Here's your typical Cyberpunk 2077 hater

Here's your typical Cyberpunk 2077 hater.
Say something nice about it!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Well, the cover is trash.

>we can go through puberty together
this is not how it works, is it?

This fucking shit right here is why I quit video games and took up internet viruses as my profession.

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Spreading them or preventing them?

Based and educational

why is this literal nobody from twitter living in your head rent free

who gives a fuck

>hello my children, I am a woman now
>also I am moving to Japan
>please call me second mother. your first mother and I are no longer together by the way
>we'll both be going through puberty at the same time lol isn't that funny
>please write to me everyday when I am in Japan
>I will be starting a socialist revolution in Japan, please be proud of your penis mother
If I were those kids, I would be so glad my crazy dad left to go the other side of the world, and just tell all my friends he died or something. If they ever find out, say it was in a metaphorical way, like Anakin dying to become Darth Vader.

Have sex.

>You're talking to a transgender transhumanist in Tokyo, who has conducted over 100 bodily modifications on herself. Who does programming for a living between organizing for socialist and anarchist groups. Please, corn pone with mayo, tell me how I don't get the cyberpunk genre.
absolute gold, this tranny definitely posted this to r/MurderedByWords and got epic upboats

it's called a lolcow. OP is also doing a play on Yea Forums's attitude toward 2077 saying that the game is SJW cuck shit by showing this weird anarchist tranny that thinks the game is white power. His hope is to stir up controversy and discussion, but there's only so many threads that can truly reach that level.

>I cut my dick off therefore I am an authority on cyberpunk

>another white guy obsessed with Japan turns tranny
tell me again how anime doesn't turn people into trannies?

you know about chinese yin yang shit right? they embed that stuff in anime. some people get infected with the yin and become trannies, some with the yang and become gamers

Um explain again how I don't understand Fallout when I support ultranationalism and nuclear warfare??

So like do people think that Cyberpunk is supposed to be Isekai level wish fulfillment instead of like, dystopian?

>Trannies think that taking hormones and cutting off your dick is transhumanism
>Trannies thing that coding makes you a cyberpunk
>Trannies think that being a communist is cyberpunk.

I swear these fags have never read anything cyberpunk.

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nigga I ain't going to neogaf, screen cap it if it's so important

She put to many screen caps

>cybertranny 2077

>Important notes :

>- English isn't my first language, so excuse me in advance if what I say isn't perfectly well-written. Feel free to correct anything if that can make it clearer.

>- The people will speak about aren't pedocriminal per see, but they're certainly pedo-apologist, or what I call pedo-minded people. At the very least, they use some dangerous pedo-apologist rethoric. That's not the kind of people you want potentially to exchange or be close to minors, at any point.

>As an incentive to read it all, I'm putting a quick summary of the problem : Basically, I found some pedo-minded people and pedo-apologists on one of Resetera's most important and most secretive Discord Server. I went directly to Cerium - Resetera's owner - and not only did he do nothing about it, but he defended them and blocked me when I confronted him about it. Those pedo are still active in Resetera as we speak, nothing was done against them by Resetera's staff.

>I'll back try to back up every claims with proves and make it as clear as possible.

>Some little context :

>I won't disclose my real name, but I was a Resetera's member known by the pseudo Celine.D.Sykes. I won't lie, at first Resetera was cool. It was mostly safe for a young woman who liked video-games, I even intended to be a moderator at some point. That was before I discovered Resetera was full of disturbed and dangerous people. Some weeks after I subscribed to the forum, I was invited to a super "secretive community" related to Resetera. I was invited by a member named LordKano, after a quick exchange through Resetera's private messages. I also became somewhat casual with Cerium, Resetera's owner, even if I don't remember exactly when/how. Let's say we use to discuss together for a couple of months.

>This super "secretive community" was a discord server. This discord server was basically the backroom of Resetera or a kind of Resetera's "boys club". A lot of the most active and prominent Resetera's members were (and still are) partaking in it.

