Joins your guild

>joins your guild

What do you do?

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Other urls found in this thread: camps america

Shitty politics aside, I like this guy's sense of humor. Also, Dark Souls 2 is fucking based.

He single handedly ended the onions meme though. Pretty based.

I don't play shitty games, OP.

Tell him as a transsexual he's not allowed. Like a vampire he is forced to leave as he cannot disobey the rules that govern him.

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Kick him

Only if Shaun and Contra join as well!

Why can't he go back to criticizing videogames again?

Make fun of his balding

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Why do DS2 fags always look like that?

He looks a giant toddler, but unironically makes some good content. The fact that he makes people seethe so much with the most innocuous takes is just icing on the cake.

the follow up video he did on that tard is the second biggest btfo I've seen
the biggest is how he got btfo by that autist over DS2

>joins mandalore's discord
>he shuts the whole thing down soon after

man bomber is toxic

I don't stay in guilds with bongs in them

Trash Fallout 3 with him

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Can't say I agree with Contra on everything but I want to feel her fat cock in my mouth

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Can't believe how much of a fucking Chad Contra used to be

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Invite Mauler.

Laugh at his embarrasing hairline and shitty videos

You mean Mauler? I never watched it cus it seems way longer than it needs to be (even if it was a long video). What's the just of it?

tell him "kill yourself, faggot" once and then listen to his tears over voicechat and watch him release endless videos about "gamer toxicity"

The jist of it*

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This is the correct answer. Thread's over.

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Wheres the screencap of where he had a major breakdown when mauler did his debunking video on him, 20 tweet chain of him crying like mad

>Used to be
He looks like a malnourished linebacker even now

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His DS2 video was so retarded I started considering the possibility that he's just an elaborate troll

have hbomber and Jim ever been on the same stream? that's a shitshow I'd pay to watch.

well I think the jist of it is that hbomb simply contradicts himself a lot
>if enemies had less health the game would be easier and less fun as a result
>I play Ds2 with my friends summoning is great if you're a die hard ok but I like summoning
there's tons of those, he also doesn't understand why life gems are broken AF

it's really strange his DS2 video is so poor t b h because his fallout 3 video was great

I wouldnt say it's longer than it has to be but i can see how it comes off that way just because of the sheer length. He just literally goes point by point and responds to / refutes all his points, because a lot of them are based on pretty flimsy and subjective argumentation or are just flat out wrong.

who the fuck are these fags and why do you fags keep spamming them here
fuck off

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I would ask him to help me dilate, and if he declines, he's a fucking bigot

It's a good rebuttal, but it is long and he literally picks at EVERYTHING hbomer says. So if you can endure intense autism, give it a try.

Hbomberguy is literally the worst leftuber. Why watch his garbage content when Three Arrows exists? Even his non-political content is trash, take his No Man's Sky video for instance.

Yeah but his voice is Morgan Freeman-tier so I actually find it pretty easy to watch his videos. He also has what I believe is a really good critique on Outlast that felt like a breath of fresh air over all the people saying how great of a horror game that shitty thing is.

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>it's really strange his DS2 video is so poor t b h because his fallout 3 video was great
As Mauler said it's likely just because he has a really strong personal bias for 2 and didnt like how Matthewmatosis shifted to dialogue around DS2 to be more negative, or at least he believed Mat did.

litteraly made for throatfuck

Three arrows is gud, but Destiny is the best for that kind of content imo

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theyre both trash

Convince him to give me AOC's number so I can seduce her and maybe get a chance to lick her feet.

I'm not a fan of his sense of humor. Too many jumpcuts and "so quirky and random" jokes.
He's good at arguing, don't get me wrong, but when it comes to left-wing Youtube skeptics, Shaun is the way to go.

Ban him because he has the most nonsensical view of centrism possible

I'm glad the sceptic community is dying

Destiny is also an irredeemable faggot

What is a "race realist" and what is wron with this viewpoint

>He's good at arguing
He's not. Neither is Shaun. I watched his Cuphead video and the entire thing was him cherrypicking facts.

what, is he one of those "kill all niggers vs kill no niggers, centrism is 'kill some niggers'" retards?

