He doesn't talk much (at least before 343) but what do you think the most iconic thing Master Chief has said is?
I'm gonna go with
>I need a weapon.
He doesn't talk much (at least before 343) but what do you think the most iconic thing Master Chief has said is?
>despite making up only 1% of the galaxy Grunts commit over 50% of the crime.
>(at least before 343)
I haven't played 4 or 5, does he talk all the time now?
>Sir, permission to give the Covenant back their bomb
>No, I think we're just getting started.
>"No, we need to fight!"
They're trying really hard at making him human and a character now. The problem is that everyone at 343i are talentless hacks. Infinite is looking good though.
I hope 3v4i listen to fan demand and bring back Mommy Cortana from H4
"Sir. Finishing this fight."
I'd rather never see Cortana again. Slap Chief with Aggressive Bias and send him out to kill.
>Halo 4 was 7 years ago
>Halo 3 was 12
>Infinite is looking good though.
Eh, not holding my breath
Comparative to 1, 2, and 3 he's basically Yahtzee
>looking good with no gameplay
The little of what was in the trailer managed to express everything 343i has been trying but failing to do for the last two games.
In a dialog, story-telling sense, yeah. It's closer to what Bungie did.
That's such a thing a dumb waifufag would say.
Good argument.
They had the Sakamoto syndrome of not knowing what the series was about until the fans slapped them silly and now Sakamoto and 343 got the picture of what their series is about.
Pssssshhhhh best chief line is in H2 first mission
“I’m gonna give the covenant back their bomb” and proceeds to fly a fucking giant bomb through a giant space battle and blows up a covenant ship.
why did this guy had more soul than the rest of halo 5?
They hired a talented writer.
Because they got actual video game writers writing the game this time and not some comic book writer.
Goddamn but I love Chief.
>I won't
Is this from Halo 2 Anniversary?
Only Halos I've ever played were 3 and Reach but I'm looking forward to playing them all on PC soon
They decided not to go with a writer who was so ungodly bad at writing he bombed out of writing superhero comics. A medium where you only need to do the bare minimum of have character A fight character B and make sure character A looks heroic, and Reed couldn't hack it.
343 shills argue like muslim terrorists. When you bring up Islam, they say muh what about Christianity?
When you bring up 343, muh what about bungie? The idiots don't realize that halo veterans don't like reach either. If they were actual halo fans they'd know that.
Well, you know. Delusion is a hell of a drug.
Reach was good though.
This and just like clockwork .
The PvP was so dogshit, its amazing Bungie didn't neck themselves out of embarassment.
What is this an MMO?
hey, halo 5 had exhuberant waifu , don't talk shit about her
Giving the covenant back their bomb.
>what if you miss?
>I won't
Oh, its gonna be one of those trolly days, eh.
I should get the popcorn.
Took me a second, but LOL
What did it express
As bad as 4s story and MP were I still hold that the Chief and Cortana arc was good, probably the most emotional moment in any game was when Cortana said goodbye to Chief and he choked trying to tell her to stop (and then 5 completely ruined all of it).
>"Wake me, when you need me"
>suddenly having trust in 343 for no discernible reason
Mate...it was just a fucking trailer..
>"Woah woah woah, easy there big guy, you're not--"
>"Status report."
>"...Status report? What?"
That Chief does not belong in this time and place anymore.
Its the only actual memorable thing he's said.
I've stated my reasons, read the thread, lmao
The story in 4 is underrate. specifically because of the dynamic between Cortana and Chief. It was the natural progression of their characters. The dynamic of Cortana being more human than chief and chief being more of a machine than Cortana was really well done, with the climax of chief finally starting to break down emotionally really solidifying the progression of both characters.
That was the last good thing in halo.
You mean this and this? I don't see how this is reasons to say it looks good. You haven't seen the fucking game.
Why the fuck didn’t they just use this armor for infinite?
