Let's be real here. How can you hate Epic after this?
Let's be real here. How can you hate Epic after this?
Other urls found in this thread:
They should stick to movies
It just shows you how disconnected they are.
have the shills already forgotten the shitshow that was the epic game sale?
Money can buy you anything, it seems.
epic games isn't for you disgusting bourgeois customers, it's for the gave developers who are the true heroes of the revolution
this is now a Tim Sweeny appreciation thread
surely this has to do with their engine and absolutely nothing to do with their game store
>faggot flag
>circlejerk where the industry applauds itself and gives itself worthless awards
tick tock steam faggots, tim is slowly expanding his presence
jesus christ just how much fucking money do these chinks have
>literally told the Unreal Tournament community to make UT4 for them
Fucking eat shit Tim
*nasally angry voice*
>These are MY trees! MINE!
How long until that forest is burned down?
>buys forests
>gives money to chinks who don't give a shit about forests
you mean
>why is tim so fucking talented and created the best game engine
Out of Date.
>desperately pandering to videogames and trying to get a piece of the pie
fucking pathetic
deforestation is bad retard.
When are people gonna realize that shit like Nobel Prizes, BAFTA and other rewards are just retarded token with no meaning anymore? Really, they are just dumb rewards to give to people to artificially inflate the importance of someone based on some feat; but it is no longer just about feats. It's all money and marketing; and retards who think it is more than that are coping.
actually chinks giving him money
What service...?
They can throw money at anything can't they?
Shame it can't get them more users
wow i can't hate them anymore
>“We are delighted to present this year’s Special Award to Epic Games,” Dr. Jo Twist, OBE, chair of BAFTA’s games committee, said. “Having powered the creativity and imaginations of development teams of all sizes over the years — many of whom have gone on to win BAFTAs — it’s right to mark their huge contribution with this Special Award as part of BAFTA’s commitment to celebrating and promoting the very best in games. Epic is at the forefront of the evolution of the global games industry and the impact of their innovation is undeniable.”
>“It’s a great honor to be here as Epic’s spokesperson, especially for the work that we’ve done in the area of creativity in serving the needs of the film industry and game developers, and the work of hundreds of really world-class people all around the world,” Epic CEO Tim Sweeney said. “The team has worked so hard to make these things reality and create art and be recognized for it. I hope this is just the beginning of the quest. We’re trying to create a whole new world around digital entertainment, and I think we’re just at the beginning of it.”
are Epic the jews of gaming?
>finance a large portion of the event
>be given honored award at same event
hmmmm sounds like bugman tactics are afoot.
can you steamcels actually give an argument as to why tim is bad besides
>bwaah I don't want to install another launcher
but he is actually more american than valve ?
the birth of a megacorp
>bad retard
what did he mean by this?
Nah, EA has that token blue check. Epic is just massive chinacuck douchbaggery.
That's actually pretty cool
hes still a piece of shit only doing this for the PR though
nice falseflagging jewben
he meant that while he made a grammatical error you have genuine learning disabilities if you didn't parse the meaning.
he is doing this for years based retard
>North Carolina
>Virginia and DC are sandwiched between
Kinda concerning
>shitty tactics that are allowed in capitalism are called jewish/bugman
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but Epic hasn't indulged in this pride month garbage, parading a rainbow logo like every other company under the sun.
Its an inferior store in every way that is trying to force itself into the PC market after it left because of "muh pirates"
I really wonder what's the master plan for the Epic Store. I play the games they offer for free, and will pirate the exclusives. Has anybody ever "buy" stuff on that place?
I don't think that's what he meant. It doesn't make a whole lot sense in the context.
So? Most famous and super rich corporate individuals virtue whore like this all the time to appear like they care about things. In reality they are exploiting consumer morals to boost potential relationship with their fanbase and bring in new customers because: "Ohhhh he cares about nature, what a good guy! I'm gonna buy his next game!"
Don't be a naive fag.