Shilling the most boring leftard around

His Cuphead video didn't leave me convinced, but watch his responses to Molymeme, Hack Pigeon, and Shitgon. He knows his stuff overall.

I'll check those out. I'm not particularly fond of those people anyways.

Yes, exactly.

>knows his stuff
>says race doesnt exist

What even is a "skeptic" anyways? Are they just people against identity politics? I see people on both the right and left get called skeptics.


Why do *nglos always look like that?

you can make the case for anything not really existing if you argue like a autistic solipsist

It literally means nothing now, I dont think anyone uses that label anymore

Destiny is a landlord faggot

>says race doesnt exist
sounds based

All the leftubers are retarded, but I have to give it to destiny. The drama surrounding games of thrones was pretty amusing. His spergery makes him tolerable.

Literally who?

>GoT spergery
Okay how?

obnoxious youtuber #93747619
always acts like his opinions have merit but he's just some cunt with a camera that has achieved nothing in life but his subscriber count, who are only after validation anyway
he's one of the worst of them, maybe second to jim sterling

What is this meme that Hbomberguy's video on Fallout 3 is great?

It's literally just as shit tier as all of his other content. He decides he hates something (like fallout 3) then scrambles as many snarky comments as he can come up with and claims he's the arbiter of objectivity.

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Unironically hbomberguy is great
I don't agree with his political beliefs but his videos are great

He waged a war against one of the biggest subreddits, livestreamfails. He took it upon himself to DM mods and users the spoilers to the finale of game of thrones. Anyone that complained, he hunted them down. They followed up by banning him but it did not stop him, his viewers took up the banner for him and pushed forward

The LISA video is his only good video.

Most of his points were accurate enough and everyone here already hates FO3 so he reinforced their views instead of running counter to them

>that time Hbomberguy was caught gaslighting someone who worked for him and ended up getting banned on a bunch of socialist subreddits

>sat in his room dming redditors some spoilers for a shitty TV show they neglected to watch live
Am I supposed to be impressed? At least those guys spoiling Harry Potter had to get out of the house

Skeptics are people who put time into researching claims so they can refute them. Both Shaun and Sargon of Akkad are "skeptics".
Of course, some skeptics are right, and others are wrong.

I would go one step further and bring up the fact he had questionable pictures of someone when he was on metokur

Yes, thats spergery and you dont need to be impressed. Getting a laugh out of it is enough sometimes.

most of the people watching the show weren't crowding in a store to buy a book so online is the only way to tell them

Hbomberguy is unironically my favorite SJW

So go to one of those bars that group watch it or something, this is just fucking pathetic

This really happened? Fuck

So glad Mauler tore it apart limb by limb

I can't stand how snarky, condescending and arrogant he is, regardless if he's correct. Can't stand watching his videos.

And he should be ashamed to show his skinny fat twink body on camera.

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Its an old term for atheist even though they barely talk about that, and they pander to right wingers who are christian.

Basically, its the same type of co op that the left did but more subtle.

So they bait the liberals/neutrals with SJW cringe to coerce them to farther right ideologies because the right wingers are losing in the demographic wars because everyone is not buying into their shit.

spoiler tags are not for attention whoring

It's that ''ironybro'' mentality a lot of leftubers have, it's offputting to a lot of people.


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>Please check the guild requirements
>No communists, socialists, left anarchists, unionists and inter-sectional feminists

if you care about any of this shit you're a faggot
have sex

Right wingers are losing the demographic war because the left is importing millions of perpetual left voters into their countries. Nothing to do with the power of ideas. If only white men voted almost every state would be overwhelmingly Republican


>muh far-right
But there are people on the left like AA and mundanematt who are "skeptics" so how does that make sense? Don't even say they're not real leftists, they're hardcore bernie bros.

i wanna see this

>Destiny kept those images of underage fans with him at all times in case the conversation calls for it, and it ruined his friendship with Warski over it too.
>He also wanted BADLY to kill a kid and in his apology only gave justifications for trying
>Meanwhile the people who made fun of him NOW start to take him seriously because the tea was stirring for JF at the time and forget this shit ever happened

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Pic one

I got you covered.

I actually think he’s chilled out over the years. His recent videos feel less up his own ass and he’s been more willing to point out when he’s fucked up.

