Did you niggas already forget Banjo's first game wasn't Banjo Kazooie?

Did you niggas already forget Banjo's first game wasn't Banjo Kazooie?

Attached: banjo.jpg (1280x720, 230K)

Development started for Banjo-Kazooie before DKR. The game wasn’t even going to be with mascot characters originally and changed that later in development. It may be Banjo’s first chronologically released game, but it wasn’t like they made a whole game AFTER his appearance in DKR.

Banjo-Kazooie was in development before Diddy Kong Racing but got delayed resulting in Diddy Kong Racing being made to release by the holidays. Conker was also shown off at E3 before appearing in Diddy Kong Racing.

I wish Tiptup made it into smash instead of banjo

>They never gave her a game

Attached: 1559804577711.png (1166x1400, 793K)

He will be in Smash, as a spirit. Maybe a Mii Brawler outfit if he's lucky enough.

She's actually recycled from a canceled game called Astro Mouse. Same with Timber and the original amusement park version of DKR.

I would fuck pipsy

BK was kazooies first game tho. That's all that matters

Hey it's Tiptup

Attached: heyitstiptup.png (500x500, 140K)

I wonder if he can be in Diddy Kong Racing again.


Who did you play through Adventure Mode with, Yea Forums?

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So why exactly were there no DK characters in this?

I always picked the mouse because I was bad and she had the most acceleration, letting me recover from mistakes easily. Sadly that meant I never beat the first Wizpig race. Years later when I played the remake and got to the space world, I thought it was an addition of the remake until I watched a video of it in the original.

Donkey Kong was in MK64.

Well, there's Diddy. And the DS remake added Dixie and a really leggy version of Tiny Kong for some reason.

Attached: 553px-Tiny_Kong_DKRDS.jpg (553x599, 44K)


I always thought his nose was a beak and that he was an owl instead of a badger. Also, I suffered through the game as Krunch because I really liked dragons as a kid and the big crocodile was the closest I had to that.

this, sadly he couldn't be booked due to issues with overlapping schedules

It was because they couldn't use Conker or Banjo anymore so they replaced them with Dixie and Tiny. Tiny needed to be huge to fit Banjo, but I'm not sure why they picked her and redesigned her over using any other big DK character.

>Tiny needed to be huge to fit Banjo
Tiny's a middleweight though.

They should have used HE

I never unlocked TT.

Did you at least save Drumstick, user?

Did you at least unlock the cock?

first time diddy, second time banjo.

Yeah I just drove around and was having fun when I heard a weird noise. I investigated and found a weird frog so I squashed it.
Fuck I miss being a kid and having time to discover shit like that in games.