The state of Fire Emblem

The state of Fire Emblem.

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Is this or the new Pokemon games more of a disaster?

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Aside from bitching about the lack of AA (which is weird, but emulation will eventually solve that issue), 3 Houses has actually started looking really good starting with this E3, especially combined with the leak that it hard confirmed.

It's not FAIR

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We aren't graphicsposting anymore you moron, the new thing is to complain about fujos and otome.

Seems like Fire Emblem kino is back on the menu guys
Fuck Awakening and fuck Fates

Lookin' good. Looking forward to the game next month. Might finally finish up Warriors before getting this one.

Not saying Fire Emblem is visually strong, but AA is a shit motion blur tier meme for SNOYs who want games to look like their favourite Didni Mahble Stah Wahs movies #l00t #rexist KKKrumpf #Pickle Rick against biggotry.

I fail to see the problem since everyone turns off animations 30 seconds into the games

Yeah why aren't simple healing spells 2 minutes long flashy cut-scenes, that wouldn't get annoying at all!

>people defending how this looks
it's fine if you don't care but the game -- even within the cutscenes they've shown -- has fucking terrible visuals.

>complain about fujos and otome
But the artist delivered despite having a shit fetish.

10 cents have been deposited into your e-shop account.

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Is the undub/retranslation of Fates at a point where it's worth playing over the NA release yet?

Why the fuck are their heads so small? Their physique looks like shit

It looks like shit, reminds me Reboot. The good thing is that maps look at least decent and character customization seems great. Story so far seems interesting too but people said the same thing of Fates. Still, things are looking up since E3.

Fire Emblem looks like shit because Intelligent Systems outsourced the game to Koei Tecmo, while Pokemon looks like shit because Gamefreaks split in half because they're working on 2 different titles for the Switch

They're both on high levels of fucked, but at least Fire Emblem looks like it plays decent

I've always thought the 3D FE games looked shit. Even the GameCube one.
Some of the mechanics seem interesting in 3H but fuck it's ugly as shit

IS there customisation visually like in awakening and fates or are you stuck with the way Byleth looks

Fire Emblem did not "outsource the game to Tecmo", they asked for Tecmo's help on the graphics engine, but they're very much doing the job themselves. This is all their fault

Which is regressing faster, the quality of games or the moral fabric of society?

Byleth will probably look like that outside of battle but it seems like every character’s look will change depending on their current class during battle. Outside of that they’ll have their uniforms on.

Am I the only one here who doesn't really see a big problem with the graphics? It's at leat better than previous 3d titles and I'm happy with that

Your chances of having sex.

I honestly can't decide if this looks worse or pokemon

It is not a dealbreaker, but criticizing it is the only way to show them they need to do better in the future.

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This is worse. Pokemon atleast has the "an entire world needed to be modeled too" excuse while FE is grid-based strategy shit


have sex


I'll say as someone who has always disliked FE but used to like Pokémon that Pokémon has fucked up far, far harder. Sword and Shield will probably be the worst games on the Switch by a country mile.


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did, its your turn now buddy lol

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Pokemon atleast still has good art staff, FE is a disaster graphically and has a terrible new artist

Damn I just noticed the metal bends when the horse lifts its head, I hope they fix that before release

will it be fun to play
will it have Fates-tier writing

Pokemon is the largest video game franchise on earth and can't even manage to look as good as low budget 3D JRPGs

Fire Emblem is a niche SRPG franchise for otakus and anime fans
It could look better but considering it's made by an appropriately budgeted small studio who are doing a 3D console game for the first time since the Wii, I can cut them a little bit of slack

>Not saying Fire Emblem is visually strong

Fire Emblem heroes makes bank off if whales and awakening gave it a just-below-mainstream market. It's certainly no pokemon in any way but I don't think FE is 'niche' anymore like, say, SMT.

I love the boys cheering in the background.




Come user, it was just a joke.

You can just skip them, you mentally challenged cock munching turd pusher

>Fire Emblem looks like shit because Intelligent Systems outsourced the game to Koei Tecmo
No, it's because Intelligent Systems suck at visuals(every 3D game of theirs have been ugly). Koei Tecmo are leagues above them.

why does DQ11 look a million times better than this and pokemon?