Even his Flat Earth video was more subdued and somewhat sympathetic towards the weird retards.

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No one cares what they think right or left

That can't be a recent photo?

Name a worse leftist channel than philisophy tube.
Here's the ED article on her

I didn't say he was good at research. But he does try to maintain the illusion that he knows what the fuck he's talking about.

Use the imgur link,


This potbelly noodle-armed chinlet telling me soi won't give me bitch tits is like the nigger in this pic telling me cigarettes aren't that bad

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>If only white men voted almost every state would be overwhelmingly Republican
>Nothing to do with the power of ideas

Sure. Because everyone would've loved being right wing a decade ago

Cope harder, whitelet


>Shitty politics aside,
but that's all he is

>one of only two demographics in the country with a net positive fiscal impact, and the largest of the two by a huge margin
>celebrate their disappearance
Enjoy your mosquito burgers, dinduanon

>Alt Right handbook
>Used fucking KH franchise as a metaphor for political meanings

Fuck that guy for even doing that.

Also Anita but its too obvious.

Atleast Steve Shives has some good top 5 videos, Contra knows more on whats shes talking about regarding trans shit, and Hbomber has humor.

You know how conservative latinos can be?
They believe in a lot of the same values as Republicans.
Latino culture values strong borders, traditional family structure, and gender hierarchy bigtime.
There's another reason why they choose not to vote for the Republican party.
Wanna guess?

Wtf i want my country to be brown now

Why would muslims vote left? They're super conservative.

Oh yeah, Innuendo Studios. They suck.
Their series is called "alt-right handbook", but they really just cover mainstream conservatism. They don't know what the aut-right actually is.

I wouldn't have such a problem with them if their name wasn't so misleading.

Not vidya

Because no gibs


>DaS2 apologist

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Because the American right is RACIST.
That's the big reason why!

i got recommended some global warming video and his "humor" made me quit watching it
It's impossible to go "Im interested in a serious topic" and then have my time wasted by the video not efficiently talking about said topic in favor of making jokes where the idea is "you hate this group of people Im making fun of, therefore the joke is funny"
Spoiler, its not funny.

I just can't stand most youtubers or ecelebs. The first ones to get on my nerves were SJWs and their apologetics. Anti-sjw rhetoric then followed. It just got old, I wanted to fucking stop getting irritated all the time, and I still remember when a bunch of that content was based around playing an opponent's speech and "deconstructing" it sentence by sentence. Mauler's takedown of hbomber is the insane conclusion of that format. I don't even like hbomber, but I just can't take seriously long hours of nitpicking every sentence. You lose the spirit of what's being said as a whole.

Anyway, these people thrive on drama, extreme snark, being as obnoxious as possible, have their heads far up their own ass, incapable of realizing enough is enough, ON TOP of having their sycophantic followers giving them money. And holy shit are their fans extremely insufferable.
I've long unsubbed from Sargon, Jim/Metokur, Razorfist, recently Steven Crowder (although I did appreciate those 'change my mind' bits even though it's obvious Steven would never change his mind).
There are very few people I even respect wthin this sphere anymore. I feel like I can trust 1791 and NuanceBro, and it's especially interesting when they manage to rile up both sides. Most other content creators are just strictly playing for their respective teams.

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They vote left for control, same as beaners
Once they are in control, the people who put them there are in for a very rude awakening

Holy shit I'm going to vote Republican now!

This. If you don't think his politics impacts his videos you're naive. Look at him bashing Bethesda and then whiteknighting for Hello Games for doing the exact same anti-consumer bullshit because a self-published game being just as bad doesn't fit into his "capitalism is evil" worldview.

Razorfist was a decent channel but after the 2016 election it became the 'suck off Trump every hour on the hour' show. He can't get through a single review without referencing how much he hates progressives/SJWs/democrats/Hillary Clinton.

Based, but not redpilled.

Anyone know a good place for a house? I'm looking.

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*destroys video games*

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It's more that latinos are massively catholic and these types generally vote left/democrat, see spain. Christians vote massively rightwing/republican.

anita sarkesean

Because the left tolerate their child grooming tendencies silly

>"Mods, I think I saw an off-topic thread on Yea Forums."

