“Sony won e3 without even showing up”

Starting YESTERDAY, nintendo switch will have at least one EXCLUSIVE game almost every month
>cadence of hyrule
>super mario maker 2
>fire emblem three houses
>marvel ultimate alliance 3
>astral chain
>link’s awakening remake
>daemon x machina
>the best version of dragon quest 11
October does not have anything announced yet, but it is pretty obvious that luigi’s mansion 3 (which oozes with SOUL) will be happening during month
>pokemon sword and pokemon shield
That is 9 GAMES this year along with the previously released game
This list isn’t even counting all the unannounced things and multiplats like the smash dlcs and trials of mana, filling even more some months.
Why haven’t you joined the winning team, user?
And before you say anything about multiplats, xbox and pc can also play those games at better graphics, so the pisstation 4 versions are completely useless!
But don’t worry user, you can still “play” your exclusive “games” like TLo- oh sorry i meant SJW shit #6785489932347 right?

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> No Pikmin 4 news
Trash, also PS4 sold more

just make a containment board for all these underage consolewar kiddies already

Yea Forums is that containment board

Pokemon looks like it's going to be the most barren it's ever been though,
Everything else seems alright.

As a nintenbro, I'd like to give a tip of my hat to the xchads. It's nice to come together once a year as usual and celebrate gaming as a community. Plus, it provides some friendly competition! I'm glad we're able to show off what we have in the open, not afraid to back away and hide out of fear that we'll be mocked online.
Thanks for actually participating in E3!

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user I have bad news for you but we are on that board

snoygers would never stay on their own board, it's in their nature to signal their presence at all cost instead of playing games.

Should I post my upcoming PS4 games list to dab on OP?


mostly agreed but LM3 looks like SOULLESS canadian garbage just like the previous game

almost 100 million meanwhile 720p machine cant get a decent fucking non mario game

>nintendo switch will have at least one EXCLUSIVE game almost every month
>the best version of dragon quest 11
What did he mean by this?

We are on that board already fucknut. If you want real video game discussion go try /vg/


I mean Bloodborne was released long ago so that list would be very empty

Death stranding and Rise: son of chink are the only 2 I can think of

Sword and shield is shit though, they crossed the one line Pokefags thought they wouldn't dare cross again.

You clearly never visited /vg/ or think that discord drama counts as game discussion.

remember when the only gimmick was shiny

There is seriously no xbox game that interests me in the slightest. Not worth the money at all. Ps4 has the best exclusives of any console

>Death Stranding
>TLoU 2
>Nioh 2
>Ghost of Tushima
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Catherine Fullbody
>Trails of Cold Steel 3
>Project Sakura Wars
>Aegis Rim

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Yep im thinking sony won.

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You Xturds are one to talk, fuck, if you've bought a PC in the last 4yrs, EVERY fucking XBOX game is now on it.. why do you have a xbox again tard?

>want to discuss games like astral chain and BOTW2 speculation
>all the fans can do is console war and spam waifufaggotry

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>Should I post my upcoming PS4 games list to dab on OP?
Where do I go to check that? Netflix.com?

Nooooooooooooo! You can post actual games stop ruining my thread

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Retards, ps4 launched back in 2013 switch in 2017, already sold 20mil in just two years.

Buckle up snoyfags a literal table is gonna beat your ass.

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Why do you pretend like there's any discussion to be had?

all shit


IN THIS YEARS!!?? Check again.

im smiling because all the good games never get ported to 720p toaster
enjoy your homosexual plumber and twinko autist

Didn't we have an entire day's worth of treehouse streams? Why can't the fans talk about that at least, instead of having every thread devolve into which waifu they'd fug? I refuse to even touch Astral Chain just because of the stupid waifu children. Same reason why I hate Splatoon, Xenoblade, Smash Brothers, and pretty much any nintendo game with a sexy woman in it. I can no longer tolerate that degeneracy.

It sold 32 million in 2 years, not 20.

Name a good xbox game.

All those games look like shit. Yawn. t. pcbro

>Exclusive 60$ indie-tier games

Except Pokemon, but that's fucking up via dev lazyness


also Dreams and Predator: Hunting Grounds

You didn't need an entire paragraph to let us know you're gay

Half of those aren't exclusive

All of those aren't on Switch & Xbox