Final Fantasy XIV

So what did you guys think of the liveletter?

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Other urls found in this thread:

look at his fuckin haircut lmao

Was a bad idea to watch it, now the 2 week wait will be even more painful. Someone knock me into a coma.

It was great. Really looking forward to Eden, now. The washed out scenery really reminds me of Mullonde from the Ivalice raids.

>Urianger is allowed to cast Death

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I want those crafting changes now, fuck. Also HQ mats getting you to 75 percen HQ bar off the bat is fucking NICE.

Who's ready for DNC?

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Dub is superior. Humans can't read subs so fast.

You have zero idea what that spell actually does. "Death of the Seventh Dawn" could do literally fucking anything. They already said Trust dungeons will be less efficient than normal ones. I sincerely doubt if that is the case they would let Urianger cast fucking DEATH.

Dumb BLU shitposter.

God Ami is so fucking cute. I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Ami. That joyful laugh. That bright, white smile. The curves of her tight, feminine figure. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Ami pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would YoshiP hire something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.

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We're gonna make it, GNBros... we're gonna make it...

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I wonder with that "preview" they showed us, are we going back to Coil style mini dungeons in each turn or was that just a dumb single player instance thing like Omega had?


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>featureing Nakamura
So is Hanakana in the next expas?

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As expected, a BLUfag is retarded

They kept talking about the little part in the Interdimensional Rift before Omega, so I think it's supposed to be like that.

You can see exactly what it does in the video you dumb faggot. And even if it isn't actually instant death, that means any BLU death spell doesn't have to instant kill.

So, who can beat my top score

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Is Alphinaud the kind of fag that cums just from sucking cock?

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Have sex with Ami


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He's coming for your waifus.

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Alphinaud is a healthy young man with a vested interest in naked miqo'te tits.

Aymeric is gayer than he is.

Yes, just like me.

Are you?

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Which job change frightened this dog so very much?

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Why Nakamura? Peter Bramhill is voice actor of Thancred. English is main language of game.

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I want to cum on Titania's theme.

I think my power supply in my game PC might be fucked lads and the only thing I'll have at first for early access is my laptop that gets like 10fps wat do?

Looks like a WAR main

Hrothgar look like shit in armor

Go away fate monkeys


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>Looking for a DPS role to play. MNK seems underused and I love all the flips and kicks
>Start leveling it, this is pretty fun
>Eventually get all 6 rotation skills, unlike SAM I actually have to hop alternate moves to optimise my dps.
>Get all more and more OGC moves as I level
>Greased lightning makes its impossible for me to hit all my OGC moves while doing the rotation
>More greased lightning and OGC moves are coming.
>Oh, there's positionals too, faggot.
>Literally have to keep my eyes darting across the screen, and move my fingers across the fucking keyboard at the speed of lightning
>SAM was 5x as easy as this and did more DPS

Fuck me, I heard Dragoon is even worse?

Okay, fucking rip. I can't handle this shit

Regardless of where you stand one dub vs sub, I'm glad that the dub is as good as it is now.
It'd have been much worse if they just sent it to the generic American dubbing place for Japanese media which uses the exact same voice actors who have no actual voice acting talent.

The type of voice actors who try very hard to mimic the sound of the original voice actors with high pitched tones, but fail to realize that the Japanese language works better for those voices than English ever will.
What they result in is breathy, obnoxious, fake sounding voices.
It sounds so fucking awful and makes me instantly swap to the original dub over the English dub any time.

>>draw a girl
>> call it a boy

I swear some fucking trapfags are just closet heterosexuals. Same with those mongoloids who circlejerk about Link when he's drawn with fucking tits for pecs and an hourglass waist

at that point why not just add a vagina and fertile womb

Anyone else a fan of Oneyplays?

I think bunnies.

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Just do 1-2-3 , 4-5-6 and don't give a fuck about doing your positionals.

I'm honestly glad it's like this and not overly "EPIC BRO", it sounds sufficiently whimsical to be for a fairy queen.

Not without an expensive commission and we all know it's OC x waifu.

Looking forward to meeting that new viera (viis) main character.

>I swear some fucking trapfags are just closet heterosexuals
Yes, that's exactly the point. People like traps because they have female secondary sex characteristics. Gays aren't interested in them.

No monk is basically the positional class, to the point even your basic combo has them, dragoon just has a buff you apply with a flank attack which is getting removed and a combo you should execute from behind, which should be where your standing anyways.

Sin Eater Harem building content when

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13 days... we're going home, we're finally going home

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I love my husband Alphinaud!

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MNK and BRD are basically made to be played on the controller

but then why even bother with a fucking dick and disgusting anal when vaginas are strictly better

I want to impregnate his ASS.

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Hanakana will be in the Eden raid. (aka ff8 retcon)

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I love my wife Titania!

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Give me miqocunny or give me death

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Because it's 2D. Literally nobody likes 3D """"traps"""" except other """"traps"""". That's why they're all "transbians".

I like their fairly unique manner of speech. It reminds me of the way characters speak in my favorite books.

i'll give you jail time

I really dont get how people are so excited for the expansion

Explain what can draw you to stick with this game if you dont have a static raid group

How good is MNK dps compared to the others?


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Alisaie has already been there.

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>Change Doom to be a 30 second debuff that at the end ticks for gigantic damage
>People would bitch that its "not real doom" even though Yoshi has already changed how tons of spells operate historically


I'm an autistic lorefag.

All non ultimate content is so piss easy that if you can't clear it with PuGs you should be embarrassed

So what is the best way to level a new job from 60 to 70? Last expansion was Deepest Dungeon, is it the same except now with the tower?

Will new Machinist be good?

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What will be the best way to lvl GNB and DNC to 70?

I enjoy the stories.

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>Gravity doesn't deal 1/4th of the enemy's health? Oh that's fine, that kind of effect wouldn't be fair in a game like this. :)

no, don't get hype that's the first step on the road to disapointment

it won't be as bad as 3.0 or 4.0 at the very least

Will the generic gatherer and crafter gear look nice? The class-specific gear looks nice, but I don't want to fill up my inventory with it.

maybe if it does sam/blm damage but even then thats questionable because sam/blm dont do nearly enough damage themselves

hot take erping with men ( so 99%) makes you a fucking homo

Please unsub from Yoshida's game.

