How should we feel about the recent rise of dark-skinned female characters in gaming?

How should we feel about the recent rise of dark-skinned female characters in gaming?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I welcome the erasure of nigger culture. If black people looked and acted like this maybe they wouldn't be so bad irl. I can only hope these characters become cultural icons that young blacks look up to and emulate.

A chink conspiracy for white men to breed brown girls.

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Why is she so goddamn PUFFY

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Dark skinned, or at least tanned, fit tomboys are S++ tier so yes thanks.

They're fine as long as they look good and aren't the same cookie-cutter design. For some reason like the past 3 years all these woke vidya companies decided that violent sassy black chick with afro straight out of a 70s blaxploitation film should be put into every new game.

so long as they look like white people with tanned skin, its fine. the moment they look like actual dark skinned people its shit-tier.

yikes. why do japs have to draw black characters like white people?

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And that’s a good thing!

Nice butthole

That's a filipina or vietnamese. Not black

We pretty much hate it. Seriously, fucking NOBODY asked for this.

As long as they are attractive enough to jackoff to, I'm happy.

its good, they never give them negroid features so it goes to show everyone the reason they find nogs disgusting isnt skin color.

Want the full image?

>not 3dpd
>makes /pol/tards seethe
Looks like a win to me

Nice dicks

Sauce? Nothing on booru or reverse search

Copy filename to twitter picture. Or don't, is futa shit.

Is it safe to post Nessa today?

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My queen

it's fine in games outside of the west because they'll actually try to make their black/dark skinned characters look attractive
western devs however will not

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Western devs claim diversity but are literally racist

There lots of attractive brown girl races
Cute Thai girls, Indian girls, Arabic girls, African girls from Africa
Americans always want to include a specifically African-American girl with goblin features

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Because they do it to themselves.

Based Doppel.

Holy shit you're retarded.

Bros I finally finished my drawing.

I hope you like it

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worsened she now just looks like a trashy sorority slut

Let's get this shit started
>muh white feature!

Looks like she has a micropenis, cringe and yikespilled.


I hate futafags so much.

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my dick is pleased with these events

western devs won't even put half the effort to make black or dark skinned girls attractive and sexy as they would with any girl who is white.

that's why japs are based because they can appreciate and put effort into making all girls of all ethnicity and skin colours attractive and sexy

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Now I want to see slim Nessa with thick armpit hair and overgrowing pubes


>he doesn't know about /pol/'s 10/10 COLONIZE threads
You're missing out famalam.

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>Nessa comes out
>Absolutely no one gives a shit about Sonia anymore

I can smell this drawing. I don't know if it's a good smell but I definitely can smell it.

sonia who?


>acted like this
We know nothing about Nessa's personality based autist

as long as they don't have nigger lips they're perfect

Fuck. I'll fix it tomorrow I'm tired.
What kind of smell.

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: \

My mouth is watering

african american culture is not black culture. you do know that right?
african Americans only make a small percentage of black people.

also nobody looks and acts like anime characters irl, everyone one is bad irl black or not.

Why do western developers not get the simple idea of fantasy? People want to see attractive people which is why Japanese developers always goes for the idealized version of whatever race they put in their games. People don't want to see fucking ugly people white or black.

based and red pilled on the truth.
all races have their hotties and their uglies.
japs know this is the case even among themselves so they only show the hotties regardless of skin or ethnicity


>mfw this and several other characters, much less cosplay models, and other people I've met have made me realize I have a carnal attraction towards girls of this skin color/race/etc etc far more than girls of any other type
>thought I wasn't up until all this shit over the past 2 years but then Nessa pushed me over to the edge

Jesus fuck was this Nintendo's plan all along? If so bravo cuz holy fuck I want nothing more to do with her than have a happy life with her and doing things like cuddling after sex for the sake of procreation while holding hands.

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Sonia is fine.

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What are the chances Nessa is related to the Team Aqua chick

any other example?

You sick fuck.

hold on the top left corner is actually pretty hot and designed to be sexy

Dont listen to faggots please hairy tanlined girls are great. Do you have a link to more of your stuff?

i want her to make me her lap dog

>nintendo literally unironically approve this design in a game aimed to 10yrs old
What are they scheming?

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How come Asian/Black characters in video games are so attractive when their real life counterparts are fugly?


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imagine laying on these thighs all day

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That's Shani from Beyond Good and Evil 2

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>Makes a point
>"omg bro you're retarded"

Point proven, the left is hilariously more racist than the people they call racist.

I liked Kanto better, not a single brown or black girl in the whole game. (Males skin colors dont matter because I'm not gay)

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>Nessa is a cute

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You ask too many question, gaijin.