>he doesnt know that Tim is actually the most based developer out there
Then why didn't we hear about it for years?
Why does it call him the Fortnite creator in the title instead of his Christian name of Timothy Sweeny?
Epic is objectively worse than steam because of the lack of features. Exclusives on pc are fucking retarded. The whole point of giving developers more of the profits was to get lower prices but they’re the same. Can’t forget that shit show of a sale.
>tfw you don't use Steam or Epic
Feels good not to be a cuck
>chinks hate faggot bullshit
And love mobile gaming, gambling, F2P/P2W and ASSFAGGOTS. Keep trying Chang.
>I was wrong
>lets move the goalpost
based retard
>further evidence of your obvious learning disabilities
You probably thought your post was smart too. Sad.
because he is more famous now based another retard
>why are they calling him fortnite creator
who fucking cares
because nobody cares if you're no one
whales will always exist that will buy no matter what
just see the dozens of BL3 threads
This had nothing to do with the EGS, though, this had to do with Unreal Engine, which makes sense.
Do you not know what investment means? they bought shares but they make money from everything now, after they have made it back and more, he is sending kids money to china
>how do you do fellow kids
Legit based.
The lesser of evils.
Try again Tranny.
>bafta award for driving people away from videogames and back to their tv license
I wonder why a vidya board would hate epic
>The lesser of evils.
Sure, if you like the above mentioned. Try again Wu.
Bought the award for themselves the same way they buy exclusives.
Based, preparing for them underground chink bases
maybe because i'm not a chin chong chink and i like to keep my credit card away from you dog eating subhuman lowlifes
they get money but they are always forced to invest something back so they get more money, but in the end tim makes the most money, sure chinks getting some money but tim is getting more thanks to chinks
Steamdrone cope.
>lesser of evils.
based retard
its not moving a goalpost retard its saying the same thing but explaining it so you can understand it
I'm going to be psychically slurping up your misery and rage when the Epic Shit Store gets financially and legally dunked in the very near future.
click the gear on the right
Tim - gives devs money, but only as a bribe to to shut out all other vendors and usher in the decline of PC gaming. Pays all of his dev and publisher cronies to make fake worship threads about him
Gabe - Also gives devs money, but with no strings attached. It's just to keep them motivated in making games. Doesn't even care if they use that money to release games on every store but his. Literally keeps the platform thriving. Earns all of his praise through real good deeds as opposed to selfish fake ones with paid-for praise campaigns
That was on purpose
>it's real
can you fucking read, he did this for litarally decades, he is a fucking programmer not a fat faggot like gaben or other celeb shitter
t.Gaben cocksucker
In the same way I hate you fucking twitter screencap posting normalfags
The guy slept with the driver's wife.
>smart too
Now you're just outing yourself as a samefag.
Bafta has been known to be rigged for a long while now. I stopped caring about that farce.
>copies auto chess
>Honoured for their service to video games
>Literally brought console war to PC while taking a piss on gamers, absolutely obliterating trust into kickstarter projects and making several developers's reputation completely destroyed.
>litarally decades
source? I have read 3 different articles and they all say that he has only been doing it since 2008 which is also when Gears of War 2 released
Yes, because they are using him as a front to buy up land. They are playing Go on a global scale, soon they won't need to invade from the coast they will simply own enough of the country to legally bring over forces to attack from. They are establishing a beachhead before the war even starts.
They probably bought it
its 2019 user, 2008 was in the last decade
b-but muh competition!
Not gonna lie I was legit salty about games like Metro being pulled while they were still being advertised on Steam, but that's mostly Deep Silver's idea to fuck everyone over as hard as possible. Having to deal with Epic's barebones as fuck launcher is another story. I'd rather deal with Bethesda launcher's roulette wheel of weird shit than purchase anything from the Epic Store. Had a hard enough time getting UT to work, and the friend's list was giving false information 80% of the time, and it doesn't look like it's gotten any better. I'm not impatient enough to reconsider another chance unless they fully commit to a fucking revamp.
