The character designs are a lot nicer, for one. XB2 characters have too much going on, or are just straight up weird looking.
>PR joke answer that hints that they're aware of the porn
the treehouse made a similar comment about playing the game emmulated with the fan translation
I really hope they give us access to the 3rd tier classes a bit earlier....having to wait till after the god beast world tour was lame since by then most of the cool spells you got weren't worth using.
>not owning a pc or ps4
probably had reasons to buy one but not enough.
You're adding me to your team, user
or else.
But when they design girls to show off their butts, then why don't they make the butts round and fat?
Duran does. Duran misses the ship that gets you out of Jadd.
Kotaku is full of bitter Tumblr types who are jealous of fictional characters
So what if you have Duran then?
I was sold on it the moment I saw the footage in the direct. Pissing off idiot SJWs is just the cherry on top. Day 1 buy.
Yeah, waiting til level 38 fucking sucks, and the class-change items are pure RNG. No way they'd get away with this today.
It added baby talk and a really compressed font. Play the Sin rebalance
Either kevin or hawk I believe. I think it prioritizes kevin then hawk
Fucking why? It'll look like shit comparatively.
I want to sink my teeth into those Riesz Pieces
Right when you get to the mana tree for the first time and the god beasts get let loose would be the ideal spot imo.
>It added baby talk
It doesn't follow the retarded caveman talk from fan translation though, so I think it cancels each other out in the flaws department.
Forget the carlie nut huggers. The official translation un-retards kevin which is the best.
Usually Hawkeye, might be RNG but ive seen it be him.
??? and weapon/armor seed farming was the absolute worst thing of SD3, I hope the get rid of that shit.
The high level isn't so bad if you get levels fast and appropriately.
>and a really compressed font
The font is thin but as a result far more text fits into each box. It's fine.
Why does no one care about her?
The problem was the amount of content left though. Classes like Dark/Light Angela and Light/Light Hawk had all this fun shit you never needed to use because there were only four damn bosses left....it was disappointing.
Charlotte never needed any help being annoying in the first place, her text doesn't change much.
I'll buy physical to have it. I did love all those games growing up. Probably going to play the OG though since I like the don't and bug fix
I actually liked the level curve of the sins of mana patch. You could easily get to 38 before fighting the god beasts which actually gave you the second half of the game to mess around with your final class and comfortably unlock spells.
Because having to constantly pause the game and open the menu to get her to fucking cast anything made things really lame. If they improve the AI so spellcasters work in this version then I'll def use her.
Angela is already lewd of her own volition, Riesz is a pure duty bound girl so the average nip artist feels the need to corrupt Riesz
She'll be more popular if they improve her gameplay.
People do care, just because its not Riesz levels doesn't mean they dont care. Angela isnt even in a bad position either, because unlike FF7's wars or whatever the hell goes down in FE or Persona town, Rieszfags actually like Angela for the most part.
The art discrepancy is what says, and because whereas Riesz is very good in game angela isnt with big issues.
Remake of SoM does make the whip, bow, and chakram useful. But the shit music and PS2 era graphics ruin it.
I like Based Retard Beastmen
ToM looks to be a 3rd person action game rather than a remake in 3D. I saw a dodge roll in the trailer.
It looks significantly better than Xenoblade 2. Much better character design too.
They're going to pull a shit fit when they see Angela's one move where she shakes her ass at the enemies...and I'm going to get the lotion.
>ToM looks to be a 3rd person action game rather than a remake in 3D. I saw a dodge roll in the trailer.
There's also a jump button now. The gameplay based on the Treehouse demo footage is much more traditional action-RPG.
I'm looking forward to the only people being outraged being one or two literally whos on Twitter with two followers, propped up by Yea Forums in every single thread to show that supposedly the entire internet is on fire over Angela shaking her ass. The demand for SJW outrage has completely outpaced the supply.
>I like Based Retard Beastmen
I don't like rewrites, Charlotte's baby speak is overdone as hell in the official translation but it is actually trying to replicate the meaning of her original dialogue text structure, Kevin's caveman speak in the fan translation does not relate to the original script in any feasible way, the guy had the same single structure as a character as simple minded as Goku from Dragonball has, you don't see Goku's dialogue translated as full caveman unga bunga.
I have that game, but didn't know who it was until now, I just liked it because the animation was good.
>Fucking why?
3D models, dumbass.
>but didn't know who it was until now
I didn't get to know who Riesz was recently like you did, but I can say I saw her first in some random manga fanstranslation's group credits page a good 10 years before I went on the play the SNES rom. It's crazy how much Riesz' had spread out way beyond video games itself.