>Sir, finishing this fight
>no gameplay whatsoever
>yeah this looks good, they totally didn't desecrate the series with the last 2 games
Okay buddy, you have all the hope you want lmfao
>Master Chief being an emotional cuck
This is precisely why it was shit. The love story was cringe.
I see it went over your ignorant head
This. Why did it take this long? You're all zoomers that didn't play the original trilogy
The new armor looks better. Halo Reach is good and Halo 4 and 5 are awful by the way.
>caring for each other in any way means they want to fuck each other
Have sex.
What if she comes back and looks like this?
>boy, this trailer sure shows 343i learned how to tell a proper story and how to make Chief's armor look good again
>uhhh but why u think the gaemplay look gud?
I don't, you halfwits, I'm judging what I've seen and I liked it. I'll judge the gameplay when they release a gameplay demo. No idea why I need to spell this out.
1:09 youtu.be
>We'll head for the portal. Then we'll all go home.
The delivery was so somber, melancholic, like he knew he wasn't going to make it back. Timed perfectly with the music too.
>boy, this trailer sure shows 343i learned how to tell a proper story
But it didn't, moron. You need to spell it out because you haven't actually seen any of the game and are already praising it like you have, fucktard.
Because all these quotes are from Reach, 4 and 5, right? Stop being so desperate to fit in.
Yup, a 2 minute trailer sure showed 343 now knows suddenly how to properly tell a story, and oh my gosh they made the armor look good again, the game is gonna be great!
You a fucking retard dude.
>trailer shows promise
I guess low-IQ apes are the new standard for Halo fans? No wonder Halo 4 and 5 actually manage to sell copies instead of just cluttering shelves.
>boy, this trailer sure shows 343i learned how to tell a proper story and how to make Chief's armor look good again
The trailer showed neither of those things. Maybe people are calling you out because you're delusional and its disturbing.
I agree with the both of you, hopefully, Chief cures Cortana in Infinite and the duo can be together again.
>trailer shows promise
Nothing shown in the trailer "showed promise". There was no "storytelling". There was close to nothing. You are a literal bandwagon dipshit. Also the hilarity of calling someone low-IQ when you're trusting 343 is beyond ironic.
It's going to be one of my most hyped games of next year.
I want to believe that halo infinite would be good, but until the game comes out and i play it with gamepass, or the next e3 when they show gameplay fotage, they haven't show a shit about the story so far
A man's secret ploy to see what's under Chief's helmet.
Yeah that cutscene is from the Halo 2A remake. Its the same in the original game just not as crazy good looking.
>seething with impotent rage just because someone said the trailer looked promising
I imagine what's gonna happen to you guys when anons start posting their pre-order confirmations.
>t-they totally learned from their mistakes!
>they have figured out how to tell stories!
Not seething, I just think you're a stupid delusional fuckhead.
How can they make one single in-engine trailer look so good? It's incredible.
When I saw it I was shocked, it looked way better than Halo 4 and 5.
"We'll make it"
Do you notice when you're repeating yourself or do you just keep going on and on whenever you see someone that disagrees with you?
The game is finished once they show that it has sprint and clamber.
It more because you said:
>boy, this trailer sure shows 343i learned how to tell a proper story
>The little of what was in the trailer managed to express everything 343i has been trying but failing to do for the last two games.
You cant't be helped if you're retarded enough to actually believe these things lol. You're the moron that will be lining up to buy it day 1 like a good little sheep though, I can tell.
That’s not hard to accomplish.
Because apparently it's not getting into your thick skull why a few people think you're a retard, so it needs to be explained to you multiple times. Stay stupid though buddy, I'm sure 343 will make a great Halo game, I mean the trailer with absolutely no gameplay "looked promising" and all.
Finally some sense in here. Reach played horribly coming out of H2 & H3. My disappointment did not start with Halo 4 it started with Reach. I remember being pretty disappointed with the MP but kept playing it and trying to convince myself I thought it was as good as H3. I remember feeling like there was a huge dip in quality in the maps, on top of the annoying additions to MP like armor abilities.