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Trying to get their men to breed women of all races.

well they sure know how to design a black girl beyond simply sexy.

she has those bed room eyes and her lips look ready to be kissed

Niggers are disgusting

I want both of them to fart in my mouth

African Africans are fucking awful too, arguably worse. The nice Africans people seem to exalt above Africa Americans are almost always upper-class English-educated Ghanians or Nigerians. Even in those countries, everyone outside the ruling class are absolutely horrific savages. Look at the Nigerian civil war militias.

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go back to pol

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goddamnit user i've already fapped twice today, are you trying to murder my dick?

She is very buoyant.

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sorry user

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That's a trap version of her, dumbass


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Bottom left looks fine though

>Muscle loli with thick thighs

Why is this so unique? I feel like there will never be a decent amount of porn for this unless it's an MMO race. One character just isn't enough.


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Frogs aslo do Brown girl really well

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Fine if they stay looking like darkened white people. The best thing about these black anime girls is that the only thing black about them is their skin.

>asking other people how you should feel

She looks like she only fucks white guys

Which doujin where Charizard fucks Greninja is this from

Trash design
Elena is the peak and its never been reached again

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If black women aren't portrayed as borderline racist caricatures then white women feel inadequate and throw a huge shitfit.

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no most african people are actually happy people, usually those who have less in life are those that are happy. trust me african africans sing and dance a lot more than a lot of people do because life is not always the best for them so they will take happyness were ever they can find it.

it's the same reason why buddha meditated under a tree for a long time. he was a rich and wealthy person but he noticed that the poor people in his town seemed more happy than he was so he started his self journey for inner peace and happyness.

those who have less in the world surprisingly are the most happiest and kindest and are more willing to help others than those who have wealth and riches

People who hate brown/black girls with the nigger argument are basic ass bitches who wank off to twitch whores, asians with faces that look like they sucked on a lemon (which are not BASED okinawan) and "aryan" women with obvious implants

To make little boys "happy" according to someone working on the anime.

that is not a nigger girl it is a south asian girl
her color scheme is basically symmetra who is not a nigger just a curry nigger

Its the same thing with Brazil.
Had to live in a favela for a year (due to me wanting to live alone to sustain some folks), really close people and with a very good sense of community.
I guess when people know they are fucked, they create a sense of community on the basic of "we have to survive this shit"

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a token nigger who turns out unpopular once a game is nothing new

dark skin is dark skin, game freak hasn't said she is indian or african so like all anime characters for the most part her race is ambiguous

White > Black

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Nah, there's many things this Greninja fucks.
Yes, it's a female Lucario

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Also French.

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Why are people of Yea Forums so afraid of Black Women but a-okay with fucking crossdressers?

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shit taste

White and Asian crossdressers are unironically more feminine than biological black females.

Nah can't improve perfection. White Nessa is boring

Bridget makes you gay.

What kind of bizzaro world are you living in? This is a (sexy) black woman appreciation thread, meanwhile everyone is shitting on trannies harder than ever.

Makeup can make even Godzilla look more feminine, why don't you just put your dick in powder then? See if it makes it more feminine

Because newfags are incapable of separating fiction and reality. Because newfags are faggots who can't enjoy delicious brown.

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Will we ever have a chocolate vidya girls thread again without retards chimping out and
>retards spamming 3DPD
>arguing what race she is

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At least keep one of her best qualities

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yeah when people are already loving a pretty hard life they don't see the need to make other peoples lives harder so they will help how they can but when people are comfy and are more safe they feel they are not initialled to help others or that if they hurt others it's not their problem

my dick feels very good about it, just let japan handle it and that one studio thats making that one black game, it had an actual nice looking black girl.

Black girls will always be ugly.

No, because Hiro refuses to rangeban mobilefags.

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>uuuuh actually, she's *gasps for air* technically NOT Black...Uuuuh have you seen the clearly european features she has? Natural blacks have huge lips and manchins, get your shit right huhuhuhuh faggot

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most of them have never interacted with real women or a beta males that will settle for a ugly white girls as long as she is "white" instead of just trying to get yourself a hot girl regardless of race or ethnicity like true alphas.

If you're going to ruin her might as well go the full mile.

>Yea Forums
>not spamming 3DPD
>not arguing what race she is
>no racebaiting

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Being someone who lives in the Bronx its just kind of funny how must black people (specially thugs) are huge weebs.
One dude got shanked for starting a fight against another dude over calling Sakura from Naruto a shit character

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>dating a girl from the ghetto

Brown girls have disgusting feet, she should wear some shoes.

They want them to look attractive

White or tan in that pic?