>In this discord server, you could find people like :

>- ZhugeEx, one of Resetera most proeminent admin, who's very, very active in it. He probably has more than 2000 messages in this server and is online most of the time.
>- Emily Rogers, who was one of Resetera's most famous admin at some point.
>- Mat Piscatella, an employee of NPD and one of Resetera VIP members. Again a very active member of this server.
>- Jawmuncher, one of Resetera oldest moderator.
>- And many more.


>I'm only listing those above-mentioned people so you know that this Resetera's Discord server wasn't some random Resetera's discord. It's important to precise that the people I mentioned just above aren't the pedo-minded people I'll talk about. However, I'm still wondering if most of them did ignore what happened under their noses or not. I'm sure some of them knew, but for the rest, that's up to them to clarify. Still, I would found weird that among all those people, I was the only soul aware of the weird discussions on this server, despite being there for only some weeks...

>To give more context : the process for subscribing to this discord server was quite locked and intricate. You had to be invited, then validated by mods and admins, wait for some time and then, there was another process to be able to browse the server. I don't remember the whole process exactly, but I remember it was a pain in the ass. Pretty suspect for a simple Nintendo Discord, right ? Keep reading and you'll understand why.

>To make a long story short, I quickly realized there was something weird on this server and someone told me casually that pedo discussions were rampant on this server. He told it to me like I wouldn't care. Problem was I did care and I decided to dig a little. In my research, I typed three common keywords in the Discord's search bar of this server : "underage", "pedo" and "16 years old". I had the time to type some others, but with those three keywords only, I found many proves of the pedophile tendencies or pedo-apologist tendencies of a group of persons, among the most active in this server.

Someone post the next ones I will back later

What if there was a glimmer of hope left inside of this mentally ill individual? A sliver of sanity which forced it/ they to relocate to a different continent in order to spare its/their children from certain doom? What if...

Damn Mung you ain't have to do it like that to 'em

Is it just me or does NeoGaf seem actually sane nowadays?

Thats because all their trash is with resetera now

Join the 40% tranny


Woah, did Neogaf get based after the mass exodus?

>If they ever find out, say it was in a metaphorical way, like Anakin dying to become Darth Vader.
My fucking sides

I just saw someone saying there's only 2 genders in a Cyberpunk thread and people not throwing a fit over it. Maybe it's time to register.

Certainly seems like it. Look at the Cyberpunk threads too.

> he was so triggered by this image he saved it unironically on his computer


Can you tell am I fucking loser?

Who knows how long that'll last. These things come in threes. Gaf sees mass exodus to Reset bc of pedophiles. Gaf actually gets back to some semblence of normal, spazzes remain but no more than ususal. Reset becomes massive fucking hugbox and with every hugbox there's pedo and trollshielding about. Now that Reset's shit is starting to be fanned out in public there might be a massive exodus back to Gaf where the cycle might begin a new once more.

I've been wondering something, and since Yea Forums seems to be the experts on everything tranny, I'll ask here. Do female-to-male trannies have to do an equivalent to dilating, to keep their dicks from falling off? What do they need to do?

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They're just made of rubber iirc

Dios mio... el ogro de los americanos...

God, it's too disgusting too think of something.

I would imagine not since there's not a fucking hole where your dick should be but your own organ (clitoris i think) I converted to bigger size?

Whatever the case it's just sad that this disease is being normalized.

I think they enlarge the clit and blow up the labia into a makeshift scrotum.

google phalloplasty

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>this disease is being normalized.
Only in muttland, but they've always been backwards savages.

>"I live in Japan"
>wage job
>"I know what it's like"

She has a job and friends, which is better than most Yea Forumsirgins
She'll kill herself with a life fulfilled, as Yea Forumsirgins seethe in jealousy.

Fuck off.

Ah, he, she, whatever, stay mad nigger