Halo is at its prime when everyone stands on equal ground and the power gap occurs by earning it through power struggles in key parts of the map and over key weapons. When you throw loadout randomness into the mix it becomes a clusterfuck that doesn't feel nearly as tightly competitive.
One of the biggest reasons Halo 5 is the best MP since H3 (despite not being THAT great...) is that once again everyone is starting on the same footing, every player is starting exactly equal. Unless you play that disaster of a mode Warzone, which is basically the balls-to-the-walls version of the bad decisions Bungie started in Reach. Thankfully Arena is segregated form the Warzone chaff.
No, I probably won't be able to get it at launch since console gaming is for retards and I don't want to upgrade to W10. You'll still be shitting your pants about this thread on release day though.
If it's just that I'm fine just watching the trailer I can already see that Thruster, Spartan Charge, Ground Pound, and Stabilizers are gone, Slide and Smart Scope may be gone as well.
Even Halo 4 looked better than Halo 5
>excited for a game he's not even gonna buy
Uhuh, sure thing.
>he thinks people are judging the gameplay based on the good story-telling shown on the trailer
Could someone be this dumb?
That actually is the slip stream engine and not a cgi cutscene. That is the game you're looking at.
How did you play the Halo games up to this point if you don't like consoles, isn't only 1 and 2 on PC currently?
This, didn't help that the campaign or Reach was terrible as well, I was like this was it, this was Bungie's swan song, their final Halo game. I was never as disappointed as I was then.
We literally said what we are all thinking.
I think the Xbox One X helped Halo 5 but the original Xbox One really did hurt the game.
>good story-telling shown on the trailer
There wasn't any of that in the trailer though. I'm unsure what exactly makes you think it was some really good storytelling, when there was hardly any to begin with. You truly are a delusional moron. Keep on truckin'
That literally means nothing. People want actual gameplay and downgrades will happen.
I played 3 and ODST on my cousin's release date xbox 360.
>downgrades will happen
On Xbox One
>uses little power to reactivate chief and then know that he's going home
he's right.
>Reach campaign was terrible
Fuck off
>Got to play as your own custom dude
>Squad of spartans with unique and memorable personalities that gradually died over the course of the game
>Godlike space fighter section that was fun as fuck
>That last mission
Reach has the second best campaign behind the original game.
This post has got to be bait, I'm not even going to take it.
Are you able to post without repeating the same old buzzwords? It's a new gen title, even if it is downgraded, it'll happen on the Xbone version.
The campaign could be better than all the other Halos maybe. How can the multiplayer be better than the MCC though besides DUDE BIGGER FORGE LMAO?
Explain how the reach campaign was bad.
The only bait is anyone claiming Reach was bad.
It’s only going to be on scarlet, but it will still be downgraded because consoles are just shit.
Reach was hollow drama which greatly weakened its ending, unless by some miracle you were able to accidentally connect with the spartans who were dying.
No. It's coming out for the Xbone aswell. I think they even said PC too.
>hating on noble six
absolute shit taste
They shoved some hamfisted sentimental video in to give him a small amount of depth. It wasn't exactly clever rather than blunt
he was so excited as fuck instead of just gaping his mouth and stuttering at chief
Betcha' can't stick it!
Oh wait.
Why bother, you Reach fanboys lose every time someone talks down about Reach's campaign and multiplayer, neither were good especially after Halo 1, 2, and 3 had better campaigns and multiplayers.
>not clever
Mexican Foe-Hammer works in so many levels I can't possibly begin to describe it to someone such artistically dull such as you.
>doesn't even explain
>Reach was hollow drama
So like the entire series?
It's coming to Xbox One, Xbox Scarlett, and PC.
