Meet this nice girl I've met. She doesn't seem to be very talkative, though. All she can really say is muffled speaking. Oh well.
Meet this nice girl I've met. She doesn't seem to be very talkative, though. All she can really say is muffled speaking...
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you really wanna make this thread happen, don't you
Haven't played the game. Is she really an interesting character or is it just the usually Yea Forumsirgin hornyness ?
She's good for tying up at least.
she's not that interesting but the game is good
shes pretty great. Shes cute, shes optimistic, and shes a slumlord. Whats not to like?
Eghh what smells?
post more bondage or set yourself on fire
she secretly takes the BBC on the weekly
mediocre. The game is worth a tenner though, for sure, just for fucking around in the world.
Kat never deserved this.
ok they're tied up, cool
but why are they barefoot
This was fake by the way.
Why not?
It's not like she has a game to appear in soon or anything.
Woah Todd! Surely there can be some other deal we can work out here.
They could break the heel of their highheels and use it to cut the ropes. Only for the best.
Hey user, while you're out can you give me some chips
Kats more charming than interesting
I don't give a shit about her story but she has cute interactions with the other characters and gets a laugh out of me on occasion
Is the cat fine?