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Story and setting for me. It's a fun world.

I had a little pink haired black midget man that never made it past 45, just got heavensward DLC for free and I hear theres a login campaign. What do I even do to come back quest wise and how much is there to finish?

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Add more Gold Saucer shit to spend mgp on!

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Who has the best theme, and why is it Sephirot?

3.0 mch was fun, just needed some minor tweaking not the absolute abominiation we got in stormblood.
I'm cautiously optimistic about new mch

By playing the fucking game. Jesus.

I honestly enjoy the story. Not saying it's the greatest story ever, but I like the characters a lot. SB was a bit of a slump admittingly, but I'm holding hope that this one steps up

look at this photograph

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You seem confused. It was Alexander Prime.

I generally think Hrothgar were a mistake, but I have to admit they look pretty dapper in cloth armor.

I like leveling classes and healing casually.


Every time I do it makes me laugh

That depends entirely on how much of a parse autist you are


Lol gay

So if my autism is low-level what's going to draw me, it seems like most of the class changes were just stuff removed. What's the appeal? How are people screaming AHHH I CANT WAIT TWO WEEKS

It seems like the "please unsub from my game" memes are posted by the same people who have been subbed for the past three years, so what am I missing

What is this face trying to convey?

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Are you deaf or just stupid?

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Is it possible for a man to ejaculate with his prostate?

I'm not much of one at all. Is that good or bad for this?

I think maxing a job should let you glamour gear for it to other classes, tgeres5no point making super cool alchemist gear when people will spend 99% of their time in a different job

Nobody even does pvp so the "silhouette" argument is non-existent, hell yoshi said the raid team all dress as frogs

Do you guys think DNC will remain popular?

>How are people screaming AHHH I CANT WAIT TWO WEEKS

>new jobs
>new areas
>new music
>new trials
>new ultimate
>eventually new housing
>new races
>new skills

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user, he's obviously stupid. Ami's womb would go to waste with his genes.

Nice try Yoshida, I resubbed to play your game

I play with friends and running content and levelling with them is always fun

Yes, I've done it numerous times.

>the 1.0 cinematic was actually Arbert and the gang in The First
man this game just doesn't stop fucking with me

I missed it because I was leveling DRG. What new info did we get?

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yeah it'll be the inconsequential role that anyones gf can play

>monk is just a worse and clunkier SAM now
what did they mean by this

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Quality story. Fun gameplay. Unique jobs. Amazing music.

DRG bros: How does it feel being the only melee DPS to be not only relevant, but also super fun to play, engaging, and high skill ceiling since god damn 1.0.

I quit during HW, back when I last played almost everybody played bard, are they still over-represented or can I finally play one myself?

>>Proc-based ranged DPS
>>Ridiculous utility completely usurping Bars
>>Incredibly popular RP job
>>Highly viera compatible
>>Explicitly made to be easy

Yes. They will be red mage meets ninja, completely fucking everywhere from the highest to lowest level of play

It wasn't. He's witnessing the Battle of Silvertear Skies in that scene, and the leve plate is labelled 'Limsa Lominsa'.

Yes. It has huge buffs, lets you "partner" with someone (hugely appealing to couples and RPers), is the most overtly feminine/sexy job (majority of player characters are female) and is ridiculously simple to play, even moreso than RDM. There's a good chance that DNC will end up in the top 3 most popular jobs if not take the number 1 spot.

>relevant for any of arr until 2.45

>TK rotation might still be a thing
>but we'll be using anatman to regain stacks instead of the old riddle of wind
I pray to god every day that it's impossible simply because that sounds like complete ass standing still for 6 seconds every 90 seconds.

I'm playing the free trial. Getting hyped for Shaodwobringers even though I won't be ready to play it through any of its content when it launches.

Upgrading to the starter edition and then preordereing Shadowbringers will get me everything right?

Does backing up my settings save my HUD and hotbars?

Shut up fag.

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> if you dont have a static raid group
I've been subbed for 3 years and I never did a single savage fight.
I just like the game and degenerate erp with cats.

sided star

DNC is probably gonna be the new hotness of phys ranged, so probably

The DNC job belong to our LGBT community, for those none queer people please do not play DNC if you can't immerse and commit yourself into the role.

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Yes, but you won't get the other expansions until July 2. You can apparently claim Heavensward for free right now though, and I don't see you getting to Stormblood before Shadowbringers releases.

Please be kind to me.


Alphinaud is STRAIGHT. He likes GIRLS.

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But anonthat's why I play as one

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>tfw got close but got scared cuz it felt too good
>can't replicate it since
Does MNK have cast times now or something

Oh and you cannot overstate how important and appealing starting at 60 is. Leveling other jobs 1-50 is the most unfun boring soul crushing shit in the game, Dancer and Gunbreaker get to skip the entirety of ARR and Heavenward and go straight from Heaven on High into Shadowbringers

>he isn't planning on going through the story with a a Dark Knight
Explain yourselves.

Holy shit, user, thank you. You've given me what I've been looking for all these years.
The ultimate cure for my boner.
Now all I need to do is picture this absolute abhorrent fucking abomination in my mind and it'll bring me down from full mast in a moment's notice.

Lol what an old hag.

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It looks fucking boring to play, GNB actually looks fun.

She's guaranteed romanceable in Shadowbringers, right?

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Do the majority of people prefer tanks that do large pulls or average sized pulls for safety?

can't believe there are only 5 zones this time

what, will we get to the fourth expansion superboners and it only has 3 new zones

is this our future

I am though, the fact that Alisaie, Alphinaud and Minfilia make for a 2 DPS, 1 healer set only makes things better

Teaser is really out of sync.

It'll be fine, parsefags have been reeeeing about MCH because its rotation naturally drifts away from TA windows

It won't be. Whatever benefit you could gain by using Anatman are completely negated by the DPS loss of not doing any attacks, not even autos, while you're using it.

People have done the math and the TK rotation is dead if the potencies in the media tour are the same on release.