Noble Six isn't the problem in Reach, it's that Bungie fails to build a particularly strong connection with the team that's dying the whole game. Noble Six's plot is the best one in Reach, and that's because he is a silent character that is basically a manifestation of duty. In other words, Bungie didn't have to do shit to make his character work other than give him a good way of going out, which they did. Every other character was a failure because everything was to hasty to ever truly care about them. Unless you are someone who can be moved by "this person you barely have been exposed to died" you won't really feel any impact from the Spartans around Noble Six dying.
literally me after seeing the trailer
Foehammer cannot be replaced, even by some knockoff. Her giant black ass can pick me up anyday. This wetback needs to get the fuck out of my halo game.
>"Thought I'd try shooting my way out. Mix things up a little."
>"Wake me when you need me."
>"To give the Covenant back their bomb."
>"You know me. When I make a promise... "
How can people hate Captain King?
The first 3 games have a bit of humor and poke fun at themselves and their universe, so if the occasional drama doesn't work for you in the original trilogy there are still things to like about the campaign. Halo Reach was an attempt at a dramatic masterpiece, which means if Bungie's flavor of that didn't work for you (it did not for me), there was absolutely nothing else to fall back on and enjoy about the campaign narrative-wise.
He is you. And everyone who has been waiting for a good Halo game since Halo: Reach. Didn't you pick up on the subtext?
Literally the acting. The lines are kinda okay, but this dude's delivery, especially when he fucking lights up after he revives the Chief sold it.
This, couldn't have said it better.
Not him but I completely agree.
>I'm a fanboy because I thought the campaign was decent
whatever dude. Why bother is right.
I love how Chief looks like a motherfucking walking battle tank now
Jorge’s death was kino, but I didn’t feel anything for the others.
Which game did he say this, I need to replay it
Wasn't putting Cortana into High Charity a crazy violation of the Cole Protocol? What was Chief thinking
You seem bugged every time someone doesn't share your opinion on Reach as a whole.
Chief looks like he's going to be crushing some Covenant, Flood, Sentinels, and Prometheans in this game.
Something among the lines of stopping Halo from firing.
Why do women like Chief when they never even seen how he looks like/or who he is?
Really? Where? All I said was which really isn't any worse than someone claiming the campaign was good is 'bait'. That was apparently enough to label me as a fanboy, because I don't share your opinion on Reach
They don't? I've never seen girls clamoring over Chief.
Oh ok.
Do you just come up with random things that are just not true and then you act like they are?
Do girls even like Halo? I feel like shooter wise they gravitate towards Fortnite or Overwatch or CoD or something.
Because he's an actual gigachad, there was already a girl who wanted to marry him before the ONI kidnapped him at all.
Because he's a chad.
Now that I think about it I've never seen a girl play Halo. Like socially, or on stream or YT or anything. Oh wait there was that professional female-only team that played Halo for MLG or something. So I guess I eat my words
Halo too far out of the mainstream gaming radar for womyns to know about it.
i don't get it why they call him Captain King.
His arm motions look fake. I can say that for every videogame that does that shit.
this nigga farts out of his vag
Master Queef
Not funny.
>Halo too far out of the mainstream gaming radar
>literally sells systems with its name alone
>main character is one of the most recognizable in gaming
>often credited for helping pioneer FPS genre as a whole
You havin' a gaggle mate!?
>"Negative, Infinity. I don't like it."
I usually don't self-insert, but Chief really encapsulated my feelings on 343i and their retarded penchant to name everything "Infinity".
Nobody ever wanted chief to be a person you fuckwit, that's the whole allure of his personality: there isn't one. Him saying dumb overly macho shit is just a self insert for the protagonist. We he says I need a weapon, it works because that's what you're thinking as a player. Nobody gives a fuck about Cortana shes a voice in your ear telling you where to go that's all she does and all she should've ever been
in 5 he is with his old unit. tactical stuff.
4, very little but it humanized him like the books.
