XIV Advanced jobs confirmed


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Other urls found in this thread:


And for Rogues too. Cool seeing we can turn into an Oracle of Light instead of shitty ninjas

why do people willingly choose to listen to the cheap knockoff dub

Those are just NPC jobs, you porchmonkey.


Not in a million years bro

It's NPC unique stuff. Alphy can use carby and Minfilia has 20s TA.

Oracle of Light class seems neater thwn being a ninja

let me believe

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>20 TAs
It's like they want everyone to swap waifus

Yawn. People are still playing this XI rip off?

You mean Japanese? It sounds so fucking bland compared to English from 3.0 and on.

>Nerfed Minfilia's tits

Men already swapped to cunnyfilia when she was first shown

This is my wife.

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Don't reply to subfags. They're too far gone.

It's sad that if Ninja was called literally any other class it would be beloved, Because the word ninja has become so in turned with naruto and faggot weebs it's universally seen as cringe

If instead of being called Ninja it was called like BANDIT or NIGHT WALKER Ninja would be one of the most loved classes in the game

In some ways I feel you, it was fun to upgrade to your main job in RO. At least before all the extra shit was added on.

Academician is probably the First's version of SCH, like how the WoDs had Devout, Magus, Knight, and Ranger. Y'shtola's also confirmed as a Witch and not a BLM.

How long until live letter?

Why doesn't your wife use AOE weaponskills?

Nah, bro
We're getting both Titfilia and Teenfilia

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That live letter today was a bit lacking tbqhwy.....

Not him, but I fucking hate the mudra garbage from NIN, I liked the aethetics of Rogue way better. Same shit with Pugilist.

Shut the fuck up you goddamn dork.

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It was very bright though.

Wear the Arachne set as THF gear and then headcanon your mudras as thaumaturgy that your character has implemented into their thief skillset.

less than 2 hours

>Novice welfare tabard and not the superior original version from Sastasha
Your wife is dumb

That's gay as fuck

As a BRD main I know how you feel

I don't want to give my party buffs or help them in anyway
I just want to sit back and shoot my poison and wind damage overtime

I just want to be a fucking Archer

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>use LB asap
>won't dodge aoes and ignore mechanic to focus on dps
>won't use diversion i order to maximize dps
>depending on how looting works, might roll greed/need on loot

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NIN or DRG? which is more fun?

5:00 pdt

You have to be a fucking retard to believe they would EVER allow us any degree of character customization after their decisions so far

Minfilia has the Rogue icon with "Oracle of Light" as her class in that very same image too.

>night walker

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MNK already had shit like Arm of the Destroyer and Howling Fist long before they got an explicit Chakra mechanic
They've always been the Fist of the North Star class

I'm gonna say it!

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Nobody's turning me away from my cinnamon roll

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NIN is pretty fun.

Your wife joins your tamtara leveling roulette, runs ahead of the tank and gives you this look, what do you do?

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Snipped this from the test stream

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They said that she will cancel limit break in order to dodge aoes then try again


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Whats this Live Letter going to show?

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Live letter at 6 PM EST/3 PM PDT, right?

Man, I wish XIV's lightning engine didn't hate our characters' faces so much.

Stop posting ugly thots

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I give her some eggs and ask her to put her makeup back on.

>use LB asap
isn't that optimal though
>might roll greed/need on loot
she lives with me so we share gear

I don't even bother anymore. Subfags have rotted brains where they think listening to words they don't understand and treat like BGMs are preferably to even high quality VO. Have you ever wondered why subfags can never pronounce Japanese words properly even though they claim to listen to it constantly? Its because their tiny brains don't actually care about the audio they are listening to.

Man! She’s cute! Who is this beautiful female?

>we'll be covering information regarding battle content, the Trust system, adjustments to the Disciples of Hand and Land, and more!

can't use what doesn't exist anymore

What the fuck is the point of adding in a Squall/Seifer job? everyone fucking wanted GARLEAN job everyone wanted a GARLEAN gunblade, nobody wanted squalls gunblade.

This shit is so fucking dumb.

Tony's redemption arc?

Then why is Thancred listed as "Gunbreaker" instead of some unique shit too? Check mate.

>Light aspected DRK knights confirmed
>Get White Knights

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i suppose when you never leave Yea Forums, the various Yea Forums threads are EVERYONE

>waiting on cucked translations
>not just watching anime and reading manga as it comes

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Squalls gunblade uses gunpowder for attacks only, Gunbreaker uses aether for attack/defense/support. Learn the difference.

It tells you on your clie--oh wait, of course you don't play the game. I almost forgot where I was.

>Naoki Yoshida as a Trust
Holy fucking based. Wouldn't he be a BRD though?

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This game is 90% trannies and furries user

You actually think we'll ever get to larp as nazi's?
Never ever senpai

Devout is a superior WHM, Magus is a superior BLM, ranger is a completely different job than BRD (imagine bard but more unto offense than support) and academic/academician doesn't really exist, it's probably just the french for scholar.

We'd probably get this job change, for example conjurer > white mage > devout if this game didn't die in 1.0 though current WHMs are already devouts as they can use holy already which is a devout skill.


