Is this going to be the best game ever made?

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only if you dont count azur lane

rumors are it's kind of a mediocre game in it's current state.

shop this into night time

Just like Witcher 3, not really expexting anything else

it will be forgotten 2 months after release.

I have a feeling it's going to be a decent game with some impressive technical feats that's going to sell ridiculously well and everyone is going to rave about being the greatest thing ever created even though it really isn't because after so many years of anticipation and talking about it they can't admit it's just decent.

Basically the exact same situation as Red Dead Redemption 2.

according to outrage twerps on twitter

Maybe not the best, but it will be one of the best I'm sure.

there needs to be a MASSIVE leap in technology before anything subsantially different can be done with an open world game and i don't mean visuals..

It's a generic handholdy open-world shooter but with linear mission structure.
It might have an interesting story and setting but amazing gameplay is required for the title of best game.

The Elder Scrolls VI: Redfall will surpass it

In mechanics.
Just like the witcher 3

We need to wait and see the narrative, they say that are trying to do it more complex than the others RPGs.

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I'm sorry user
>knows the very intricacies about the game and delivers it in a laymans term to people who might not be initially interested
>delivers it better than Todd Howard or John Carmack
Nintendo hire this man.

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>gave advice during the motion capture gun fights
The guy is a fucking actor, what the fuck does he know about shooting guns?

retard he would've been trained professionally to do the shit he does in john wick


I'm sure it will be great. Yea Forums is memeing when shitting on it.

It's going to be the same abject mediocrity as Witcher 3. Only naive children can possibly expect otherwise.

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>Yo you like Deus Ex?
>Cause we got some Deus Ex if you want some Deus Ex.
Which doesn't mean it's bad, but still.

best rpg for sure

Imagine how much of an ADHD ridden faggot you have to be to call Witcher 3 "mediocre"


Watch the gameplay. The shooting and driving look fucking dreadful.

No. Zelda OOT will always be the best game.

As long as you're capable of torturing and dehumanizing trannies

Looks better than any other first person RPG that ever existed desu


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The combat is mediocre, the exploration is mediocre, over all the game mechanics are pretty so-so. It has a lot of well voiced cutscenes but that doesn't make it an excellent game for me personally. I guess mediocre is the wrong word, but I'm saying it's hampered by lots of things. It mainly does the dialogue well

Though this is entirely subjective, someone else might enjoy the narrative-heavy approach and exposition. I mean Morrowind is one of my favorite games but it's also plagued by issues. I just have more fun playing it. I went back to continue my Hearts of Stone playthrough, and I ended up mostly watching cutscenes (I was doing the wedding quest). It was all fairly well written and interesting narratively, but I felt a bit weird at the end when I hadn't actually played the game that much. I did fight some ghosts at the beginning of that quest though

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It's look fantastic, guns act different according to the implants you've install on yourself changing gripping mechanics to accuracy, from altering the way you can project trajectories, and guns differing according to the augments you install on them, or whether if they were manufactured or customized/retrofitted guns by corpos to sleazy gangsters. Stay upset you fucking tranny contrary.

Demo was amazing.


>The combat is mediocre
Nah >the exploration is mediocre
What exactly were you expected to see in the demo? 1 hour of a fucker running around exploring the nook and cranny of the underside of a staircase? Kill yourself
>Voiced cutscenes
Opinions, and opinions that are shit are discarded.

Demo was amazing, and this game will be fantastic.

I was talking about Witcher 3 my man

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