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I loved how the majority of people liked Boogie and Sargon more that she faded into obscurity because of how she treated them.
More on the former than the latter obviously.

This, exactly. If your goal is just to look cool to your echo chamber fanboys, then fine. But if your goal is to change the opposition's mind, I don't think he does a good job. His smugness is just too off-putting.

For example, if I wanted to convince someone about climate change, I would link to potholer54's videos before I ever considered hbomberguy.

>Nine literally whos

Call him a faggot.

Stephen Molyneux
Paul Joseph Watson
Ben Shapiro
Pretty much this whole picture Don't @ me. This tier list is 100% factual as backed up by evidence.

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He bites your head off and uses it as a basketball.

Their video where they say everyone on the right is unified while leftists are more principled and disagree with each other was total horseshit.

I'm a libertarian and I for the life of me cannot watch Stephen Molyneux. He is such a fucking theatrical drama queen and his videos are way too fucking long.

Yeah, that couldn't be more wrong.
Republicans hate libertarians, libertarians hate Nazis, Nazis hate the Alt-Right, and the Alt-Right hates neocons.

Sounds like a pretty faggy thing to do.

>God tier

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>Nazis hate the Alt Right

You sure about that? David Duke hangs out with a lot of them

cant beat them then join em

>god tier
motherfucker couldn't win against spencer, got shitted on by jimbo, lost an election, etc

There's a subtle distinction, but enough of a distinction to draw a wedge between the two of them.
Alt-righters are more libertarian in their politics than outright neo-Nazis.
Doesn't stop them from being white supremacists though.

>and his videos are way too fucking long.
user, you might ADD.
4D chess. You wouldn't understand.

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Everybody in that post

Any political commentator that isn't censored by youtube is controlled opposition.

>s.oy: A measured response
>Flat earth: A measured response
>Herpa derpa derp: A measure response

Fuck this faggot

I don't know. I see a lot of the alt righter pretty much saying identical things. Main difference being that the altright tries to be "peaceful" while doing it.

The jist of it is that Mauler is autistic and thinks art can be objectively assessed and thus nitpicks whenever hbomberguy makes a subjective assessment and says "ah, but that's subjective", even though as JA says "subjectivity is implied". If you are autistic and agree that are is objective then you'll like him, but anyone else recognizes him for being a fucking retard who can't write

>making fun of him for wasting 9 hours and then laughing him off when mauler asked for a discussion
>crying like mad
rent free

Being a furry: a measured response

Why can't art be objective?

but that's true


What's wrong with killing some niggers?

>even though as JA says "subjectivity is implied"
And as mauler already said that video was retarded and was just made because Joseph wants to both have his opinions be regarded as factual critique without being called out when he's wrong or contradicts himself. He uses the "implication" defense as a shield against his points being called stupid when that's exactly what they are.

Alt-righters definitely don't try to be "peaceful". They idolize Breivik. What you're referring to is "optics". Alt-righters care about their brand; they want to keep up the illusion of legitimacy, that they have actual reasons to believe what they do, and that they don't intend a violent revolution. Hence why Nazis call them "opticscucks".
Once again, it's a subtle distinction, but it's there.

I think Mauler means you can use objective statements about a piece of art to base an opinion around, but I could be wrong.

There's no scientific method for how good a artpiece is

I actually like DS 2 quite a bit, but his defense of it was god awful. He never acknowledged the flaws and just said everything was fun to him (in his opinion). Considering his content, he isn't the type you should actually watch for his critical thinking.

I don't see "alt-righters" committing 50% of the murders despite being 13% of the population

>he's wrong
>factual critique
these are words that only make sense if you're retarded enough to believe art can be objectively assessed, which is frankly the dumbest thing i've ever heard on this board. go watch cinemasins

jim is weirdly protective of bomber
"I have nothing against him"
yeah right

maybe they have dirt on each other from the old metokur days

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You also don't see them milkshaking politicians and inciting milkshaking on twitter

An "objective statement about a piece of art" would be something like "the lighting here is blue". How can you then make a jump to "the lighting here is blue and therefore good" without a subjective analysis? The first video of his I watched was his TLJ video, where he basically lists things that happens and then goes "what the fuck", as if just listing what happened is criticism

Objectivity isn't using the scientific method. Objectivity is mostly fact-based, using measurements, not being emotional.