Im kinda mad they reduced how racist the beastmen NPCs felt compared to the fan translation.
new translation: "dont bark if you dont know how to bite!"
u wut
Post your team
>Wanting 3D models over the absolutely gorgeous sprites the original game had
Shit taste like this can't exist. It just can't.
Japan loves their blonde haired bitches with green clothes.
Riesz, Cammy, Deedlit, Link, Linkle, Elf from D&D and Dragon's Crown, Alleyne from Queen's Blade, Valkyrie...I'm sure there are more but these are off the top of my head.
For porn you short sighted idiot.
>They should rape the game's artstyle because I want models for SFM porn
I hope you die in a fire.
nobody gives a shit what Kotaku and Polygon say anymore retard
I emulate because I'm too poor to buy games.
I don't think they actually said anything like that.
>a remake means the original game will completely vanish from existence
This person is allowed to vote.
Japanese girls have no ass in reality. Watch Japan women's wrestling then watch Lucha Libre and you'll understand.
I chose my team to be Duran, Kevin and Riesz, and Rie actually broke me out and escaped with me. It was pretty neat, and fighting Haggar with only two members wasn't even that hard when they fucking buzzsawed him to death thanks to Kevin going beast.
>I want this game remade
>No, I don't want them to even attempt to capture the original style of the game
>I just want them to spend time and money making 3D models for me to fap to
I'd say learn to model yourself, but we both know you're far, far too stupid to do that.
She's also in some CG tentacle porn movie where she gets cum inflated that I didn't know was her either until now.
You are way too angry over someone wanting a remake of a game. Calm your tits, kid.
You think there's even anyone left in the industry that can do 2d art properly? Vanillaware and Lab Zero are the only ones who bother anymore because ti costs way too much money to go the 2d route.
This chad here will only play with the guys
>No no no!
>I don't care about games!
>I just want the porn!
The porn is a bonus. It does not take precedence over the game.
Then leave it be. When you force remakes of old games that had good art and cheap out with awful digital and CG art, you get shit like Battletoads and Commander Keen.
>B-But the originals still exist!
Inferior remakes should never exist. Period.
>wanting a remake of a game.
>explicitly said they only care about the porn
Well at least these 3D models aren't awful
Get off the internet.
Take a breath.
Calm down, kid.
>Calm down, kid.
It's time to stop now.
ah yes, riesztan. This nigga goes all out, even dresses up like her.
Wont question or judge, since he does do some good fun Riesz art and not just smut. Also lets be real, japan's done weirder shit.
Yeah, both those games look like shit, but Trials looks fine to me...you're also comparing a game Japan loves being remade by them because they love it to two shitty cash grabs made by shitty western devs trying to make bank on nostalgia.
>Already followed him.
Huh. Go figure
Do i get to see her panties? This is the deciding factor
>but they did also complain that Duran was too scantily clad, so gender equality, I guess!
They probably thought he was a girl.
They probably didn't think anything either way since nobody said that.
>Secret of Mana gets an awful remake with half-assed everything
>'Trials of Mana' gets a well thought out remake with a lot of effort put in
I don't know how to feel
Here's hoping they give each class a unique look like they've done for other remakes
>I hear there are more lewds of Riesz than Tifa
It was pretty funny on the three house stream were the dude asked "Riesz is a really popular character in japan, right?" and the jap just said "yes, she's really popular" or something like that.
In the original, light Duran still 2-hands his sword while his shield just hovers in front of him. This wouldn't really work in 3D, so he would need a 1-handed and a 2-handed moveset.
Looks like a leotard. Disappointing
>Will you play her game Yea Forums?
It depends, I don't really know about these games. What genre is it? What's the combat system? Do I need to play the older games?
Well he does wear less than in his spritework.
Secret of mana was made for the PSVita and ported to PS4 and PC, it was going to look like shit anyway.
They used mobile game assets for Secret. It was damned from the start
can I play all the old manas on pc in english?
yes, just download a SNES emulator and the roms
Literally just recycled Adventures of Mana and thought they could cheap out on it like they did FF5 and 6 among their other recent butchering of old games, only to get blasted so goddamn hard and have SoM's remake presumably sell so poorly that they realized they probably had to put effort in this time or get their remake plans scuttled for a long while.
mixture or rpg (equipment, status allocation, class change, using items, casting spells) with action (top-down, you move, get hit, attack)
i would say the battle systems of the snes games are outdated as hell, but the games themselves have so MUCH soul its hard to let them pass, the music, sprite artwork and plot are very well done and entertaining.
thankfully the remake is doing the only thing that the games needed an update, the battle system, so that it now reflects modern action games like god eater and ys lacrimosa.
lastly, nothing about the remake so far looks like its ruining much of the original experience, the developers seem PRETTY aware about what made the original good so im hyped for it.