>they will invade america I swear, not like tim is the owner of epic games
I'm gonna send Epic Games GDPR requests until you they dox you by randomly sending me your data, faggit.
What's wrong with Epic? Thanks to them they're providing competition to stop Steam's monopoly
Because their accomplishments for making a game engine should not be confused with rushing out a store which they have to pay developers to use.
Thanks to chinks something like auto chess is currently blowing up.
It's the worst of all evils.
UE4 is good
EGS not really but can be improved in future
Objectively they doing some good stuff for small studios unlike Valve
Source 2 has been announced in 2015 and there is still no sign of it in near future
I don't blame devs leaning towards Epic
>Some butt blasted tranny janny deleted this
lol, cope nigger.
>steamtards actually white knighting a giant corporation
Are you fuckers just shills or that pathetic?
>only 11 years meaning its a decade
>2008 is when GoW2 was released
t. Tim Sweeney baby weenie sucker
Gabe - continues to fight to make developer and consumer on even ground. Continues to make ways to allow both dev and community to work together in improving games. Believes in open-source, actively combats sensorship, believes in piracy, wants to grow Linux support to allow people to have some other choice other than the yoke of Windows. Platform is built on freedom and resembles the original vision of America.
Tim - a disgusting, flip-flopping sellout who wants there to be a very clear "ownership" of consumers by corporate upline that treates them more like livestock than people. Hates open source and does not want linux to exist because it's easier to control people through Windows. Believes only in nepotism, censorship and control. Platform resembles the visions of China.
You Epicucks need to fucking die
i like Epic because they manage to trigger everyone just at the mention of their name. i hope they continue to trigger gamers for years to come because your outrage is hilarious. i don't even use the epic store but god damn fuck me if it isn't funny watching both reddit and Yea Forums froth into a rage every time a game is epic store exclusive
>he says in a thread he made to white knight an even bigger corporation
>As long as developers get theirs I don't need mine
Epicucks are the bike cucks of the gaming world.
they abandoned their roots of PC gaming to cater to console cuckoldry. Epic games and cliff B are bottom of the barrel trash
Hes right but its still not going to get me to buy PC games
I guarantee he uses stuff like paper and does not think twice about it. Humans need resources, its like people who talk about how much they hate "climate change" but still drive their gas powered cars and live in their houses that use a shit ton of electricity.
>epicdrones making dozens of threads shilling for epic
>but steamtards saying that they're retarded is going too far
okay chang
Tiananmen Square Massacre
>not even a fucking SHOPPING CART
The fucking website I made when I was 14 for my mom's failed online store had a fucking shopping cart
How can chinks be this incompetent
>they abandoned their roots of PC gaming to cater to console cuckoldry.
Why would a man who did this make this tweet? You suggesting he's some kind of windbag bullshit artist?
I suppose next you'll tell me he fought Microsoft for years because he didn't like them forcing people to buy things only from them.
What do you bet he is saving a timber forest that was created artificially and is actually a terrible place for animals to live in?
Why are you Epictards so utterly incapable of even acknowledging any other arguments from the opposition than "WAAAAH MULTIPLE LAUNCHERS BAD" when there's literally tons of other, more legit arguments arguments around that you completely ignore?
>Objectively they doing some good stuff for small studios unlike Valve
>I don't blame devs leaning towards Epic
This is so fucking backwards that it's sickening. Publishers are leaning towards EGS for the giant swathes of cash from exclusivity rights, guaranteed sales, and the 12% cut. Developers who were used to Steam's customer pool (the monopoly!), dedicated server hosting and an infrastructure that more or less worked got shafted because their publishers wanted instant returns.
>Forcefully divides the market with an inferior service
>Is undoing years of progressional coexisting among gaming clients
>Is actively creating animosity among developers and consumers
>Set on removing power from consumers to prop up corporations
>Pretends to care for developers while forcing 100+ hour weekly crunches
>Actively committing multiple crimes to strong arm the industry
You're welcome Epicuck.