>based phoneposter
Because it will inevitably get down graded to fuck
Maybe fake gamer girls/streamers because they only care about flavor of the month. Anyone who plays games not for money or attention should know halo.
>a good Halo game since Halo: Reach
im sorry you were a child when reach released. it warped your perception.
How do I post a webm with audio?
or they could go back to bungie's superior designs
>often credited for helping pioneer FPS genre as a whole
You mean normalizing regenerating shields and poisoning the well forever.
I want to cum inside Cortana
Since everyone's already said the good ones, something about
>Relax. I'd rather not piss this thing off.
was always funny to me. Just how readily he accepts the situation instead of showing any signs of panic.
I feel like he says something good to the prophets or gravemind but I can't remember any specific lines. Or maybe he was silent and I was just engrossed in the story.
Either way Halo 2 probably has the most quotable stuff.
Maybe the hoard of dad simulators that have come out over the past couple console generations have jaded me to this kind of shit, but I rolled my eyes when that recording of his wife and kid popped up in the trailer. Muh wife and daughter isn't really enough to sell me on a character anymore it's so beyond cliche.
This thing is right. Halo is a weapon. Your prophets are making a big mistake.
How is Halo 6 going to make sense for us that haven't played since Halo 3? I'd appreciate any effort at all.
Halo 3 ruined the series campaign wise. I was 14 though and didn't play Halo 2's campaign since I was 11 so I didn't notice.
irrelevant to comment but that pic makes me even more sad H3Anniv doesn't exist yet
It's made to start you off to where you don't need to know what happened in Halo 1-5 to understand the story so you'll be fine.
Halo 4's multiplayer isn't that bad, but it's not really Halo either.
>We're not gonna make it!
>"We'll make it"
What happened to literally every other Marine on Forward Unto Dawn after the attack on Truth?
I think Halo 4's MC armor was neat looking
>Timed perfectly with the music too.
That was one of Bungie's and/or Marty's biggest strengths. They always tried to time everything just right with the music.
Why are faggots who abuse spoiler tags so beta
Halo Reach was a giant step down from Halo 3 but calling it bad is a little far imo.
I've been playing the series since 2005, am a grill and one of the usual elitefags
>this is my roflcopter and it goes SOI SOI SOI
Relax, I'd rather not piss this thing off.
Get a xbonex or wait for scarlet?
The Halo 3 teaser was "in engine". Don't be a fool.
>Muh wife and daughter isn't really enough to sell me on a character anymore it's so beyond cliche.
It's because you can not relate to such a feeling of love.
I'd say wait, there's a rumor that Halo Infinte will be exclusive to Scarlett.
No Arbiter shown, still.
This looks worse than last year's trailer which was also in-engine
>such a feeling of love
ESL faggot
Difference here is that this is Infinite's opening cutscene.
MC always had a human side, you rarely see it because hes always fighting. Playing through the series again, and dialogue between Chief and Cortana are great, not to mention Chief is also pretty retarded and almost killed everyone in the galaxy because he cant say no to orders.
It's not, literally explained in the thread, Xbox One, Xbox Scarlett, PC.
He's on Sanghelios.
Unggoy are cool
Well, to be honest, Chief wasn't told that Halo kills all life in the galaxy, he was told it killed Flood until Cortana told him the truth.
He was 6 when he was kidnapped
Every single scifi story in gaming has ended up a massive disappointment why bother anymore?
What's your point? Girls in elementary school had mock weddings.
i didnt know my sister visits this website too
Gonna gib gunnenent beck ther demb
She sounds based, no homo
I;m not sure why you think that means anything. The only proof I'd have that this is in game is that it actually looks too shitty to be prerendered.
Cortana's breasts got progressively larger from 1-3. In 3 they have physics + can change size.
Yeah, he never took the time to ask a simple question on how it was supposed to work.
Playing through the game again, and I never noticed how funny the story really was.
>MC always had a human side, you rarely see it because hes always fighting
For some reason 343 wants us to see it a lot more now
Because you are a retard and that's not entirely true.
then why are you moaning?