>combat like God Eater
Okay, now I'm interested. Honestly I had half assumed that this would be a turn based game, but that actually sounds like something fun. Can I start with this one?
>leotard. Disappointing
Leotards rule, why the hate?
Action RPG, remake is going to be more realtime with dodging and combo attacks.
Also no, aside a few instances the mana series is pretty separate from each other.
what about final fantasy adventure, and trials of mana (which apparently was never released in english before)
I just hope they come back around to Secret of Mana down the track and do it properly
Cool, thank you. I might pick this up then! It looks charming.
The franchise does have recurring themes, terms and even occasional characters (even if it's basically "a" character rather than "the" sometimes), but all of the stories are entirely standalone besides Heroes of Mana being a direct prequel to Trials. Basically every game up to Legend is a lite-RPG hack-and-slash, albeit with the mechanics changing per game to be more or less complex than the last. Some games are way simpler than others: Final Fantasy Adventure is like a Zelda knockoff with an actual JRPG plot, obtuse puzzles of logic rather than A-to-B, and a lot of action. Secret of Mana is more straightforward but has a weird stamina and damage delay system that isn't for everyone, with weapon upgrades and skill levels to grind. Trials is pretty much all out battling chaos to borderline mindless beat-em-up levels with inventory mechanics, but keeps its complexity with the classing system. And Legend of Mana is.. well, basically the SaGa of the Mana series while keeping a fairly straightforward combat setup.
nice, thanks
Final Fantasy Adventure has roms out and there was a fan translation of Trials back before it had a western name, also the rom from Collection works on SNES emulators.
A no-girls-allowed team is actually really fucking powerful. I remember steamrolling through the game with just my bois
I thought it might be that too, at first, but I'm not so sure
Look at this. If it is a leotard then it's also a dress at the same time. Because the skirt part is clearly meshed with the top
So unless I'm dumb, that might just be a dress + panties, even though the panties would have the same colour as the top
I just realized Osake Riesz is literally this character
absolutely based
Majority of SFM porn sucks too, hell the only good people don't seem to use SFM at all even but something with models mostly made from the ground up anyway
I just browsed through all the comments and see no complaining. These guys are legit excited for the game. Stop false flagging and stirring shit up.
the character designs look really stupid
How'd the last Mana remake work out?
b8 and shit taste
You forgot Vert.
>Can I start with this one?
Yes you can, all of the Mana games are largely unrelated and do their own thing.
Because small brain melee spam was far and away the faster way to play SD3
Her MC story was actually great. She's such a brat compared to Riesz in the early game.
Any info on how class changing are going to work? I hope it's not like the original where it's nothing but a palette swap. Also, they really need to add more skills.
>Any info on how class changing are going to work? I hope it's not like the original where it's nothing but a palette swap.
While in the original it was expressed in gameplay as a palette swap, every class got a unique design that there's no reason not to use in the remake.
Lise is a given. I think Hawke too. And it's between Duran and Angela.
I like Angela as a character but Duran is probably the better pick for the primarily melee party you've got going on.
Having some melee and magic is not a bad combo either though
True, but once you get to the Night Market you can load up on elemental coins, if you have the cash.
Why is the Secret of Mana remake so disliked?
For anons who bought Collection of Mana. What motivated you?
The one that released a few days ago?
Or the halfassed grungy-looking phone port that SE released a while back?
idk u tell me
Cheap production values and baffling musical choices. I have a soft spot for lower-end hand-painted graphics so it doesn't really bother me for what it is, but it's not the type of remake anybody really wanted.
Pretty sure Vert isn't very popular in Japan. Might be her personality or that she has big tits by default compared to most of the other main girls.
>She's such a brat compared to Riesz in the early game.
This is probably the other part of why she isn't well-liked by Japan. Reisz has a lot of yamato nadeshiko traits, while Angela is too 'flawed' for their taste.
I can't be the only one who likes the style of the character models.
Released a few days ago.
I hope not, I'd be pretty pissed off if they'd remove all that fucking soul
These guys are literally unironic atheist soccermoms aren't they?
That's one faithful guy.
Why is/was Riesz so big among hentai artists? Why is she always taking monster cock and tentacles up her pussy and ass in hentai even though nothing like that remotely happens ingame?
Dedicated waifufags cannot be stopped. There is a man still drawing Luna doujins for Megaman Starforce to this day.
>I like Angela as a character
How do you guys heal your whole party when needed? Charlotte multi-targets the whole party with healing light, enabling you to beat anyone, even under-leveled.
>skimpy outfit
>yamato nadeshiko
>good design in general
I dunno, you tell me why that would attract tentacle rape artists.