>dating a white girl from a trailer park

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In what world do we live where people who tell true facts get stabbed?

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Why are people claiming she's a nigress with any kind of certainty? She could easily be tan asian or brazilian or something. My impression is that they're going for a kind of Egyptian queen look (the idealized anime kind, not that any ever actually looked like that).

I don't save bleached Nessa shit, so surely just a lighter tone.

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>She could easily be brazilian
So...She's twice as black?

>Why are people claiming she's a nigress with any kind of certainty?
Jesus user, you don't need to go around telling people that you have a small pee pee

I don't know why, but when porn portrays this girl as a huge slut, it makes me more hard than any other pokemon girl. It feels so canon to me.

Its just the lighting + brushes

It's ok when Japan does it

Sure makes my peeps hard

Because Hawaiian women are thots.

Not many people know this but the whole Bloods VS Crips rivalry is really over Asuka VS Rei.

I actually found Pokegirl porn uninsteresting before Alola, because holy shit if Lana and Mallow are a pair of sex goddesses.

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based and redpilled
this user gets it


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I can't believe 2pac got shot over fucking Rei

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i wanna suck her tits, i ainno queer commie faggot like you QUEER commies faggggots! nazi shills!!

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Dick wants what it wants.

Nothing has changed.

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the feet really are the best for me

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It always is the best for me

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>being a footfag
Seek help.

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she looks white with dark skin

Dude you're so cool

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That's because she want to identify as a black woman.

I have two main gripes
1 All nigger characters in games are made to look as attractive as possible and like your pic OP alot of "nigger" characters are just characters with white features painted black
2 I dont like niggers

Would you a Gardevoir

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need to breed



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Mob psycho > nessa

Ugly alien

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Tifa from FF looks white

Jesus christ how horrifying.

Bratz look?

the point is that it is unrealistic for black skinned people to be attractive generally i mean these are just facts that anyone with eyeballs can see everyday walking to the local grocery

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Holy shit this artist captures her body type and allure perfectly

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Are those on /pol/? I keep looking on /hc/ and /gif/

africans only culture is throwing rocks at animals and ????? im not really sure they make mud huts or some shit like that idk

Brown skin white hair blue green eyes Japanese girl

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No SakimiChan look

Based. Black women will forever stay single.

Maybe stop looking at 2D through a 3D lens?
And on that note, maybe stop trying to push anime characters into 3D race boxes?

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Quality post and response

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Best nessa fan art ever

really glad nintendo made her show feet.

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>africans the most kind people in world

i...i dont know user.....

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Perhaps he could try the extra easy option of not being a moronic racist.

This but unironically. It's statiscally proven black women are the least attractive race.

Fuck off with your /pol/ vomit.

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Female(male) when?

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As long as its just dark skin and they don't have nigger features

>green feet

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nigger detected

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hopefully one day. i would love traps to make more appearances on nintendo games. im sure they can keep making cute ones. like gerudo link and wasnt there some trap in a recent pokemon game? like a teacher or something?

I think this is the reason why they haven't shown anyone under the age of 18 in Sword and Shield except Lass and Female Trainer. The cunny game in Sun and Moon was too strong to be topped.

Should've made her white.

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Hell, they weren't even actual lolis in SM, other than Lana being petite-looking, they're all at least over 15 years old. But then there's Acerola being a cutie patootie.

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I mean there already some

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she is white, it is a well know fact that every fictional character nips make especially that are female are white even if they claim otherwise. Nips rarely make characters that look nippish because frankly it just looks like utter shit

It's actually the chinks who are breeding with brown girls

Since China is expanding operations into Africa, and since Chinese men outnumber Chinese women, Chinese men are taking African brides more and more often

This is Asia's way of saying to their youth "You might have a qt African wife when you grow up," since there are more Chinese men than women, and Japan is also experiencing a population crisis as well

Welcome to the future: A bunch of chiggers

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i couldnt give less of a shit about what you have just said


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OP if your insinuating shes a nigger well uh last time i checked niggers dont have blue eyes idk

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whites are obsolete

You can keep being retarded too, it seems to have worked out for you so far.

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She was built for sex

so what your saying is your a nigger?

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based cleetus

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Jesus christ, nintendo is killing it with the waifus

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Should be welcomed. There's no point in having white people in video games.

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>she's white.
No she's not. White people don't look like tifa and tifa doesn't look white.

>feeding the troll

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>not wanting to get into an argument
I don't come here to be civil.

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I want to CUM INSIDE Nessa while licking her feet!

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Problem is, anything they try to better themselves and they're called out for "appropriating white culture" or accused of "being white". Plus it doesn't help that by acting like normal people they're constantly told by Boomers about how they're "well spoken" or how "you're not like those other folks" which to them gets really old quick.