Nah, Jim called him a coward when someone brought up hbomber and said he had him blocked on twitter

Way to not address any points and just seethe bitterly. I can see why you would defend fragile retards like Joseph.
>SOMA is not a horror game
Fucking lmao.

yeah they just put them in containment camps

fucking retard.
>we are the superior race, bow before us
>ahh! the meanies threw ice cream at me!

They were both friends on the different political spectrum.

Gang culture exploits more than you'd think

I hate his stupid facial hair.

They're still subjective opinions, but they're based on objective facts
>X movie has a plot hole
>X movie is bad because it has a plot hole
The latter statement is still subjective because it requires someone to make the judgement that the presence of a plothole makes something "bad", but it is based on an objective observation about the work itself.

Art is about evoking an emotional response, retard. How can you be unemotional about your emotional responses?

Imagine unironically arguing that the alt-right throws people in containment camps

show me

Fact: pre-last jedi, nobody used warp drive as a weapon
Fact: last-jedi used warp drive as a weapon
It doesn't take a genius to figure out how using warp-drive as a weapon destorys the previous films' logic

I usually don't bother with Ben Shapiro, because anyone who is a manlet has shit genes that are probably trying to covertly end the human race in their impotent spite, but holy shit that statement in the climate change video was just excessively stupid. I'm not sure why people think of him as an intellectual if he has abysmal takes like that.

Reminder that contra himself admits to becoming a tranny because of sissy kink and his fear of aging out of it. It's in the video where he "debunks" autogynephilia. You need to read between the lines a little but the basic confession is there.

inb4 shills camps america

>The first video of his I watched was his TLJ video, where he basically lists things that happens and then goes "what the fuck", as if just listing what happened is criticism
Then you just arent actually listening to what he says. It's not even hard, i dont know why some people act like he isnt saying anything but a summary of the movie. He's going through scene by scene and explaining the logical consistency of it and where it breaks, how it breaks, potential fixes, what the intent might have been, etc.

Whenever he gets to a what the fuck moment he says why it is a what the fuck moment he doesnt just say "This thing is bad because i dont like it", he makes fun of the kind of critiques who do shit like that.


Dasha is ugly

>They were both friends on the different political spectrum.
They were never friends, hbomber wasnt a big part of the metokur crew and was just a friend of another one who was. He had no hand in any of the 24hr ops

>the alt-right is enforcing USA illegal immigration policy

Am I being trolled?

>but holy shit that statement in the climate change video was just excessively stupid.

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But why aren't you allowed to view art objectively? You can be both subjective and objective. I never said you can't be subjuctive, I just asked why can't you be objective? Logic and emotion are not mutual exclusive.

Kick him. He's fucking cancer.

>Art is about evoking an emotional response, retard
Art is about a lot of things, stupid, and definitely not just about evoking feelings but also thoughts and ideas. To convey those ideas there has to be some kind of logic behind doing what you are doing, that's where objectivity in the craft comes into play.

But he doesn't say that they're subjectively bad movies, they're OBJECTIVELY bad movies, because they objectively have plot holes, which he (subjectively) considers to be objective failings of art.

I see its dead now, but he used to have a shitty chrome add-on that blocks people and Jim was one of them
T.Another Random user

Only teenagers think he's smart. If you watch how he debates he doesn't really debate properly either, just dumps a shit load of information to throw the opposition off guard. He rarely ever formulates a real argument. Plus he's like 5'2 so we can ignore anything he says anyway.

I want to fuck Will Menaker

Well if he does that then he's just dumb. I haven't seen that video in a while so I don't remember what exactly his stance was. I thought he was admitting it was subjective while acknowledging most people think inconsistencies are bad.

what would drive someone to watch bomber, arrows, the skeleton guy or contra

dont they realize thats just as embarrassing as watching sarboy or quartening

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You'd fuck a capybara?