>Millionaire buys forests to prepare his fortune for the eventual scarcity
How is this a good thing? Retarded reporters
Jesus, they really are surrounding themselves with as much cancer as possible.
>Some pissed off PC gamer is going to burn down his forest
>Actively committing multiple crimes
I don't doubt you but what crimes did they do?
Violated MAP and if there is any truth to this shit with SNK, fraud.
Tim should be awarded for longest-running BTFO of Steamcels alone. Unironically based
>>service to video games
What fucking "service?"
Stealing games from other platforms, putting them on a garbage platform... and Fortnite?
come on nigger, you're misinterpreting their deal with publishers. they don't make 100,000 dummy purchases for a game to artificially inflate sales, they give the publisher the money from 100,000 sales up front to ensure exclusivity to their platform.
>they give the publisher the money from 100,000 sales up front to ensure exclusivity to their platform.
As far as you know.
Tim created the Unreal engine which is what a shit ton of games run on and many that you likely have played
broken clock is right twice a day
But user there isn't enough games for a shopping cart
And they're getting awarded that now after myriad scummy actions rather than a few years ago when it peaked?
Unironically cringe.
>Friend was getting mad at us for shitting on EGS
>His account got hacked this morning
Thanks for the input, Sim Tweeney.
The Unreal Engine is pretty limited in scope. It's good for hallway shooters and other garbage like that, but take it and throw it into something much larger and scale and the flaws become very apparent. Every MMO that tried to use it has suffered, every large scale game has suffered.
Aw, poor guy
>Posting, isn't hacked
Oh okay, so his account is fine.
>people are only allowed to have one Steam account
Oh okay, so you're retarded.
Prease understand. Script writer not much engrish. Have many epic meme thread soon.
you're retarded
He says his accounts are being targeted, that that they have been taken. Good thing he had two step authentication, it's very useful for retards like you that get phised.
tfw you preordered those trees on steam
cope more
They pay the devs for games so I don't have to. 200k guaranteed copies sold. The copy I pirated? It's in there, on the house.
I guess the same goes for your "friend" who got his account hacked. Imagine backpedaling against your own argument. Whoops!
Go on lads this ones on based tim
The implications of this are astoundingly insidious.
What, like datamining their own paying customers' PCs?
That wasn't me. Learn the difference between being hacked and hack attempts.
As far as you know, too, dumbass. You don't get to pretend to have evidence of something.
By service to video games.
They mean the large donation they received
>As far as you know, too, dumbass
Yes which is why I said "if there is any truth". Work on that reading comprehension Chang.
Pretty hard to burn down a green forest
Just waiting for the day Kleenex comes knocking on his door going "So, I heard you have some trees..."
Would be great a camera would be present to catch his eyes turning yellow and a weird grinch smile slowly warping his face. "So, you heard correctly. Come in, gentlemen."
>I-it wasn't me!
> Learn the difference between being hacked and hack attempts.
Yeah, your friend and this dude were both hacked. Either they're both dipshits or both Steam and EGS have equally terrible security.
Lol what a joke
Pretty bad how a guy is doing his part and people complain. Smh f a m
It wasn't me. :^)
All I said was good thing he was using Two Step Authentication and he wasn't hacked, which is good. You are spering really hard dude, unironically cope.
I'm You're a retard.
Then what did fortnite br do?
Get a load of this retard
oh no
Maybe you should work on your writing comprehension. You said "actively committing multiple crimes". Breach of contract (e.g. MAP violation) isn't a crime unless it rises to the level of fraud by involving deception, and there's no evidence of any fraud.
>Breach of contract (e.g. MAP violation) isn't a crime unless it rises to the level of fraud by involving deception
I don't think you know what MAP is. There is a reason devs pulled out of the sale and it's not because Tim Sweeney paid the sale difference. Maybe you should work on your understanding of the situation, maybe ask for a raise. 2 cents a post has to be painful.