Literally everything about this game looks fucking horrible. Shit graphics, shit animations, shit art for character portraits. Anyone defending this is a drone.


The game looks like shit but the gameplay and customization is pretty great.

This game looks awful in screenshots or short snippets, but the thing is in the context of the full game it looks fine, like during the full Treehouse demo. Still not good, but with the UI and everything it's fine

We know from Treehouse the game actually looks fucking great.

Your cherypicked bullshit has no effect on us anymore.

Begone. Begone. Begone!!!!

It was made by a development team that cares.

Quick reminder, 3 houses gonna be a success, and cucks on Yea Forums would be very upset about it , but they will probably have killed themselves by then since Super Mario Maker will be out


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Will EVERYONE have significant changes in their timeskip portraits?

Someone should shop the OoT tree with the claw marks into this.

One tries to change things up and fucks up. The other has managed to make things even worse for a while despite essentially doing the same fucking thing every time. It's not even on the same league.

If it means having fun gameplay and a good story having the game look ugly isn't that big of a deal for me. And all the signs and leaks point to that being the case, so yeah I'll take this being the state of Fire Emblem.

But how much of that money goes to IS?
I'm genuinely asking, since IS is second party like Gamefreak but doesn't have an IP holding company like Pokemon does, so I'm not sure whether Nintendo wholly owns the IP.

i don’t know

Nothing could ever hit Fates tier whether intentional or not

Advance Wars died for this miserable pile of weeb shit.

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Be glad it didn't live long enough to be destroyed this way
It died a graceful death

FE was always far more successful than Wars and with development costs ballooning larger every year, there was never a chance it was going to exist after the DS died and took mainstream 2D games with it.

now imagine advance wars with full 3d graphics and the same shit-tier flat textures everywhere

the cost of surviving into the modern game era

FE is a niche franchise. Pokémon is the franchise that makes the most money in the world

>FE getting back old mechanics
>Pokemon ditching their catchphrase because they're incompetent

How can FE and Pokemon justify looking the way they look when DQ XI and Xenoblade are on the same console? And I'm comparing them with other jrpgs for fairness' sake, because there's even better looking games on the Switch.

>Continent has a name
It can be Fate's-tier

>especially combined with the leak that it hard confirmed.
sauce me, bro


>Fire Emblem
>the worst complaint anyone can make is about the graphics
>gameplay, story, and QoL features all look to be the best FE has had in years

>shitty graphics
>the exact same gameplay as every other game but POKEMON BIG NOW
>"Oh and also we're gutting the pokedex. If your favorite's not here then tough shit."


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You might as well send me another 20 bucks, because I'm looking forward to the game like no tomorrow.
But I'm also not retarded enough to expect much graphicswise from a Fire Emblem game like some morons do.

nino might have a terrible life, but at least shes not stuck in a terrible game


This game 1000% started as a 3ds game.

Halfway through development they realized the switch didnt bomb like the wiiu so they decided to switch (hah) to the switch.

Prove me wrong.

They have a couple generations worth of autists wrapped around their finger, brilliant targeting move in retrospect.

they had already said Echoes was the last 3DS game before working on 3H

Autism and never shinning on the graphical department

You keep saying that while Advance Wars is also weeb shit.

They really want to avoid using a big proprietary engine but don't have engineers talented or knowledgeable enough to make a 3D game engine for a modern HD console by themselves.

look at the quality difference between the main character models and everything in the background

They know their audience. they hired a good character designer known for pseudo-smut and banked their entire game on the fact that their audience is into waifus and husbandos and nothing else.

Noone gives a shit that the menus are ugly and the backgrounds are flat fucking textures, because incel boys and girls are gonna be masturbating over their cute and sexy characters and arguing who's the best waifu.

The problems have, and always will be, the talent and budget. Considering IS, they don't really have the talent outside of composers anymore, and Nintendo gives them a sizable budget but IS flounders it. Plus Koei Tecmo are co-developing this, and that should've been warning bells out of the gate.

