Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
Other urls found in this thread:
you're trying too hard with this one
Wojack is cancer
what is X and what is Y exactly in this chart?
New fags
My cock in your moms ass brainlet
I'm assuming the y is IQ but I cant tell what x is
>this much concentrated shitposting
How the hell do you read this graph
>look mom I posted wojak
I'll never not laugh at this picture.
Game complexity maybe?
Yes. Anyone who disagrees with this probably failed, or rather didn't even take, multivariable calculus.
>bawwww, meanies are pointing out that my epic meme sucks, I'll call them newfags, that'll show'em
You dont because it's an incorrectly done bell curve graph. I don't know why anyone doesn't make an actually good one. put utter shit no one likes at the start, normie tier shlock in the middle and then Yea Forums's beautiful taste at the end. Add some meme shit in the middle and start to represent your personal taste a bit and then call it a day.
thanks for reading
It's comprised of newfag wojaks.
Kind of hard to claim other people are newfags when you filled your shit graph with the shit they love.
I love when brainlets misuse bell curves
It's the best way to out yourself as a retard
move OP to the end
Oh and these faggots too:
yeah it is based and you're cringe
i know this mainly goes for the creator of ops pic but if op is the eternally salty creator of it then this has been op for the past few months and i just think thats beautiful
Except you know exactly what i mean mr.onions
yeah what you mean is that you're cringe bro
Very accurate.
go to bed.
tell your mom to save me some space on her bed
Y is faggotry retard
Lmo whatever you say seething MOBA fag
Can you give me the definition of "Metroidvania"?
Thank you.
did you confuse axes you drooling retard?
>rts this low
what do you mean? it's a clearly distinct genre
>he doesn't understand what a probability density is
why does this graph go up and then down then remove half of it please
Sidescrolling non-linear action-plataformers
I'd post the "look at me I am a retard.jpg" but too tired to search for one. Here, some loli for your trouble.
I can tell you're probably very dense alright
what are you supposed to understand for " roguelike " ?
>american education
someone post the screencaps where a similar op (or maybe it was the same one) did the same thing with the bell curve
>shmups different than bullet hells
>point & click different than text adventures
a rehash of rogue
anything else and the autists will start their 'true scotsman' fallacy
Sauce me fampai
Gonna need the name of this one, user.
i can tell you're either underage or failed 1st year calculus, the former being a sign that you should leave the site and the latter being a sign that you're low iq retard unironically wasting oxygen and water and henceforth should off yourself or at the very least not reproduce :^)
i mean whats the wojack supposed to mean
>No measurements in the axis
>Implying that IQ can be negative
>Using theorical cases as if they had any correlation with reality
What a tryhard whoever made this
>that feel when you're trying to masturbate but you can't because otherwise your landlord can follow your porn
What does RTS mean? How can you be big brian but also brianlet?
Real Time Strategy, don't try to make a sense out of a meme
I can tell you failed theoretical calculus
>roguelites higher than roguelikes
ey fuck you buddy
What did he mean by this
I'm sorry I put your favorite genre so low but the fact of the matter is that it's fuull of skinner noxes designed for literal retards
now, you can enjoy a dumb game sure, but just know that everyone thinks that drop on the head when you were born did have severe consequences
Why is grand strat considered brainlet?
what does it mean "non-linear"? is Megaman X non-linear? so it's a Metroidvania?
>character action games (not a genre)
based on the graph's formatting, it looks like OP loves party games
Look at the Wojacks, you fucking brainlet.
but if the images are all you need to read it, then why bother with a graph at all?
Its clear X is the games complexity and Y is the IQ required to enjoy the game. Why the fuck is Yea Forums so fucking stupid?
Someone wanted to wank about how much new about statistics and distribution but he didn't know that IRL models and reality don't work in the same way
according to this, hillary clinton supporters only like stealth games? wtf? RE2, MGS, etc all have stealth to them and i love those games and im not a "im with her" soi boy
The more I look at this picture, the more I hate it.
that faggot probably doesn't even understand the models he's making a parody of.
>Rhythm games
What fucking moron wasted their time making this
>Racing games not at the top
>get the FUCK out of here
sauce on the princess turdina?
The only thing this proves accurate is that OP is always a faggot
it's really good because it's inaccurate AND accurate but the general format is complete gibberish and isn't even a graph.
kys faggot
>wojak spam