Where do I start with this franchise as an EOP? A real-time JRPG seems interesting.
>Where do I start with this franchise as an EOP?
The genki textbooks, anki, and then some simple manga like Yotsuba.
>be C.C. guy(?)
>dedicate yourself to drawing her and supporting her ship
>said ship actually happens after a decade
I guess Rieszfags must be having a similar feeling with the remake. Will she get officially grabbed by a tentacle monster?
I do not come from a place of privilege, user. Nothing you say will change my love for the game.
Can't say I was a fan overall, but Thanatos looked great
It was pretty obvious who the main girl in the TV series was, but that fucking movie took it to a new level. Never thought I'd actually like an /m/ movie with CGshit mechs, but the story did it for me. Watching Creyus's twiitter after the movie came out was something else.
>I do not come from a place of privilege, user.
>Having the money to buy a video game is a privilege
I know some people are dealt a better hand than others in life, user, but we're not talking about spending tens of thousands of dollars on a luxury item here.
You can buy poto oil from the black market. Its an item that uses heal light on one or all. There's so many healing methods that a dedicated healer isn't necessary.
>SaGa guy
then it's immediately shit, anything he's ever touched is garbage.
That's easy mode though.
Funnily enough the all woman team is the weakest combination of characters you can pick.
Just like real life then.
>I dunno, you tell me why that would attract tentacle rape artists.
I'm a social scientist conducting research on porn in Japan which originated from relatively wholesome sources. Can you provide proof that this "Riesz" has, in fact, been the subject of hentai?
>Funnily enough
Sounds like they were just going for realism.
Well that's because Charlotte is too focused on healing and Angela is just the straight-up worst character in the game. They both need a buff, especially the latter.
Running Wanderer - Dervish - Bishop in Sin right now
Why should we support square enix by buying Collection of Mana? They literally don’t care about us. Look what they did to Nier Automata.
go to a booru or look up リース in any japan image site.
What'd they do to it?
Saving for a Switch just for this game. And the possibility of Seiken Densetsu Online in the future.
Not quite, replace Riesz with Duran and now you have the worst team.
Angela can do quite well with Riesz buffing people. Duran/Angela despite being a paring actually suck together.
They released a very non optimized version and never patched it. Not a single one.
Yeah but who cares about the mustard race or EOPs?
>Look what they did to Nier Automata.
Literally could not care less
I haven't kept up with the series after the show. there's movies or something now right? basically, what new stuff is out for me to watch/is there more coming out later? I thought I heard something about a s3, but again, I wasn't paying too much attention
>tfw I never had a single problem with Nier automata
>And Legend of Mana is.. well, basically the SaGa of the Mana series.
Unlimited Mana fucking when?!
>don't support this game which is handled by M2 providing flawless emulation and a brand new translation of a previously unlocalised game, because a completely different franchise didn't get PC updates
I'm gonna double dip just for you, user.
It is when you're dealt Monopoly money in your country of birth.
You have internet access. Learn a skill and leave.
>I guess Rieszfags must be having a similar feeling with the remake. Will she get officially grabbed by a tentacle monster?
Moon God beast/Benevodon
wait what the fuck that was a girl all along?
lucky for you, it is the same engine
>jiggle physics
I require video evidence
Nah, just a dude with fabulous hair
Friendly reminder that the correct pronunciation is muhnuh, and you say it rather quickly.
yeah hold up just let me download the treehouse video and make a webm
thanks user
How the was anyone supposed to figure this shit out themselves?
The side cuts look nice, I wish devs would put in some real effort and rework the games to run in widescreen, or that the remake was a good replacement for the original.
It's right fucking there already But if there was something in the boss fight or whatever too, then sure
You know, I didn't think that I was going to end up using the GB filter but something about it on handheld just feels right. I use the Super Gameboy palette in docked mode though, pure black and white is eye-piercingly bright.
Not really seeing the jiggle there
should I play this or the gba remake?
Nigga I will give you a closeup of those jiggle physics when this video finishes downloading.
yeah the sharpness and brightness is the same reason I use the GB filter. I like how you can see each little square too
Play the original first. Sword of Mana is a very different experience story, gameplay, and world design-wise.
Neat, it’s actually dotted too
I await eagerly
Never say I don't do anything for you people.
yeah I see it, its small but its there
That is such a minor thing to complain about
the small cute jiggle Angela and Riesz have.
They are not complaining about the clothes, the western ham-beasts are just jealousy of Angela and Riesz being beautiful.
I hope the magic spells look nice.
Fags be gone.
We only see two spells but they look okay.
Forgot my webm.
More like she the main.
She doesn't have a dedicated artist like 144 making her popular and most Western people haven't played the games so they aren't as familiar with her.