Advance Wars isn't impossible to bring to 3D, especially if you had real talent that could stylize it well enough, but IS would rather put it on the backburner until they figure out how to add waifu dating sim mechanics to it to make it profitable than actually pour real love and effort in there.

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>graphics look like shit
>story is shaping up to be good
>gameplay brings back loads of beloved Kaga-era mechanics alongside crazy large amounts of customization
I’m sold
I remember when Yea Forums used to laugh at graphicsfags

>The Wars series was the established series
>FE was more or less just a garage project that was made with all the love of the creators
The good guys won

ISIS has always been a much smaller team and have always been awkward at 3D titles. That being said, they have a gacha now that prints money, so unless if Nintendo is taking all of that cut, you would think they'd reinvest some of that profit into their upcoming game that's debuting on a new console and will be sure to lay the engine groundwork for following titles.
Gamefreak has no excuse.

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I love watching doomposters seethe, E3 really got some sand in your panties.

I miss the 2D sprites bros. FE has no more soul.

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Artstyle just too hideous for me to care, I don't care how much they are trying to make the story and gameplay good, if It's not good looking game, why bother?

Reminder that there was a time planned for the N64 where FE would've pulled a FFT and used 2D graphics on 3D environments using the GBA sprite style.

>all those healers
>only 10 hp
get the fuck out of here.

In ISIS defense, models and shit have never been their strength, compare their 3ds games and how they look ato any other 3ds game and they don't hold up
GameFreak on the other hand rolls on infinite money and is only limited by their retarded decision of a game a year.

Might just be registering the amount of HP recovered rather than the total heal potential.

Soul is one of the dumbest phrases that caught on around here

Theyre students user!

I guess Yea Forums will never love the series again, really should have brought Awakening and Fate artist back.


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>Canto is back
>No kids
>Multi-tile boss units with AoE attacks and a gigaton of health
>Weapon durability is back
>Combat arts use durability instead of health
>Dismounting is back
>Nerfed pair up
>Holy blood + holy weapons are back
>God tier soundtrack (as always)
>There's actual lore and names to the continent
3H is going to be the most soulful FE games in a long time

FE doesn’t have any notable issues I can see.

>Otome artstyle
>Can't even date until AFTER the timeskip

Yep, this is for the resetera and FE reddit audience alright.

To be frank, 3DS didn't have high expectations. Sure you could push PSP visuals or higher in theory, and even Game Freak made some damn good Pokemon models for the hardware, but there were just as many games where simplistic visuals weren't that big a deal. Fire Emblem not having highly detailed character models wasn't really a big problem because people focused more on the character artwork for conversations and such instead. Now we're on the Switch, with 3DS maps and awkward GC era models that try to match their lifeless artwork while visibly cutting corners all over HD screens.

it's an AoE heal actually

Have you even read the thread or been here during the treehouse streams? almost everyones impression of the game went from shit to while graphically it looks like shit everything else is looking really good.

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>Kirby shit
>Pokemon shit
>Fire Emblem shit
>Yoshi shit


Fake and gay.

play Nectaris

I love the 180 Yea Forums pulled. Graphicsfags are finally losing. Or perhaps it's just that the dedicated shitposter moved on to something else.

I don't know

Take the FE games from the gamecube/wii as an example aswell, ISIS cant into graphics.
i can excuse bad graphics aslong as the game as a whole is great and by how much we know about it like this user said (i did like kids cuz muh daughteru but its whatever) the game is looking to be the best FE

its pretty embarrassing that there are nintendo fans out there that will look at these images and say it looks perfectly fine.

>Only 297k views


at least smash is good this time

Could be worse, could be the pokemon treehouse video.

>Gameplay and storyfags trying to act smug

Literally enjoy your FE game for trannies

>People keep saying Nintendo won even though some of their most popular series now look like shit
Is it shills?
gameplay video has almost the double views, guess we know what matters in FE

>No cute anime girls

cringe, even a #FE port would have been better than this

>FE game for trannies
>We got 3 confirmed titty monsters and counting
>The 2 lords are straight as arrows
>Nothing on edelgard other than a leak which was confirmed to have some fake stuff in order to protect the source

Can't believe oldfags WON


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Actual complaint. My issue with these ultimately boils down to the weightlessness and lack of impact/general non-limb animation. There's no expression changes/bones to make the face move in a nice way, the effects used to present the spell lack flair and impact, they don't bother attempting other effects, or dramatic camera shifts which may reinforce its interest. Overall it's just weak.