It lost internal release while still being crit rng and now has more situational ways to maintain GL, of which you will only use 1-2 for a fight, than it does oGCDs

I absolutely fucking hate leveling which is why I play arcanist because I get a dps and healer out of every expansion's MSQ

where the FUCK are my mgp/tomestone farming bots

i know you cucks have them

>liking a crusty old hag
Boy has questionable tastes

>he doesn't max out every tank
LMAO what a cuck

>No story about his awkward years in Sharlayan drawing pictures of his female classmates

All I need is one tiny acknowledgement that she's into you and have been idolizing you so much that she's developed feelings for the WoL.

Because PLD looks 100 times more fun.

>already have all jobs at 70
>got the pre-order earrings anyways to help level DNC to 70

I am ready.

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Shit, I just realized there are no female healer options. Alphinaud only sort of counts.

i can't tank

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Why? No more TK.

>out of sync

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>Playing a tank in an expansion adding a tank
lol Stormbaby. If you only knew

Who gives a shit. If you aren't full team Minifilia after that live letter there is no hope for you

Don't forget that literally all the students were older than him

Because I'm a SCH main

I've been unable to play for a few months and have been ignoring >Shadbringer because of it. How's SAM looking?

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Look at this fag lmao.

Dancer will be for chads that know what theyre doing

Because everyone and their mother is playing DRK and I'm not moving off of WAR

There is nothing to do in them regardless. They are far too big, and empty skyboxes.

Be ause it means dungeons are over faster
What about E3 potencies? MNK got some buffs apparently but I dont know what it equates too

If you think you can trust the healer to keep you alive, and can trust yourself to not crumple, then go for it. Either way, you're the one setting the pace, so adjust as you (and the healer) feel like it.

>123 Requiescat

Or when his admirers kept mistaking Alisaie for him and running up whispering lewd shit in her ear.
Elezen women seem extremely thirsty. Especially schooled women as seen in the AST quests.

She's old and busted

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Because I will never stop playing WHM and it will be funny stuff story wise.

Where my DoH/DoL brethren? What did they announce for us? Anything worth noting?

Reminder that Alisaie is officially illegal now.

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Isnt Eulmore a zone?


Large pulls every time unless the healer is literally so shit that they can't even keep you up.

>not being team Minfilia even before Minifilia

Alphinaud is at the perfect level of denseness where he comes across as a total Chad to everyone who doesn't stick around him for an extended period to realize he's actually just a retard

He wouldn't blink an eye at doing nude drawings of all those coeds and would be too busy mapping out the golden ratio to even realize there's titties five feet away

I really hope that ShB Minfillia is just some random girl that Thancred dubbed Minfillia because he can't live without a Minfillia to protect. I don't want the cute girl we're going on adventures with to have anything to do with the real, awful Minfillia.

It gets better and better

>high skill ceiling

The translator constantly pausing and saying "uh" is annoying, just give that bitch a script

Slight gameplay change moving away from Shinten spam and instead focusing on doing double Midare's.

Static needs me as a healer.

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what the hell happened here?
yeah i'm the same dude from last thread but im curious about the details

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>You will never /ss/ Alphinaud

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Because they're back in Tokyo for the patch notes you moron.

>This scene
>That one Tale from the Storm where Alisaie is having tea with Y'Shtola and Lyse

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Do we get to Kaiten both?

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yes that's correct

I like large pulls, it's fun even if we wipe

*Chair clattering*

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>can't believe there are only 5 zones this time
Was that confirmed?

can instantly copy your last iaijutsu

hagakure is being replaced with an instant 50 kenki skill on a longer cooldown

1250 potency single target that shares a recast with guren

ogcd attack that gets charged by meditate

shifu and jinpu boosted to 12%

Ok thanks.

I don't think I'll be ready for Stormblood either. I've been playing for almost 2 weeks and put in nearly 50 hours but I'm only level 33. Not sure how far I am into ARR's story. I've been mostly focusing on the story but also doing side stuff and messing around with glamours and such.

It's possible for a man to ejaculate from sexual excitement alone.

>Black market goods

Based Alphy

Porque no dos?

No, but the second one is always buffed to have the same effective damage as Kaiten

Works for me.

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Consider my PP hard then.

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Is that the one where you spend sen for kenki?

It has the same potency as Kaiten Midare

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forgot to add, oka and mangetsu refresh shifu and jinpu respectively

demaisid dificul

Reminder that it's canon the Warrior of Darkness lalafell conjurer was hardcore lusting after Arbert and had to force herself not to think about his loins

Most of SE dubs are good, personally I prefer Solus' dub voice but the rest in japanese

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And? i don't need weebshit in my game.

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very cute pair ngl, I hope I get to see interaction between them or atleast pair them in the same dungeon.

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I suppose. It did work for Reinhard.

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Based an NINfiliapilled

SAM looks a lot more appealing right now than MNK.

SAM and DNC will be the go-to couple.

>Claims to love Alisaie
>Never finished Coil
>Never got her special dialogue

The TK rotation was easily the worst part of MNK.

Thank fuck it's going away.

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>thinking weeb culture hasnt already seeped into your system the moment you started this game.

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>literally more beautiful than his bride

just pug shit I didn't have a static and I cleared past omega at least before my friend I was playing with went to do real life shit. it's kinda fun being in these wildcard parties too

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>Turn on tank buffs
>Hit everything that moves at least thrice
>Wait for everyone to kill the group you slapped
>Move to the next group and do it again
Tanking is legit braindead as long as you know how enemy attacks work to best steer attacks away from every thing that isn't you.

>SAM thinks its getting into parties just because MNK gets screwed again
OHOHOHOHO not so fast SAM. It says here you still do 0 rDPS, care to explain why?

The moment you started playing FFXIV you are already considered a weeb.

>Lyse gets to hug Alisaie but you don't

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Should I kill myself?

i thought this was a joke

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SAM is pretty much the melee version of BLM. Which is to say OP, easy to play and completely selfish

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Blame Potatos



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cloth and some robes look fine
but plate is all stretchy and ugly
shame because i wanted to roll one

Join us, and claim back our rightful place my brother.

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The only acceptable dancer glamour. Votekicking every one I see that's not in it and will falseflag reports that they insulted my dps

Oh user, if you knew the things people do to the npcs while they're just standing there waiting for you to talk with them.