Don't stop responding to this bait everyone. This is a Hrothgar-friendly community

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People think of the big dumb anime revolver-swords first when you say "gunblade."

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They're different jobs from the First you idiot. It's not just French, that's the English client and you can go look at the job trailer to see what the French name for Scholar is.

fuck off furfag, nobody likes you

He'd be a BLM in slutglam.

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We're not getting anymore battle content.

What's the minimum ping you need to double weave? Is 80 doable?

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nice shitty toddler retarded tater tot you got there fagsicle gaylick

>watching anime
I don't watch anime, I only read manga. If I do watch anime, it tends to be subbed because mecha isn't popular in the west. But when it is dubbed, yeah, I watch it dubbed.

garleans literally did nothing wrong

if the warrior of light didn't exist all of eorzea would be fucking dead already

Don't talk to Yoshida like that


why is your ping so high?

>they cannot unsubscribe if they do not subscribe in the first place

>trusts will roll on loot
oh boy, I sure can't wait to have a rare minion or orchestrion scroll drop only to get out rolled by Urianger

You're absolutely right. Fuck Hrothgars and their shitty "technology". They actually stole Garlean gunblades and tried to reverse engineer them but were to dumb to even place an opening for the bullet. The vibrations are just the gunblade's inner mechanics getting completely wrecked.

Clearly he's not a commiefornian

Don't insult YoshiP.

I can double weave on NIN with 86ms

I play with 180 and cleared savage.

>tfw Yoshi visited my server yesterday during E3 to chat and do jump puzzles
Why is he so based, bros?

Furries dabbing on nazis. This is /mlpol/ all over again.

>oh wait, of course you don't play hoopdoopdedoop hurbbbbblblblblbl pfpffpfpfppftffhphphphfphf *spit-bubbles*
You put in more effort to be an asshole than you would have just by answering me, bravo user

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>be left out of Battle of the Big Keep battle because dudes just ran in, and weren't willing to wait out the cutscene
>still won the Enkidu minion Need roll

I honestly doubt it, just on the simple fact that Garleans would have to take black shroud, and deal with the elementals who would constantly fuck with them so hard that it would drain Gralens of all their resources

Elementals are worse of a threat than primals

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Garleans can just bomb the Shroud from the air and let the Elementals slaughter Gridania for them, like they did in 1.0.

Don't worry he will treat her fine in your place.


He was still with SE at E3.

>the only time yoshi plays his game is to run around in circles

How the fuck do you guys set up hotbars? I haven't had too much trouble until recently, when I started to bring my PLD up to 70. I'm at 64 now and literally don't have the space for all this stuff. Any ideas/examples/inspo? What keys do you bind?

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Part of me is disappointed, though SB didn't turn out super great, I liked the fact that it was mostly a more grounded story than ShB will be.

Everybody just needs to take their hormones. People are only angry about some stupid shit someone else is doing whenever I look in these threads.

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are there any quarterstaff-looking weapons for drg?
thinking of trying to make a dragon monk look-a-like

Voidsents eat elementals. They're only a threat to humans, though the area tends to die out if elementals go away.

>Enter First World
>Hear screaming
>An NPC named "Tony" gets killed by a sin eater

Why do you fucking brainlet niggers expect to have a Garlean job? Do you know who the fucking bad guys are?

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I have literally spent years setting up my HUD. But I would just find someone's to copy from the internet.

The Elementals were greatly weakened by the Calamity user, before that yeah they were ridiculous niggers who drove even the highly advanced gelmorrans into hiding underground

Now though they're super weak and lots of quests are based around the fact they can't really do much anymore

What sound technician will YoshiP murder today?

im ready for creator raubahn ultimate

I mean, they can't just nuke the world
To control land they actually have to somehow govern it or else elezen are just going to keep rising up from their Gelmoran graves each time they get fire bombed

Constant looming threat unless Garleans are willing to actively subjugate the peoples

I use the `/~ key beside 1 so I can easily press 6 buttons from `-5 before pressing shift and alt.

I keep four hotbars up. Top-most is dedicated to Limit Break, readily-accessible role actions like Rampart or Diversion, mount, emotes, and [1] target-icon, and all the rest go towards however my autism demands my skills should go.

>tfw "savage" lions were more technologically advanced than pre-magitek superior race

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I'm the opposite, I'm really sick of the "muh realism" that has infested the RPG genre lately, mainly thanks to Skyrim and later reinforced by W3.

Well Shad is the expansion for you then.

>Lardmage tricks working on pure condensed smug and bantz

Pugil stick

The Gelmorrans fucking hated the elementals and fought wars against them if anything their ghosts would help the garleans if it meant killing their oppressors

I resubbed earlier this week to catchup for shadowbringers, and it's actually amazing how little real post launch content stormblood had.

the story part of the patches is barely an hour long and I had to check the wiki to make sure I didn't miss any dungeons because theres so little.

Why does google chrome have garlean symbols?

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12345qwertf mouse4 and 5 all bound with abilities and Ctrl/Shift modifiers for the same hotkeys on bars 2 and 3

God, she's the best. She would definitely make fun of useless party members with you.

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You mean crystal tower ultimate

Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?