I'de like to compare this lazy anime game animation to say Dragon Quest XI, where the characters are well animated and generally have a lot of emotion, even with small quick cast spells, there's a very distinct, weighty and impactful animation that makes it enjoyable to watch, and they're not long too.

Even when characters are casting basic spells, there's a lot of emotion to it that gives you an idea of that characters personality, what the spell does/is, so much more is put into it, and it's just a very small spellcast or attack animation, but it makes everything just that more pleasing.

I genuinely wish game devs, in general, strived to make their animations, effects, and camera usage more dynamic so we can get more interesting anime games and others. They probably do, but seeing a game like FE or Pokemon with the sizable fanbase it has being as lackluster as they are is very disappointing. Maybe it's some like corporate "why bother it'll make money anyways" logic, but it's really frustrating.

The art still shit /feg/ fuck off

Well no one really cares since we are used to bad graphics. The only good looking FE games used sprites.

I want to breed her!

>Dedicated shitposter moves onto something else

It was this, he is now whining about Pokémon graphics instead of the actual issues instead of FE.

Do people care about this stuff in 2019? lol. I guess living through the warping texture rendering distance of 2 feet fog covered YUCKY fucking hell of the 5th inoculated me because I can't even imagine being offended by anything in the OP. It's not visually stunning or anything but it conveys everything it needs to imo and I'm much more concerned about things like gameplay.

I'm primarily a PCfag, so snoys can eat my balls and lick my taint because their gwapphics are inferior to my gwapphics anyway.

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Pokemon has absolutely no excuse, but FE has the excuse of being at a grander scale than DQ XI. Dragon Quest has 4 vs 4 fights while FE has 12 vs 12 + supporting armies that have to be rendered.

>of the 5th
5th generation*

Incels are stupid. They don't know when to use their stupid canned insults

Can we save him from becoming an edgelord?

Imagine how insecure you'd have to be to make this image.

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>devs spend time making the important parts of the game look good and ignores the insignificant details
>this is considered worse than devs sacrificing gameplay to get realistic horse shit into their game.

It's more of the artstyle than graphics, It's just so ugly.

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Eh, it's not like we have any examples of this being done well, anyways. They're still copying and using the design document from when the games were all 2d,which is why the characters have an attack animation, and as soon as they hit the bad guys have a stock 'hit' animation before falling over if they die.

It just looks way shittier since they can't 'cheat' with exaggerated movements as easily as you do with sprites and 2d. It would take so much work and the studio is full of hacks.

I guess. It just looks like more Awakening waifu shit, which is fair enough.

I fully agree that DQ11 looks incredible and that the current 3H animations lack oomph, but it's also not fair to compare the two. There are only a handful of playable characters in DQ11. FE has to make animations that can cover literal dozens of characters and enemies too. It's not realistic to expect the DQ11 level of polish and individuality when one insignificant character can become almost any class in the game, use almost any weapon, and use almost every skill.

really it helps to finally have gameplay to talk about, it's hard to argue with graphics shitposters when we haven't seen any gameplay at all and all we had were the hideous fujo designs.

HAGHAHAHA and has 340 dislikes hahaha its shit....

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It doesn't look close to FE13 and 14, nigga.

Because they assume people will still buy their games no matter what they do. They're probably right.

Idk. I remember pre-Awakening Fire Emblem and that was the largest visual shift in the series. This game looks fine to me.

All those characters have the same animations though. DQ11 probably has way more unique animations across all its monsters and stuff when compared to the few of Fire Emblem 3H

>Trannies won
>Oldfags won

It's been fun, awakeningbros.

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Is anyone else surprised the 3D animations are bad? They were continuously improving from Radiant Dawn, to Awakening, then Birthright, and lastly SOV where it started getting really good and meaty.

It feels somewhere between Awakening and Radiant Dawn in quality now. Why would animation suddenly get worse when I'm assuming the same people that improved it are working on it?