I don't speak faggot, what does TK mean?

Lakshmi was the biggest disappointment of primalfus.

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mnk dnc drg brd
this will be meta

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>this shitty bad thing is ok because this other shitty bad thing overlaps it.

Thanks user that really helps

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It IS a joke, but that doesn't mean it isn't real.

Tornado kick?

Story, lore, music and great aesthetics. Also trusts because I prefer ai npcs over real life npcs.

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>selfish dps
>still puts out the same if not more raid dps
>just because it doesn't have some party buff it's selfish
High raid group dps is what matters.

So wait a second, MNK has to fucking sit through another expansion dealing with figuring out whether it wants to go fast or not again? Less OGCD moves would have made sense if they were going to delete RoF slowdown and make GL4 mandatory.

I hated Suzaku more since she ntred me for tenzen

Why yes, it is.

Too many different sized players. Preaze understandu


She never loved you.

gonna suck seeing 90% of dancers in cringey glamour but i guess thats not to far off from the average brd


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Yeah, you are not likely at all to get to the end of Stormblood in 2 weeks.

For reference, there are 100 quests after you finish the "final" boss of ARR at lvl 50 with the patch content. That's univerally considered the worst segment of the game, so stick with it without burning out

Black mages should have at least a couple of support spells desu

Fucking hell she just keeps stealing from us. Alisaie, credit for freeing Ala Mhigo...what's next? Will she claim to be savior of the First?

>when you out DPS your entire raid then die from a mechanic

Fuck my life. I hope no one was watching.

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was expecting her 2nd phase to show off her tail

Why do you guys say that MNK got shedded but SAM didn't?

It's not like MNK got nerfed in ShB.

That's fair. The difference for me is that I was excited for Lakshmi based on her concept art, whereas Suzaku never did it for me.

>iT wIlL mAkE sEnSe As ThE eXpAnSiOn GoEs On

>Tornado Kick has literally become a useless ability now that SSS exists
What are they smoking? Why has it taken them 4 expansions to figure out their vision for monk and they still can't do it?

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>want to buy boyfriend
Something like that probably
One of you retards would have jumped on it and then gotten vanned

God I want paizuri from all three

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A-are we just going to let Yoshida put a white supremacist hate symbol in the game...? I don't want gr*mpf votes to feel empowered... We -have- to do something!

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user I would be okay with more areas if they weren't shitty as they are. But just getting more of the same shit won't solve anything.

I still don't understand why people call BLM an easy class
There isn't much to the core perfect scenario rotation but it always felt very high upkeep to me and getting the most out of your positioning and convert is relatively difficult compared to something like SAM where nothing really needs to be timed or refreshed or lined up

I want to like it but having to constantly transpose to keep enochian spinning through whole dungeons is stressful
It's not hard, it's just stressful

too much for me too list this late m'dude. see if there isn't a video or vod of the stream. new clothes, titania's boss music. trust stuff, dungeons and some teases and hints towards other things. A lot of quality of life additions/changes that might be worth looking at. glamour plates, space, hunts and so forth.

>I still don't understand why people call BLM an easy class
>It's not hard
you just answered your own question

That's a fun image I like it. Thanks for sharing.

>SCH was nerfed to shit before MNK was made relevant again
>NIN was buffed

is this a new reddit meme?

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I wish Yotsuyu were still alive. Even if she were imprisoned and raped daily, I'd be okay with it as long as she was still around. Fordola is the one that should have died.

Hot take: the caster that has complete mobility and almost literally plays itself is easier

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This is even worse than the n*zi armband mod...

You can use it once per PB!

are elezens the most chad race?

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Please let it hide tails/horns. Please.

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>almost everything in that segment paying off now
>most of those quests short as fuck "go talk to this guy"
Do all of you niggers have ADD or what

Alliance raid = nier collab
Eden raid = FF8 collab
is this it?

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she was the best

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Tanking's easy. the problem is the fact you'll be tanking for other players that can turn a nice, simple, quick and friendly/neutral run into a shitfest.

That's not how you spell Hyur.

>Have every mount, minion, orchestrion roll, hairstyle, barding and card purchasable with MGP
>Still farming more MGP even though I have 1 million left over
What's wrong with me

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>smn's batshit insane pet swapping, AI altering, window crunching rotation

this is getting better in SHB, right?

No because she has the best music


Seems like it's some wowfugee shit

>Fordola trial instead
>She summons a primal to take over
>It's Rhalgr the Destroyer

>VIDEO GAME tattoos

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When does the countdown begin?

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bloodstained release in 3 days.... that gonna make the wait a loooooooooooooooot easier

Literally addicted to casino games. You should seek counseling.

>Clenches her fist when she hears all her friends have been whisked away to another shard
>Ala Mhigo hails her as an interplaneary saviour

Made me google it.

MNK got heavy nerfs, GL recovery simply doesn't exist anymore, in trade for having three completely niche GL maintenance skills

SSS? Only useful for downtime less than 15 seconds
Anatman? Hope you don't have to move for any reason, also doesn't even refresh the timer if you're at max stats
Riddle of Earth? Lol

PB is the only way to build stacks fast now, and they decided to nerf that to 120s too.

Basically if they make a fight have downtime of over 16 seconds and force you to move you're getting cucked out of your stacks even though they gave us three ways to keep them.

Come back and rebuild your home, Warrior of Light.

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Fordola is a true Garlean and doesn't believe in stupid savage g*ds

>minfilia bad
Dubnigger or just a retard? Y'sthola is far, far worse as a character. Minfilia was cute and at worst generic though she still had flaws and canonically relied too much on (You) unlike the mary sue cat. Not near as bad as you people make her out to be.

She stole your virginity when you were up alone together on Rhalgr's statue.

>Ishgard reconstruction will have leaderboards and shit

What the absolute fuck

>Fordola is the one that should have died.
I don't know how anyone could honestly think that. Are you a Mhigger?

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Will people finally stop wearing shisui in 5.0?

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Newbie MNK here. For what purpose would I ever consider giving up all my greased lightning for fucking tornado kick?

only master crafters can compete

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They both should have died.

What emotion is this face meant to convey?