Imagine getting BTFO so hard on an anonymous image board that you would edit html in a sad attempt to save face lmao cant relate
That's an indictment of BAFTA, rather than Epic.
Why are you seething? Are you okay?
Uh oh, he's running out of responses!
>find location
>bring some matches and galon of gasoline
>fuck off
absolute kek
okay now this is epic
Holy fuck. I just realized why this dude is spending so much money.
He's literally gonna die soon. Probably has stage 4 cancer or something.
>haha yeah let's destroy nature to stick it to this corporation that will show em
This is either a falseflag by the CIA or this place has way too many teen agers.
based private enterprise man
have sex
This is basically like the Kinda Funny Games faggots showing off their award on stream after people said they aren't funny
well they are servicing the publishers and devs
What is BAFTA? Is that like NAMBLA?
wtf my computer is emitting mustard gas
Steam let's you blacklist people? Absolutely based.
They offered to hire the modders and they refused choosing instead epic's bribe.
Except it's somehow less gay. Go figure.
why would you intentionally install spyware on your PC?
nice fucking image for ants you retarded niggercunt
>Objectively they doing some good stuff for small studios
They ain't cutting deals with small studios. They aren't even letting smalltime developers on EGS at all really.
it offers me no benefits what's so ever why should i change?
Epic deserves to be praised and celebrated, Vulva deserves only nothing but scorn and hatred. There's an important difference. Epic is the Nintendo of PC Gaming.
The benefit is access to fantastic games like Shenmue 3.
That's assuming it will come out on PC at all after the lawsuits happen.
you know you fucked up when even resetera won't tolerate your bullshit.
bow down to your chinese overlords.
Reresta is the main enemy of Tim, he will purge all the faggotry jewben is next
Sorry senpai, I should've made it clearer, but I was joking about the fact that the Epic (timed) exclusives are fucking trash garbage piles like Shenmue 3. The one that might be okay-ish is Metro, but we can just wait until it inevitably comes to Steam so we can enjoy it on a good store.
Have a good one, homie.
Unironically based.
valve cucks are now finally losing their mind and turning into schooshooters after they saw how superior Tim is compared to the fat fuck
u buy now
u buy making you better feeling
>Objectively they doing some good stuff for small studios unlike Valve
How is it a good thing what they do? A larger cut of the profits but without being able to release your game on other clients, where you may potentially find more people willing to buy it and make up for the original profit cut?
>I don't blame devs leaning towards Epic
Don't worry, they're already blaming themselves for it after recent occurrences like that fiasco of a sale that made some of them pull their games from the Epic store.
I'd also ask why your defense of the EGS is on how it benefits devs. You are a customer. You ought to look at things that affect the customer, like exclusivity deals, a completely dysfunctional store that any first year software engineer would laugh at, or the fact that the profit cut the devs get doesn't get passed on to the paying customer, not even for a cent off of a game sold on the EGS, and realize why most people have a problem with Epic doing what they're doing, regardless of how much a dev may benefit from it.
Fuck the Chinese
EPIC won a bafta, not Epic Store you retards.
Psst don't tell these underaged subhumans the secret
Tim Sweeney is still the owner of Epic. Meanwhile, Gayben is taking China's cock up the ass 24 hours a day and Valve might as well be completely owned and controlled by the chinese.
>Tim Sweeney is still the owner of Epic
not in public companies, the same thing is currently happening between Ubisoft and vivendi, since vivendi managed to get more than 25% of share in ubisoft they have a chair at the executive office of ubisoft and they get to take decision along with them, tencent owning 40% ( which is already enormous ) and sweeney only holding LESS that 50% of shares does the same thing.
basically Sweeney exist just so Tencent don't get blamed on every single mistakes made by Epic
Valve is a private company, you absolute fucking retard.
>only holding LESS that 50%
woops, misread the sign did a mistake here, he actually hold more that 50% but they don't say the exact number, anyways this doesn't change anything to what i said
>Tim Sweeney is still the owner of Epic.
