What is the video game equivalent of the dice roll approaching a fully loaded Mayfair?

What is the video game equivalent of the dice roll approaching a fully loaded Mayfair?

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the dice roll approaching a fully loaded mayfair in the monopoly videogame

its boardwalk you semen slurping europoor

||Pre-ordering Evolve|| ||I'm still mad about that and have never pre-ordered a game ever since or ever again.||

Explain the analogy

I don't even know what that means.

You’re approaching an encounter where it will be extremely damaging/expensive if it happens. Potentially enough so to cripple or ruin your game.

My vote would be on going through a dungeon full of enemies with Wastrel Beam in a MegaTen game.

What the fuck is mayfair? The most expensive space on a monopoly board is boardwalk.

It’s Mayfair if you’re a Bong.

When you pick up the die knowing you're in range on landing on bankruptcy
It's the same thing you illiterate fuck

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Huh? The places on the monopoly are all named after real streets in atlantic city. There is no fucking mayfair.

I played this more than real monopoly

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UK Monopoly names it after streets in London. Mayfair is their equivalent to NYC’s 5th Avenue.

Fuck you Gertrude you whore

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>he doesn't play monopoly gamer edition

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Westwood's Monopoly had the best soundtrack of any game, change my mind. You can't, don't bother

Ah I get it. How about fighting Garry after the rock cave or whatever in that pokemon game?

Maybe something similar to trying to catch mewtwo with only a few balls left

playing in a pub when the enemy team has a pubstomping demo with a kritz medic surgically grafted between his asscheeks

Dying in a Souls game and dropping a shit ton of souls, so you impatiently dash to your bloodstain but get invaded halfway there

the first chryssalid mission in x-com

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>he doesn't play monopoly bane edition

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