She will be popular too.
The style they went with for Secret of Mana is fine the issues were music was horrible, voice acting was bad dub wise, lips didn't move for voice acting, and game was covered in bugs. Still remember the game crashing on me every 2 hours because of the auto save,
>red ring shows the range of the AOE attack
But how are they going to make DaS2 style shockwaves that kill me when I'm nowhere near the enemy?
Young Lady your leading. I main you in MAAB, only learned what Lord of Vermillion is because of you, and still play Exvius in the hopes they actually release you.
You will poke, buff/nerf and dodge and you will like it!
>Angela: my mother attempted to use me as a human sacrifice to gain power to conquer its neighbors
>Riesz: my kingdom was invaded, my people slaughtered, and my brother was kidnapped
>Hawkeye: A sorceress took control of my gang of thieves and uses them to wage war, killing my best friend and imprisoning and cursing my sister
Duran's quest is so petty compared to everybody else's, he's loads of fun to have in the party.
you can make her a necromancer
It looks wayyyyy worse than XC2. It's more like budget, arcadey version of Dragon Quest
Too bad the Mana series is too far spread out across genre and console to ever get a full collection of ports.
You forgot that the wizard nearly killed him, killed his fellow guards, threatened to kill his king and is now plotting to invade his kingdom.
I hope they put extra effort into the intros for each character, I'm looking forward to seeing Angela's intro.
It's not as funny when you put it that way.
Playing with my boy Kevin once again.
I feel like there is too much clutter on the bottom of the screen, with the gauges, attack names, and the characters themselves. They can definitely afford to move some stuff to the left.
angela's story is literally
"I love you mom! I'll do anything to get your approval!"
"then perish"
Also I hope those aren't the final cutscene animations for the fullmetal hugger, because they look amateurish and stilted as fuck. I hope that's just because the game is far from being finished.
>angela's first plan after nearly being murdered and having death squads hunting her down is "maybe if I get the mana sword mother will love me again"
I wonder if they'll add more character interactions like in the Secret remake,flesh out stuff like that a bit more.
The game constantly crashing made me just stop playing it altogether.
I already beat the original SNES version a million times anyway so whatever.
I hope this will be a DLC
>Liesz hair at 0:20
You think they'll add extra costumes for this game too?
god just imagine if equipment showed on the overworld
>all this new Riesz content
>keep getting download errors
>Will the SJWs succeed in censoring this guaranteed masterpiece?
soul vs soulless
No Celes?
Thanks for shilling the articles.
Play the Trials of Mana remake.
going for Duelist/Evil Shaman/Magus, because dragon emperor is no joke and deserves to be bullied into the center of the earth
the gba remake was a pretty thorough re-imagining, integrating a lot of the lore the series built up over time - especially from sd3 and legend of mana. the original is worth playing first, but i really like the gba remake - especially for the luscious brownie-brown spritework.
just give me costumes for the actual classes instead of the color palette changes we had in the original and it will be my GOTY
A dude in town give you a hint about it when you give him a fang.
I beat the game last night in about 20 hours. I had 19 hours and 15 minutes before facing the final boss.
Is the three pack on switch any good? I'm not big on fantasy jrpgs
I'm going to a team of Duran/Hawk/Kevin and focus on physical attacking. You can use items for stat ups and have Hawk lower enemy stats with Jutsus. The best way to play in my opinion.
The first game is pure conventional ARPG with a big of Zelda mixed in. The other two are action-RPGs with experimental gameplay mixed in. I would recommend checking out some gameplay footage or try before you buy on an emulator to see if it's your speed first.
I just cleared out Laurent, I made the mistake of not restocking my candy before walking into Bill and Ted's Totally Excellent Boss Fight and holy shit those guys are no joke. That fight was a real scramble after the endurance bout that preceded it.
>stated playing yesterday
>decide I'll play a full gals team, cuz why not
>have to always play Angela, otherwise she's fucking useless
I'll play the remake with a guy in her place, Jesus.
Magic will be better in the remake, plus no pausing.
>people supporting garbage shovelware remakes because it "pisses off the SJWs cause it got titties"
is there a consumer more worthy of contempt?
gimme a quick rundown of the mana series
Jesus Christ when I read shit like this I seriously can't believe it. Where are we? Back in the 60s??
They're video games.
the 60s would approve of it
I don't know why you or anyone else would assume magic is going to stay the exact same in the remake
It's not like they're just porting over the code to a 3D engine somehow. They're rebuilding the shit. So there's not going to be broken stats that do nothing, a character isn't going to be left largely useless, etc.
In fact, no need to even speculate about it: We already know the AI will use magic on its own, and we also know magic won't freeze combat
SaGa's handsome brother.