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I want to fuck this nigger's feet.

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tfw no nessa gf

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>"You're a credit to your race son."

>dark-skinned = African
Wow, it's like over 1 billion Indians and 300 millions ASEANs don't exist.

BLM is the future, Black Lolis Moe.

>any shade darker than 100% white = nigger

Mutts' brains are rotten, don't bother.

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Indians don't exist in video games. The world is only black and white.


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"user you're the VP of the tech society and watch anime? lol. you're so white" - white kids
Noticed that kind of thinking was fucked up when I matured.

Overwatch has a Indian

Let me be more specific. Non-western games don't have Indians.

Who gives a fuck. Nessa is Galarian, that's all we need to know, I don't give a flying fuck about what ethnicity her skin color is from. Hell, we had blue-skinned people the last generation, for god's sake.

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If you're gonna post feet pics at least post the high quality ones.
Shit like these are disgusting.

But they have Africans?

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>Who gives a fuck.
Everyone does. Skin Color/Race matters to most people.

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It is almost as if Gamefreak saw all the foot art of Shield-chan and Sonia and intentionally made Nessa with her feet exposed.

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>Skin Color/Race matters to most people.

Not japan



>Skin Color/Race matters to obsessed americans

Fixed that for you, nobody else cares except modern mutts too terrified and threatened by different shades of skin color.

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Why can't you retards just talk about the fucking game. Why is Pokemon triggering /pol/ all of a sudden? It's a fucking children's game.

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I thank them for that. also i would suck her beautiful chocolate toes all day long. i cant wait to see what other characters sword and shield will bring.

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Smaller eyes now

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She’s a black there’s nothing you can do about it

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This is black japan made girl

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Not interested simply due to the fact the niggers and curry niggers love to latch on to them and ruin it.

Better, but fundamentally flawed because she looks too realistic.

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You bet not

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there's not enough

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Attached: 75223670_p0.png (901x1379, 559K)

>they're called out for "appropriating white culture" or accused of "being white".
They only do it to themselves. They're a bucket of crabs

Dreads are gross and don't look good on anyone prove me wrong


Attached: 75224183_p0.jpg (800x1200, 1.31M)

the japanese does it right

That's what I meant. Notice however that it's the ghetto types that do this and not the first-generation immigrants that don't do this.


Is Nessa a kuudere?

I want BBP

Girl from Beyond Good and Evil 2 is a qt, though it's still a generic blaxpoitation design.

Attached: 75224188_p0.jpg (900x1200, 1.18M)

Attached: 75224312_p0.png (885x1254, 832K)

Nintendo has been inserting more dark/brown girls into their vidya this entire decade.


Attached: Screen_Shot_2019_06_09_at_9.20.59_PM.jpg (1400x1400, 197K)

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Shit, Sun/Moon mom got porn?
Gotta check that out.

>every thread is crying about whether she's black or not
what is wrong with you faggots?

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Hey my quickly censored picture in posted in the old foot thread, nice


Attached: 7007568796.png (1024x576, 852K)

Gonna try my hand at coloring and shading this tomorrow, wish me luck

Attached: sonia__pokemon__feet_by_murati2_0_dd9b3xm-pre.jpg (795x1005, 133K)

Attached: 75225677_p0.jpg (1467x1630, 316K)

I welcome it. I want nothing more than a cute, dark skinned tomboy to plant my face into her belly. Hell yeah

You can do it

Attached: e2f7b47c1ddb2a771176ca336f61e35217af9b14.png (1080x1920, 509K)

Attached: 75225711_p0.jpg (1788x2456, 1.25M)

Nothing because it's an anime character palette swap and anime characters do not take physical characteristics from any race despite people mistakenly attributing features such as large eyes or small nose to race instead of because of their cuteness much like how cats are cuter than tigers because of their neotenic features (larger eyes, rounder head, shorter vertebrae, etc).

Attached: 75225756_p0.png (1200x1200, 1.03M)

She would look better with natural curly hair without the afro style. I honestly don't get why the woke devs got such a hard-on for a hairstyle that is only topped in its awfulness by dreadlocks.

Attached: 75225795_p0.png (2150x2150, 505K)

so if its a black anime character are they allowed to have sexy features?
if so sign me up

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Attached: 108D6BEC-75EA-4A38-B67F-3497497A1637.jpg (953x1277, 193K)

I love it. You have a page I can see more of your art on?

Attached: 75226569_p0.jpg (1500x1600, 651K)

Attached: 75227050_p0.png (1057x1200, 413K)

nvm found it.