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She doesn't need to believe in him to use him. Zenos took over Shinryu.

>Arbert had to cut her and his friends down because it was his responsibility before coming to our world.
>Bloodied bravura version

The displeasure of not being cummed inside.

>It's not hard
That was just talking about keeping enochian from falling off
Reading comprehension

It's the face she makes when shes tells you that you left her alone, right before she rapes you

For more dps

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Hopefully never because I like seeing them in it.

Noooo now I can't be a BLM!

I love the whole "everyone from the cast hangs out as if they finished recording a movie" trope that some games do as bloopers.

>male elezen 2 stepping like they're at the club
>all that titty jiggle when fem roes dance
>cat girls twirl around like strippers
>cat bois literally swinging their arms around like spastics doing Naruto hand poses
>male lizards bopping like b-boys
>potatoes flailing around like theyre being electrocuted
>male roes look like your weird uncle trying to dance

I logged in for the first time in a couple of months and I was walking from Gridania -> Lavender Beds and there were so many sprouts god it is cute.
Game is alive feels good.

Having to listen to Lyse going on about villagers not wanting to throw themselves at Magitek soldiers.

you wouldn't anymore, it is a useless ability now
nobody on the dev team knows what the fuck they are doing with monk

>Hien and Zenos broing it up

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you think your casual Namazu leveled ass is good enough for based Ishgard?

>1.0's opening is Arbert and his buddies on the First

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Normally you use it before a phase transition where the boss wouldn't be targetable and the time would be too long or there would be no damage for riddle of earth to work.

HOWEVER, since 4.3 until 5.0, skills have lined up to allow you to use it as part of your regular rotation without it being a DPS loss and without it taking more than three weapon skills to regain.

Can it really be called relying too much on (You) when there truly wasn't anyone else who could have done the things WoL did?

Although thinking things over, while it was sweet to hear, it's also kind of fucked up that WoL is her sole pillar of emotional support, considering her mom and Thancred are also present in the Scions, are they truly that terrible at lending an ear?

>she rapes you
That probably is about the only wat any progress in your relationship is ever going to be made, since WoL is Shirou-grade density.

fucken do et fer aller meegow lazy cunts

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Never cleared any of the stormblood primals, do you guys think one week is enough time to plow through all of them blind in the pf?

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It's not

>I have over 400m gil
But are you 6+ feet tall and have a big dick?

why are elezens so insecure? incels race

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It's less density and more inability to act because the universe wills it


Is Zenos a good guy now?

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Can't summon without the belief though.

>Arbert and his buddies
>when you are literally seeing the battle of silvertear skies and how Midgardsormr fought off the Imperial fleets

>smn's batshit insane pet swapping
What? No one use pet swap. Radiant Shield is nerfed. You can of course summon ifrit for Radiant Shield in middle of fight when boss in untargetable. You technically don't even need to swap pets in opener. or you can do some shittery old opener with titan
>AI altering
You just force Garuda to do Aerial Slash. For unsync with Contagion. That's all. You don't need to do this if you lazy fag. Just keep in mind Aerial Slash cast. Contagion will be with ~4-5 sec delay.
>window crunching rotation
It's automatically aligns if you did opener and first Baha right. But no more Contagion in ShB.

How does anybody even get to the First?

It's going to be the ultimate slutglam for a while unless ShB can beat it.

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The Crystal Tower

>it's a summoners think their job is hard to play episode

Some Crystal Tower shenanigans. Remember how we got to the World of Darkness during that quest?

>abyssal drain nerfed
>salted earth nerfed
>blood weapon nerfed
>mana drain nerfed
>TBN mana cost nerfed
>quietus nerfed
Why does DRK look so fucking shit for 5.0? Am I missing something here?

>SSS? Only useful for downtime less than 15 seconds
Isn't SSS has more potency than 2 GCD? Especially under buffs.

>song that plays when hydaelyn and zodiark combines

Scions got their souls summoned there two patches ago. WoL is going there through Crystal Tower.


>implying he was ever a bad guy
>implying he isn't just Final-Fantasy-Majima

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>last one

i'll wear it 63 to 80 so no

>ryahoo intensifies

Ilberd didn't worship Shinryu/Midgardsormr. He was just very emotional and serious about blowing Garlemald to hell.

Tataru will in be your party to assist!

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Ok, so I don't really know because the stream last month cut out when Yoshi would have been talking about the job. BUT: Pets are now instant-cast, take no MP, and can't be attacked/aren't even targetable. The pets only come in an Obey flavor and fire player-used things instantly when commanded, and no wandering around like a retard first/they're always in range. Ifrit and Garuda aren't too different from the looks of it, but since Titan can no longer tank his support ability was changed to give you a major damage reduction buff instead(not enough to tank yourself or anything, more like just not die when shit goes south). Aetherflow as an ability is out, but instead it sounded like the charges refill automatically; there are also only two instead of three. I think DWT was removed? Yoshi had started saying something about not sticking to one pet through a fight, rotating them constantly instead, but like I said the feed got fucked and I don't know where he went with it after that. Bahamut isn't on a two-cycle thing anymore either, as such. You use your two Aetherflows, then Bahamut is readied. You get done with him, the next two will pull out Phoenix instead which seems a little stronger but is more of a side-grade in some ways(has an automatic Regen aura, for example). Then it's back to Bahamut.

I hate this ship so god damn much.

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>By all accounts new machinist is really fun to play
>all the retards and bandwaggoners are going to be flocking to Dancer
>feels good to be a mch main right now

I hope for Soroban and Tataru adventures in future.

fujos btfo

Wasn't YoshiP into the idea of Tataru being a joke Trust?

fuck off you litle gremlin, there's only room for one potato round here
one day I will marry Krile

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Hes not good, but his interests currently align with yours. Hes sick of Ascian intervention and Garleans being fuck ups and wants his body back. Which means hes gonna do your job of subduing the Garleans while you're away in another universe.

When your new boyfriend tells you he prefers a condom and thinks it's degenerate to cum in someone you don't have any intention of impregnating even though you've had each of your past dozen or so boyfriends/one night stands cum in you while you're on birth control and you're afraid he'll find out and dump you

>rubber bullets
>rubber knives
>rubber cars
>rubber explosions
>rubber skyscrapers
>rubber bricks
Thank God the only conceivable way to die is to get shot in the head. I got run over by a tank the other day and just walked that shit off.

