you can't just add a ette at the end and make it a girl
You can't just add a ette at the end and make it a girl
Yes you can, look: OP -> Fagette
They can and they did.
An internet friend of mine I met more than a decade and a half ago on an Animal Crossing website was internet friends with the original creator of Bowsette. He both is very proud of how far the design reached and sort of regretful for spawning it
Opette is redundant with fagette
>no "punished Bowser" forced to wear the crown Bowsettes
What I never understood was why she looked like Peach
Cigarette is just a feminine version of a cigar.
I would do literally anything for Bowsette or a similar looking evil princess to become canon and show up in Mario games and spin-offs that was half as sexy as Bowsette. It'd give representation to female players who don't want to be pretty pious princesses and would give male players something to jack off to
Wow user what's it like being so close to greatness?
Dark Queen has existed for over 30 years. Too bad the new Battletoads looks like aids.
Did you not read literally anything I wrote? Dark Queen isn't a Mario character and her original design is unironically bad and not sexy
The Super Crown makes Toadette into a Peach look-alike with a few of Toadette's feature, so the theory was that it turns EVERYONE into a Peach look-alike with some of their original features.
Unless it's Chain Chomp, I guess. Everyone just sort of agreed to not make her look even vaguely like Peach in the slightest.
i'm pretty sure the creator of bowsette used to shill his comics on lol threads before the edits blew up
it could be sexy if it wasn't drawn like shit, still would look a bit too simple though
I like bowsette, makes my dick hard.
>Everyone just sort of agreed to not make her look even vaguely like Peach in the slightest.
'Cute girl' is a valid trait, user.
She's a character that already exists
and dominatrix aren't bad you double nigger.
I mean I'm always lurking this board or occasionally the /vg/ thread so it's not that hard to find me
Nah I was more of an Yea Forums and /vp/ drawfag and only posted the original comic once in the Yea Forums drawthread before everything happened. I actually avoided Yea Forums when the trend peaked since I was terrified of the backlash, though I did hang out in the first few edit threads which were hilarious.
But why? I'd feel pretty proud if thousands of people suddenly started masturbating to my OC
where's my french bread girl?
forgot the pic like a faguette
My dick disagrees
It's probably more of the "shit, I'm popular Yea Forums will hate me now" mentality. which is absolutely true
Getting that much attention all of a sudden was scary and a bit embarrassing since my art isn't really good. In terms of Yea Forums if you recall at the height of the trend I made a post on Twitter using meme arrows too I apologize for that
Such a shame, it was just another fad after all.
>asanagi levels: rising