
So I got this game and am already lost. Where the hell do I go after I leave Helgan? Everywhere I go is rocks and river

Attached: elder-scrolls-skyrim-720x720.jpg (720x480, 59K)

>playing Skyrim

You see that mountain? You can climb it.

Just be yourself bro

You go to riverwood and then whiterun

You follow the questline. See that white armor on your compass? Follow that

Cool art. Too bad nothing like that happens in-game. All the dragons land next to you and allow you to just hack away.

Shitposting aside what are some ideal mods for the special edition

Just follow the fucking white arrow

you go after one of those

Attached: yummy.jpg (1920x1080, 464K)

Just fuck off in a random direction until you find a quest

>and am already lost.
Good. Just explore and you will stumble on something cool. Then later when you get bored follow your quest marker for the main quest.

>Struggling to follow a marker on your map
So how was kindergarten today? You didn't get bullied now, did you?

Okay thanks. I had no idea what any of the things on my compass meant. Found a hunter and talked to him. Have no idea if this is important or not, gonna save my money for now.

don't even joke.
you know who will read this and the next game will literally have the game auto walk you to next quest instead of putting 100 QUEST THIS WAY markers all over the map/hud

If you want to find the main quest, hang out in riverwood until people start to complain about dragons, then take the quest to white run.

Get to a high enough level, go to Riften and get the quest to retrieve Mjoll's sword, then marry yourself to a strong, beautiful nord waifu.
After indirectly murdering her orbiter.

Fucking casuals who get lost in Skyrim is why we cant have good videogames


>there are people on Yea Forums who haven't played Skyrim
I guess it's the underages finally being old enough for their parents to buy them it.

I want to enjoy Skyrim for the first time again.

I too want to be disappointed by Skyrim for the first time.

I gave this game to my mom and she couldn't navigate her way out of the tutorial. Literally got turned around in a strait hall because moving a camera around is too hard.

Go to Riverwood.

Attached: enb 2019_05_25 18_20_33_27.jpg (1600x900, 366K)

I am enjoying the companion lucien flavius

Me too bro

That's how you end up after 40+ years of always viewing things from the front, can't really blame someone for not growing up with video games.

Sad because my grandma beat Zelda Twilight Princess on her own.

It was cool in 2011 though.

>Random update breaks script extender
>Don't have urge to play without mods
Whew, lad.

>can’t even romance them or anything
The fuck?

Huh. Today I learned why compass markers exist.
Because of retards. Who would have thought?

Once Dragons start appearing, don't go to Riverwood too often. That place gets attacked all the fucking time and the NPCs are retards who will get themselves killed trying to fight a dragon.

If you have Dawnguard there will also be vampire attacks and the place may very well end up a ghost town.

Yeah, you were probably the same when you first picked up a controller.
Add to the fact our parents and the older generations grew up with little technology like this, and a simple controller probably seemed advanced and confusing as fuck
My dad STILL talks about the time I got him to join in on a split screen COD match w my friends and I and we all bullied him with the knife while he couldn't orientate to look away from the sky.
just imagine the consumer technologies that will likely be way beyond our own comprehension by the time we're 30-40.

OP be honest, are you a literal boomer? Like, older then 35?

I don't even reqlly care if you are, I just can't fathom the idea that someone who grew up playing video games could not understand what an objective marker is.

This, I think we have another 70 year old Marv on our hands

You should probably go to the Legion headquarters and turn yourself in for execution. You rudely didn't let them finish the job.


>can't run and jurmp
>can't run and jump and attack

I fucking hate todd so much.


>game literally holds your hand through the whole main quest
op is a retard

>your horse can climb it

See that mountain? You can walk up a bunch of stairs to get to the top.

See those other mountains? You can akwardly fight against the nav mesh while kind of walking sideways back and forth up it

U find dragons. Then find people. Kill both until it gets bored.

>doing Malacath's quest with the orc chieftain
>go to the cave to fight the giant
>he is actually jumping down ledges, like with an actual jump animation
I think he is the only NPC in the game that can do this

imagine what's going to happen when OP gets to the claw puzzle

>You see that mountain? You can climb it***

>***with stairs, off the path mountain climbing not supported.

user, please set daily reminders for you to breathe in and out.

Climbing is over rated, was the most tedious part of BotW

Thanks Yea Forums. I made it to the first city and told the guy about the dragon. I think I got it now, just follow the white thing to the next location.

See that ladder? You can't climb it. We've never figured out how to make ladders work in our engine. Just click on it and you'll go up.

How have you never encountered a waypoint marker until now, in 2019, in skyrim

just downgrade to the version right before the update its really easy