Inconsistencies aren't even that bad or make for a bad film anyway. It's surface level criticism to point out a goof or a small plot hole or a logic issue, and a substitute for any actual substantive subjective feelings, ideas, criticism, etc. Your favorite movies probably have a lot of plot holes and you just never cared or noticed because you enjoyed them so much because they were doing what they were meant to do--captivate you, instead of ticking every box to make sure it was a mathematically sound script.

Because a lot of the right wing youtubers kept hanging around with actual white nationalists and ruin any good faith they had.

Chapo or Cum Town?

Whatever you say Patrick Williams

"Race realism" in the sense of "but I just want to be real about average expressed traits at the level of population" is a sensible position to hold. "Race realism" in the sense of "hurr durr lynch the subhuman nigger" is not. The problem is that leftists think EVERYONE who so much as whispers about average differences is the second type.

When he calls something "Objectively" bad, like the last Jedi, he's basing that on objective criteria like previously established facts of the franchise or previously understood character motivations and inconsistencies in the universe. Far as i can tell when he says something is objectively bad he bases it on not just the media's intent in regards to execution but internal consistency, which he holds in high regard when it comes to writing.

And a plot hole is an objectively failing of writing if your intent was to write a coherent and logically consistent script. That's why you dont fucking hear literally anyone out there praise a movie for its abundance of plot holes, no one fucking says "Yeah my favorite part about it was all the plot holes. Good stuff".

how is that different from being an apologist for antifa larpers?

no seriously give any of these people a gun and they will crumble the moment someone throws a rock at them

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Didn't JF actually stopped using Race Realism because it was debunked?

>Inconsistencies aren't even that bad or make for a bad film anyway.
That's like, your opinion man. Do you see how this works?

Quadroon and Quarterpounder would be a hell of a lot more entertaining if they put forth the production value those leftube faggots have. It's current year, if you make good money off of patreon you owe it to your audience to be more than just some gormless beardo talking at a microphone for 40 minutes.

Fuck off Patrick, go drink your special tea.

But "previously established facts of the franchise" or "inconsistencies in the universe" aren't objective criteria of media. It's media he's subjectively chosen as important.

lol not my problem

Cum town. Both, like all podcasts are pretty uninteresting, but cum town is funnier. Chapo seems to hold back too much.

>Do you see how this works?
Yeah. I gave my opinion and gave a supporting argument for it. You just said "no u", which is, I guess, an opinion, but not a very thoughtful or valuable response. Did I miss anything?

Retards like Jared Taylor completely ruined the notion of race realism. Now even in Academia you're not allowed to acknowledge differences between groups of people.

The former for socialist activism, the latter for socialist comedy. None of the above if you want neither.

>White people stopped breeding and then blamed the evil lefties.

>listen to cum town because they say slurs
>realize it's just a front for their leftist politics
>realize i can be a leftist and say slurs if i do it ironically and no one will get mad at me
and that's how i became a leftist

If you don't drink tea from the cow alien titties, no offense but you have boring taste

Both shit, chapo even more due to them having to apologize for every mean word they say in risk of losing $$ from paetron piggies

How is it subjective when the film itself tries to follow its own internal consistency more times than it does not? That clearly makes it a priority. If it fails in that priority it is a failing of the writing, you dont just get to pick and choose when it matters because then the whole thing falls apart because any critique can be chalked up to as not mattering at that moment.

Jesus, literally looked like an average guy. I wonder what abuse he suffered to cause this mental illness.

You didn't give any argument as to why inconsistencies aren't bad. Whataboutism is not an argument.

didn't he try to get an autistic teen pregnant or something

If they stopped acting like nazis then there shouldn't be anything to worry about, and most of those people just love to paint a target on themselves for it.

Isn't this just the guy basically saying he doesn't believe a coworker saying that his best friend is basically a rapist? I don't know I would have trouble beliving anyone who claimed that about mine too if they didn't have any sort of evidence about it

Harry's a piece of shit if we go by his videos but he seems pretty chill here and genuinely torn between having to choose one of his two friends.

the dick show
I want to fuck that audio engineer so bad

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Tankies are the worst kinds of leftists, so neither.

Yes, and people defended him until they got bored.

Seriously, these right wingers are worse than gossiping women.

Honest to god working class leftists are some of the most politically incorrect people around. It's the middle class sheltered DSA members who feel the need to be offended by everything.