But Angela!
I might go with Angela and her bubble butt
Do I have to play the first and second game to play the third? And if so should I play the originals or the remakes?
>Do I have to play the first and second game to play the third?
No. They can be played in any order you want.
>And if so should I play the originals or the remakes?
I would not recommend playing Sword of Mana first because it's a very different game in every regard. Adventures of Mana is faithful but the fact that it's obviously a mobile phone game may put you off. Most people don't like the Secret remake very much and would advise playing the original first. SD3/Trials's remake won't be out until next year and will be very different to the original gameplay-wise, so in all regards I would recommend playing the originals first.
The first remake of FFL is pretty good but also massively different.
So play both of those.
Play the Secret of Mana Turbo romhack so you can have fun with the game.
Trials remake looks to be a tad different compared to the original
Will anyone make a drunk Angela game now?
Will this answer the age old questions?
What does Riesz' panties look like? Does Angela sleep nude?
jesus christ have mercy on my eyes
Or a re-release on Switch at least.
I have it on PS3 (PSOne Classic) but for some reason I find it's a pain to boot it up.
>Seiken Densetsu Musou
I want it.
I'm busy playing rape simulator.
>What does Riesz' panties look like?
They are green, unless she's wearing some weird leotard dress hybrid
I'm waiting to be able to pre-order it. If it gets confirmed to have any changes on the switch I'm dropping the pre-order. Luckily it's on the switch and not the ps4 so the chances are much slimmer.
The creators want to do it. If Trials sells well, Legend is likely next
Yeah I think this new translation is fucked. Even beyond Charlotte's Elmer Fudd speak, King Richard is just called Hero King, and Cleft of the Earth = Stonesplit Gap? What the fuck is that? I honestly don't think it just flows as smoothly as the fan translation.
The SD3 rom is out. Who would pay 40$ for this?
>won't find out if Angela has been buffed until the game is datamined, because no one will pick Angela out of fear/because Reisz exists
Someone who wants to support a series that has been largely ignored for the better part of 2 decades
You won’t help it. Normies are not buying this. It’s a niche game.
Charlotte is best girl, I hope they fix the translation after all the complaints.
Is Sword of Mana -> Secret of Mana -> Trials of Mana -> Legend of Mana -> Children of Mana a good way to experience the series for the first time?
No it's FFA > SoM > ToM > LoM > Sword of Mana > Dawn of Mana and then Children of Mana.
We don't talk about Heroes of Mana
Did anybody ever actually play Dawn of Mana?
Her skin is milky white.
I already played Angela's game, decades ago, with a fan translation on emulator.
And I'll play it again god damn it!
The later is not true, Tifa has a fair bit more, but like Tifa Riesz has had very strong support over the years and was never really forgotten about
>Angela's game
So how many hours did each boss take you?
Why are her dark classes so slutty? I mean everyone's Dark/Dark are edgy/slutty to some degree, but she goes from a conservative little ball of fluff to a loli slut.
bad game
Redpill me on Heroes. Wikipedia says its a shitty RTS
Yes and it deserves a remake over Legend of Mana
It's a prequel to Trials of Mana also the last time Brownie Brown worked on the series.
>jrpg should be 20hours at least
That's gonna be 15hours of bloat, cutscenes and backtracking and 5hours of actual gameplay and thinking.
If anything JRPGs need to get shorter and more efficient at time management.
I'm playing AoM right now and it's probably my favourite. Not necessarily the "best" in the series, but I'm actually enjoying it the most. It's fast, combat is slick and simple, and the world looks good.
I think the implication is that she shed her church teachings and and their coddling by extension. You don't get much on the meaning of the classes in the original games though.
>Hawkeye: A sorceress took control of my gang of thieves and uses them to wage war, killing my best friend and imprisoning and cursing my sister
>imprisoning and cursing my sister
I thought she was his aunt? Either way she was his waifu, though that may be something they wanted to retcon because of NTRing Riesz.
I'm starting to feel like people haven't actually played Trials and just like to pretend they have. Angela is fine vs bosses. She has a lot of burst and her spells, when used against the right element, justify the pausing of the screen. Its more of a problem on regular enemies when you don't want to pause and just get to the next screen.
"Angela is slow vs bosses" is like the "Wanderer is useless" meme. Neither are true and a sign that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Waiting for a PS4 or PC release or a working Vita emulator to play this
I honestly thought the Collection was gonna be the remakes
Or it was a deliberate exaggeration as a joke about how she's the worst character in the game.
Why didin't they localize this game back in the day?
>character:charlotte$ parody:"seiken densetsu 3$"
>Showing 11 results
I hope the remake fixes this.
Is that the figure 8 puzzle?
