Have you ever broken a gaming console before?

Have you ever broken a gaming console before?

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Once my brother was so enraged by Mortal Kombat that he smashed my Game Gear into his forehead and cracked the screen.

What about your proudest gaming feat, Yea Forums? Have ya beaten Dark Souls?

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That sounds terrible. Is he autistic?

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I remembered another. Once a friend didn't properly close the faucet on a box of wine and it leaked all over my GameCube. Luckily, the GameCube was already purple and it still worked fine after cleaning the sticky open button.

Yes, but only while trying to fix it. I've never broken anything in a fit of rage because I don't have the tism.

I was playing my little brother's Speed Racer game on DS. He got so mad when he found out he fucking tore the top screen off while I was playing.

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No, I think Mortal Kombat for the GameGear was just that bad of a port.

Guys, come on, throw me a bone. I don't think I'm allowed to do it without someone asking for it.

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Dropped my GBASP just one foot and the hinge just shattered, and it was one of the backlight ones too. I eventually repaired it with a knockoff shell, but it wasn't the same. It was really a shock compared to how well the Game Boy Color held up.

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What kind of tool would punch a hole in it like that?

No, but I own several broken consoles.

My Dreamcast suddenly shit the bed a few weeks back. I plugged in my OG Xbox and it has a blinking green-red light and no image on the screen, which is probably bad.

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I got sponsored and went to EVO. still jobbed tho but hey it was pretty sick

Think I dropped my PS1 from a shelf by pulling the controller cord too hard

i put a fan on top of my xbox 360. it has plexi glass on the top i put a blue fan on top and a blue fan in the back replacing the old one. i don't even play my xbox 360. i have like two or three unopened ps3 games.


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DS Lite, fucking hinge.

When I was underage, I completely took apart my PS3.
I thought I could somehow put the parts into my PC to make it more powerful.

I got the idea from watching Transformers 2, where Optimus Prime took Jetfire's parts to BTFO Megatron and the Fallen.


Once I threw a hissy fit and deliberately forced my friend to lose his grip on my Game Boy and it dropped on his hardwood floor.

ha, nice!

about fucking time, stand by prease

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No but my kid had a Wii u that just decided to an hero
Got a replacement and the Fucking same thing happened

my sister used to throw the 360 controller onto our tiled floor when i would kill her as a joke in halo 3
so i fucked her as punishment


I microwaved my GameCube, GB Player, SP, olDS, slim PS2, and all their games that weren't ports because fuck 6th gen.
(in a cheap microwave that came with a $9,000 airstream I was forced to buy)

TH07 Phantasm Stage.
Also Super Meat Boy and Celeste all stages cleared.

smashcast tv - elzarbam
for the kung pow streamu

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nah, the ol' N64 was unbreakable. My dad winged that thing across the room when I failed a math test back in the day and it still works (last I checked in Dec.)


stream it yourself since you're so great

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where will you be

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>actually following the rules
fuck sake I wanted to sleep

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Me? Personally? I wrecked my Wii U tablet pretty hard because of Monster Hunter. The underwater sections *sucked.* But I managed to resell it on Amazon without a hitch so, whatever.


Can't let you, I'm feeling the roneriness and this is indeed a thinly veiled Kung Pow thread

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That's wear and tear. My ds lite did that, doesn't count.

This is my last attempt to save this thinly veiled Kung Pow thread:

smashcast tv - elzarbam

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I'm no doctor or anything but that's like one clean chunk man

I've done the same, those box wine faucets will trick you at first.

I broke the disc tray on my PS2 once, it was open since I was about to put a game in but I was also talking on the phone and hold it to my face with my shoulder, the phone slipped, hit the tray, and the shock broke the piece of plastic inside that held the trays railing in place while it moved
Fortunately opening it up and a little spot of super glue on the broken piece fixed it and the tray was able to open and close smoothly after that

>What about your proudest gaming feat, Yea Forums?
X-Com 2 Ironman on Hard. Please form a line ladies.

nerd rage amirite fellow gamers?

>buy perfect good game
>this disc is unreadable. it's damaged. or dirty. fuck you.
>disc is brand fucking new not a scratch or speck on it
>console dies a horrible and deserved death

hi newfriend

I beat the entirety guitar hero 3 on expert on my first playthrough

It is the objectively correct way to play the game.

No, but I had like 6 PS2s and 1 Xbox 360 stolen from me by pill-head drug addicts

i got a xbox 360 that i have been playing a lot recently a fat version, one day when i got home from work the case was literallly wasted, gf had an accident while cleaning the area where i had it resting, the xbox still works atleast.

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One broke a DS over getting my ass handed to me in... I think it was M&L: Partners in Time. I was hilariously underleveled and in a part of the game where I couldn't go back to a lower level area. I was an autistic little fuckwit of a kid and on this occasion I squeezed the top screen. until it shattered. Technically it still worked, but the game made heavy use of both screens so, y'know, couldn't very well do much with it.

Got a free replacement though. Nintendo's policies in the early 2000s were fuckin' ace.

Two commodore 64s and a SNES died on me.

I suspect the c64s overheated and the SNES got killed by an earthquake. I ripped all the chips out of the C64s and sold them, making some of my money back. Don't buy old shit. Just emulate. That is my small bit of wisdom.

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I guess beating Contra 3 on hard

Holy shit you autist. Did your parents find out?

thanks for the stream friend

My father was once so pissed with me he took my Vita and smashed it into the ground. The entire screen was cracked the power button didn't work.

Over a year later I bought a new Vita and I still have it now.

>he broke a vita
I'd fart on his face while he slept

The graphics card died on my Halo 3 exbox

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It really fucked me up. This might be funny, but after he broke it I kept having dreams about buying a new Vita. One time it was so bad I woke up believing I actually did buy a new one, only to get disappointed. lol

My father never apologized or gave me any money for my broken Vita, but we're over it now.

I worry deep down that this movie has aged terribly. I havent seen it in so many years, my nostalgia likely blurs my memories.

i remember being seven years old and snapping my ds lite in half because i got pissed at a spongebob drawn to life game

go into watching it in a light hearted mood and a nonjudgemental attitude with no expectations. its a delight

Its not like the Matrix cow fight was any better then than now

I had a similar experience with dreams and vita
I saw this yakuza 0 edition vita on ebay and clicked watch to keep an eye on it and was paranoid about it selling since it was the only one listed on the site
One day I took a nap late at night and woke up at 2am and said "fuck I cant let that vita go"
So far its the best $248 I've spent

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That happened with one of mine too. The hinge was like a wet noodle. I taped it open just so i could play, but it would break again often. Eventually the wires were exposed on the right side. I replaced it later. DS line of systems were really great.

I broke the top screen on my DS Lite and now it just shows up as all white, though the bottom screen still works.

I accidentally snapped the power board on a Dreamcast while putting it back in (performing a simple temporary fix to fix a random reset problem). I think that's the only console breakdown that was my fault.