It's too aesthetic to beat

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>she will fail mechanics and trying to kill you

makes far more sense than WoLxAlisaie

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Expert Roulette: Savage

Three Tatarus

You appear to be mistaken user, the only potato wehave room for around here is Momodi

post more CANON xiv ship.

t. Alphinaud.

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>What about E3 potencies? MNK got some buffs apparently but I dont know what it equates too
MNK gained a couple extra points on GCDs, which actually makes TK even more dead. Part of the reason TK died is because MNK GCDs got so strong that losing an even larger buff on them for an even longer amount of time made giving up the GL stacks cost more damage than TK gives back. Unless TK gets a 100 to 150 potency buff (to the 500 to 600 range) it's just not worth using even if you have recovery available. We wouldn't even use it even if Wind Tackle were still in game.

Estinien was tsundere for Ysayle and left her those lilies that people put on graves.

can't be aesthetic if one of them doesn't exist anymore user

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>leaving flowers for a fallen warrior who he knew for a few days and had slaughtered his family and friends means he was in love with her

WoL x Yugiri

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No. If you're trading SSS for two GCDs, then you're always losing potency. SSS is 400 potency. If you're trading a DK and a Twin Snakes (your two "weakest" weaponskills) for an SSS, then you're losing 300ish potency (170 from DK + 130ish from Leaden Fist) from the Dragon Kick and 170 potency from Twin Snakes + 10% of all damage dealt in the time you caused Twin Snakes to fall off as a result of delaying it with SSS. If you lose a bootshine and a true strike that's 300 + 240. If you lose a Snap and a True Strike that's 220+240. Literally everything monk does hits harder per GCD used than SSS does. SSS is literally useless for anything except using right before downtime, before leaving melee range for more than 5 seconds, or for using when you fucked up and have somehow ended up in a position where GL will drop before your next Coeurl GCD but you're still in melee range. IE, it's basically just a marginally better version of Heavensward Tornado Kick.

u wot m8?
Alisaie's been practically begging WoL to hold her down and ravage her like a beast for the last five patches or so.

He left flowers for Haurchefant too, what's your point?

WoL x Minfillia
WoL x Alisae
WoL x Yugiri
WoL x Garuda
WoL x Yshtola
WoL x Ymhitra
WoL x Iceheart

Instead of spamming Dark Arts you now spam an off GCD Fell Cleave.

I can't be the only one who's hoping the boss music for Eden raid will be Force Your Way

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No one believed me when I said B> gf was a bannable offense.

It happened a few years ago, but i finally found it.

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He doesn't like Alisaie, so her thirst is headcanon except when it's red flags for her death

What leggings go well with spring dress?

Reminder that Alphinaud is THE main character of FFXIV.

"Mommy cat I'm fucked, I need help-" etc etc. Doesn't really work.. she can count on (You). Emotional support, reliable, and hopefully a fuckable middie male for her to inflict highland sex on.

Estinien wasnt tsundere Christ I hate this ironic weeb meme. He legitimately disliked iceheart and her beliefs but was willing to put aside personal grievances for the sake of ending a thousand year war. When she died in battle trying to redeem herself he paid his respects to her grave as a warrior should because he's not a fucking asshole

Yoshi just trying to help. TK parasite is eating your brains. TK TK TK. You can't think about anything but TK. You can't talk about anything but TK. And now TK is dead. Finally. You're free.


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I'd rather get original music, but FYW is literally the only thing about FF8 I like so that'd be cool too I guess

used condom thigh belts, you fucking fruit

Unironically canon and the cutest one in jobquests.

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But Frey so EPIC!!!!!!

So just buy with pure gil then like all the fucking brothels trade in

This was the best ship and I hate that it ended this way.

>Although thinking things over, while it was sweet to hear, it's also kind of fucked up that WoL is her sole pillar of emotional support, considering her mom and Thancred are also present in the Scions, are they truly that terrible at lending an ear?
That line is from way before you find her mom. As for Thancred I don't really know.

WoL x Alphinaud!

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>someone's actually selling this at the con i'm going to
I'm going to marry Estinien and no one can stop me!!!!

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>GM recognizes it could be a joke and just reminds you to not RMT
Why are you such a faggot

If we're getting ff8 music I'm hoping for the man with the machine gun

>implying this isn't the real reason why WoL is pretending not to notice Alisaie's feelings

But that's the thing, you can't even spam it because of the high mana cost and the fact that mana drains appear to have been nerfed.

I didn't save it and im kinda mad I didn't, but I asked the GM if B> with gil is still RMT and he said yes.

>This autist again
We know, user. Your Warrior of Light is an unfeeling badass.

So Heavensward is free now. How difficult/time consuming will it be to catch up to the majority population playing the game? I dropped it after Ramuh, and last time I tried to get back into it, all of the low level areas were dead. Should I just save myself the effort?

TK is literally untouched, the real problems with the monk changes is them gutting their entire kit, doing literally nothing to fix the things LITERALLY EVERYONE HATED ABOUT SB MONK, and gutting all your ways to generate GL stacks and replacing them with incredibly shitty ways to maintain your stacks.

>offering real money for any ingame activity even as a joke
top tier brainlet.

I wish it was an Alphinaud dakimakura...


estinien is a smelly and abusive dragoon


Also, is WHM still fun?

We don't know your schedule, so how can we tell you how long it'll take?
If you're holding down a regular job, it might take you a few weeks to get caught up, if you stick to one class and just do the story and alliance raids.

You can use it somewhat frequently apparently. But yes it is stupid that everything else got nerfed to cover that. Functionally it's just that you get to press 1 button to do a 540 potency attack instead of pressing 1 button 3 times to buff 3 GCDs by 140 instead.

What if MNK will able to reach 1.5 GCD?

Murrrrr... sounds like my kind of daddy UwU

rip user
the only ones ive seen sold besides this are thancred and zenos

If it was made into an anime or something yeah he'd 100% be the protagonist, Weapon of Light would have to be shown as more an autistic force of nature than a real character

I remain convinced that if Heavensward was made into a standalone RPG it'd be among the best final fantasy games that exist

Can I get a translation?

