>team voice chat
>*dog barking loops through mic feedback until entire call is one giant amplified dog bark*
Team voice chat
>hear mom yelling in the background
>"WHAT!" amplified through the mic
>feel your heart jump
>friend had a kinect
>the built in microphone made you sound like you were underwater
>he'd yell at everyone in game chat that he was drowning while blasting this on the mic too
i'm not gonna watch an eight minute video just because this nigger did the chocolate rain song
I'm too tired for this, I'm laughing like an idiot
>police sirens in the background
>police sirens
>dogs barking
>Caso Cerrado theme playing
>vacuum cleaner
>baby crying
>join server
>girl in server
>muffled chocolate rain in the distance
>join server
this is me, sucks living on a main street
better than living on the outside of town in squalor with all the shitty neighbors
Alternatively :
Mic on:
Mic off.
>lose a match
>blow into the mic
>do it during the loading screen so no one can mute you
>mic spam in a game
>some faggot jerks him self off in game chat portraying himself as some god for muting micspam and even announcing he did it in the first place.
Everytime on Squad tryhard SL calls for mic check I just do my sluttiest sissy "Yes daddy" and wait to be kicked out or just total voip silence after that
faggot with a capital f
vocaroo now
I dont believe you
>muffled Hispanic woman yelling at something in the background
dogs suck shit
You fiend.
>Angry wife yelling in spanish at husband as he games
>Baby crying in spanish
>Vapes then coughs in spanish
This video still baffles me as it used to be posted as primo griefing as the guy was known to fuck with people with that "character" and nowadays it's a bunch of newfags yelling LMFAO CRINGE
>mic on
>*bong rip*
>mic off
>Baby crying
>Mom yelling in the background
>Washing machine trashing in the background
Me no speeko de toco bell!
Hahaha. That's funny.
so true
Actually it is.
Comedy is subjective my friend
Yeah, I know, lol
i feel sad for that guy
pretty much, you can always tell who's a fuckin spic online because their family members are always audible in their tiny pueblo huts
This picture freak me out. It make me think this guy is some form of blob thing that is trying force it's way into your body. Seriously, just imagine waking up to him on top of you and you start screaming. Using this as an advantage, he start oozing into your mouth killing you from inside out. Freaky
>The Underwater Song In Super Mario 64
>friend always has mic on
>tell him to please turn on push to talk
>flips shit on me
who was in the wrong here?
the joke starts 20 seconds in
*mic on*
*mic off*
You're missing out. No need to watch all 8 minutes of it.
>saying please
you for being a beta
Only reason he flipped his shit is because you asked nicely
Totally your bro, dude. Next time you're both surfin' the world wide whatever, don't rad it up with a total loser; make sure your BROHEIM can handle it ONLINE
>join 24/7 nuclear server
>equip holiday punch as heavy
>conga around
>micspam music off my phone into my laptop's shitty built-in mic
>Decide to try arena with some guy I met online via a smash thread
>I'm not that good so I use voice chat to hopefully learn something and shoot the shit with the guy
>He is actually fucking using it too
>Enter arena, the guy is just having too much fun already, just yucking it up
>He picks Bowser, I pick Pokemon trainer
>He starts laughing and calls me little turtle starts talking about whipping and Nae-naeing
>Finally get hit by one
>Apparently he calls the first part of the ground pound where you get launched upwards the whip
>And the second part where he actually ground pounds, the nae-nae
>He's fucking going hysterical at this point and it's throwing me off, I am getting horribly outplayed, he has a stock advantage and I'm on my last stock
>He's still going for whips and nae-naes, I launch him into the air and he ground pounds
>I shield and he starts howling with laughter and is yelling GET NAE-NAE'D
>My shield is demolished, this guy won't fucking stop laughing and screams out TIME FOR THE STANKY LEG!!! and fucking KOs my last stock advantage with a forward smash, the Bowser dropkick
>Right after he sounds like he is crying from laughter and says "Sorry bro, wife wants me to do some chores! See ya!"
>He just fucking dips
I'm fucking dumbfounded, this asshole was laughing so fucking hard at his own jokes. Are all Bowser players like this? What the hell is wrong with you?
it's a troll you retard
god i fucking love this one, i haven't seen it in a while