>halo bread
>no images of lewd cortana
1 (ONE) job
Your autistic assbudy from /vg/ already posted one you're just too stupid to actually browse the thread.
To be fair he was too busy fighting entire hordes of space zombies to care about the details
you know I thought I'd try shooting my way out, mix things up a little bit
Halo 2, Gravemind comparing the Master Chief to the Arbiter
>"This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded. This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded."
Halo 5, John Locke to the Master Chief
>All hail the conquering hero; the one who was supposed to save us all! But now I must save us from you."
You sound like a Mexican.
Cortana was supposed to tell him the first time they made it to the control room but she was too busy telling him to go save the captain from something that she once again didn't explain to Chief at the time.
>This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded
What did he mean by this?
I really liked it. Chief is seen as a savior to humans and demon to his enemies, so its nice when ever we get to see his humanity, just for it to get crushed into oblivion.
Forgot to add my point; in the previous games, Master Chief wasn't supposed to have any personality. He's a soldier. With each passing game they make him into more and more of a mascot. for fucks sake DOOM is doing the Chief better than Halo is.
He has always had a personality from Halo 1. He even had moments where he was a smart ass.
Reminds me of Metroid, savior of humanity and the galaxy, a hunter to her enemies, has points in time when she shows her humanity.
"Captain Keyes"
Why don't you just use google faggot. No ones getting a 3 day for you
They probably won't even have playable elites.
replace them with modelos for full beaner experience
Spartans are brainwashed as children after they are kidnapped so they become ultimate military killing machines.
That why Metroid is my favorite Nintendo IP. Samus and Chief characters and story are almost identical.
Arbiter is DEAD
At this point I just want them to not be malformed niggerlipped monstrosities. If they're playable that's icing on the cake
Theres a lack of Ch33f posting in this thread
That's not personality. That's literally the last remaining thread of John's humanity keeping him in touch. If he didn't that, he would literally just be an AI in a suit.
That makes sense, I never understood that I always that thought he was calling Chief a cyborg, the whole Chief is a machine line in Halo 4 suddenly makes a whole lot of sense.
Exactly, that's why I love both, trained since childhood to be the ultimate weapons, are more machine than man when it comes to personality as they just go and get the job done but have those moments where their humanity comes out and shines.
>this one is machine and nerve
mind of a machine, nerves of steel. in reference to his overly logical mind, which neither panics nor hesitates, and his fearless nerves born from charging headfirst into death innumerable times
>has its mind concluded
this basically means he'll never change. he's not an unstable person on the edge of morality, he has his own understandings and judgements and doesn't waver
The most memorable thing he’s ever said. Holy DAMN that was badass.
"finishing this fight"
fuck 343i for ruining that character, he was so cool and barely talks and now he's in a love story with a fucking amazon alexxa exploring his feelings
Holy fucking shit, the Gravemind hit it right on the money.
Might as well play Doom
Am I the only one that thinks his armour has always fucking shit and trailer trash?
Cortana has been making passes at Chief since their first cutscene together in both Halo 1 and Halo 2. She wants to get spartaned.
Wake me when you need me.
The fact that no-one has posted this yet-
In comparison to this,
>this one is but flesh and faith
Truly the most insulting, he implies that the Arbiter is at the mercy of his body (i.e. hasn't mastered himself/his emotions), calls out his reasonless beliefs, and pretty much tells him straight, "you know nothing"
maybe some more unique weapons and tools
best line he doesnt even actually speak
>*cheifs smartass grabs rocket launcher*
>"...oh...i guess so"
*teleports behind u*
>cortana is born from a flash cloned brain of halsey
>is john's friend but also his sister and kind of his mom/aunt
>has overt sexual feelings for him that he at least partially reciprocates
This sounds like Evangelion for some reason.
>By the time I learned the Demon's intent, there was nothing I could do.