It doesn't really have anything to do with SB imo. Any growth in subs or preorders is due to PREVIOUS expansions that have spread or enhanced hype for future expansions. Also, BFA didn't happen yet.

Years of experimenting until I found something comfortable for me.

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Should I play Summoner/Scholar or should I level Gunbreaker?

Why can Dancers fight?

> want to create a Hrothgar
> plate armor looks absolutely atrocious
cloth, robes and leather look fine but any piece of plate or fully closed armor is stretched beyond belief
guess im sticking to Highlander


Actually the cool thing I learned recently is remember the first boss against the squid guy?
Galvanth was actually the Gelmorran King

So technically a lot of the dead Duskwights that were left behind in Gelmorra might be fucked abominations of Cthulu worshipers

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Whatever you like more.

I can understand that too, it's just not my personal preference. One thing I like about when Matsuno has a hand in things is he usually manages to create a compelling story without resulting to placing maguffins and other deus ex machina things entirely at the forefront. That is, of course, until he reaches the final act of whatever it is he's writing and needs something to nicely tie up everything in a neat package.

It's no question however that writing in for a world that's not bound entirely by mundane laws is easier than otherwise, and I'd much rather a great story that leans on those things than a so-so story that follow clear and certain logic.

But user, have you completed Baldesion Arsenal yet?

What, don't have an answer to debunk my logic? Who's the stupid one then?

Dancers in FF are fighters that use dance moves.

You may accept this roll, or defy it, but you cannot deny it.

Anti-rape self-defense techniques

>just did 4.2 story
>Alphinaud and Hien want to talk logistics
>Hien kicks Alisae out, saying she needs "rest" and would be "bored" inside
>insists that I go "entertain" her
>Alphinaud agrees and says I need to go impregnate his sister ASAP
>get cockblocked by Asahi
Fuck that little fagboy.

>I mean, they can't just nuke the world
They can't, since that's bad for the environment. Gassing them is better and leaves infrastructure intact

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The Lambs of Dalamud just summoned a mindflayer into Galvanth's corpse. Mindflayers and succubi use corpses as vessels to move into our world, and succubi even take on personality traits of the corpse they inhabited.

>Ravana's "Chandrahas!" is missing from the eng dub
oh I know exactly the place for that localization

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Was BfA really the nuke that people made it out to be? I had friends that played it for about a year after release, only to eventually come back to XIV. I can't imagine them sticking with it so long if it were really that terrible, unless they simply wanted to avoid my smug expression on their return.

One of the options when we meet her again better be to hug her tight.

Why can you not?

there's zero reason for a catchup player to go through the entire eureka clusterfuck

the reason why i love BRD is because other than doing your main job, you have a lot of utility
palisade, mp and tp, buffs, etc
same goes for paladin who has many ways to reduce party members damage and even heal when shit goes south

many older dances were also forms of martial arts

What's the best way to refresh on the story before ShB drops? It's been so many years since ARR and HW

You and your baseless bullshit, Billy.

Are there any other proc and priority system based DPS besides red mage? I really just don't find 123 145 combo rotations compelling at all

Based Hien

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> tfw doing ultimate with 180
painful but doable

Shadowbringers is going to be the peak of FFXIV. The next expansion after it will fail to meet expectations.

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there's a book in the inn

BRD has that in spades.

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>should I tank, heal or DPS?
clean your room. sort yourself out.

so is there any chance we're getting a 20% off pre-order deal before launch?

The Ascians?

I we *really* sure Yda is dead?

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>not knowing of the dancing that’s also fighting moves
Capoeira would like to have a word with you

Play with controller. Believe me. Suddenly the combat becomes more interesting. Playing with a KB+M bores me to tears. This game was 100% designed to have fun with controllers.

not a signel expansion actually met anyones expectations, it's been the same game since 2.0 with reduced content.

rare tater-thot

I still want to see it. There's suppose to be quite a few runs for new players in the next two weeks, but so far my impression of the raid leaders who run them seems to be that about half are decent people, and the loudest of the bunch tends to be high and mighty "worship me because I chose to drag you waste of air newbies through this place I have on farm" kind of people. I would honestly attempt to recruit for it myself at this point if 56 people even setting foot into the place wasn't a nightmare in itself.

Anyone been lagging like fucking crazy recently?

3 hotbars is all you need
1-5, alt+1-5, shift+1-5
you can and should use Q, E, R, F and G and their Alt variations


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Dunno, how is your dead game going?


>WoL directly interacting with NPCs
lalafell limitations please understand

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The Garlean Empire was founded by ASCIANS you fucking schmuck

mega beamu

>closer and closer to final climax
>is going to be worse
2 more expansions and then you can say that.

Doubt it.

People missed out when Amazon was selling Shadowbringers for $20 for like a day only.

That would be a hell of a twist.

If I didn't hate leveling so fucking much I'd have no issue doing all 3 roles, none of them are hard in this game. I think I'm probably just going to continue with arcanist because going from 60-70 before starting the new expansion sounds miserable

Level cap squish, like item squish. Honestly would be a good decision.

wtf I love dia- eureka now

DRG is 01234567850 on repeat but has a priority based system when it comes to GCDs. Otherwise you're looking at SAM or BRD/MCH. MCH is losing its reliance on procs next expansion though.