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>Gameplaybros won
Conquest and DS bros in the house

probably because they tried something new with the armies assisting combat.

should have seen it coming, echoes got a new artist, they weren't going to go back user, you see how much the west complain about otaku pandering shit? IS clearly listen to that

This is the only correct answer.

New engine, new art style, new method of rendering battle scenes, new generic army units, etc.

>big dramatic moment
>undercut by marionette animation at 16 fps
>graphics isn't important at all!
People have been posting FE fight animations for years, pack it in.

This is unironically the only fire emblem I've ever been interested in and you guys all shit on it for the reasons I like it (eg. the army supporters, toning down the waifu cringe, interesting military academy setting, etc)

wew, did game freak make this

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nintendo is a small indie company
you cant expect them to produce the same quality as AAA companies like sony or microsoft

at the rate people complain nowadays we'll get a new artist every game. Look forward to 2022's Fire Emblem: Shadows of the End, featuring art by Raita after the FE3 reremake.

>toning down the waifu cringe
why do retards keep saying this. It's not toned down at all they just flipped the genders. it's all husbando cringe now, which isn't any better or worse fundamentally.

i hate that they included the little sprites. It's like they're saying "hey we were perfectly capable of making a beautiful sprite based game but instead we give you garbage"

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I would rather buy pokemon than this garbage

at least pokemon doesn't look like a game made for fags

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And while not nearly as bad as this. It was certainly destined for a miserable death: days of ruin was horrendous and any game after that surely would have been worse.

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This but unironically.

well yeah, that's all video games anymore. 2D was seen as "childish" and "low tech" so faggots pushed devs to make 3d graphics despite the fact that they've always been shit. we went through this in both the N64 and 3DS eras, where both systems fell short of their predecessors because of the focus on 3d graphics.

>toning down the waifu cringe
Then you'll probably like the FEs previous to Awakening, they were even more toned down than 3H.

Even if Three Houses plays like Echoes or Birthright, there's always a chance the next FE will be better. What GF did to Sword and Shield will have lasting repercussions on the series for years to come.

small amount of new map footage

Yeah I mean, fair enough, but we're moving out of extremely limited consoles, even in regards to 3D, so this just seems like a lack of care.

They could totally exaggerate the movements though, even in 3D, but I do get it. I just generally wish there was a want by the gaming community for decent animation and not this PS3/PS2 era stuff.

I can kind of get the sentiment, but even with that there can be carry over between them and how the skill presents themselves. I doubt that if they're one form of mage and then another the animation actually changes that much, if at all in this game. They could put the effort to make the animation gravy, and make the effect impactful. The reply to you also kinda illuminates that DQXI has a lot of monsters all with unique animations (sleep/waking etc) and there's a genuine lot of effort put into it, not just a focus on the given main cast. I imagine DQXI probably has a lot of love and labor put into it, but it just becomes hard to appreciate a game like this FE without that same amount of effort put into the core amount of what you're doing. Like DQXI is a pretty basic game when it comes to its mechanics, but the amount of work put into the animation and style it has makes it extremely memorable.

IS is just garbage is what it is. Look how Awakening had no feet on the characters because they literally couldn't figure out how to make feet work. It wasn't until Fates they got their shit together. Fates and Echoes are the only games they've done where they actually had pretty good 3D. Now they jumped engines and platforms again and they're back to starting off with trash till they figure it out.

I wish more triple a games would use pixel art. Kind of like when symphony of the night stuck with 2d graphics instead of doing 3d graphics like everything else at the time. Ended up being one of the nicest looking games on the console as a result. Imagine the amount of detail a major studio could put into a big budget game if they used pixelart.

WHy people act like awakening was bad gameplay wise? It was pretty average, CQ rose the bar.

Its funny you say that. In Three Houses characters are slightly floating off the floor because they haven't figured out how to connect feet into the ground yet. It can be harder to notice but if you look up close in some footage its there ol

Is this a new exclusive for the snoystation 4?

Awakening wasn't bad in gameplay. It just had bad map design and objective variety, like Birthright and also like SoV

The ironic thing is that the personality in the image shown matches the poster

awakening was always criticized for how OP pair up was and how non existent the map variety in the game was. People were complaining about both those things since Day 2 of the game's release. It just got drowned out by all the casuals and new fans who had never played FE before and didn't understand why all maps being Rout was a bad thing.