I thought Jessica was his girlfriend but then the Heroes of Mana game made hawks mother Flamekhans daughter so Eagle and Jessica are his half uncle and aunt respectively. I think the remake is retconning this and he is going back to just being Flamekhan's ward (or they might keep it and remove the hawk jessica dynamic to make it shipper friendly).
the ps1 had already been out for a almost a year by the time sd3 came out and the n64 was coming out in about half a year. it fell into that awkward generation gap like star fox 2 did, plus it was sprite based when 3d was the new hotness
Some of them are pretty decent, and Angela is in the same boat, it's really only Riesz that got mountains of porn. I actually think the fact that she got so much porn is why she got more, aritsts often take inspiration from each other.
You're spreading misinformation about a game to new players while being so over the top that its not even accurate. Angela is good vs bosses. You're saying that she's somehow bad when she's not.
nalvas is based but I wish he didn't put fat ugly old men in everything.
Define worst. Angela hits hard and has spells that can clear rooms. She's only "bad" because people who have been playing the game for 20 years don't want to put up with ring management and cast times. That doesn't make her bad at all and her Dark Classes have a few game breaking spells. Saying she's the worst character is pointless unless you can specify why and being slow at taking down bosses isn't one of them. Death Spell hits the damage cap on pretty much all the bosses except Black Rabbite, unless you go out of your way to level to 99 before hand.
Wanderer is no joke and it could have probably been hawks strongest class overall if crits worked. Transshape for temporary immunity, Counter Magic to cuck mages, Lunatic to insta remove 20 percent off a bosses health and having practically infinite mana with poison bubble. Now image having more damage too with energy ball and working crit.
Wanderer is actually busted. He skill list is insane and will only get better with the remake because Energy Boost will be fixed. I agree with you Angela isn't bad its just people don't have the patience with her spells. I understand the argument that you can do damage through attacks in the time it takes Angela to cast spells, but thats very in the game. Where Angela will always hit the bosses with their weakness.
>An article on either Kotaku and Polygon complained about the jiggle physics
Wanna link these articles, or just keep talking out your ass?
And yet people actually think its bad now because of memesters. Some fag actually thought that he was the worst Hawkeye class to bring to Black Rabbite in the previous thread.
B-b-but muh debuffs!
>female wizards from Altena gangraping party on bridge
Rather have the game be censored than buy it.
Because DPS matters. Why bother putting up with cast times when you can do just as much, if not more damage in a fraction of the time using Kevin, Hawkeye or even Riesz?
or maybe you should stop playing JRPGs
Yeah, there's an interview where they pretty much outright said that they put more effort into this one because the Mana remake got blasted so hard.
>Will the SJWs succeed in censoring this guaranteed masterpiece?
Only if it went to the ps4, and square specifically said they're putting it on the switch because it's the most fitting console for jrpgs.
And yes, I'm going to get it.
I would also get the mana collection, but I'd really only be getting it for trials of mana, and because they took so damn long to do this I already bought an snes repro cart with the translation, so there wouldn't be much point other than portability.
Just because she doesn't have strong DPS doesn't make her bad. Also before class changes she actually one of the best because she will always hit the bosses weakness. Also the DPS for Duran Hawk and even Kevin isn't strong right away. Where Angela spells are immediately strong and AOE.
I bet this guy went absolutely nuts when the remake was announced.
Stop being a pessimist, it's not good for you.
kevin/Hawk damage output is always insane and you can get Saber items pretty early too.
Not necessarily. Their damage is good but it doesn't become insane until after their first CC. But it still good. Their DPS scales and gets better with buffs. I'm talking about early on, though Angela with her spells can output more damage before their DPS becomes super good and like I said she has AOE which can make clearing rooms faster. Also on the point of the Saber Items, if lets say we are objective discussion on their characters, I don't think the Saber Items should be counted for or against anyone, because any character can use it in any run and they are optional. If we gonna judge characters it should be on their skill set alone and their synergies with others.
>jiggle physics
Really? First I heard of it. Nice!
Saber should absolutely be counted, as Angela largely rely on spells for damage and thus get little benefit from them.
You think that because you played the fan translation first, in your mind that flows better, but the official translation is more of a faithful translation despite the overdone Charlotte thing, as in the sentence structure in the dialogue exchange is 1:1 of what goes in japanese.
Damn, she's hideous.
That's a guy.
First party? Way back then my main was Hawkeye with Duran and Angela. Seemed like a stereotypical jrpg party. Tried a Kevin run afterwards but aside from the creepy joker guy it didnt grip me as much as ninja palooza.
Always play with Kevin, companions are the little Medic and the sexy Witch.
It's been literally years since I was excited for a game. I'm getting this shit day one.