>lyse is still going to be pestering us in SHB

>Next expansion is taking the crown of Garlean Empire and every quest is about taking over the land because you felt betrayed by all the piece of shit Eorzeans who took advantage of you and made you do fetch quests

Would you buy it?

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Please stop this.

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am i a bad person if i jump to DRK
im still maining tanks like i always have but PLD and WAR got boring and gunbreaker doesn't look that interesting

That's in the first, it's the hoodlum outside the fatcat town so it's impossible for that to be Yda unless she learned how to travel through shards before we did.

>We can't have nice things because of lalajews
Day of the frier when?

>finishing quests
>about 3 am, dark as fuck
>this happens
No lie I got scared.

I don't know anything about WoW, so you'd best ask in one of their threads.

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That beast race can hug her feet or something

It's not like they worship the fuckers, even Varis is obviously plotting to get rid of them eventually. If they really didn't want people to like/sympathize with the Garleans, why did they bother introducing the Populares as the "good" Garleans?

"i don't like it so it's not new content"

>being this much of a weeb

Dragoon bros, how fucked are we? Haven't looked at any of the changes.

They're considering it literally because "new players see the very high levels and think it will take forever to reach there which is bad for business".

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thanks for the input. I currently have 1-5, QERTFZXCVB, 2 mouse buttons and shift+all. Appreciate the suggestions.
I do this too, I have tilde bound to sprint for some reason but that's staying.
How the hell do people press ctrl+anything? I unbound that shit in 2.X because my hand was screaming in pain.
Alt is more like it. Will consider.

that's still not enough for max level NIN if you want to play it properly and not click anything, I absolutely detest clicking anything on my bars, even stuff that's a 90 second+ cooldown, I don't have much of an issue on other jobs but NIN is so fucking bloated it's ridiculous, the bare minimum for frequently pressed buttons is 10, then there's almost 10 minute+ cds on top of that, then at least 5 or 6 utility abilities that are nice to have access to

Play whichever tank you want and stop giving so much of a fuck about what other people think if you're going to be DRK.

Even XIV would've benefited from this. We should've never leveled above 50, and instead spent all the additional resources on developing new jobs instead. Perhaps make some improvements or tweaks to existing jobs to make them flow better, but leave them mostly the same.

Every expansion, we give jobs a couple of new tools which only serves to fuck up the way they play and throw job balance into chaos again, requiring us to start from square one to fix everything. If we left every job static for the most part beyond egregiously bad ones (Like SB MCH), we could have five or six new jobs every expansion that would slowly be better tuned to balance out with the initial ones.

Does Asashi do his weird lean/kneel thing at the end of 4.2 if you aren't a Lala?

>thinking ffxi is dead

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It's getting even more simpler, but if potencies remains the same it's going to be very strong.

Read that again, he's saying that the English is better

how do people create these models and where is the lala porn

Time to genocide all Lala's then. I need to hug her, feel her budding breasts pushing against me while I inhale her scent.

If only the Field Commander coat could be dyeable, it might come close Solus clothes

>How the hell do people press ctrl+anything
multibutton mmo mouse

This picture fucking disgusts me
>2 furries
>Heal slut
>Another heal slut
>3 retarded lalashits

I want to be a garlean so fucking bad

>Cucking yourself out of actors of stage and theater because they don't scream out their attacks like in your shounen anime
I'm very sorry your brain is like this

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People just want to be mad here.

Same finger I use to press shift, only move it slightly lower. Maybe get a better keyboard? Mouse buttons help a lot too.


Not in the slightest, we get a Jump upgrade, third step to AoE combo, Impulse Drive removed (Disembowel now chains off of True Thrust), THY FINAL VERSE IS SUNG jump while in Nastrond, Blood for Blood is a straight damage-up, Heavy Thrust was completely removed and its damage-up is now tied to Disembowel. DRG got streamlined but not destroyed or anything.

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that seems a weird line of reasoning
DRK's changes are just ogcd spam with fel-cleave lite
that said, do what you want

>How the hell do people press ctrl+anything?
I bound control and shift to MMO mouse buttons.

There's 4 different sidestories with raids/trials in them alongside the main story though. Plus Eureka which is massive, and the Ultimate fights.

SB had a lot more patch content than HW.

Makes sense. Those the ones with the fucking whole numpad on the side? I'm impressed if people can hit those precisely.

>log into jueno on leviathan
>2 people crafting

Is this loss?

Why do you have the mini-map with your hot bars? I've seen similar setups and it makes me wonder if I've been under-utilizing my mini-map.

>english thunder god
>says a almighty "and now the scales will tip" fit of his stature

>japanese thunder god
>suddenly goes full shonen with a westaboo "baransu breaku"

The game was already far too simple and they removed all the complexity from the healers, scholar lost any interesting dps decisions and is reduced to 2111111, I'm not resubbing to that crap.

I like this Lala

Jesus Christ, are those cats minimum height? Or are male Miqo'te that much taller than them?

Anyone else getting stoned and going to watch this live letter? God bless California.