You epic shills don't even know how your own company works. A minority shareholder still has decision making power in a company because otherwise he/it can allege that the CEO is working against the good (profitability) of the company.
the chink shills doesn't know that, they are not allowed to look at non-government approved news
Literally this gaben sucked chink dick several times in the past months/years, Tim on the other side uses the chinks as money maker (40% is jackshit in private owned companies) result making good products for everyone.
Epic is not a public company you fuckwid underaged mutt, learn basic economy and less shitposting
Public investment is one of the things that is ruining the games industry and it's probably why Valve are still pretty based. They don't have stock prices dictating their every move. Nintendo is also doing really well after buying back a lot of their stock from the public trade.
I used to mock Nintendo all the time but they have the right idea. The stock market is cancer to gaming and Nintendo and Valve are two of the brightest examples of companies that are doing right by their customers.
Gabe is the sole owner of Valve. That means he has complete control over his own company. That's more than can be said for Sweeney, who only has like half the shares in Epic, barely any more than Tencent owns. Now tell me who's getting buttfucked up the ass by the chinks again?
What does that even mean user? Those are just words. Meaningless words.
>he eventually owns every tree on earth
>oxygen becomes an epic store exclusive
Based retard, you actually thing that chinks can force something with two chairmans lol It doesn't work like this, when an investor is mad he goes to court, but good luck with that as a chink in murica.
Whatever happened with that, did the games that companies removed to avoid participating in the sale ever come back?
50%+ means the soul owner of something, the other rest is just cutting your winnings for investment
It's almost funny how reddit will deliberately ignore the facts to spin something in their favor.
So is Epic
>Sorry user, but this forest is now an EPIC exclusive.
What's your next move /out/ & /an/ ?
didn't know I shared a board with literal children
Actually hilarious that Tim is actually more american than Jewben + probably all these crying faggots on the internet
>Gay man gaming
moar liek honored for the money they gave to Bafta, amirite!?
>triggered reddit faggot
keep coping
Always easy to spot the frauds. Get fucked, lapdog.
too bad for you boy i'm not a mutt, and also you jsut proved in one post that Epic can't survive a second without the chinese dick, bravo
badyakuza 3 would have existed without the help of ebin store
He sucks massive chinese cock and is a tremendous faggot that can't compete so he just buys games outright
I hope he gets raped to death by niggers
Let's not pretend that the outrage and false rumors about Epic didn't come from reddit because they 100% did and there's no denying that.
Whatver helps you sleep at night.
0/10 bait not even worth a (you)
what if the tape is exclusive to the egs
What bait? Are you really denying that the outrage stems from reddit?
tianamen square
Epic is more than the store, they made one of the most influential engines out there.
the animated film? was it good?
This is probably the only time I'll agree with him
>The whole point of giving developers more of the profits was to get lower prices but they’re the same
Epic's sales are infinitely better than any half-assed shit Steam has done in the last decade.
Simple. They paid to win some stupid award that they didn't deserve. It's just corruption.
I'm assuming you mean before the developers have to pull the game from the store?
>doesnt notify the pubblishers of the sale and they remove the games dor the entire sale
No linux support
>waaah, who uses Linux
I do
>waaah, why should epic put in effort to cater to you
It's the bare minimum they need to do to get my money. Hell, many of their games already have Linux versions out on Steam and GOG. I don't give a shit what other people use
Epic Games Exclusive Forest
>can you steamcels actually give an argument as to why tim is bad besides
can you halfassed chinese shills give an argument as to why you're trying to imply someone must love steam because they hate epic? epic is fucking trash, anyone with half a brain should hate them on principal.
more trees in North America now than when Columbus got here.
I do really like valve but Epic LITERALLY pays for my games!
they can suck my fucking dick
>his dick is now epic exclusive
>EGS EA exclusives need to use Steam forums for feedback
This will never stop being funny.
I don't know why developers thought that having less feedback for pc games would be beneficial.