If Three Houses is another failure, I'll lose the rest of my hope for the series. With how the series went on after the Tellius games, IS clearly doesn't know how to make a good FE anymore. Although tbf I haven't played FE12. But still, even Echoes left a better impression than Fates and Awakening.

Those are literal n64 tier textures, holy shit.

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I was mostly poking fun at the user, not awakening

Sure but those kinds of problems of overcentralizing strategies/characters are not uncommon in Fire Emblem.

Can't see too much, but they kinda remind me of Tellius maps.

Echoes has some of the worst maps in the franchise though. It's even below Awakening in terms of map quality.

Who gives a shit about the battle cinematics. Hopefully they keep the map animations option from the tellius series

Why the FUCK did they start making the sprites on the battle maps 3D it looks like shit compared to the pixel sprites

The 2nd map there at 30 sec has a really cool ablazed theme

>With how the series went on after the Tellius games, IS clearly doesn't know how to make a good FE anymore.
SD is better than pretty much all the GBA games, FE12 is better than all of them+Tellius games
>But still, even Echoes left a better impression than Fates and Awakening.
Conquest is better than Echoes, Birthright and Echoes are about as good as eachother.

Unironically don't care because it not waifu pandering anymore

that's fair, but that doesn't address the issue of map variety in awakening being basically non-existent. Also i'll say horses being OP in most of the games is a lot less of an issue than the #1 strategy being "use only half your units, turn the other half into stat backpacks."

Imagine how cool it would be if they had an option to switch the combat maps to 2D, they already have sprites for all the characters.

I have the opposite opinion. They've shown themselves capable and willing to change established design in interesting ways, as well as knowing very well what makes classic FE fun and interesting (otherwise there wouldn't have been a Conquest in the first place). They also still seem to have the capacity to write well, as we saw from Echoes. They are, of course, aiming to expand the series and they fucked up massively in the writing aspect for Fates, but I'm 100% certain they can pull off a good, classic FE game if they wanted to.

Yes, yet somehow a huge grassfield with a river is a lot more interesting to play on than several rooms connected by magical stairs that the enemies don't use.

It was the same in the tellius games, which also looked pretty bad so i dont know why people are acitng like this is new

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The map design is a huge negative. Battles too often became clusters of units brawling on an open field where big numbers prevailed.
But my personal least favorite thing about Awakening that makes it difficult to replay is how dual attacks worked. Random chance for an entire extra attack can make or break strategies, and I always wanted to be paired up because of how important high stats were. Reworking the mechanic into something with player agency in Fates single-handedly made Fates play much better for me.

Also ambush spawns are the devil

I'd probably have more hope if I liked Conquest.

Pokémon. The art and graphics are the only shitty thing we see with FE, but Pokémon's problems extend beyond that.

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Echoes' strengths were centered entirely around its presentation whereas Conquest had the best gameplay and map design out of the 3DS FEs. I was hoping Three Houses would be the best of both worlds, but it sounds more like a strange middle ground at this point. After learning what happened to Pokemon SnS, I have to wonder if I expected too much out of Nintendo's second party studios.

I did not even think the writing for Fates was that bad people just whined because Corrin wasn’t cooly mcbadass

Either this game going to sell well, and It'll keep pandering to oldfags and fujoshis or this game going to flop and IS might have to go back to appealing to the awakening crowd.

Either way Yea Forums going to be fun to watch when the number of sales for the game gets out.

Game Freak is a third party studio

>Dude, what if we made pokemon
>but made them bigger, like, gigantimax them!
>okay, but lets only do it for 1/5 of all pokemon
>yea, and fuck the graphics, lets set it in bongland!