It's not just that. Stat squish is an inevitability and if levels keep rising you're looking at 100+ of repetitive levels where nothing fucking happens and your stats raise by increments of 1, if that. Hundreds of levels only work if you have a long-term system in place, like being able to prestige, like Paragon levels in Diablo. Anything else is just plain retarded, especially in a game like WoW where the only thing that matters is end game.

I legit hope that when they do the already confirmed stat squish in 6.0 for XIV, they squish levels too.

How come so many wowfugees are coming to this game? I thought wow players hated weeb stuff?

you get used to it really fast. I recommend the logitech brand. Only $25

Eng dubs usually have a lot of soul. There are very few games and anime where the dub is worse than the original.

They do, luckily they have the English dub to listen to.

Kill yourself

I wonder what gave him that scar

You forgot only needing 2 eyes to open Life of the Dragon and Spineshatter not granting Dive Ready, meaning you just need two High Jumps to start the Nastrond spam.

Will it? Raiden Thrust feels very underwhelming. Its the final follow up after Fang and Claw/Wheeling Thrust but is weaker than both of them and has no positional bonus.

>The game was already far too simple
Because you play the simple role aka green DPS.

it's a temporary flood
they're coming for a raid treadmill instead of a FF game
they'll go back to grind their titanfaggotry soon enough

Is there any nuance to when houses become purchasable? I’m fucking sick of botting this shit for days I want to play the game again.

WoW is just doing that poorly. I've tried getting a few friends into the game but they're hardcore WoW fans who retch when they see all the catgirls.

Didn't he have to civil war against a bunch of other fuckers for the throne
It was probably from that.

>english thunder god
>rewrite by a boomer who thinks he's better than the actual writers

>japanese thunder god
>what he actually says

They'll leave once they get all the world firsts and see how easy it is compared to WoW.

What if I don't have enough fingers to press all the buttons? Did the class become any easier for tards like me?
Of all the classes in this game, dragoon is the hardest for me to play because I feel like I have to weave to many ocds between skills, which is kind of hard for me to do because I lack a couple of fingers

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hell ya mayne finna get turnt and pull out the jolly ranchers and nyquil

As opposed to a more complex role, like...?

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I hate you

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This, honestly. We aren't living in the early 2000s anymore.

judging by how much he hated Solus, I'd say Solus gave him that scar.

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But Koji is an actual writer and sits next to the Japanese writers.

There are honestly too many where that is the case because they've pick up literal whos off the street who think they're good. Dubs that have actual actors in them are great. The usual roundup of shit we have for anime aren't.

Good. Fuck WoWfaggots. I don't want Blizzdrones shitting up my comfy game.

>scholar lost any interesting dps decisions
Nigga, the only decision you had to do as a SCH that you lost was to blow up every ED stack before aetherflow cooldown reached 45s. Everything else is the same.

add whatever is left of "1" on your keyboard and extra mouse buttons if you have
the " ` " key for example is very accessible and not many people use it

>Its the final follow up after Fang and Claw/Wheeling Thrust
Isn't it just a buff to the first step of your next combo? I was pretty sure it's not a 6th step because it replaces another ability while active.


>WoWtards getting into the game
WoWtards are so fucking stupid they literally do not know how to sign into the launcher

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>rewrite by a boomer who thinks he's better than the actual writers

It's not only WoWrefugees. Other MMO people are coming too. Bless Online is shutting down, Wildstar closed their doors, Skyship is going down, Tera merged to 1-2 servers because of how dead it is, etc.

stop mentioning that part, it's really hard to shitpost epic-style when you don't let him lie his ass off

>Will it?
While it's quite underwhelming keep in mind that all potencies were buffed.

Yo, where the Seekers of the Sun women at?

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miqote belong to Hrothgar chads

>This is your brain on JP dub

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Static Leader Monk


Guide already exists, you can see for yourself how rotations look for you.

We don't know what it replaces but you become "Raiden Thrust ready" when you land the positionals of FC and WT. True Thrust and Vorpal Thrust are being buffed by a trait so it doesn't make sense for Raiden to replace them.

Only thing that belongs to them is cock.

More like Hrothgar virgins lmao.

>slurp i love japanese dick so much oh my god
Go back to erping on /xivg/.

Do you have mouse buttons? I like having the hotbar broken into sections. 1-5, QER, M4 M5, and shift or ctrl as modifiers. I have markers off to the side on a small bar. Normally I don't have anything bound to Y but BLM is a special case.

Attached: blmhotbar.png (744x229, 393K)

Yeah but so were the potencies of all the other jobs. Its hard to tell right now. But Raiden Thrust has less potency than current, pre-piercing debuff removal, Wheeling Thrust.

We know that Raiden Thrust replaces True Thrust from the media tour videos.

Yes, it's dumb considering TT got a buff.

I use shift, ctrl, and alt 1 through = because I use pic related.

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yes Hrothgar cock, I said that.


As I said, subfags have rotted brains. Just leave them alone.

It's useful when there are markers set up for an encounter and/or when you have to do mechanics relative to the cardinal directions.

Are Ishgardians Wildwoods or Duskwights?

Y-yakob? Is that you?