Secret of Mana is so clunky. I've tried playing it quite a few times but I always give up a few hours in. I'm at the tiger boss and shit is just so dumb. Primm and Popoi die so easily. Seems like everything stunlocks you, too. Revive items are fucking expensive so I can't really stock up.
I wouldn't mind waiting to hit 100% before attacking, but when you have three party members trying to attack the same target it doesn't really seem to work. Hit detection is fucking weird.
secret of mana is jank incarnate, and is honestly not a very good game. unless you have two friends so you don't have to deal with the ai, then it's pretty fun. but I'd never want to go through it solo
Riesz' back is completely covered by her hair in the video i watched
>Fall flat on their backs and freaking bounce as they hit the ground
That looks painful as fuck
But it's not always hidden by her hair.
Duran, Angela and Hawk in that order. I think I picked Duran just because he's the generic swordsman. Angela either because I thought having a mage would be a good idea or because I knew about the branching storylines and her sharing a path with Duran. Not sure about Hawk.
But nowadays I never want to play without Riesz.
I wonder if anyone from Japan has ever played without Reisz?
I want to tease this innocent girl
Hmm, I see how that could be too lewd for America
Kevin/Duran/Carlie. Pretty safe and boring, but it worked.
The issue with counting Sabers is that you have to entertain other factors. If you say Angela is bd because other people can use Sabers better than her, than you say anyone who can learn Saber aren't as good as they should be because you can just buy Sabers. Then you say Carlie and Light Duran/Kevin are bad because you can just buy healing items. In that sense it makes it harder to give characters credit for things that they are good at.
My first party was Reize, Hawk and Carlie.
I don't really take Carlie at all anymore though since healing magic is so unnecessary.
Poto oil is so busted and costs pennies.
Fuck roasties I hope they all die. Imagine being so jealous of a fucking video game character that you have to try and make them as ugly as you are to feel secure. Fucking pathetic.
Why are these people like this?
Duran, Angela and Carlie was my first party. It was so inefficient but it's very doable.
She has naughty dreams
Charlotte Riesz and Hawkeye. It was free.
The day after the trailer for trials of mana came out I did my xnth play through of the game in like under slightly under 20hrs. It feels weird that I just beat the game again.
First party was Hawk Riesz and Charlotte. Hawk is by far my favorite character to play as, that split image slice is so damn satisfying.
>not official manga
the old fan translation simply seems to be able to say more concisely what's going on, even if the new translation is more accurate it just sounds awkward, 'as countries refused to allow each other control of the spell' sounds ponderous and borderline Engrish compared to 'war erupted for control of this spell'
So is Sword of Mana rather easy or is it because I'm overleveled and the flame buff magic is OP as fuck?
>even if the new translation is more accurate it just sounds awkward, 'as countries refused to allow each other control of the spell' sounds ponderous and borderline Engrish compared to 'war erupted for control of this spell'
That doesn't sound awkward as much as it sounds like it's trying to be grandiose.
That translation doesn't sound awkward at all. I hate to be presumptuous, but you should read more books, mate.
Kevin and especially Hawke damage is not "insane" pre CC. The Collection is out and you can test this for yourself quite easily. And Angela shits DPS in her final CC because she can spam Death Spell faster than Duran, Lise can. If DPS is all that matters than Duran is the weakest character in the game, not Angela.
In fact, for years people did consider Duran to be the weakest character. That's why I'm convinced that this "Angela is bad vs bosses" or "muh cast time" shit is all coming from people who barely play the game.
Sword of Mana is SUPER easy.
Sword of Mana is a shit easy game.
Unlike Sony, Nintendo doesn't give a shit about western politics. At the most they just write apology statements.
Is the collection worth 40 dollarydoodlers?
I want legend of mana remade with vanillaware doing the graphics of it.
If you're getting it for all three games then I'd say yeah, but most are just interested in trials of mana since that never came over before.
I want a second season of art club.
>borderline Engrish
That's not Engrish at all, it's just somewhat fancier than every day, casual talk and it also has a slightly different meaning compared to the latter. I don't know which one is the most accurate, though.
The amazonian girl was much hotter in her pixel art form. You could use your imagination to masturbate...now, not so much.
Kevin and Hawk both have level 1 techs that can double hit which alone gives them the best DPS out of the gate. Angela and Charlotte both get significant boosts in their final classes but aren't able to outdo the physical characters before then.
Its really all about what you value in SD3. Kevin is obviously broken due to bugs but your team really depends on whether you want access to debuffs/buffs/sabers/healing/utility spells.
Are you fucking gay or something? She's still hot as hell. If anything her pixel clothes looked way less revealing.
This is the character that convinced me to buy her game