Who's the fag huh? FE fans aren't anal rimming ISIS like Pokemon fans are to Gamefreak

>even Echoes left a better impression than Fates and Awakening.
I don't know fucking how, unless you play the games like they're VNs instead of strategy games. The maps and gameplay mechanics in Echoes were horrible and boring. The story was better than Fates, but that doesn't take much, and it was just bland and generic at best even then. Fates had terrible writing but the maps/gameplay was a lot of fun. Awakening was more middle of the road on everything, but competent and still enjoyable. People liking Echoes just strike me as people who disliked the current 3DS games and were wiling to eat up anything that seemed like it came from the older era. Good voice acting and presentation are literally the only pros of that game, and that's not good.

3H looks like it's garbage visually, but the gameplay sounds promising and possibly the story.

This can't be fucking real. They were too lazy to animate them flapping in place?

Anything LITERALLY anything better than otome shit

Pretty sure gliding has been their default animation since X/Y but it just looks embarrassing as an overworld behavior.

I just want Conquest with better writing. I liked everything about it but the abysmally retarded story. It'd be nice if the game didn't have to have a massive issue with visuals to compensate for an otherwise good game, but I'm somewhat hopefully 3H might be enjoyable with the newest footage and information.

You know what the worst thing about it is? I didn't even realize it until someone poiunted it out because i've become so conditioned to seeing static pokemon models. I mean say what you want about FE, but at least they're fucking trying.

What are the chances Death Knight is Lorenz from the future?

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IS is an embarrassment. They should outsource this shit to Banpresto.

>People liking Echoes just strike me as people who disliked the current 3DS games and were wiling to eat up anything that seemed like it came from the older era.
It honestly kinda is that way. Conquest maps were a huge disappointment. Very few of them rewarded efficiency and a lot of them were just "how to crack open this formation". Both go against strategy. Not to mention later maps being incredibly artifical in design. I really don't see what's so great about Conquest's maps. The only one I really liked was Takumi's harbor map.

>I really don't see what's so great about Conquest's maps.
Apparently people really, really love gimmicks.

Nah Paper Mario Color Splash looked really pretty despite that game's flaws, they are clearly capable of making good looking games. I think its Koei Techmo's fault.

But then again, the Tellius games also looked pretty bad.

>A lot of them were just how to crack open this formation

Ok? What’s wrong with that that is more strategic than ungabungaing through the map to kill the single jackass thief.

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Im in 100% denial they'd release the game looking like this. it looks like actual dog shit.

>cracking open a formation goes against strategy

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It's not that strategic if you only have to get one turn right. At least breaking through enemy lines for several turns requires you to think about some risk and rewards as you consider who can tank next, who to heal and who might survive a little bit of damage.
Take this map for example. While still being kinda easy even on hard in FE7, it gets pretty tough in 6 when you only have 1 (later 2) healers and enemies need 3-4 hits to die while rushing at you. On top of that you want to protect the bottom village quickly enough for an angelic robe and Rutger could potentially fuck you over if you don't handle him well.

Attached: file.png (480x272, 131K)

wow this looks like _fun

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Look at the people now hyped for it. If Nintendo has learned anything from the Wii U, it how to sell ice to an eskimo.

How can anyone defend this?

You complained about the wrong thing. If you wanted to complain about something, it should've been the shitty maps with the pots, or the staircase teleporters, or the one with the gusts of wind. Conquest really had some shitty maps, but not because of what you said. The shitty maps were the gimmicky ones that were simply annoying to beat and that Revelations doubled-down on.

is the problem that you guys preferred they stuck with the sprites or because it's all jaggy.

literally what is the fucking problem with this game? i played and loved the gba games and this looks absolutely fine for me. serious question

They both look good to me, Pokemon has the Ebony Queen Nessa and Fire emblem looks like it took some inspiration from Persona

I already mentioned staircases in another post and thought gusts goes without saying.

Yea Forums pretend they are above others, but reality is that they are all graphic whore
very rare you see people talking in depth about gameplay anymore, always how something looks

>from Persona
More like SMT

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i think he means the school and the calendar system
which is not exactly correct either


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Yeah if World War 1 sounds interesting to you, then I guess it could be something for you. But generally a simple tactic is enough for that. "Strategy" is more a long-term plan with some improvisation to achieve your goal. Tactics are part of a strategy.

It begs the question whether it'll be like Devil Survivor 2 where you can get everyone on one side if done right, especially on neutral, or more like SMT3 where you just kill the friends you don't like.