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They're Ishgardian. It's considered a different subrace.

Why are dub listeners so insecure? There's a weird inferiority complex they have that I can't really understand. You can listen to the dub if you want to.

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Only gay furries are playing the cats for more than a day.


they're the closest to Ilsabardian elezens

Contrarianism does strange things to people.

The LL stream started. I guess tony ain't dead yet.

stream is up again (on nicovideo)

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Literally "Ishgardian Elezen" but for game purposes they're all wildwood models. Same deal as Othardian roegadyn being huge hyurs in shape and facial features (Gosetsu) but any actual Othardian roes we see are Hellsguard

They're both and neither. It's like asking if Domans are midlanders, mechanically yes they are because the devs didn't expend resources to make minor differences to hume, lorewise, they're not.

>playing a race where the hair is tied to your face
>all the hairs you have collected are now useless

Yeah fuck off.

>Get btfo
>Make a simpering, targetless appeal to nobody in particular

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They're their own thing

Wildwoods are like a mixed fucked race, they have retard blood in them I think

And Duskwights are pure chads

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Because xiv players are insecure, just look at any of these threads. People have fucking anxiety attacks leading a 4-man pack in a fucking video game.

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seething tranny

Now that FFXIV surpassed 1 million subs and FFXIV got as big of cheer as FF7Remake at E3, maybe Square Enix will finally invest more money into the game or at the very least the marketing for the future.

huh? thought it wasn't for an hour

I never change my hair anyway.

Alisaie is cute, CUTE!

They're keeping him to convert his body into a vessel for Uematsu's soul.

Place your bets on who the new sound guy will be.

>tfw can't breed translator-chan

We're not retarded enough to listen to a language we don't understand while poorly being written.


My bad, I was expecting the game to do something so unintuitive.

Theyre taking no chances with the sound this time lmao

How long does the fully upgraded zodiac questline take? Like 1st weapon all the way to zodiac zeta

>Be insecure
>Assume everyone is attacking you in particular

They're now starting to test 2 hours before, so sound shit doesn't happen again.

XIV funds are 100% going to be going into the FF7 remake

>calls others insecure
>can't even quote someone
Rotted brain.

You can easily do it in less than a week. Book step is the longest because you have to wait for FATEs to spawn.

Master/servant play with Alisaie and Alphie!

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but what if someone judges me

You're somehow insinuating SE makes logical decisions. They're probably one of the biggest wildcards in the industry. Back when TR2013 sold millions they said they were disappointed by its sales and that was one of the decisions that led to the sequel being a timed XBONE exclusive. They also recently dumped Hitman despite it doing well.

What would you even need 4 full hotbars for? I also have a G600 but only use Ctrl amd Shift

>muh insecurity
Get over yourself, failed weeb

It took me a week

It's less the time and more suppressing the boredom of doing it.


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Honestly would be a good change. We complain about 2.x here but I genuinely can't imagine new players being able to stomach 100+ levels of collecting boar asses to get to the point where they are actually going to see other players.

Stop feeling bad for listening to what you want. There's really nothing wrong with it, you don't have to lash out at people.

Has Tony been redeemed?

Why is he so perfect?

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how to make insecure dublets oust themselves in one singular post

>don't miss the beginning

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Isn't a Whitemage already a advanced job?

But in most of the world listening to dubbed media is only for children. Is this just an American thing?

Who's tony

No one is saying you can't listen to what you want. I'm saying the reasons for your preference is deeply rooted in your low IQ. Are you saying there is something wrong with being retarded? Retards are people too.

We're bringing it back.

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I've been hearing for fucking years that Square Enix is making a shitton of money off FFXIV yet the game is literally held together by sweat and spit and every new content has like a dozen corners cut.

Wtf is square using all the profits from FFXIV on? Because it damn sure isn't the game itself

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He's not
Shut the fuck up, He's a fucking white bread nothing character that exists just to tell the protag what a cool guy he is

Fuck off

This entire dumbass line of conversation began with a GRORIOUS NIPPON fag lashing out at people listening to dubs in the first place, you colossal fucking mouthbreather.

Don't argue in bad faith, you know it's more varied than that. 100 boar asses, 100 hellfire boar asses, 100 sickly boar asses, 100 fishboar asses...

He's an Elezen, it's in his genes.

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lmao no, almost every job played like absolute shit at level 50

>There will be a ranking system for the Ishgard restoration. He used the feast as an example and said there will be seasons for it. To avoid the same top tier players from dominating it every season, they designed it so you can graduate and be done with it after you are rewarded for being top** a single time. (note: Alts............)
>Those who want rare titles and flashy primary tools will need to level their jobs first and then have the perfect gear and materia and then challange extremely difficult recipes.

There are people posting in THIS VERY THREAD who don't know that crafting is the true end game and will finally be treated as such. How are you preparing for Ishgard (Ultimate) bros?

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The sound guy. May he rest in peace.

So are the fat miqote's in Eulmore being fattened up to be fed to the lightscent?

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They don't. Everyone gets a free level boost when they buy the game.

I just want Edenkino as soon as possible bros

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Americans are too stupid to listen to the words and read at the same time.