Darkside doesn't halt mana regeneration anymore.

>all of the low level areas were dead
Literally doesn't mean shit.

That would have been fine too. The injustice is that Yotsusyu died while Fordola didn't, not so much that Yotsuyu died at all.

I don't know who you're talking about but I was ironically shitposting, though I do remember someone trying to defend ShB DRK by saying the flavour of summoning Frey makes up for it being really boring along with everything else the job has to offer now.

god shut up
he's distant and cold because of his past but deep down he's sad and alone and i want to help himmmmm

Motherfucker I've hit 1.41

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That's irrelevant even if it were possible (it won't be because all GCD buffs are gone from AST and SCH) because going fast doesn't matter if all you can do with that is spam 1-2-3 and get slowed down to sub-Samurai speeds for 22% of your rotation anyway.

I want to make an XIV channel. What should I focus on?

I literally only have a few hours per night free thanks to work/gym/etc. Fuck it, I'll jump in anyways.

Fair enough, user.
Some fag was whining a couple weeks ago about the DRK quests and refused to believe the WoL is capable of grief or guilt over all the people they've killed.

not being a massive balding fuck

like a youtube channel??

I hate how Tsuyu died. WoL should at least disarm Asahi.

No, that scene happens shortly after Poochie kicks it, which means you've had F'lhaminn for quite a while now
Thinking things over though, Thancred can't really be a pillar of support for her considering what an emotional mess the man is beneath his flirty mask, and that she has to be the one listening to him feel horrible about the ifrit incident

if you have the whole day to play, stick to one job, play healer or tank for easy queue AND focus exclusively on MSQ probably a couple of weeks, you have to go through all 2.x story content, then all the 3.x Heavensward quests and all the 4.x Stormblood quests.

I'm an Asian twink.
Yeah just a small one.

How many ticks of passive regen do you think it takes to recover 3000 mp out of 10000? It means fuck all.

If you do, just play at your pace. Don't feel like you absolutely have to catch up to everybody else.
Your queues might be fucked if you play DPS, but all the content will have people running it due to roulettes and glamour.
Lose yourself in the game, user.

they'd just have to completely rework the pacing and give personality to the traveling partners like estinien and ysayle and it would finally be good

was more a comment about how much I hate mr happy but that's good to know anyway.
Good luck twinky

Is MNK just shit in PvP? It seems like I can't kill anyone in Feast unless both the other DPS and Tank help me focus one person down.


Yeah, I bet you are

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Oh that guy, yeah I can't imagine how unfun you'd have to be to not enjoy the best job questline in the game because you want to maintain a facade of being soulless.

>balding fuck
Fuck you, bud. I can't control my whacky testosterone.

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I was going to say it means you get Refresh now, but then I realized Refresh is gone so it means fuckall.

I found something on google but the shop that was selling it doesnt exist anymore

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What should I focus on? I'm not a good player per say

>tfw glam set doesn't have a lewd or body converted version

How do I mod?

Look at your burst user.

having fun


You're not a good speller, either. Per se.

JUST FUCKING GET RID OF GREASED LIGHTNING. Make the fucking job combo oriented, different move combinations go into a different finishers. Not using the same finisher twice in a row gives you a speed damage buff that doesn't go up to multiple stacks

There I fixed MNK

>Cunt who knows she's a cunt and relishes in it.
>Cunt who knows she's a cunt but thinks there's no other choice.
There's no redeeming one, but the other just needed her eyes opened.

literally whatever you want per say.

Nobody can kill anyone in Feast unless the entire team focuses that person down.

Right here. This wait is killing me.

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i think people shy away from that stuff because people will make a big stink about you lewding minors and alphinaud is still 16 or 17 right?
either way i think most artists wouldn't want to put their careers on the line like that. they'll be "cancelled" or some shit

the injustice is that the narrative had a perfectly serviceable former-enemy turned ally Echo user who could fill the role of someone actually capable of fighting alongside the Warrior of Light in combat and able to take care of serious threats when you're not around

That character was rather unceremoniously killed off only for the very next expansion to introduce and even more unlikable villain echo user who receives a large amount of plot focus and an undeserved redemption arc to fill the exact same role as the one that was just killed off, because the writers realized that literally only one guy being able to fight primals is a problem for the story when we're forced to be in the First for an extended period

Fuck I could go on for hours about how much I dislike Stormblood's writing compared to Heavensward. Randomly grimdark rape rape rape villains who get beaten and run away to come back again like Dr Claw, saying it's pointless to start a rebellion since the garleans are too brutal only to go HALF A WORLD AWAY AND START A REBELLION even though their war was even more recent and you can't get allied reinforcements

Gosetsu sacrifices himself and dies with yotsuyu, except neither does and they both live only to die AGAIN right after and for Gosetsu to hate the fact he's alive and retire anyways

Fuck I hate this shit

Ivalice moogles when?


What about the MSQ?

Yeah, I'm having fun but I don't think I'll be a fun person to lets play with.

Pretty meh.


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>yoshi said in an interview that we can't turn materia into the new one
>in live letter he was vague about confirming the crafter materia situation in ShB


I guess what I should've asked is. What are content creators missing in XIV?

>Yotsuyu gets a perverse kick out of abusing her power
>Fordola's anger and grief just gets worse the more she licks the Garlean boot
>But Yotsuyu should have survived instead because FORCED PROSTITUTION

I want to hug her so bad and sniff her for hours.

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>So Heavensward is free now.
>catch up to the majority population
You need to buy shadowbringers to catch up to majority.

>I dropped it after Ramuh
I'd say about 400 quests worth of reading and running around. So at least a couple weeks of playing.
A friend of mine did a fucking autistic skipfest and reached SB in 2 weeks, but you will just burn out from doing it like this.

>low level areas were dead
literally doesn't matter since game is single player j-rpg until you reach max level.


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Final Fantasy is hardly weeb. If anything it is close to western influence.

If people want actual weeb just take a look at things like PSO2 and Neptunia.

Fun Fact: the same people who cry pedophilia when the girl is 16-17 will in the next breath lust after boys of the same age. There's a comic for this but im lazy.


