Dark souls 1 remastered is 80% off in steam right now

Dark souls 1 remastered is 80% off in steam right now.
I'm tempted to buy it, but I heard some bad things about it. Should I?

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Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Dark Souls Remastered

It's a disappointing remaster of a great game. Just play it, it's the only way to anyway

It's a little bit better lit than the original. That's literally it. Even if you know exactly where things were changed you would barely notice a difference. Dark Souls is a great game and for 80% off there is zero excuse not to buy it.

I just beat this on the ps4 two days ago. Amazing game. I still prefer bloodborne though. This is the only series that i play on console instead of pc.

have you played the original,if not then buy it.if you have played the original and are expecting to be a great remaster then don't.

you should try sekiro.

the remaster looks, sounds, and plays worse. particularly in the looks.

highly suggest not buying it and getting the original instead

Where did you get it 80% off? I only saw it off by 30%.

If you never played Dark Souls before, go ahead. If you did it's not worth the money unless you don't own the original PC version already.

-50% if you already own prepare to die edition on steam is added to the -30% sale price

>Plays worse
This is a bold face lie; it's exactly the same game as the original.

no it isn't they added soul memory and other bullshit

I would gift it to random anons but I learn my lesson when I tried to gift a DaS2 key.

it's literally the same fucking game except for a few tiny changes like you can now slide down ladders and the lighting is different in some areas.

>they added soul memory
Why do you lie so much?

They changed how matchmaking works so it's more like Dark Souls 3. It's depends on your weapon strength now. You can't really twink like you used to be able to. Maybe you like it that way though. I personally don't.

the -50% is a one time deal only. if you buy it at the -80% sale price then every purchase after is only -30%

Really? I didn't realize because I don't play PvP.

Which version has a larger playerbase?

darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Dark Souls Remastered

Considering that you can't purchase the original anymore I'd say obviously the remaster.

Soul memory is completely different to weapon matchmaking, you stupid retard


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How's the activity on pvp?
I have over 200 hours on ptde but that's the only aspect I haven't experienced properly I feel.

suffers the same problem as any game whose heyday has died and now only autists are left: literally everyone is a hacker/twink so enjoy dark bead spammers and maxed out smough armor opponents at level 10


The only thing they should have changed was widening the summoning level for summoning someone. I like being summoned and helping people with bosses. It is tons of fun and I also get a sunlight medal. Now that I am a higher level, finding people to co-op is much harder.

Only if you've never played the original before, even then I would say it isn't worth it

I already have the prepare to due edition, so I think they added a 50% on top of the 30

Just pirate the prepare to die edition.

>mfw I replay occasionally the trilogy hollowed / unembered / effigy cut to not have invaders killing me every five minutes
>I've never twinked or followed any kind of meta so I am the kind of victim PvPers want but I deny them the chance

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im running DS1 with DSfix in 4k (rendering in 8k ingame engine)

is the remaster worth it?

no it objectively looks worse



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Gonna be a fun weekend invading some noobs then

>being that afraid of being shit on

big yikes tranny

The original is superior. These fucks need to bring it back.

Yes. Native 60fps is always better. Besides you can just download a decent shader of the Nexus for that old school grit

You’re missing out. DS3 is the best game to get invaded in
Dump points into stamina and strength, get the profaned greatsword +5 then dab on niggas with that charged r2

Invasions are half the fun.

The only reason it is getting bad reviews is because fanboys expected brand new modern graphics or some shit, I dunno

Get it

It's not about being afraid. It's about being pointless because a specialized PvP build will always win against a PvE build, and you get no reward for fighting and dying.

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>Being OHK because you don't follow the minmax meta

>"remaster" that doesn't add a damn thing, and all it actually does it further divide the dwindling player base between original and remastered and make it harder to match
>was the perfect opportunity to add an arrange-mode like in DaS2's NG+, or add new areas and cut content, or rebalance things so that 75% of weapons/upgrades weren't useless, or fix the lord soul areas so they're on par with the quality of the first 2/3rds of the game
>instead all we get is dsfix for 20 dollars

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That would be a completely different game, and you would bitch all the same about how they ruined a timeless classic.

here's your reply

No I wouldn't, faggot.

I haven't played DSR for a while now but when I did I never got invaded by a twink. Not even once. The only twinks I encountered were when I invaded close to hotspots. I think you're overestimating how many people minmax. Granted, it has been a good year since I played.

>is the remaster worth it?
No, you are already playing the best version possible

Learn the difference between remaster and remake you fucking moron

I'm playing it now too and I just play in offline mode. Primarily because I don't have PS+ but that is because I don't think I would use it enough to justify getting it. I played through all of Bloodborne multiple times and never did multiplayer on it either.

Yes you would you retarded contrarian

does remastered have decent activity? I used to love invading in Sen's Funhouse and just being a huge douchebag. Blocking catwalks, greatbow shenanigans, chameleon spell as a silver knight statue, etc.

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It is a reasonable assumption, especially with the sale

I got PS online just for bloodborne after beating it offline a few times, 100% worth it and made me appreciate the game much more. it just makes it more dynamic and whacky, from randomly getting your health refilled when somebody likes a message you left therefore saving your ass, to dabbing on some random nigger with a surprise cannon shot who thought he was slick, to seeing what whacky builds and outfits people are getting up to in co op. had hundreds of hours in it after I went online, bretty good. although I didn't really like the online of the souls games too much.

It looks bad compared to the original but it also runs better, i'd say buy it for that price

kill yourself for even defending the remaster of a game that runs fine on modern systems.