>My Miqo'te has the perfect shade of brown skin
>Viera can't have it
For being THE brown race, they have pretty shit selection

>holy boys
>the tard and his wrangler

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It's been a hot minute since I've seen the version that wasn't a cheap Alphinaud recolor

My translator can't be this cute!

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I need thick Lalafell pornography please

Sound engineer who fucked up during the last Live Letter and wasted an hour. He was presumed executed by Yoshida after that.

Imagine unironically buying a story skip for both ARR and HW.

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Softening the trainwreck money pit that was 15

Damn these threads come and go at the speed of sound blizz and wow historically btfo for the rest of time.

It's time to feel what eqfags, wowfags.

I put all my miscellaneous stuff there such as hunt rank and locations, numbering, my squadron bar, macros for pvp such as nodes being up soon and go here, my /pet and /hug macro for lalas, and macros to tell my group and/or alliance they're bad when they fuck up.

Nobody is judging you, it's for your ears alone. I'm telling you there is absolutely nothing wrong with the English dub.

we live in a reality where money earned =/= money spent on game

Every dollar FF14 makes goes into FF7

It was FF15, then KH3, now it's FF7 Remake

God I want Alisaie to force her self upon me in that maid outfit.

What do Elezen women smell like. Please we need to contact Koji and ask.

FF15 and then FF7R

Pugil stick is the only option unless you want to shell out cash for a sun wukong stick

any reason to sub rite now?

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and yet he didn't even know that naming the goblin faction to illuminati for no reason would fuck him over

or that khloe was named kuro because they already had planned a sister for her.

all koji does is remove other peoples writing from the game, I laugh everytime I see english lore discussion on ff14 because half the shit they talk about isn't even in the JP script.

>Male Viera fag are STILL crying on Twitch chat
Man, this is worse than Smash rosterfaggotry

Alisaie/Alphinaud edits are a disgrace and an insult to both characters.

XV's retarded pre-release campaign, especially the stupid public events like the release date reveal (and the game got delayed in the end).

Other than the new expansion in two weeks you mean?

I recognize that cropped image!

On that subject,
>tfw no amalj'aa/bangaa/mamool ja bf
>tfw no playable amalj'aa/bangaa/mamool ja

They had a chance to add an actually interesting playable race in bangaa but instead we got fucking viera (which I like but are nowhere near my favorite Ivalice race). I hate this fucking timeline.



I don't see how you can argue that sub is better than dub. The dub literally has more soul and feeling into it. JP is just generic JP lines you hear everywhere.

1 2 3 4
Alt, Shift, Ctrl modifiers for each
You now have 48 keybinds

If you are caught up, no. If you aren't, then yes, catch up now. Also, there is a Gold Saucer event.

I'm using a controller as pld am I going to be considered trash?

>and yet he didn't even know that naming the goblin faction to illuminati for no reason would fuck him over
That was an intentional choice because Americans don't know what the Black Hand is and wouldn't get the joke.
>or that khloe was named kuro because they already had planned a sister for her
There's literally nothing fucking wrong with Kuro and Shiro being translated to Khloe (Kuroi) and Zhloe (Shiroi). Did you want them to be called Whitey and Blacky, nigger?

but like is there anything to do besides msq to prepare for it?

funny accent mean SOUL

Any reason to post your Barbie?


But all those games did worse than FFXIV.

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Nowhere near you

>That was an intentional choice because Americans don't know what the Black Hand is and wouldn't get the joke.
Americans learn about the Black Hand though? And western games reference it all the time. That's like saying Europeans wouldn't know what the Illuminati is.

I didn't
I got the game 2 weeks ago and I finished all of a ARR and going through HW right now
The faggot twins don't do anything in the game
They just look at you and go

Everything about the scion storyline is fucking gay

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Don't try to understand, just execute orders

Saw something a few weeks ago about Ifrit and other primals becoming trusts. Was that a real thing or fake?

>funny accent and shit delivery = SOUL XD

why does a game with this much potential have to ruin it by
1. having boring combat and class design
2. being extremely derivative rather its own unique FF
3. be filled to the absolute brim with psycho transexuals

Working on my gatherers so I can get rich selling by overpriced HQ material to elf fetishists.

Those are the arguments of a sub brainlet. A true dub chad acknowledges that the most transcendental quality is the fact that you understand the words being said and can recognize the tone and inflections used in each word instead of listening to what amounts as musical background queues while you read a lower third.

>here's literally nothing fucking wrong with Kuro and Shiro being translated to Khloe (Kuroi) and Zhloe (Shiroi).
You know aside from "Zhloe" not being a real name and sounding retarded.

>Shanoah was part of Alexander
>Alpha and part of Omega
Could Gremlin-kun be part of Eden?

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>intelligent business decisions
they have almost gone under how many times? They also have tons of flops. it's hubris

He became what he must

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If this game gets too popular then the twitch ecelebs will switch over. Think about it. FFXIV hardly has a presence on Twitch. Now is the best time for a streamer to come in and take the monopoly position for the game like how Ninja did for Fortnite.

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i come and go like my fist of wind, user!

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Watching for tony, i hope he fuck up the stream because that was more fun than the stream itself

Isn't that one wowfugee Scott guy already doing that?

