So I just finished Final Fantasy Adventure and I loved it. Decided to play the remake, sword of mana before I jump into secret of mana. What should I be aware of before I start playing? Is it any good?
So I just finished Final Fantasy Adventure and I loved it. Decided to play the remake...
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It's basically a completely different game.
It's like FF7R compared to FF7 in how much it differs.
FFA and LOM are the only ones worth playing. You can skip the rest.
I never played Secret of Mana, only Sword
Was a fun enough game, but nothing really special, not something I really remember much. Had a cool clock tower dungeon or something. Could tell that the magic system was really limited by the GBA's lack of buttons, having to wait to cast your spells like that was retarded 99% of the time
I know this isn't true because I love trials of mana
Different in a good way, bad way, or meh way?
Trials of Mana? Never heard of it.
>What should I be aware of before I start playing?
It takes a big fat shit over the original game.
Skip it.
Not funny if shitposting. If not, it's seiken densetsu 3
>bad way, or meh way?
Both. Somehow.
It's bad if you love the original game and dislike all the needless added changes. And if you haven't it's still meh regardless.
>Different in a good way, bad way, or meh way?
I think in a meh way because it tries telling the story in a super serious manner with tragic backstory and shit but the villain is still just called "Dark Lord" and you just can't take it seriously.
The official localized name of Seiken Densetsu 3 which was never officially translated in the west until few days ago.
Fantranslations simply used to call it "Secret of Mana 2" which was dumb.
? when did it start getting called that?
Someone just told you
It should be Legend of the Holy Sword 3.
That would be ideal but alas they'd rather keep the series called "of Mana" in the west.
Nintendo e3 conference maybe.
Avoid it.just Play
>The three Collection of Mana games
>Legend of Mana
>Dawn of Mana
>Ever Oasis
and ignore everything else.
>ever oasis
What the fuck does that have to do with the mana series
It's a Mana clone made by the original director and creator of the Mana games.
Creator and director of the Mana series left Square after Dawn of Mana, and made Ever Oasis.
its a shit game
It is the videogame equivalent of using the allure of trannies to turn you gay. Don't fall for it, bro.
About 3 days ago
Well damn, I had no idea. I'll pick it up then
I liked Children of Mana
>left Square after Dawn of Mana
Why are you lying?
He left after Heroes of Mana though he was only the producer on that one (aka the guy that manages budget and OKs ideas from the director).
FFA had a nice darker vibe then they threw that all away for something that looked like rainbow brite threw up after a bender. Sad.
Here's a better question, how does the official translation of Trials of Mana compare to the old fantranslation?
I heard they improved shit like item/character name lengths for starter but that's technical, how's the actual translation quality?
Better to ask /vr/
There's a literal trials of mana thread that answers this question within like 10 replies. Go there, retard
It's my only experience with the series, played it like 10 years ago and it was boring as shit. I just mashed my way through everything.
Link it pretty please user, I don't see it
Dawn of Mana was the last game he directed at Square, and that's really all that matters.
I guess I'll spoon feed your ass
Neat thanks, seems like it's overall better than the fantranslation but has minor stumbles here and there.
Shame they didn't fix any of the bugs though.
I guess I will wait until someone ports the bugfixes over to the new rom.
They aren't bugs, that's the problem. They were intentional because the game was too hard without them, at least many of them. Some hackers tried fixing the bugs and it made the game hard as shit.