Is there a group of fanboys that has ruined their series as much as Genwunners have ruined Pokemon?

Is there a group of fanboys that has ruined their series as much as Genwunners have ruined Pokemon?

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Yeah, undertale

Yep, casual GOfaggots who think Pokemon should pander to them instead and dumb everything down


maybe its sad im never going to get a pokemon game with just new pokemon again cause of the gen 5 butthurt and now this

Yeah zoomer faggots who fanboy over their own retarded culture.

the only thing genwunners do is shitpost about how trashy and soulless some of the new pokemon designs are
they are right to do so

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waifufags like you
the only praise Gamefreak is getting nowadays is from you faggots creaming yourselves for Nessa and Sonia
it’s pathetic

Game Freak poured its heart and soul into Gen V, Genwunners threw a temper tantrum, and Game Freak became cynical and realized that they could make a dogshit game and have it sell well so long as it pandered to Genwunners and waifufags.

Who said I was a waifufag? Waifufag pandering is a problem with Jap media as a whole rather than just Pokemon.

There wasn't much to ruin with pokemon. Shit has been stagnant for too long. That is why SMT III had press turns to alter the mechanics, it is why the Final Fantasy games are mechanically different from one another in a meaningful way. Pokemon is just slight alterations but does not change the core.

GameFreak has ruined Pokemon far more than any of it's fan have

Transition to 3D ruined Pokemon

I think concentrating on quality of content and features is more important than just trying to have every pokemon available at launch. By far. It's the right and pragmatic decision.

But they're not doing that first part. They're not making something better - they're cutting back on content because they're incompetent; the only way they can deliver a game that's only on par gameplay-wise with the previous entries (themselves disappointments) is by cutting content scope.

They really, really need someone to come in and fix their shit. That they can't release a stellar game with both the time, development resources, existing assets and existing game design resources they have indicates that something's majorly dysfunctional.

The group of people who put the Gen 1 games on a pedestal because it was the first. The kind of people who don't even touch the later games because "it's not Gen 1" or stuff like that.

the image in the op
youre obviously one of those obnoxious “oi wot” silly english accent posters
it’s a cancer that’s especially bad for pokemon

Yeah, the whales who blow thousands of dollars on microtransactions and make them a viable game design.

the faggots of pukymon
they ruin everything
only thing they like is gen wun
and gamefreak panders alot to them
despite gen wun being dogshit
gen 3 best gen

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It's just a reaction image bro.

90% of GOfags are Genwunners, user.