>Americans learn about the Black Hand though?
No we don't, we learn that some unimportant fag shot the lead singer of Franz Ferdinand and that's literally it. Go ask Americans what the Black Hand is and report your findings.
She's a fucking Miqo'te you moron.

That's obviously fake you retard

>The faggot twins don't do anything in the game
They just look at you and go
Confirmed for story-skipping shitter.

Yes, it's true. It was in a recent E3 interview. They're starting with Ifrit (DPS), Titan (Tank), and Garuda (Healer) as trusts and expanding to the other primals in further patches.

>The faggot twins don't do anything in the game
You've barely even started it. Alisaie and Alphinaud do more than the other Scions combined.
Did you even do Binding Coil before moving on to HW?

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>Using steam to play FFXIV


A fitting name for a retarded cat.

>speaking about a character before you're even caught up on the story
Alphinaud is great in HW onwards. Stop posting when you haven't even gotten half way through the story yet.

I'm waiting for her to come to my dungeon bro, don't worry, she will be broken fast enough

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There's nothing wrong with being a controllerchad. world second UCOB WAR was using a controller

bros... Garuda trust...

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umm wrong
language i can't understand = soul

Based Sumika.

If ShB goes all kill em all like Muv Luv did. It's gonna be my favourite game ever.

It's well known enough to be referenced in the fucking Elder Scrolls. You're acting like literally nobody knows what it is, you're a fucking retard.

The twins are humongous faggots in ARR and I wanted nothing more than Alph to suffer a fatal injury at some point. It isn't until HW begins that he slowly starts to improve, even become likable as you progress through SB.

Reminder that Teenfilia is only into Midlanders

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Who drew this art it looks like crap, its like amano and yoshida had a baby

Keep grasping at straws man

It was a question. Is everything in America dubbed or not? In most of Europe dubs are for children's movies and such.

what could possibly be the reason for us to be stopped from ripping the fat fuck's entrails through his throat

So is the Trust thing for people who want to play the story missions without having to deal with the queue or other idiots?

what's with the fetishism behind the fat fuck?

>It's well known enough to be referenced in the fucking Elder Scrolls
Yeah, Elder Scrolls is also full of crazy mushroom-induced Gnostic shit that normalfags will never understand. And if you ask most people what Black Hand is they'll probably tell you it's that cult from Skyrim. Seriously, you're giving Americans too much credit.

thass rite

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>No argument

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>grasping at stars
Rotted brainlet.

Do you skip cutscenes or something? Speed read the dialogue perhaps?

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Isekaifags wins again!

>People trying to draw him older.


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He's trying to but who knows if he will succeed.

>Yeah, Elder Scrolls is also full of crazy mushroom-induced Gnostic shit that normalfags will never understand.
Actually no, Oblivion literally removed all of that shit because it was made to be like LOTR.

Kek the hrothgar looks like a bear

I had a gf like that once. Amazon of a woman, all muscles, only liked younger boys, especially those shorter and smaller than her. Only reason I was able to date her was because I was her first bf.

She eventually turned into a les though, and the world was sadder for it.

What's wrong with using steam?

I have a bunch of Fun bux on there so I basically got the games for f r e e

>ITT: a retarded Euro tells Americans what Americans are like
Keep grasping at straws, moron.

Would Y'shtola like me if I'm intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor?

I have a giant pile of gil. is that enough?

I unironically wish they had romance in MMOs. It doesn't even have to be full out but just a little nod that they like each other.

>In most of Europe dubs are for children's movies and such.
That isn't true at all. And the huge fallacy is trying to equate live action dubbing to animated dubbing. Another sign of a brainlet.

>I have a bunch of Fun bux on there so I basically got the games for f r e e
If it's like that then it's okay.

I want those toes in my mouth

>no yandere-tsundere Garuda to mate and have chicks with

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Enlighten me
What did the faggot twins do that is supposed to W O W me

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life changing cringe

Fuck off nigger

XI and XIV have that. Most of XIV's is in supplemental material though.

I just have 3 extra buttons on my mouse and one of those is used for push to talk
I did play piano for years so maybe that helped with hand flexibility to use ctrl+whatever

is the live letter over?

>battle to the death with wedge
good thing he's already about as relevant as a corpse

When is the liveletter exactly?

>American is so afraid of conflict that he can't reply to the person he is talking about
And here I thought the French were supposed to be cowardly.

>I'm retarded, spoonfeed me

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40 minutes.

next expansion leak

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in 40 mins

you'd know if you didn't skip cutscenes

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i cant wait till you weebs fuck off once we get forced dub

The game hardly goes on sale for Steam and soon there will be a mandatory Steam Authentication check each time you log in to the game (just like PS4 with PSN).

On the bright side, yes you can pay for gametime and cash shop items with Steam fun bucks.

Yeah. Just a little nod in game would be nice. Something where you hug your scion of choice and tell them that you'll be back after some big gigantic battle.

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Thanks lads

the viera looks like a midlander with rabbit ears

Hmmm. Sitting on 6 pazuzu feathers and too many crystals. Any of the anemos weapons good for glamming?