wtf I love Smash Bros now
Wtf I love Smash Bros now
Getting sick of trannies desu, didn`t give a fuck if they existed untill they shove it down my throat everday.
How did they measuer 40%
2/5, Joker and Hero
I'm assuming something in Persona 5 offended them but I don't know what exactly
Hero is definitely because of the composer
Honestly if they do more digging on some Rare guys they could probably find something that's make them hate Banjo too
The amount that killed themselves
They didn’t like the way a gay Persona character acted, and a guy who does music for Dragon Quest is a geezer with antiquated values.
No big deal to people who aren’t crybabies, but the internet attracts stupid like flies on shit.
Yes, i think it's time to have a conversation about Smash Bros DLC choices Yea Forums.
based reminio
Why do these people try so hard to find a reason to be offended? Who the fuck plays DQ and thinks "God this fucking music I swear to God fucking homophobic piece of shit, this is 2019 how is this acceptable?!"
you shove it down your own throat by browsing these threads lol
This type of shit is on the news every day
I can`t escape it, every othher thread is about faggots.
How can one live like this? Seeing demons everywhere where they aren't. It's just like the "pokemon is satanic" wave that happened in my childhood with a different garb but with the same nonsense pushed as "evidence".
Yeah there's 2 gay dudes in P5 the game makes the butts of a few gags
Not until we discuss the matter regarding a certain 13% accounting for a certain 50%
not fucking high enough.
What grand and awful sin did Yea Forums commit to be cursed with Smash reveal threads for all eternity?
When did this happen?
>tfw I can't say the N word in public anymore
this fucking people is so insecure about anything holy shit, no wonder why the 41% on trannies and 30% on faggots
> persona 5
> A game about going against the system and stopping the people who are allowed to do terrible things due to social status.
Gee i wonder why they are calling it homophobic.
The same people who make up their gender also make up statistics.
Can't go anywhere on the internet without hearing about trannies, stop being a disingenous twat. Open YouTube, they're on the front page in some dystopic march being promoted as good for all, open Google, they're part of the logo 300 days out of the year, looking forward to a game to escape from all this bullshit, they'll bitch to the devs until they get an official statement. You can't get away without abandoning the internet.
you can't make this shit up
Man, I just love this recreational outrage culture.
if i'm not mistaken the DQ composer also hates the gaijin westerns for the nukes
Paranoia on an unimaginable level. I blame the 24/7 political news. It ruins your ability to enjoy the simple things.
If you believe that then you are quite stupid.
>Protodude is on Resetera
>He got banned
>screencaps his own resetera post.
ok, now this is epic.
i dont even remember, i havent been on /pol/ in a year, but given the tendency for everything to slowly migrate from them to the rest of the site, and the increasing tranny shit thats been happening here over the last few months, im inclined to believe not too long ago.
>persona 5 dont feature gay romances so it is homophobic
Have they never heard of Poe's Law or False Flags? The fuck is wrong with them
If it's a falseflag, why are the resetera mods banning everyone who says the post is stupid?
well maybe if he didn't attack pearl harbor unprovoked we'd leave him alone
how hard is it to just ignore something, i can do it so why can't you
How so?
He never even said anything about gay people. Literally all he did was interview a politician who said gay people shouldn't be in school and he replied the equivalent of "I see".
is he dare i say /ourguy/?
>mfw I can vomit out shit that may or may not even be true about trannies and make people ten times angrier than saying the n word ever did
>that image
I know what I'm uploading on the next butthurt doordash ad I see
These people & pol are so exhausting... We should put them all in a quarantaine zone so they can deal with each other (and only pick the survivors who learned the lesson).
Same with console war idiots.
Absolutely based, this is 400% the problem EVERYONE has with the faggot community.
Tone your people down, and people will hate you far less. Keep this shit up, and expect the push back to be worse every time.
Really wish an actual gay person would get some of their people together and actively work to calm this insanity down, the hatred is growing towards them at rates unlike anything I've personally ever experienced.
>koichi sugiyama is... to put it bluntly... a piece of shit
Does xe have an actual argument or are they doing that thing that we do where an user says something and everyone rabidly believes and defends it
I don't even know who is falseflagging who anymore
why would you self request a ban. how fucking mentally weak can you be. god do i hate weak people
>calling out stupidity gets you banned now
people really need to know about and concern themselves with my genitals and what I jerk off to
anyone that doesn't want to know is a bigot
He actually is a piece of shit, but not because of the LGBTBBQ shit. He frequently denies that the rape of nanking or unit 731 ever happened and is one of those types who is still butthurt about getting nuked.
You can ignore pol-tards. The soft skinned, LGBQT+, and herbivore men are the ones ruining the industry
Banjo Tooie also had a lot of jokes about gay people in it too, so it could be hat.
why do heroes have to be white men? can't girls be heroes too?
It's harder and harder because fuckign trannies keep pushing. There's a point where you can't ignore the balding fat dude in a dress screaming at you.
P5 has a really blatant gay stereotype gag characters that appear in a couple scenes and make the group uncomfortable. No one would have given a shit if it was made in the 2000's but ResetEra still seethes about it
Oh, the character's creator. I misread and thought DQ's protagonist was a "homophobe". Yeah, I'm surprised that an old Japanese person would think like that
>Why do these people try so hard to find a reason to be offended?
>he says on Yea Forums where half the threads are twitter/resetera screencaps threads where people go out of their way to get mad at something they wouldn't have seen otherwise
depends, how much cum can they swallow?
It's typical internet flouncing behavior, people have been doing for decades at this point. There's even an Encyclopedia Dramatica article about it. They need to make a histrionic spectacle of the fact that they're leaving for attention, because deep down inside they know no one would care or even notice if they just closed the tab and never came back.
Would've been a good pic without the wojak
Not even the creator of the character, he just composed the mediocre music that nobody liked even before anyone knew he was a gook boomer. Which makes the """outrage"""" even more retarded
And they can never be pleased either. It's always something with them.
That's the thing. The gay agenda(christ im using it literally) is centered around normalizing gay culture by spreading it around more which is fine and then you get shit like people nitpicking moments in videogames and I wonder if they actually care or are just trying to get clicks.
Also I really feel like the people offended by that scene in persona are either being offended on other people's behalves or don't know enough gay people to know that shit like that happens all the time.
As a gay, I hereby declare that it is fine and everyone who replies to this post gets an unlimited pass to be unironically homophobic until today's date in 2021.
I'm allowed to do this because apparatly one gay idiot is allowed to speak for all of us, so why the fuck not
Screenshot this and use it as proof. Have fun faggots.
Jesus Christ I thought ResetEra shit was just a meme
*not surprised
Oh wow, these people sure love to comb over everything don't they
I'll give you a hint, these people don't give a shit about games. That's secondary to their actual hobby.