I don't get it. What's the problem with giving developers more money? What are people's issue with the Epic Games Store?

I don't get it. What's the problem with giving developers more money? What are people's issue with the Epic Games Store?

Attached: epicgamescut.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

>Its another shill thread starting with" but what's wrong with epic store guys!"

So are games cheaper on the epic store than on steam?

This. Also, the money's going to the publisher, not the developer.

Remember that "sale" EGS had that was a fucking catastrophe?

Attached: PapaG.png (292x257, 100K)

Steam cucks are retarded and it shows

They want 30% of $60 to go to lazy company like Valve but not to developers that make the games

ChiCom spying

It's one more ad loaded Spyware program to put on your pc.

If developers were so desperate for the bigger share of profit why do Japanese devs and companies continue to use steam (aside from Shenmue)? Especially companies like Square who have big unreal engine titles?

pretty fuckin hilarious that a week before and through, E3 this place had no chink shills in sight. Now they're back with the same fuckin script.

What's wrong with putting games on all platforms and stores? let the consumer decide where to buy games. If the epic store was actually better or giving devs more money was a selling point then people would buy it there without the exclusivity.

Give me the run down

What's the problem with wanting something better than a barebones store that has less features than what any pajeet can shit out in 3 month?

Because epic themselves said their store at its current business model is not profitable.

Give it time and they will raise the price, this is just a quick buyin to get people to use their platform.

>pay publishers not to do business with other stores in the name of "competition"
>double down on buying exclusives when it turns out to be controversial, not even making an attempt to give users a legitimate reason to prefer your store if they were given a choice
>pay shills to shitpost on Yea Forums all day instead of putting any effort into improving the user experience
>be so bad at running an online store that every new product needs to be added manually, so you don't have time to implement basic shit like a shopping cart, so people who try to buy more than one game get suspended on suspicion of fraud
>be so bad at running an online store that publishers are blindsided by your first big sale and need to pull their games from the store completely in order to avoid having their games sold at discounts to which they never agreed

Attached: Fuck Epic.png (1544x2970, 1.35M)

I thought Steam reduced their cut to 20% if you're over a certain sales threshold.

If EGS is so great for publishers and developers, why do they have to pay for exclusivity?

Deceptive. I work in a different entertainment industry and use a distributor to get my products out. My distributor takes a cut of 30% on digital goods. They provide us with services akin to what Steam does. This is not Steam setting an arbitrary standard, but cross-industry standard.

They ran a sale, $10 off any game 14.99 and up. Epic took the hit, i.e they paid the 10 buck to the devs so they didn't actually tell the devs about the sale. When the publishers found out and said fuck off because a sale on a brand new or not even out game can come with negative perceptions, Epic had to remove the game from the sale, but their store doesn't actually provide those kinds of tools so games that needed the sale price cancelled had to be completely delisted from the store.

>lowered prices without publisher consent
>couldn't figure out how to fix certain games, straight-up pulled them from the store
>locked accounts that tried to buy too many games
>servers shit the bed a few times

Made the Steam Seasonals look smooth as butter.

They do, but that fact is inconvenient to the bugman narrative.

>EGS makes a sale without telling the devs/publisher how it works
>plenty of the games on sale got "removed" during the sale
>someone of epic called of the publisher greedy

>pay shills to shitpost on Yea Forums all day instead of putting any effort into improving the user experience
You think they're paid? I always assumed they were here as part of a Chinese reeducation camp.

nah, not even prisoners would shill for epic unless they get paid, that and it would be terrible reeducation since they get exposed to Tienanmen square

Consumers don't care where their money goes. They exchange money for a product. And when the same game is on Steam and Epic Games Store for the same price, the Steam version is better because the Steam client is better, not just because everyone has all their friends on Steam but also because Steam actually has features that people want to use.

I doubt it's even that. Probably just trolls with nothing better to do.

Yes. Metro 3 was 15% cheaper on epic than steam/console.

its 100% irrelevant because in 5 years EGS will be ubiquitous and nobody will give a shit

Only in the US

the console brands take the same 30% cut, and it's actually even worse there because of physical copies where retailers have to take a cut too. Given the majority of game sales are done on consoles Epic making this big deal about developer's not getting their cut is pure virtue signalling when PC sales already make up so little of the market and their beef is with valve instead of with the actual big players.

The hub,The scummy Tactics Tha hogging of kickstarter games, not creating his own explusives from scratch and no user ratings. I could go on...

He asked if "games" (plural) are cheaper on the Epic store. Metro Exodus is one game (singular).

>What are people's issue with the Epic Games Store?
Lack of features that all other stores have.
Creating exclusivity, something people hate in the PC platform.

>developer gets bigger cut
>still have to pay the same + chinese spyware

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