Shroud shills for Epic

How much was he paid?

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Probably the same amount he was paid to keep playing Apex

who gives a shit the guy is talented

not as much as you



Are you stupid? The guy in the pic. Do you think shroud is the epic games store logo, and epic games store is some white pasty dude?


Some white pasty dude is basically the descriptor for every Epic employee I've ever seen

i'm just shilling whichever is epic.

he looks like he sucks black cock

Forsen > Shroud

They're talking exactly like a villain now, this is hilarious.
>I'm not destroying pc gaming, I'm saving it!

He and Ninja owe their "careers" to Fortnite and Epic Games. Of course they shill for them. Did you just now figure this out?


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He’s owned by the Chinese now.


He is right, you know

wrong board buddy

This ontop of the fact that they do get paid by Epic. Every big streamer does, through the support a creator system

Oh woops, is this not the videogames board?

It is.

e-celebs belong in

Sorry, you must be lost. This is in fact the videogames board.

This isn't a video game, retard.

I said it was, you dumbfuck.

>sees videogame thread
>comes in and says it's on the wrong board
>turns out it was on a videogame board the entire time
See, now you're just trying to cope.

It was about 400k for six months, pretty good deal for us to be honest

>this counts as journalism in 2019

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>another zoomer eceleb worship thread
im so fucking tired

This is not a video game thread.

>videogame thread

Keep saying that. Maybe it'll be true someday.

>*E-Celeb* Explains why *Controversial Video Game topic* is a good thing!

How long is it going to be until you fags are just scanning National Enquirer issues to make shit threads?

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he tries to shill r6s and battalion 1944 saying its going to be the csgo killer and those two games arent going anywhere.
even said apex was going to kill fork knife.
the guy is a hack ever since he left csgo

>eceleb has an opinion

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The fuck is a shroud?

Name the video game's title, retard.

Videogame thread? Where?

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He gets payed like 50k for playing 1 hour a new release

I doubt he was paid.
Shroud is incredibly talented at FPS but his mental capacities

>Hmm wonder what type of games he plays

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How can we ever hope to compete with the King of Reddit Yea Forumsros???

>thinks he's a gamer
>can't even name the games in the image

Lurk more.

That's what I thought you circle jerking faggot. Shut the fuck up.

>digital babysitter talks about online shopping

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>SOIBOI fortnite streamer shills for the chinks who run the tourneys and pay him for his shilling and winning


So you thought about lurking? What made you decide against it?

>plays games for a living


You were already put in your place, e-celeb cock sucker. Every post you make is a victory lap for me.

I have LITERALLY never heard of this 14 year old before. Fuck off with your e-"celeb" garbage.

You seem to completely misunderstand the situation. Try lurking to get a grasp of things. Toodles!

I don't mind watching his stream now and again but he very obviously a paid shill, last I saw he was playing the fallout 76 be for Christ's sake. Why listen to anything he says seriously? he's just there to get paid.

>Epic is saving PC gaming by brute forcing a monopoly and removing consumer choice with a half baked storefront
And that's a good thing.

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Keep crying, faggot. You got called out.

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what exactly did PC need saving from?

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>"keep crying faggot"
>he says as he posts a picture of himself crying


steam and GoG's and G2A monopoly on videogames

>PC needs to be saved from evil American companies that don't comply with the People's Republic of China
>PC needs to be saved from evil features like user reviews, cloud saves, a working shop and mod support
>PC needs to be saved from the evil opinions of the average player, only Kotaku and Polygon are allowed to dictate what you should buy

>mods allowing e-celeb threads on weekends

Is this a good or bad thing?

seems very suspicious

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They were both in an esports organization, stupid
>both of them sucked corporate dick

Mad and gay.



Why are they both named after the same thing?

How is it a monopoly if there are 3 different companies competing?

I don't really understand why these people even bother taking on deals anymore and lying to their audience's face when they've already earned millions of dollars.

Even people like Pewdiepie constantly do sponsored deals for random shit. If I had that much money already I'd feel like a fucking tool doing that to people who prop me up.

they have to fuel whatever drug addiction they have or funding the multiple spending sprees they have considering most of them are young adults given a shitload of money which never ends up being good

shroud's popularity in particular came in the same fashion as Ninja
kids using their parents amazon prime account to give him prime subs
he probably couldn't give less of a shit for his audience, he just needs to keep up appearances and keep making SIIIICK PLAAAAYS, because otherwise these guys have literlaly zero personality

Who the hell are any of these people you underaged fucks are talking about?