Attached: 75229671_p0.jpg (756x1075, 75K)

Meanwhile I'm admiring how sporty she looks. Fit brown girls are the best.

Attached: 1548233273877.jpg (1585x3014, 1.6M)

Attached: 75227096_p0.jpg (750x750, 702K)

Go back to your pedo forum retardera nigger.

Pretty sure /pol/ doesn't give a single fuck.

Attached: 75227114_p0.png (1840x2479, 2.17M)

>/pol/ seething over black girls
/pol/ has the biggest boner for black girls out of all boards on Yea Forums.

Attached: 75227603_p0.jpg (1230x1740, 888K)

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Tifa wearing BLACKED merchandise when?

Attached: D9CscajXkAQ62Mp.png (503x1028, 342K)

I recommend you all the brown posters to kill yourself before ending up with a Black woman and blaming Nintendo.

i am not racist..... against hot women

All I wanna know is why this is the one that triggers racism when Nintendo been introducing black females to their games for generations now.
You are all so fucking retarded you took this long to react.

Looks familiar

Attached: Marlon.png (758x1468, 546K)


kys zoomer.

Pokémon is the biggest media franchise, and thus she gets the most exposure. It's not that hard, user

Attached: new.png (1024x1024, 1.45M)

angry when they fuck up the hands

Attached: Sword_Shield_Nessa.png (696x3007, 1000K)

samefag, but when looking at it, they really fucked up her hand

Shes not Indian or black because those races dont even exist in the pokemon world. God Yea Forums is retarded.

But the bottom right one is a m... oh, I get it

Black or not, it's an ugly CG human, user

I never liked his greenish skin; makes me feel ill to look at

Attached: 1560581990582.png (758x1468, 580K)

Not a single piece of fan art ACTUALLY captures how hot she is right here

If anything Acerola is older than most people think she is. The really old books that Lillie was reading were written by her dad, so she can't be that young.


Attached: 1560388450534.png (589x593, 298K)

More feet

Attached: 03428648547.jpg (808x988, 120K)

Influx of newbies from E3 and they think Yea Forums is the place to express le funny racism memes.

I hope Pogojo draws Nessa. He's already done Sonia and the femprotag so there's a good chance of it too.

Attached: tumblr_pt3noeR0YZ1rowhe5o2_1280.png (1280x1363, 608K)

I want to have sex bros...

I can't help jacking off over this negress

True but that doesn't mean you should turn black girls white because variety is important.

>Potentially over 170 pictures to add to my nessa folder
Feels Good

Nintendo does brown girls right

Recent pokemon girls
Shinobu of NMH
Splatoon 2 octogirl

Its not in your face diversity quota with cis white male bad under tones

Sounds based and redpilled

God i fucking LOVE niggers!

Attached: 1560307638684.jpg (1200x1122, 258K)

I wanna get blacked



Attached: dog decides it isn't a fag.jpg (640x710, 81K)

We need her to be white.

Attached: 1560364399862.png (1500x1533, 2.48M)

NOW, I want her to step on me

Seems like a Grimes character


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You ok, user?

Attached: noot noot motherfucker.jpg (790x960, 56K)

Dark skin = higher testosterone. Black guys can be attractive, it's the women who are cursed with masculine features.

Based anons posting nessa.

I'm okay with this

Attached: chanel-iman-healthy-celeb.jpg (600x408, 56K)

>more pinoys
no thanks

ur mom is a dark-skinned female character

why is it that no matter what board im on the main counter to everything is go back to /pol/ imagine if nobody from that board is interested in pokemon in the slightest and every board just fights among themselves endlessly thinking everyone is /pol/ god why

Attached: 75195110_p0.png (1074x1517, 449K)

Because you have not gone back to your containment board. Get out. We don't like your kind around here.

imagine being this much of a homosexual

BLACK QVEENS are for everyone. White males just have to try it

Attached: 1544874528120.png (657x684, 328K)

also proving my point

I love Okinawan girls.
Not niggers though.


>moronic racist.
honestly, racist nowadays are smarter than non-racist, or at the very least, more worried about the future of humanity

he is right, you imbecile

>We don't like your kind around here
I like. Sorry, you don't speak for everyone. Niggerlover

Step aside filthy earthians

Attached: nessa-garmilla.jpg (495x700, 64K)

we definitely need more of them

Attached: 1527427498785.png (1217x2165, 2.04M)


We should feel as good as they look. If they look good we feel good. If they look bad we feel bad.

Attached: 1515499711873.gif (280x263, 2.8M)

She's not even black, she's Indian. Why you gotta be so retarded all the time?


Post it on Twatter and watch it explode