When the boss is about to jump away and won't come back before you can hit him with another GL-stacker.

What's a lewd looking glam, mod or not, that isn't just an outright bikini/underwear?

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>Fordola is more unlikable than Ysayle
>Fordola who only ever fought for her country against enemy combatants but was considered evil for collecting taxes
>is more unlikable than
>a bitch with delusions of grandeur who ran a violent, murderous cult for 5 years and committed mass murder when she sent the dragons into Ishgard
Waifufags should be put to death.

The time is going by so fucking slowly I can hardly stand it

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These new mentor requirements are still a joke. When are we gonna get some competent people under those crowns?

a mighty warrior of light

Never. I'm glad for the crown because it lets me immediately identify shitters.

This except I want to hug Fordola

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Is this our expansion?

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not him but
>you will just burn out from doing it like this
I'm doing this right I'm too fucking hyped to come back and play Dancer, I know I pretty much just need a lvl60 to get dancer, which I have, but I want to reach Shadowbringers asap. Helping the gobbos against the Illuminati on HW right now.

But that was Heavensward.

I think it feels worse because I'm actually excited for this one. I didn't really give a shit when stormblood was coming out.

I was unironically called a pedophile by people on twitter for liking Alphinaud.

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I fucking hope so
if it's not I can always fall back on PLD

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This except I want to see Fordola put to death

that's called androgyny you fucking retard

>this wasnt the af
What were they thinking

FUCK meant doing it right now**

The first to cry paedophile are always the ones who are actual, full-blown paedophiles

it's the face tattoos, they make her look like a thug and unaproachable

Alphinaud was literally, LITERALLY designed as a girl because they designed Alisaie first and then copied her so they could have two characters for the dev resources of one.

It's been our expansion since 2.44, my nigger.

Rate ships and attractiveness of npcs.

ground breaking cringe

Fordola massacred civilians and let her soldiers rape and pillage all they wanted because "lol just following orders m8"

Iceheart's plan directly led to the end of the dragonsong war and restoration of peace between man and dragon, revealing the truth that Ishgard started the war led to the dismantlement of the corrupt church and a new government

Yes, she was a villain and the dragon cult did bad shit but her actions were a net positive for ending the war. Fordola was an antagonist whose actions only harmed the chance for a free ala mhigo and she's forever an unlikeable cunt

I have an image that can change that

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Yeah I'd say being an inentionally murderous cunt with bad intentions is a lot worse than being an unintentionally murderous cunt with good intentions. You stupid closet faggot

My dancing will carry shitters to high parses like sweeping winds carry tiny birds into great blue sky

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How is Dragoon worse? You have a static rotation, and only 4 abilities that need to be hit from rear/side. 1 of which only needs to be hit at the start of your basic rotation each loop. And the oGCD weaving is simple as fuck.

Dragoon is a fucking breeze, if you aren't a complete retard.

>Fordola massacred civilians
Except she didn't.
>let her soldiers rape and pillage all they wanted
Fordola only ran the Skulls.

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hmm, her head is still attached to her neck, no sale

as if fflogs wasnt cancerous enough to filter through for actual good parses, now you have to account for dancers catering the fuck out of one dps in every group

im just bored waiting for ShB and want to see what the mod scene has to offer without shifting through it myself

She did explicitly massacre civilians, you literally stop her from doing so during the MSQ, and are told it's something she's done before.
>Fordola only ran the Skulls
Who raped and pillaged all they want. She also ordered her men to fire on the Skulls intentionally murdering all of them

Fighting enemy insurgents isn't murder, and trying to keep peace in your country isn't a bad intention. Ysayle on the other hand was intentionally murderous. You're introduced to her because she's killing trading caravans to take their shit.

That's your definition of weeb user, it's not just limited to anime.
Character mannerism, the story writing, those collabs, a fucking expansion of NIPPON. Those are weebism itself.
The biggest proof of this is the hildibrand quests, it reeks of Japanese culture in both pop and hard culture.
Like it or not, the fact that you are comfortable with how character acts and how the story play in ffxiv then you are immersing yourself under Japan's influence.

You could at least show something lewd in an attempt to oimprove her perception, apparently she isn't even good for that.

>let her soldiers rape and pillage
Source these claims. She commanded other Ala Mhigans, not Garleans.
Her unit was the shitcan unit Zenos sent to try and get people to fight back, this doesn't work when your enemy is already dead or pregnant.

Are you missing the part where the Skulls are the most hated and reviled force of the garleans and that they're purposefully brutal because the garleans doubt their loyalty?

Stop skipping quests, Fordola's people are legitimately worse than the dragon cult were

>She did explicitly massacre civilians, you literally stop her from doing so during the MSQ
Is collecting taxes a massacre now?

Killing random civilians and also your own men is murder, though.
> trying to keep peace in your country isn't a bad intention
The Skulls explicitly were not for keeping the peace, they were for crushing peasants.
>Ysayle on the other hand was intentionally murderous
Wrong, she led a cult of whom some members were murderous.

Not for lewd

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It is when you brutalize and murder people for being incapable of paying taxes due to your own government's actions, yes

>Garleans don't buy stone
>know this for 20 years
>still keep trying to sell stone instead of finding a new industry

This is a retard who is literally justifying killing people because they can't pay taxes that you intentionally made too high for them to pay, while also preventing them from being able to make money to pay those taxes. He's just a retarded fucking waifufag who would literally defend Fordola for outright committing mass genocide

Can I get a full set of pyros/hydatos armor before SHB or should I just wait? I have a week of free time ahead of me, but i'd be starting from the very beginning of Eureka.

>no anymore sidequests with them
This is such disappointment.

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You wanna talk about enemy insurgents when the Dragons were the ones with the legitimate cassus belli in the first place?

Then bring the fucking axe already

I don't typically like tattoos, but I think hers are oddly cute. Probably the way they fade out.

Fordola is not Ala Mhigan, she's Garlean.

>collecting taxes
You left out the part where they would beat the shit out of people who couldn't pay, which was basically everyone because they had already wrung the areas dry you fucking faggot. I swear it's like people's brains just turn off when something makes their peepee feel funny.